Friday, October 15th, 2004
The Morning Run The kettle simmers on the stove while he writes at the kitchen table in gray half light. Tool belt slung over the back of a neighboring chair - work boots by the door. Mind flowing into ink before the sun even has the chance to turn the clouds pink and the sky orange.
The way sleep hangs cobwebs in the corner of ones eye, this morning - before work - he sculpts the shape of his waking mind. A new routine, he sacrifices an hour of sleep for this exercise -
A mental predawn sprint - the first step in a marathon of lines.
~0 0 0 0 0~ Flower Power Catch yourself off guard.
Strike before your body has a chance to build up resistance to the work - before those tasty morsels of energy that weren't burnt away in dream get digested by the day. Strike when your too tired to give a shit about the proper sentence or the proper image - not before sleep but directly after - when your defenses are down.
Making words first thing in the morning is a different animal then the beast of spin and recall. Instead of capturing words in nets of ink, you wake with them -
You blossom as they blossom - new to the world.
~0 0 0 0 0~
Sketch 8AM. I'm in my shorts and cap with a big mug and coffee writing on the front lawn. You're commuting to the North Shore - late again - with a day old bagel and cream cheese in a brown paper bag sitting on top of the maps piled up on the passenger seat. You know the city like the back of your hand and yet you still look for short cuts - always have - here, why not cut a hard left across that median and four lanes of traffic? It'll shave two point nine seconds off your race to happiness. I listen to bird song while I tan - the neighbor cutting the lawn - the scratch of my pen. You only hear the honking horn and hip hop from a passenger van that barrels past your self made traffic jam.
You're feeling stressed. Today all I feel is my breath ...
~0 0 0 0 0~ Hello all.
And good morning.
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| Thursday, October 7th, 2004
12:21 pm - call for submissions!
ihaveasecret.com has been revamped!!! this site is forever a work in progress. a place for creative people to share ideas, show their art, and have a good time.
NEED STORIES, POEMS, RANTS, ARTICLES, OPINIONS EVERYTHING! Not too long. Send zippy fun things. (No violence, hatred, religious, or sappy pieces.) Weird, literary, experimental, lyrical - dazzle our brains!!!
NEED PHOTOS & ART Pretty much anything tasteful goes. PLEASE size your JPG photos to 500 pixels wide by 500 pixels high or smaller. send a collection of 1-3 pics, and blurbs if you want. (don't just send a weblink and ask us to choose. that's your job) :)
think "happy random coffee break" material! don't forget to include name / email address / web link if you want it posted!
submit@ihaveasecret.com ( sometimes we take a while to respond. do not be alarmed. )
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| Monday, August 30th, 2004
10:53 am
i just started naked lunch & i'm having a hard time reading it. i'm only on the 30th page or so & i'm hoping it'll get better. to be honest, i've found this book to be really confusing, i think that's why i don't like it. can anyone help clarify it for me?
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| Saturday, August 28th, 2004
8:42 pm - Philadelphia Fringe Festival Spoken Word Spectacle!
Incensed! spoken word sacriledge commited by Philly's own Sound of Emotion in a Broken Mirror featuring: tacky, Matt Lydon, and yours always Jennifer Palumbo
7pm Saturday, Sep. 3 Friday, Sep. 10 Saturday, Sep. 11 Friday, Sep. 17
$5 tickets on sale at the door or purchase in advance at the Fringe ticket office.
Well Fed Artist Gallery 51 N 3rd St (at Arch St) Old City, Philadelphia
for more info, email: shoebox_diarama@yahoo.com
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| Monday, August 16th, 2004
9:48 pm - Spoken Word Saturday Night - Free
What ever happened to Saturday night? It's alive and kickin' at the Well Fed Artist Gallery! Out of the Box Poetry Night Saturday, August 21, 2004. 7pm 51 N 3rd st, Old City, Philadelphia
This month featuring a set by your host, Jennifer Palumbo. Second feature, a returning blast to your cranium, tacky. As usual, open mic to follow. Bring your ears, bring your lips, bring things to read, or leave them all at home and just come watch the show!
