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[ ]more to say. [Unknown LJ tag] basics Name: Angela Age: 18 Location: Houston, TX. -> Yellow Springs, OH. Occupation: ex cashier...current student.
the trivial Top five to ten bands: shit... 1- Linkin Park 2- Garbage 3- Alice In Chains 4- Soundgarden 5- Tears for Fears 6- Beethoven (Moonlight Sonata to be exact..) 7- Coldplay 8- Metallica 9- R.E.M. 10- Oasis Top three to seven movies: 1- Donnie Darko 2- The Joy Luck Club 3- Immortal Beloved 4- Fight Club 5- About A Boy 6- The Truman Show 7- The Man Without a Face Top three to five books: 1- The DaVinci Code Dan Brown 2- The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald 3- Catch-22 Joseph Heller 4- Twelfth Night Shakespeare 5- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Robert Pirsig Hobbies: Writing to pen pals (furthest so far is Japan), playing a lot of addicting pointless computer games like The Sims, speeding in my car (well..before it slightly exploded...), writing (novels, shorts stories, and poems..), acting (more the natural kind than the stage show stuff unless it's shakespeare), traveling...by car, sleeping opinions Dubya Bush: I despise him, simply because i hate stupid people and he would happen to be one of them. But yes, I also hate how he has devastated our country, and i guess [added] further devastation to our reputation--not like we were especially loved to begin with. Michael Moore: I love Michael Moore. I have not seen all of his movies, however the ones I have seen I have enjoyed if not for all of the humorous parts, to know that I'm not alone in feeling or seeing things the way I do. Animal Rights: hmmm...okay so I believe cruelty to animals i wrong. Torturing them in the various ways that they are, however, i still eat meat, i will survive off of them as in wearing them to keep warm--but not for unruly amounts of money which i do not own, and if i'm driving down the street and i see a human baby and a baby kitten, i'm swerving away from the human baby whether i harm the kitten or not. Casual Sex: I have my urges, but I don't want to do it because my brain has an enormous guilt chip embedded within. As far as other people, go right ahead, just don't throw your genitals in my face. (i do hate sluts...) The Man: Fuck the man...oh wait...i'm not supposed to let him get me down. fuck the man. The fact that bread can always turn into toast, but toast can't turn back into bread: you can always just scrape all the burnt and crispier parts off and then make do. What political philosophy do you subscribe to and why? (Are you a democrat, libertarian, communist, etc) I would have said Green Party before Nader was outted, so now I suppose I'm an independant. I'm sorry...but I hate republicans with a passion, and as far as "democrat" being better, it's the same people, as could be said about communism the "theoreticals" are great, but in the real world?...
and just answer these: Who would rather have sex with, Wacko Jacko or OJ? If I HAVE to pick one, OJ, because while YES I love Michael Jackson he is one sick looking freak of a man now and I wouldn't want him touching me. Same question, only Whoopi Goldberg and Jon Lovitz. LMAO, Jon Lovitz...anything to keep me from Whoopie @_@ see above response for Michael Jackson Have you ever watched one of Michael Moore's films and found yourself attracted to him? ::looks around:: ...yes Who would you vote for this year and why? Nader, because not only is it MY choice and voice to decide who I think is best there's no way i would "throw away" my vote on somebody i didn't support. If you could choose one person to be president if qualification were not an issue, who would it be? Christopher Walker Why is Christopher Walken awesome? i LOVE Christopher Walken. While he has that interestingly creepish dark look about him now, i am attracted to his younger looks which still shine through every now and then now...and i'll forever love his voice o.o Why is Clint Eastwood awesome? He's immortal and carried a big gun Glen, Glen Glen Glen, Glen Glen Glen: angie, angieangieangie, angie angie angie Pets.com puppet or the Geico Gecko? I've never seen the Pet.com puppet but I HATE the Gecko... Triumph the Insult Comic Dog or Andrew Dice Clay? Conan or Letterman? Letterman. I have a thing for smartass older men -_- Conor, Jason or Jayna? Why? Jayna because she intrigues me as a pretty, smart, and in your face chick. Christopher Walken or Clint Eastwood? Why? Christopher Walken because his angel of death could kick clint eastwood's cowboy ass anyday What celebrity would be best at being god and why?hmmm...could be a celebrity author correct? I would choose F.Scott Fitzerald, because he had a very deep understanding of if not our world, our country and the people within.
Tell us about yourself, or a joke, or any random thing in a that you think will help you get in: I don't know if it will help me get in but in the words of my microeconomics teach, "Upgrade your vocabulary from suckiness to attributes." he kind of reminded us of George W.
And for extra points you can promote us and please supply the link. Here ye be...
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oh god...plz don't even ask about the poses... -_- FunHi is because I'm at this website www.FunHi.com
sorry so horribly blurry...i just like my hair here.
anyone else hate my forehead? -_- okay okay...i'll shut up with the comments on my own pix-LMAO
100x100...or rather 100x88