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User:savageseraph (517712) Paid User savageseraph
Location:Ohio, United States
AOL IM:AIM status daughterofgondor (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 176137392 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status savageseraph (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:A little about me, huh? Well, I teach college-level English, have been doing research on Neil Gaiman, and write fantasy fiction and poetry. I've had some poetry published in small press magazines, but no fiction. Not yet. I'm currently working on my first novel. Not the first one I've started, but the first one I will finish.

I live in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio within walking distance of Lake Erie and am owned by a terribly possessive dachshund.
Memories:1 entry
Interests:58: angels, anime, anita blake, anne bishop, aragorn, babylon 5, boromir, brian froud, buffy, clive barker, comics, cross gen, dachshunds, dark crystal, dreams, dvds, eomer, fairy tales, fantasy, faramir, ferrets, folklore, gaiman, gloom cookie, goth, harry potter, horror, james christensen, labyrinth, laurell hamilton, legend, lord of the rings, lynn flewelling, milton, movies, mythology, novels, opera, ovid, paradise lost, poems, pre-raphaelites, sandman, sean bean, shakespeare, slash, spike, stories, tarot, tolkien, urban legends, vampire hunter d, vampire princess miyu, vampires, viggo mortensen, waterhouse, wheel of time, writing. [Modify yours]
People71:_redpanda_, aelfgifu, aprilkat, asynje, azewewish, bexone, broadwriting, brodeurbunny30, cara_chapel, caras_galadhon, cassieclaire, cathexys, chrissie_m, cinzia, cocoajava, cruisedirector, darkkitten1, darknewton, delica, dellastarr, ealgylden, eurgeht, faramir_boromir, fileg, goblin_god, gotham_syren, hederahelix, helen_of_troy, idlerat, ithiliana, jeisen, jennandanica, k_crow_fiction, karelian, kbusse, keelywolfe, kielle, kirbycrow, kylielee1000, lady_iseult, lady_of_asheru, ladyjackyl, lannamichaels, lilithilien, lilithlotr, lolaperhapslex, lolasometimes, makesmewannadie, maureenmcq, mikerz, mirabile_dictu, miriel, natalierichards, nesmith, queenofthorns, ravenscathedral, reindeergirl, ribby, rohandove, seasalt, seleneheart, stewardess_lotr, toooldnotto, tournevis, travelingcarrot, uisgich, undonne, untappedbeauty, viva_gloria, vjlaqem, warriorsheart
Communities20:a_quiet_spot, anth_mona, book_harpies, classics_slash, dachshunds, fictionfreaks, firanites, floridamoot05, four_lobsters, icfa04, ithilien_night, metablog, rarelitslash, singing_light, sons_of_gondor, theblacklist, vampirates, vanhelsingslash, virgule, wenham_weekly
Feeds3:iafa, officialgaiman, theonering_net
Friend of:64: _redpanda_, aelfgifu, aprilkat, asynje, azewewish, bexone, brodeurbunny30, cara_chapel, caras_galadhon, cathexys, chrissie_m, cinzia, cruisedirector, darkkitten1, darknewton, delica, dellastarr, ealgylden, eurgeht, faramir_boromir, fileg, goblin_god, gotham_syren, hederahelix, helen_of_troy, isik, ithiliana, jeisen, jenmstar, jennandanica, k_crow_fiction, kbusse, kirbycrow, kylielee1000, lady_of_asheru, ladyjackyl, lannamichaels, lilithilien, lilithlotr, lolaperhapslex, makesmewannadie, maureenmcq, melodican, mirabile_dictu, miriel, natalierichards, nesmith, nikkie222, queenofthorns, ravenscathedral, reindeergirl, ribby, rohandove, seleneheart, stewardess_lotr, sundew, toooldnotto, tournevis, travelingcarrot, uisgich, undonne, untappedbeauty, viva_gloria, warriorsheart
Member of:23: athelingas, book_harpies, buffyphilosophy, classics_slash, comicfangirls, contrelamontre, do_me_boromir, fellow_shippers, fictionfreaks, firanites, floridamoot05, meta_salon, metablog, paidmembers, rarelitslash, rugbytackle, singing_light, sons_of_gondor, sxandviolence, theblacklist, vampirates, virgule, wenham_weekly
Account type:Paid Account

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