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Subject:Taken from Dave.
Time:09:16 am
You are the Ring of Power
You are The Ring of Power! You are treacherous,
and are more powerful than others believe you
are. You are cunning, and very devious. Though
at first people may not be sure of how much
they like you, over time you begin to dominate
their life and they cannot bear to be without
you. You are an indivisual devoted to your
parrents and are very popular among friends and
enemies. You are hard working and have a way of
getting what you want.

What Middle Earth Object are you?
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Subject:Milk and Cereal.....revisited
Time:10:14 pm
Some of you may know of my obsession with the Milk and Cereal video that is on the Internet.

I found a new one.

An Asian Version.

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Time:10:29 pm
I want anyone and everyone who reads this to post in here something they would like to do with me someday.

Then post this in your journal to find out what I want to do with you.
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Subject:Stolen from SD.
Time:03:12 pm
You'd bite their neck and drain their blood! Why?
Because you're a vampire like me! Whats that?
You're not a vampire? Well here's your chance.

How would you Murder?
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Current Mood:[mood icon] excited
Subject:If you build it...they will come.
Time:11:15 am
So About 10 - 12 years ago I joined a studio who's focus was developing comic book related talents. This studio merged with a forming company that wanted to put out a magazine that focused on anthologies, Much like Heavy metal. This notion evolved into a comic book publishing company who had no budget and strong minds.

Long story short, we came up with the concepts, found professional yet starving artists and did nothing with it.

That was about 5 - 8 years ago.

I received a phone call Friday night.

Charles: "Jeff, you don't know how difficult it was to find you."

Me: "Charles?"

Charles: "Yeah man, How are you."

Me: "Doing great. How are you?"

Charles: "I got the money man."

Me: "What?"

Charles: "I got the money man."

Me: "I'm glad I wasn't waiting for it."

Charles: LOL "The book is coming out. I found investors."

Me: "No shit!!!"

Charles: "I'm talking to (professional well known movie studio) about your concept.

Me: 'NO SHIT!!!"

Charles: "We need to get together soon. To work out the details and talk money.

Me: "NO SHIT!!!"

Well…you get the jist.
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Current Music:Hum of the Central Air.
Current Mood:[mood icon] pleased
Subject:The Elite.
Time:12:00 pm
Time for another entry.

What to say..what to say.

Well, let me begin with last night. It was the second meeting of my current core class at Devry University. (Yes, it’s a university now.) This class is project management. It is the precursor to Senior Project. In this class we form teams and determine what our senior project will be. It’s a set-up class. Well for the past year - year 1/2 my friends and I have formed a pretty good team with this class in mind.

Last night the prof tried to force someone into our group that we did not know. Now normally I would be accepting, but this course is way to important and we would have to start from scratch. Ya see, we already worked out many of the bugs/issues that are needed for the main project. We are ahead of schedule. So what is the problem? We would have to get approval on every facet of what was already done by this new person. In addition, he asked us if we were willing while she was standing there. So how do we say "No, we don't want you." Now I'm rude, but there has to be a line.

So, minutes later he approaches the whole class saying he has to break up 2 four people teams. He needs 1 person from each team to join a person who is without a team.


You just forced us to take on someone yet now you are going to randomly break up two other teams. Take our person.

So I talked to him…And he relented..and its back to the Three Musketeers. Guess who is team leader?

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Current Music:Milk and Cereal - G Love and the Special Sauce
Current Mood:[mood icon] ecstatic
Subject:Milk and Cereal
Time:03:53 pm
Watch this ->

Milk and Cereal
Milk and Cereal
milk and cereal
Cereal and milk

Milk and Cereal
Cereal, Cereal
Milk and Cereal
Cereal and Milk, Cereal and MIlk...