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| Friday, July 30th, 2004
11:33 am - Backroads In Black and White
I remember the days of carefree joyrides when we would scream with the windows down, sun shining on our faces. We were always mellow and full of ideas. We would point towards the closest attraction, searching for parks, walking on wild grass after a storm. It was all about getting our feet wet.
Those days have long passed.
Familiar roads are now part of my commute. I still scream, but with the windows up. My heart races at every yellow light, rushed and thinking of worst-case scenarios. I still point towards the closest attraction, that usually being an empty parking spot. Things seem so cut and dry now. The grass is gone and tomorrow feels too far away.
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| Sunday, March 7th, 2004
1:52 pm - new Beat book "When I Was Cool: My Life at the Jack Kerouac School by Sam Kasher
With characteristic modesty, writer Kashner opens his memoir with a caveat to readers: this isn't an encyclopedic history of the beat generation. Rather, it's his own story of how it felt to leave home and learn to be a poet by hanging out with the great beat poets, albeit in their more gentled phase (past their road-tripping days, but still full of "crazy wisdom"). It was 1976 when Kashner, a fresh college dropout, decided to follow his dream and apply to the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, a yet-to-be-accredited division of the Buddhist Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colo. As their first (and for a while only) student, Kashner's assignments included finishing and typing Allen Ginsberg's poems; preventing Gregory Corso from scoring heroin; cleaning the home of their guru, Rinpoche; and mediating between William Burroughs Sr. and Jr., not to mention attending the odd lecture. Kashner undertook all this weirdness with fretful earnestness-e.g., forever worrying that Ginsberg would attempt to seduce him, that Corso would shoot up and he'd be branded a failure, that the school wouldn't get accredited and his parents would regret letting him go there, and that his lack of poetry expertise would be discovered by his teachers. Were this just the saga of an innocent in beat bohemia, Kashner's chronicle would be merely amusing, but his genuine love for his crazy-wise mentors makes this a curiously affecting coming-of-age story. 8-page b&w; photo insert not seen by PW. Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.
current mood: exhausted current music: Acid Mothers Temple "In C"
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| Saturday, March 6th, 2004
3:19 pm
there are three lost continents. we are one: the lovers.
at the precise moment that tom robbins unplugged his Remington SL3 and tossed it out his window, across the alley was jane at her fire escape, tossing her precious shoe box of letters out her own window, for yet a third time. they collided midair, the typewriter and the shoebox, and once again jane slid down the fire escape to retrieve her beloved ink and paper. (this seems to be turning into a weekly ritual). of the shattered typewriter, laying smashed and strewn over the blacktop, tangled in her letters like an exhausted, half asleep lover, she retrieved one of it's pieces. the ? key. into her pocket it went.
the signifigance of the question mark key of a Remington SL3 typewriter does not matter here. but it will matter eventually. we are sure of that. we suspect it has the same signifigance of cigarettes and cocaine. of a popsicle stick long after the the popsicle melts. of paper cuts and paper napkins. of dark roast coffee at dawn.
as jane climbed back up her fire escape (simply walking back up through the front door seems so much less romantic), shoe box and it's contents stuck inside the stretchy black camisol she was wearing, the stolen question mark made it's presence known, jabbing itself into her left thigh. she thought perhaps it was trying to tell her something. or perhaps her jeans were just too tight.
the question mark originated as a representation of the Latin word QUAESTIO, originally 'seeking' but later 'question'. the abbreviation 'Qo' was written by scribes at the end of a sentence which was meant to be a question. over time, this 'Qo' was simplified into the curlicue and underdot which is our question mark.
rapunzel had dreadlocks. snow white never ate an apple again. and cinderella. well, cinderella took up the tarot, and began dabbling in witchcraft soon after she witnessed a carriage turn into a pumpkin. the earth is flat. believe me or don't. the phone will always be ringing off the hook. doorbells will always be jingling with lady and gentlemen callers. but no one seems to have the right poetry. and as it stands, i think the right poetry is stuck to the bottom of lady marmalades's shoe.
