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Below is information about the "The Harder Side of Indie Rock" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:indiecore (787544) indiecore
Name:The Harder Side of Indie Rock
Website:In The Rye
About:Moderator of this community is Shaun
Interests:22: as i lay dying, ash, at the drive in, blindside, boysetsfire, circle and square, coheed and cambria, converge, dead poetic, from autumn to ashes, hardcore, indie rock, kind of like spitting, music, norma jean, poison the well, refused, sparta, taking back sunday, the break, thrice, thursday. [Modify yours]
Members:81: 1people1strugle, _____villanueva, ____mono_vision, _burningice, _hexxxed_, _hugsfromboys, acid_asylum, alienstranger, aurorasongs, avidliar, bangxbangx, barbarianzombie, beancurd86, bentonx, blsstearingeye, candykillz, capachino, cletusmoof, concisebloc, cryptical, cynthiakaycobb, delirium9, dnttakeitsohard, dope_sick_girll, dyingxlight, eller, foundationsxfal, green_e, hauntofroulette, helpwanted, i_rode_alone, iamjacquelyn22, ieatfrenchtoast, indie4life, indierthanyou, intherye, jjispopcorn, justdrive, kissmyindie, lilpunkfairy, londonemokid, lostxgirl, mhyk, miredinmarrow, modscrew, needlessstrings, nolongernow, pisces313, powerpopzen, radcore_dot_com, radioscam, razor_violins, rcfgeminigurl67, royden, saltoncity, schapiro, sharpster7, silver311ffdef, silverfluff, skfjasa, smashingdolls, spores_attack, starinmypocket, stayforthenite, surf_ninja, tail_eats_cat, tena, the_circle_pit, thestateyouhate, ur2own4disaster, vanhouten, victim_of_swoon, vostokmusic, wickedism, xbluegreyx, ximsodeadtoux, xstarsfall, xtoturnwithinx, xxartishardxx, xxfemme_fatale, xxmintyfreshx
Watched by:59: 1people1strugle, _____villanueva, ____mono_vision, _hugsfromboys, _ysnap, acid_asylum, aurorasongs, avidliar, bangxbangx, beancurd86, bentonx, blsstearingeye, boatmotor, candykillz, crimsonr, cynthiakaycobb, dnttakeitsohard, dope_sick_girll, foundationsxfal, grey_detroit, hauntofroulette, helpwanted, hotpinkducktape, ieatfrenchtoast, indie4life, killshannon, kissmyindie, lilpunkfairy, londonemokid, lostxgirl, mhyk, miredinmarrow, modscrew, needlessstrings, nolongernow, pisces313, powerpopzen, rcfgeminigurl67, rhonan, royden, saltoncity, schapiro, sharpster7, silverfluff, skfjasa, spores_attack, stayforthenite, surf_ninja, tena, triggerdebium, ur2own4disaster, vinyldeejays, vostokmusic, xbluegreyx, xclandestinex, ximsodeadtoux, xtoturnwithinx, xxartishardxx, xxfemme_fatale
Account type:Free Account

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