I dont want my Wheaties
Give 'em to the needy
Feelin kinda greedy
I keep em for myself (X9)

No Grapenuts for grandma
Mom likes Special K
You cant pinch an inch (X7)
They're magically delicious
Ya can't catch my Lucky Charms*
(pink hearts, yellow moons,blue diamonds, green clovers)
A is for Apple J is for Jack
You step on a crack
Youll break your mother's back
Rice Krispies
Ooh Boo Berry

Milk and Cereal
Milk and Cereal
Milk and Cereal
Cereal and Milk (X4)

Milk and Stereo
Stereo Stereo
Milk and Cereal
Cereal and Milk

In the morning
At your table
Milk and Cereal
Snap Crackle Pop (X7)

Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs (X8)
Trix are for kids! (X10)

In the morning
At your table
(Milk and Cereal)

No Grapenuts for Grandma
Grandma gets a Bran Muffin
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Current Mood:[mood icon] tired
Time:11:53 am
Time to do an update.

Its been a while, and I didn't want to really rehash the particulars of Gail's surgery. I am doing my best to keep an eye on her but her constant piano juggling is going to cause problems.

Had Easter at our place yesterday. Friends and Family came and ate and drank…yet I still have a ton of booze in the new liquor cabinet. No worries….It will be consumed over time. Especially the Vampire Wine. Good stuff.

School has become mundane. Granted, the trips to the pub afterward make it worth it. It’s the balance to the equation. 4 hours of boredom..2 hours of social drinking. (Granted, I take it slow to avoid the whole AA thing. ;) )

I find myself growing bored quickly. Perhaps it’s a form of ADD, I am not sure. Oh look..there is a dog with a poofy tail…be right back….

I've been watching a lot of Chapelle and I had the perfect opportunity to use the line "Wayne Brady is gonna have to choke a bitch" but I was too angry to allow the quip to surface. Long story, this 7 foot 300 pound monster of a bitch mouthed off at one of my friends and in order to control myself I bit my tongue. But that line would have been perfect. Damn.

Using a rental car this week as my car is being looked at by Gail's cousin Jayson. (I hope). Toyota Corolla…not too shabby of a ride.

Ok, I am boring myself. See ya next month.

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Subject:I am seeing a trend here.
Time:06:00 pm
You are Form 8, Demon: The Destroyer.

"And The Demon took advantage of the chaos
and seized civillization. With grace and
style, Demon slit The Goddess's belly and
drowned the world in her blood. The Goddess,
The Demon, and the world were no

Some examples of the Demon Form are Seth (Egyptian)
and The Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Christian).
The Demon is associated with the concept of
destruction, the number 8, and the element of
His sign is the full moon.

As a member of Form 8, you are a very strong willed
individual. You don't let others' opinions
sway your own and you're usually not afraid to
speak your mind. However, some may see you as
a bit overly passionate but it's just because
you never back down from your values. No
matter what, you always do everything with
style. Demons are the best friends to have
because they will back you up.

Which Mythological Form Are You?
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Current Music:Trogdor The Dragon - Strong Bad
Current Mood:[mood icon] refreshed
Subject:The Joy of Guinness…or Sam Adams. Take your pick.
Time:11:13 am
St. Patty's day was awesome. Hung out at the local Irish Pub. It appears that Gail and I are becoming regulars. We are being grandfathered…or should I say grandmothered in through the perpetual visits with other regulars Amy and Megan, who I know through Devry. They are both becoming Gail and my hang out buddies. We got there at about 7:30. Gail did not drink much and I had several pints of Guinness. Not enough to get drunk, but enough to enjoy the night.

Normally the pub is empty. It is a great place to just sit and chat with friends over a few drinks, but it was hopping on Wednesday. Gah Damn it was fun. Especially the constant references made to the Chapelle Show and StrongBad.

The band was pretty good. They sang a bunch of Irish tunes but then transferred over to U2, Johnny Cash and Neal Diamond. Yes..singing Sweet Caroline with over 100 people is one of the greatest things to do while drinking.

Good times Good times.

Funny thing about my tale is that my Mother is 100 percent Italian and my estranged Father is Irish and Scottish (Found this out for sure when I was 25..until then it was a guessing game as I never met the bloke.) It is safe to say that my Mother hates everything about my Father…so I can't wait to tell her what I did on the 17 of March. Mhahahahahahaaha

Best part of the night was the next day when you have to tell friends stories of things that happened that they participated in yet don't remember. "Well you did this...twice" etc etc and they look at you with no recollection. However, I did remember to lend Megan the Dave Chappelle Stand up Comedy DVD and she remembered to make me the Strong Bad Sings CD. This is proof that our memories were not completely affected by the booze.