in the community of muses, i am the tramp. yes, i am the slut of the muses. i've been passed around; immortalized in screen plays, novels, songs, and all that jazz. i've had paintings painted of me. sketches of my face on napkins of cafes. but every word that is beautiful has already been said. and the world is making promises of love and devotion every second. and every promise is the exact same promise that has been uttered for thousands of years. wouldn't helen of troy just throw her head back and laugh at all of it? i think she would. i'd much rather be kidnapped than courted. it would be a bit more exciting. she got lucky. the rest of us, we get dinner and a movie. roses on valentines day. hallmark greeting cards. and all of the poetry is the same. what no one understands, is that there is a new language that has yet to be spoken. but it sticks to our tongues. and it never gets past our teeth. it is why we have to create. it is why anthony must never stop writing. (for he has discovered the dialect, but unfortunately the world has not yet discovered him. it is why jane believes in him whole heartedly. because she knows that if he does not give up. if he does not throw his typewriter out the window, he can teach this language to the world. anthony is a kidnapper.)
the language will spill out from behind our teeth eventually.
it's why we have to listen for the moon. the moon speaks. the moon determines the menstrual cycles of women. the moon turns men into werewolves once a month. the moon is made of lust and used popsicle sticks. the moon doesn't burn our skin if we are out too long without a parisol. the moon doesn't require us to wear dark glasses to protect our eyes. the moon is the greatest lover of all. who writes better poetry than the moon? no one. because the moon's poetry is unreadable, undefinable, impossible to comprehend. it's why we have to listen. for when it speaks. because when it does speak, it tells the best secrets of all.
as for the question mark, well, the question mark is holding out for moon. love is anarchy, and personally, i think anarchy believes in fairy tales.
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| Wednesday, February 25th, 2004
11:59 pm
I just moved to new york about a year ago, from way, way up north, and i'm looking for a scene like this. I write every so often, and i'm looking for places to meet other writers, painters, performers, everything and anything. The scene without the hype. The people without the poses. The flip-floppin flapjacks who scream and complain about everything, and someday, maybe drop their pen and pick up the pace. Anyone out there?
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| Monday, February 23rd, 2004
3:56 pm
So this is my story The tale has been told before In it you will find monsters Adventures in not so far away lands Doors opened and locks left unmolested
The dust collects in the tread of my shoes As the blood collects in the arteries behind my miscalculating Heart Tramping though the dry river bed There something glints and shimmers A coin that I put in the machine I could win the prize because the stuffed mouse sits on top
The beeps and whirrs and the whistles and the dings The claw descends It picks me up from the bottom rung And I look down at the shrinking soil beneath me Inhaling I cough and clear my rattling lungs There is the breath I so desperately needed The air that cleanses my scuffed, leather hat
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| Wednesday, February 11th, 2004
1:22 pm
| Sunday, February 8th, 2004
8:23 pm
| Saturday, February 7th, 2004
2:10 pm
new literary magazine accepting submissions!!!
submit up to 3 works. now accepting: poetry, short fiction, scripts, 2d art works and photos.
the aim of this venture is to showcase contemporary works bordering onthe experimental/fringe circuits from talents all over the world. all submissions must be in the english-language and include your name and contact info. please do not send your only copy. send all writing, art and inquiry to 35 danziger str. c/o tighe p-berg, berlin, deutschland 10435
be sure to include a SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope) if you would like your work to be returned. please include an email contact for yourself as well.
deadline: 15 march 2004
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| Friday, January 30th, 2004
1:33 pm
| Friday, January 23rd, 2004
3:23 am - automat opia
monkees amidst the sins of man -the carcinogens of industry. i need somewhere to catch my breath to escape the ever-presence of the grid. can you convince me there is something left, some unused excuse for all of this, when i've watched her smear the thick of it against her skin?
oil slick patina, rainbows adorn the monotone. and no one mentions eden.
awash in torrents of decline she twirls around an effervescent center -wet tendrilled hair, unfettered flesh- the last requiem for the senses. i cannot but admire the gesture. and hope it not the begginings of malignancy. bare feet are biten, taken for granted but at least the cold drives the horde ever inward- lockjaw rope-tense trek against the chill of tainted wind, too long as a desert rat, at least leave me here among the mess, with viscious kids who can barely find the tins marked as sustinance. how can i still want the chance to fix it?
even amongst the remanents i fear the coda. a gesture, really like dancing through what once was rain. and to know full well the stain might set. plastic is a meat hook to thumb 1's nose @
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| Thursday, January 22nd, 2004
4:05 am
i forgot (where it is,) what it was & in the void couldn't help laughing at the half tones. {she sat back, aghast at a sky that held no stars} (but then) i found it foraged it forwarded it to a return sender. whether it returns or is forever rent asunder is but the will of whim, and bullocks- utter.
