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User:bookish_girl_ (2147953) bookish_girl_
Indulging My Dreams
Doing Things I Enjoy, For Once
Location:Bellingham, Washington, United States
Bio:Sarah enjoys reading, watching movies, and taking long walks on the....wait, wrong bio. I grew up in rural Northwest Washington, spent 11 years in Bellingham, moved away for a few years to get married, and now I'm back where I belong. I'm working on my MFA in Creative Writing. I have three cats - Camille, Fidget, and Julie - and a husband, James. I don't consider myself terribly clever or witty, but people laugh at the stories I tell, so I try to tell a lot of them.
Interests:17: bellingham, books, cats, creative nonfiction, david foster wallace, essays, independent film, janet malcolm, jobs, kexp, knitting, literature, movies, music, stephen king, thrifting, writing. [Modify yours]
People16:aingeal_k, amnotsurly, canyonwren, cithra, cjot, faintheart, grouchychris, karlosthejackal, mcjulie, mykque, quixoticfish, rjl20, saturatedx, sculpin, sharkins, uly
Communities10:bham, boondocks_comic, comicgetfuzzy, cookingwithanne, corporal_joy, gothhouse, hamstercollege, lj_maintenance, the_black_drop, washingtonstate
Feeds8:calnhobbes, doonesbury, dorktowerfeed, foxtrot_feed, officialgaiman, redmeat_rss, savagelove, wilwheaton
Friend of:18: amnotsurly, beetimevine, canyonwren, christophrawr, cithra, cjot, faintheart, grouchychris, karlosthejackal, mcjulie, mykque, picturebooks, quixoticfish, rjl20, saturatedx, sculpin, sharkins, uly
Member of:18: academics_anon, bham, books, bookshare, bookworming, child_free_life, cookingwithanne, dfw, dusty_pages, gothhouse, hamstercollege, literocracy, ljbham, mail_passion, margin_notes, officesupplies, the_black_drop, washingtonstate
Account type:Free Account

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