Yesterday the crew went out for Pizza burgers at the Liberty after class. Unfortunately Gail couldn't make it. Sorry Hun, but I did get you a pizza burger!!! Place is owned by Gail's family so they all kind of looked at me as if I was either nuts or bold considering my company. Oh well, get over it it’s the 21st Century. That being said, The Liberty makes the best pizza burgers. They cook up this big burger to your liking and then they pour a ton of melted and slightly browned Mozzarella cheese all over it and then pop on the other half of the bun. Greasy, Tasty, Delish. I could use another one right now. PLUS they come with sweet potato fries. I don't care if I have a heart attack…I'm going to live life!!!!

Going forward, I have become obsessed with the Strong Bad Emails on Damn that little Evil Mexican Wrestler is awesome. Funny Too…and Stuff.

Crapfully Yours,

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Subject:Go Figure
Time:02:38 pm
You are a demon, a dark being without a soul.
Though you have power, you misuse it,
preferring to bow than to balance.

What level of divine power do you have?
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Current Mood:[mood icon] moody
Subject:So I am Rude.
Time:10:05 am
Buddy of mine really pissed on my nerves yesterday.

I have my DBA class last night and there are three of us who are rather close. Phil is the geek of the group. And I don't mean that in a demeaning way. He has been coding and working on networks his entire life. However, he comes off as a bit superior when it comes to tech stuff. I had gotten through a certain part of my lab and my friend Amy was having trouble. I had hit the same obstacles earlier and knew how to remedy the situation. So as I was fixing the problem for her Phil was over my shoulder telling me what I was doing was wrong. Granted, he didn't know what I was doing as he came in half way. So I snapped at him.

"Dude, I fucking know what I am doing. You do this all the time."

Phil gave me a hurt look and replied with a fine.

I fixed the problem. Went to my desk and kept working on the rest of my assignment. I catch Phil staring at me from the corner of his eye. So I look at him and say "What."

Phil: "That was completely uncalled for and rude."

Me: "You are going to hit me with the rude card NOW, I call our professor ooompa loompa to his face. (Guy is 4 feet tall. Not a midget or dwarf..he is just short.)

Phil: "I don't always do that to you."

Me realizing its not worth it. "Ok. You don’t always do that. But you do it at times and it gets annoying."

Phil: "You were rude to me."

Phil: "Dude, Relax. I am not going to baby you. Do you act like this at home?"

He just looked at me and I went back to my work. I caught him looking at me again so I turned and apologized for snapping.

Phil: "I just wanted to tell you..and don't snap at me…"

Me interrupting him: "Don't do that…if in every conversation you are going to throw that in there then don't talk to me. I won't play that game. I don't play that game with my wife I'm not going to play it with you. (btw Gail gives me no reason to). Either tell me what you are going to tell me without the sidebar and accept my apology or we just don't talk. Its that simple."

He continued his statement without the addition and ended up asking me to help him with his own lab. (hehehe) By the end of the night I gave him a disk he needed for the lab and tussled his hair while saying "Mother always told you to make sure you wore your rubbers" (Stolen from Bugs Bunny)

I'll admit..I snapped. I do that..and I meant my apology when I gave it. But I need to help Phil relax. Damn. I think he needs a trip to Brooklyn. Might toughen him up.
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Subject:Thanks Jer.
Time:12:00 pm
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Third Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Extreme
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Moderate
Level 7 (Violent)Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)High

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
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Current Mood:[mood icon] contemplative
Subject:Quite bizzare
Time:10:48 am
I just realized, I have made more friends distancing myself from certain people than I made by being close to the aforementioned people.
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Subject:The laughs just keep on coming..and a moment for introspection.
Time:12:08 am
So, I don't want to spend every journal entry talking about MB stuff. But I can't help but laugh.

What do they fear? I mean honestly. What are they so afraid of?

They insult Bill, right to his face for banning someone...yet...they lock an entire forum. OH YEAH..thats much better. Bravo.