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| Tuesday, January 20th, 2004
12:24 am
hello all. i was perusing through the lj communities when this one struck me as the ticket, so to speak. i've read many of the entries and i am amazed at the writing capabilities of you all. here's a poem i wrote not long ago.
( Read more... )
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| Thursday, January 15th, 2004
5:49 pm
In there. In the in between Breathe in the flesh. Nostrils clamped over warmth. Lips and mouth moist over her and then Then there is ignorance and bliss for moments.
Her bosom is an adjutant To life, to me, to the very wind that pervades lungs and minds But more than auxiliary More so the primary caregiver, that which represents
Birth and food and growth and then maturity Pleasuresexgasmrelease. Love.
Yielding flesh as flesh is yielded and clothes asunder tossed On the floor I find them Her delicate caps guide me within her troubled willing walls Supple incantations to moments that lay ahead Pledging and fledgling the door to then is unlocked
Pushed aside and then propelling forward Locked on her eyes, locked on her slouching mounds of unrelenting passion Practicing for the child, for the time when food flows forth Nourishment for the anima and afterward admonishments to forever Forever sounding like the tears of children. Eternal laughter.
Slowly the dam begins to crumble between my fingers Between our limbs and lips Hers parted and ours trembling The rapture of Revelation, enrapt in the relegation Of despair, for a moment, to the deepest pits of her Ability to heal and forgive.
We beg for it. For absolution from death But she wins again and we die Cliché in each others arms. Reborn free of irony and full. Egos deflating no longer turgid. Only the softening air and transudation between us.
Smiles come now. Shreds of heart and tattered clothing recovered. The roar of starting engines we clasp hands together and settle in. There is the entrance to the thoroughfare. We take it and hit the gas. Smoke pours out the tailpipe Ahead the road remains Steady.
current mood: lethargic
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| Thursday, January 8th, 2004
1:08 am
I was reading my journal the other day and came across a very interesting piece I had forgotten about. I'm only posting this for humor, I don't really think it's very good. I was on a hallucinagen at the time, so that explains some things. It's not titled.
I just gave myself a Germs burn. I put trak marks on my arm. The pages are in motion. The pen glides and curves and swerves. My hand bleeds onto the paper. Orgasms through thought. Death is next to me twitching and huffing in fear. Trembling, dialated pupils. Paranoia. Picture Perfect. hand in motion with the pleasure-pain. A perfect circle. Eyes half closed gazing at scribble. Practice pose. Minus the pronouns. Smile classy. Eyebrows Raised. smirking quietly on a drip. spiked veins move through hollow tunnels. Nicotene rising in throat to my brain. Bitten tongue numb. Empty body. Typical tale...
I dunno... I really wanted to post something, so I wanted to start with my crap and gradually post my better stuff. That way it seems like I'm progressing. haha....
comments are welcome.
current mood: blah current music: Bob Dylan- Lovesick
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| Tuesday, January 6th, 2004
12:07 pm - the beat... of the wheels on the pavement
i'm going on the road again - eight days in a car with strangers. the big tour. out west to the land of movie stars and thousand dollar shoes. where the dot-com boom came and went. where starbucks was born and where snowboarders lurk. when i'm on tour, i can partially satisfy that tiny back of the mind dream that everyone secretly has of being a rock star.
eight days to curl up with notebooks and tell myself that a writer writes and a poet creates poetry and i'm a crazy person for thinking i can get away with slacking on my novel for this long. there is work to be done. i want to find fuel with cheap diner coffee. i want to find peace in the trees flying by. i want to find greatness when i see the ocean. i want to face my fears by travelling by airplane.
i want to give my best performance, and read to each audience as i never have before. i want to get into their minds and discover what they want to hear. i want to share my tales, so that they may remember their own. ( cut for length - if you're in Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, Ashland, San Francisco, San Jose or Los Angeles and want to support fellow indie writers, musicians & artists, click for tour info )
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| Monday, January 5th, 2004
2:14 am - Apples From Eden
The brilliance of it all makes no difference when you fall. The idea of having someone break your descent is an illusion of being meant-to-be. In this dizzy spin of insanity, a lazy eye stares at the ground while the strong one cares for the ceiling.
