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Below is user information for The Dark Lord of the Duck Pond. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:judas (6295) Paid User judas
The Dark Lord Of The Duck Pond
has many enemies >8^|
Name:The Dark Lord of the Duck Pond
Location:San Francisco, California, United States
AOL IM:AIM status mockjudas (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 4173811 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status mockjudas (Add User, Send Message)
MSN Username:
Memories:4 entries
Interests:139: 1.2 million dollar mansions, angelina jolie, animation, anime, asian architecture, asthma, astrology, bathing, calligraphy, care bears, cartoons, cast iron candelabras, chains, chips, chococat, classical, clouds, corey feldman, cross dressers, cucumber oil, cucumbers, dancing, danny elfman, darkness, dips, disks of tron, disney, dogs, dried roses, drum n bass, ducks, eagles, ears, edward gorey, edward scissorhands, emotions, eyes, falcons, ferrets, finger nails, following the bad example, fortune cookies, freaks, ganders, gaston, geese, geminis, girlie cartoons, goth, hair, halloween, hands, hawks, hello boss, herbal essences, hopping, humpty, ignoring examples, industrial, jack skelington, jello jigglets, jiggleypuff, johnny depp, jumping, kanji, kenshin, kerokerokeroppi, kissing, laser hair removal, late nights, legs, leos, libras, making the hurting stop, mallards, manga, micheal parks, midgets, moonlight, mr. bubbles, muadib, mushrooms, my lungs, naiads, nail polish, necks, night, nikes, no sleep, noseling, nuzzling, owls, parrots, pasta, people named raevohn, platapuses, playing, pokemon, powaaaaah, prego, queens, rain, rainbow bright, ranma, romance, scary movies, sensuality, sex, sharpies, showering, simpsons, singing, skipping, smiling, smurfs, snorks, snuggle fabric softener, snuggling, spikes, staggering, stargazer lillies, steel toed tennis shoes, sunset, swinging, tattoos, tennis shoes, the vertically impaired, tim burton, tomaaaaaaacco, trance, transformers, vampires, vegetarianism, venosa, video games, vinyl, water, whips, witchcraft. [Modify yours]
People64:acristis, allyn, angryusername, anon_goddess, arathreel, autumnbottom, avitania, badbabie, bandicoot, bloody_elf, bratlingpixie, c0g, crackerjack, evilpinapple, flymio, freakie, gigipointis, gir1fix3r, halfwhitetrash, heevoling, indra777, inflammatio, intenselee, irishlinc, jesskat, jmichiko, judas, justseth, kingfox, kitra, koan, kobaltblauste, konundrum, l34f, ldy, le_stutter, le_truand, logos, lornemir, mariecat, max_power, meaty_okra, mistersleepless, nghi_ly, oddlet, optissima, papoose, perciplex, pickledfetus, prettyinpunk420, projectx, purecstasy, savonarola, scaredlilgrrl, serraph, shamroq, shuajo, somebodies, sstar, starsncrescents, synapsepi, tapedeck, thinboy, xaotica
Communities3:art_nude, cirque, turning_pages
Friend of:69: allyn, anon_goddess, arathreel, asgoodasdave, audiehall, badbabie, bandicoot, bekahsjournal, bloody_elf, bratlingpixie, c0g, carebearbaby208, chipole, crackerjack, deathbecomeshim, evilpinapple, flymio, freakie, freaky, greeklady, heevoling, indra777, jesskat, jesusdpimp, jmichiko, judas, justseth, kingfox, koan, kobaltblauste, konundrum, korea_grrl, l34f, ldy, le_stutter, le_truand, lithie, logos, mariecat, matrika, max_power, nghi_ly, oddlet, oomingmak, oppppp2000, pageeater, papoose, perciplex, perpetualdreamr, purecstasy, rainbowkiller, sandwoman, sarabear, savonarola, scaredlilgrrl, serraph, sherahlyke, shiningsilver, shuajo, smurfysmiles, somebodies, starsncrescents, sunny13, synapsepi, teen_jesus, the1shortbus, thinboy, xaotica, xaotica_fotos
Member of:5: art_nude, customers_suck, paidmembers, too_much_info, turning_pages
Account type:Permanent Account, previously an Early Adopter

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