But on to real life...

Saw Passion tonight. I guess my recent crisis of faith is over. I remembered my lessons...(not brainwashing) but I remembered the things that I believed in the past..and I felt the spirituality returning. (Granted, I still detest organized religion..but this movie brought it all home for me.)

I was moved.

I winced at scenes.

I grew angry at the injustice..but then realized...that defeats the point of his teachings.

I wont say I'm a new man..Ill say some of my old beliefs have been reaffirmed.

Great movie. I will see it again and soon.
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Current Music:Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart
Current Mood:[mood icon] ecstatic
Subject:Comedy on the Net
Time:12:00 am
Don't you love it when you are going about your business, and out of the blue someone approaches and says "They people are talking about you, and they are not happy at all." So you look and notice that various people are in a hubbub regarding your recent behavior. They wax philosophic about various transgressions and act as if they have been put on a quest to slay the Black Knight. (Myself being the aforementioned Black Knight.)

They must have forgotten what it was like to have fun. Too much time righting trivial wrongs will do that to a person. Misery loves company, I guess. ;)

What is this?!? A Printing error???...Have at thee. ::LUNGE::

Though to be quite honest, I have been laughing on and off for about a half an hour. Its pure comedy.

I did a post recently as a devil looking through a mirror watching and laughing at various creatures trying to sort out a simple riddle. Art imitates life. (Granted, I didn't create the riddle..and I am far from being superior or inferior in any capacity, but I digress.)

Stop with the whining....focus on the things you enjoy before you pop a gasket, k? Its gonna kill ya. (But don't rush on my accord, I'm enjoying the show.)

I also find it quite ironic that the intensity I used to defend the same thing they attack when I'm not longer affiliated. Oh the irony and hypocrisy. I live for this.


And to those who have said positive things. You RAWK!!!

Those who haven't.. Thanks anyway. :D
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Current Mood:[mood icon] drained
Subject:Another Stolen Survey.
Time:02:33 pm

Name: Jeffrey
Single or taken: Married
Sex: Male
Birthday: July 3, 1972
Siblings: Nope
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown/Hazel
Shoe size: 11
Height: 5'11"

Who are your best friends: Different ones in different groups.
Do you have a girlfriend: No, my wife will kill me

Fashion stuff
Where is your fav place to shop? Old Navy. Hot Topics.
Any tattoos or piercings: NIN Tat on my right bicep. Wolf Tat on my left calf. Used to have two piercings in my left ear.

Do you do drugs: Nope
What kinda shampoo do you use? Head and Shoulders
What scares you most? That God does not exist.
Who is the last person to call you? Gail
Where do you want to get married? Already Married.
How many buddies online now? No clue.
What would you change about yourself? Physique.

color? Red. Black.
Food? Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Anything actually
Subjects in school? Philosophy.
Animals? 2 cats.
Sports? Used to wrestle. Played Street Baseball, Football, Hockey..LONG TIME AGO..

Have you ever..
Given someone a bath? It was mutual.
Smoked? 5 cigs in a day..Hated it.
Bungee jumped? No..
Made yourself throw up? Yes. I get bad headaches and sometimes the only way to stop the pain is to vomit.
Skinny dipped? Nope.
Ever been inlove? Yes.
Picture your crush naked? Yes.
Ever seen your crush naked? Yes.
Cried when someone died? No
Lied? Of course.
Fallen for your best friend? No.
Been rejected? Sure.
Rejected someone? Yes.
Used someone? Society count?
Done something you regret? Yes, but I've worked to fix them..

Clothes: Maroon shirt. Black pants. Black shoes.
Annoyance? Stupidty
Smell: Recycled office air.
Favorite groups: NIN, Type O, Guns and Roses, U2.
Book you're reading? Blackwood Farm.
CD: Nothing now. Have Pretty Hate Machine on in the car.
DVD in player? Planet of the Apes. With Charlton Heston.

