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User:bovlb (635588) Paid User bovlb
Location:Austin, Texas, United States
Bio:I am a bear of very little brain, and long words bother me.
Memories:26 entries
Interests:150: 4 non blondes, absolutely, absolutely fabulous, acting, ai, alternative, apple, aqua, artificial intelligence, austin, austin texas, bananas, baths, bedside reading, belgian beer, bikes, biking, black, board games, body piercings, books, boots, britain, bubble baths, buffy, buffy the vampire slayer, caffeine, cambridge, cambridge university, candles, catatonia, cats, chicago, chomsky, clarinet, coffee, compassion, computer science, computers, cyberpunk, cyc, daria, dick francis, dictionaries, digital photography, doc martins, docs, doctor who, dr who, dreams, elastica, ethics, film-making, films, freedom, french, friends, games, gaming, garbage, garbage collection, garlic, geodesic, glasgow, goth, gothic, harlequin, harry potter, heathers, honesty, horror movies, humour, iain banks, intelligence, jane austin, jigsaws, kevin smith, leather, liberty, linux, literature, macintosh, macos, macs, malts, math, mathematics, maths, memory management, meninx, monty python, motorbikes, movies, music, no doubt, noam chomsky, parties, peace, perl, philosophy, piercing, piercings, pink, pizza, politics, pretty in pink, programming, progressive, punting, puzzles, reading, role playing games, roleplaying, roleplaying games, rpgs, runequest, san diego, sarcasm, savage love, science, science fiction, scotch, scotland, scottish country dancing, seattle, shadowrun, single malt scotch, single malts, ska, ska music, sleeping, socialism, some kind of wonderful, tank girl, tattoos, thinking, tom lehrer, travel, traveling, travelling, truth, twixt, uk, university of cambridge, urban legends, vampires, viz, whisky, winnie the pooh, winona ryder. [Modify yours]
Friends:142: _rck_, aldabra, alexmog, amyceleste, angelfck, anonymous_scots, anonymousbear, antiwar, antiwarlinks, any_one, ashley_y, askesis, attachedparents, austin_freaks, austin_liberty, austincommunity, austinflame, austinitemoms, austinpolitics, awfultruthnet, bbcnewsworld, bbv_drones, bbz, being_homeless, bh_friends, big_dave_did_it, bloodredrosev, bookly, brass_eye, bruise27, buffyfan, buffyphilosophy, bush_sucks, cccm, chard, cmat, crash666, customers_suck, cyc, cyclists, dan4th, dark_parents, dearcassandra, dearwinifred, denyeverything, duncang, egge, election2004, elphie, enjoytheshow, enkigrl, erinlefey, evilcustomers, exchristians, flickgc, frontdesk_drama, gasstation_hell, gisborne, glitchdrei, goth_politics, gothicbra, gothicparents, grammarpolice, grrldan, happytester, here2pickupchix, hilltop, hip_mamas, iain_banks, infojunkies, jeremysavage, kira_april, kkbb, ledgehanger, lisastrawberry, lisp, ljagainstwar, macosx, marieofroumania, mattdoesntcare, mattmurdock, merde, meta, metafilter, migie, misery_guts, mock_the_stupid, mollyivins, mothering, nosugarsadded, not_hugs, officesupplies, ohgratuitous, opheliasphoenix, orderoftheprtzl, originalwetones, parenting, petit_scarabee, pjammer, pookfreak, pregnanthubbies, pregnantwomen, prettyinpunk420, raed_mirror, rain_luong, rakesprogress, retail_is_hell, rothko, rubylou, sandralee, savage_love, scroogle, shortcakegirl, siamang, silverfiligree, sneerpout, snow_crash, solvent23, sos_usa, spiderfarmer, stephmog, subculturemoms, techsupport, terriblelynne, the_guardian, throwingstardna, too_much_info, ts_sucks, txgoth, txgreengoddess, ubiquity, uk_politics, vampwillow, vyoma, warfare, warprotest, whtliberalmedia, willowanderer, workangst, xiuzan, xoxjasminexox, zadcat
Friend of:46: _rck_, aldabra, alexmog, amyceleste, angelfck, anonymousbear, ashley_y, askesis, bbz, big_dave_did_it, bloodredrosev, bookly, bruise27, cccm, chard, cmat, dearcassandra, dearwinifred, duncang, elphie, enkigrl, erinlefey, gisborne, happytester, ledgehanger, lisastrawberry, marieofroumania, meta, migie, nosugarsadded, pookfreak, rakesprogress, rothko, rubylou, sandralee, shortcakegirl, silverfiligree, sneerpout, snow_crash, solvent23, spiderfarmer, stephmog, terriblelynne, txgreengoddess, ubiquity, xiuzan
Member of:36: anonymous_scots, antiwar, attachedparents, austin_freaks, austin_liberty, austincommunity, austinflame, austinitemoms, austinpolitics, awfultruthnet, brass_eye, buffyphilosophy, bush_sucks, cyclists, dark_parents, election2004, goth_politics, gothicparents, iain_banks, lisp, ljagainstwar, macosx, mothering, not_hugs, officesupplies, orderoftheprtzl, paidmembers, parenting, pregnanthubbies, savage_love, scroogle, sos_usa, subculturemoms, txgoth, uk_politics, warprotest
Account type:Paid Account

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