Not one thing can erase this feeling of being framed on another movie reel revealing dark intentions underneath scabs about to get peeled.
Why feel so distant? Objects are closer than they appear. The only thing to fear is being turned into a mere object yourself.
Calloused and bruised, ransacked and used without the ability to take back everything left behind, overdue. This drive steals the road while the head wants to refuse to lose itself in a sea of confused tranquility.
Everything's a conspiracy near this lingering piece of skin hanging on for dear life. Monsters rear their ugly heads, and in their face you've placed beauty instead. All the bulls that surround you simply see different shades of red.
Here we sit, led to believe that everyone has something we need. Follow their lead and focus on what they said. After all, how could we be satisfied with just water and bread?
The mouth salivates for every exotic spice as senses are captivated, robbed and enticed, sent to the air, waiting to be dropped from large tree-length heights. Forces of gravity created from heads spinning are bound to hit floors in one sudden strike.
Skilled in tricks, sleights of hand, caught in slick moments once thought random, they take people hostage and hold them for ransom. Those handsome beasts have evil things in store.
They want you as prey, and nothing more.
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| Sunday, January 4th, 2004
9:09 pm - x posted
&&& these sounds are active not observed by transmitted radio signals s p r e a d i n g nothing but silence & [n0ise] to collect dust on the dial click click buzzzzz to the beat but don't, but don't, but don't stop the intercepted tones this is our sound; our noise conspiracy between the wired amp without you my little silence-ophobic, my darling noise-oholic catatonic record player.
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5:04 am - Dash30dash.com Poetry/Art Magazine Vol 4 Iss 1 Now Online
What a better way to start the new year off than with a new issue of dash30dash.com. This new issue is full of new specials and features. Included are an interview, with gallery of oil painter Luis Sanchez by David Campbell Wilson . The article includes 8 samples of Luis' amazing works of art. Also featured is 'Max' an animated short by Samuel Proof.The poetry section is filled out with new comers William Taylor jr. with 'Lost Dogs'; Kathy Egan graces us with 'Time' and 'Futility'; 'Street Musicians' by Jan O Hansen; Two poems from Doug Tanooury 'Incantation' & 'Poem for my Father' and a return from Sam Silva with 'The Moon Garden'
Dash30dash.com is now featuring a daily comic strip Fifthteenacross by Samuel Proof. We've opened a store to sell a few customized items, shirts,mugs, etc via Cafepress. So take a look and enjoy.
Don't forget to check out the Dashboard Forum for local poetry/art events; list your own gallery showings, open mics, other events; talk shop, or play games.
Folks We're back after a long time. But we need help to keep going, weather it be a monetary donationor volunteer workreporting on local events and artists.
As always we're looking for new submissions of all kinds; Poetry, Prose, Photography, Flash animation, You name it we want it. Artists areencouraged to submit 5 or more pieces of a series. Send your submissions or questions to: Submissions@dash30dash.com
Don't forget to check out the site to see the kind of things that we do publish.
Sincerely, -Samuel Graber webmaster@dash30dash.com
Senior Editor http://dash30dash.com http://ub3.homepagetools.com/Dashboard/ our Bulletin Board! Sign-Up Free!
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| Saturday, December 27th, 2003
11:14 am - For Things That Are Not All There.
contradictions completely confuse me. contradictions give me the contrasts to compare things to. contradictions are traceable concepts.
i made a new friend this year called contradiction. i had the most eye-opening experiences. it was the worst time of my life. i learned so much from it. all that knowledge isn't practical.
i've tried to find meaning from nonsense. almost like following zen practices. meditate and stare at nothingness, staring at things that will eventually mean nothing.
this whole time, i've been sitting here with my legs crossed, while thinking with my legs open. it's some sort of open-minded stance while isolating myself from the senses.
if i wanted shallow, i'd build a rock garden. that would be the best thing to get deep into. if i wanted cold, i'd open the door. i'm used to not getting closure anyways.
nothing will ever make the same sense ever again.
goodnight, contradiction.
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