Last person..
You touched? Gail.
Hugged? Gail.
You yelled at? Gail.
You kissed? Gail

Are you..
Understanding? Sometimes..
Open minded? Sometimes.
Arrogant? Sometimes.
Insecure? Not anymore. Life is too short.
Interesting? OF course.
Random: 1/2 of the time.
Hungry? Nope.
Smart? Its relative. All signs point to yes in comparison though.
Moody? Used to be…Ive reduced them to two. Happy or Angry.
Hard working? No..only when under pressure.
Organized? Just enough.
Healthy? Probably not.
Shy? Not often.
Difficult? Only when angry..
Attractive? Depends on who you ask. I don't really care.
Bored easily? Yes.
Messy? No
Obsessed? I'd say yes..but I the subject changes often.
Angry? Yes.

Who do you wanna..
Kill? The guy who invented the 5 day work week.
Get really wasted with? Morrison.
Get high with? I am high on life.
Talk to offline? A small group of close friends.
Online? Only the interesting.

In the morning I am? Annoyed.
All I need is? The ability to live without working.
Love is? Gail.
I dream about? Power.

Opposite sex
What do you notice first? Eyes.
Last person you slow danced with? Gail.
Worst question to ask? Did you…?
Makes you laugh the most? Making others laugh.
Makes you smile the most? Making others laugh.
Who do you have a crush on? Gail
Who has a crush on you? Gail

Do you ever..
Sit on the internet waiting for that special someone to say hello? Nope.
Wish you were of the opposite sex? Nope.
Do you wish you were younger? Sometimes..

I've had my heart broken? 0
Of hearts I broke? At least 1
Of girls you've kissed? Not telling.
Of continents you've lived on? 1
Of tight friends? Id say 5..but its prob more like 9.
Of scars on your body? 0 I think.

Final questions
do you like filling these things out? Sometimes.
Gold or Silver? Silver.
Last movie you saw? Planet of the Apes.
Favorite cartoon? JL
What did you have for breakfast? Buttered Roll.
Who would you love to be locked in a room with? Morrison or Jennifer Connely
Could you live without your computer? Nope.
Would you color your hair? I did..Once.
Could you get off your computer? Sure.
Habla Espanol? No.
How many people on your buddy list? 50 or so.
Drink alcohol? Yes

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Current Music:Paul Van Dyk -- Tell Me Why
Current Mood:[mood icon] okay
Subject:Woman Busted my Car!!!
Time:01:06 am
So Gail and I had a night planned of going shopping for things we needed at the apartment. I asked her to drive, because I can be quite lazy. Turns out that this was a big mistake. ;)

As we made our way down 287, she heard a slight whistling coming from the back window and opted to hit the button to make sure it was sealed. A loud pop and cracking sound manifested from the back of the car and the window started to descend. After numerous attempts at the button it remained ajar.

We stopped at my brother in law's house, who is an expert in the arena of automobile repair. He took my door apart and fixed the window. Apparently the cable came off the window mount and he rigged a temporary fix until I can get a replacement part. He also disconnected the power window motor so the window stays closed. (Even though the rigging he did will allow the window to work, we just opted to play it safe.)

I guess my car was reacting to Gail in some capacity. Maybe it doesn't like her and after it performed for me earlier on it saw me giving her the drivers seat as an unworthy reward. You see, on my way to class I was going to stop by Best Buy. I had a drop of gas in the tank and figured Id fill it up after passing by the store. I pulled out of the parking lot..the gas tank light flashed. I pulled into the closest station...but it was closed for repairs. I got on route 1 and hightailed it down the road to another station, but traffic was piled up. I truly believed I was going to stall out in the middle of one of the busiest roads in NJ. But she made it. I found my way to the station and filled up the tank.

Of course I complimented the car as if it was a living thing for the rest of the day.

She must be jealous of Gail.
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Current Mood:[mood icon] aggravated
Subject:Eternal Victims
Time:11:13 am
I CAN'T STAND when people are always portraying themselves as a VICTIM. Especially when it has to do with really petty shit.

There are real problems in life and there are inconveniences.


Every action or inaction is not a personal attack against YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gah Damn...Lighten up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Current Mood:[mood icon] predatory
Subject:Poor Gail
Time:04:47 pm
stone heart
Heart of Stone

What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
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