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Black Mamba

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Black Mamba
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go. watch. laugh. hoo rah! [23 Feb 2003|04:12am]
click me

Okay, so this is a friends onlyjournal now.. if you wish to read it..((and I don't see why anyone would NOT ^_~)) just leave me a comment..or come talk to me on AIM (laughingteaspoon)..but please do not add me until you have introduced yourself.
I find it creepy when random people just add me to their friends list..O.o

Oh, and if I don't add you back.. please do not take offence... it's not that I don't like you,
I just don't think we have anything in common...or you are boring. :P hhee hee

22 bullets|my baby shot me down

I'm like a letter with no address [01 Feb 2003|11:26pm]
Suggest for me...

+A book to read

+A CD to buy

+A lj community to join

+A website to visit
8 bullets|my baby shot me down

welcome to the new you [05 Jan 2003|01:25am]
What fun I've had today.
I deleted two years worth of journal entries.
I left a few. just some small things I wish to remember.
and one thing I can't delete.
Lj wont let me.
I have no clue as to why.
And so begins a new year and my kinda new journal.

my baby shot me down

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