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Joshua David McGlaughlin

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another mp3 for anywho to download, its great and its of course more Volta [10 Feb 2005|02:30am]
[ mood | tired ]

Cygnus... Vismund Cygnus
by Mars Volta, The

** = Spanish to English Translation

Album : Frances the Mute

Chapters of the song.

1. Sarcophagi
2. Umbilical Syllables
3. Facilis Descenus Averni
4. **Con Safo
English: With Safo

The ocean floor is hidden
From your viewing lens
A depth perception
Languished in the night
All my life I’ve been
Sewing the wounds
But the seeds sprout
A lachrymal cloud
Read More Lyrics )

Wanna smoke a doob?

i know she was looking at me... and certainly interested in what i had to say, perfect [09 Feb 2005|07:15pm]
[ mood | flirty ]

sometimes i believe the lord lets me have a shitty day and then throws me a great thing

its declared now, heather is fucking hot, and shes knows that i think that now... this could be interesting
i said something to Brent and Rachel about her and they said go for it,
so today when she came over, i didnt wait anytime at all, i went in and said the truth, no beating around a fucking bush, it was awesome, and i dont think she had a problem being that we hung out for a while after that, I'm soooo happy, today ive been royally pissed and filled with smiles... crazy day, but im glad im all smiles right now,
maybe thats the reason why for some reason colleens number didnt add to my phone book last night... i may not need it!

2 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

[09 Feb 2005|02:24pm]
ok so i had the biggest bitch post, why, because for weeks erins been pushing my buttons, and when i post the post, she gets pissed, even thought she thinks its unreasonable for me to get pissed when she talks shit about me, she said she tell livejournal about ym slander, i dleted the post, but i know shes slandered my name on here so ima look into that, its amazing how she can post something, i let her know i didnt life it and im a sissy and i just "shoudlnt read her journal" but when i post something... oh she threatens to get my lj banned, because what i said in the post is really bad, if it wasnt you guys would be reading it obviously, it wasnt bad cause i made shit up about her, it was bad because what i wrote about things she has done and ways she act's is perfectly true, i can pretty much document it. thats why she has her post about my drama, and how she wants to be positive... i hope she is positive... i do, negativity has been a complaint of mine for a while, i dont care if she hates me, as long as if im around she stays positive and i dont hear her nag wether its towards me, or her mom or brother... thats a good idea, i just want to visit my son thats all
Wanna smoke a doob?

fucking damn man [02 Feb 2005|12:35am]
[ mood | depressed ]

i got pulled over last night, no ticket, I'm so pimp... but what isn't pimp is this week, so much bad stuff happening, its like damn, god damn.. i had goals this week, nothings worked out, i had plans, they fell through or had to be canceled.... i need more friends, yes i do, i made one at work today, hopefully we chill sometime smoke out or something... i wish i could make this post longer but i dunno what to type to fill the space between the gaps, uhm
i have to wake up early tomorrow...
i have a big red zit on the side of my face
i wish i wasn't so damn ugly
I'm glad i smell good though
i need to learn how to play Alice in chains unplugged, the whole album on my acoustic....
i need a haircut
next time I'm shaving off everything
read the sharpened lines
of my arms
bled me blind

i borrowed a dollar from Sam
i shall buy a double chee hold the pickle bitch

5555 stand for...
the 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem

wah, wah, wah x3

may not be the right time,
I might not be the right one

Doll Steak, Test Meat

Look on the bright side is suicide
Lost eyesight I'm on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and/or sleeping
Protector of the kennel
Obituary birthday
Your scent is still here in my place of recovery

4 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

Cassandra Gemini [01 Feb 2005|03:05pm]
[ mood | groggy ]

This song kicks ass.... check it out Download Cassandra Gemini

The song has chapters...
1. Tarantism
2. Plant A Nail In The Navel Stream
3. Faminepulse
4. Multiple Spouse Wounds
5. Sarcophagi

I think I’ve become like one of the others
I think I’ve become like one of the others
I think I’ve become like one of the others

There was a frail syrup dripping off
His lap danced lapel, punctuated by her
Decrepit prowl she washed down the hatching
Gizzard soft as a mane of needles
His orifice icicles hemorrhaged
By combing her torso to a pile
Perspired the trophy shelves made room for his collapse
She was a mink handjob in sarcophagus heels

Bring me to my knees
Read the sharpened lines
All my arms
Bled me blind

Faucet leaks in shadows
Spilling from morgue lancet
Caressed your fontanelle

I've sworn to kill
Every last one
Every last one

Panic in the shakes of the wounded
Panic in the worms
Onto the floor
And out of your mouth
Out of your eyelids

No there’s no light
In the darkest of your furthest reaches
No there’s no light
In the darkest of your furthest reaches

All your dreams
splintered off
Leech by leech
On this catafalque

Anyone will tell you
Yes anyone
Chance had me setting a trip wire alarm

Your mother flirted with disease
When she skinned that costume by it’s navel strings

Panic in the shakes of the wounded
Panic in the worms
Onto the floor
And out of your mouth
Out of your eyelids

No there’s no light
In the darkest of your furthest reaches
No there’s no light
In the darkest of your furthest reaches
No there’s no light
In the darkest of your furthest reaches
No there’s no light
In the darkest of your furthest reaches

Shockless shackles free you
Fools taste tongues
I better leave you again,
I won't be owned
Not this time

Shock lest shackles free you
Volt face cons
abandon you again
I won’t feel not this time

Brick by brick
the night eclipsed
Pricked by cuticle thorns
Dried the sleep
on nursery slits
Into this life I’m born

Heaven's just a scab away
I'd like to see you after just one taste

Sink your teeth into the flesh of midnight
Night forever more
let them see it has begun
The others I’ve become

If you should see the dice
Charmed with it’s snaked choked eyes
You’ll wear the widows weeds
Because they’re just your size

Behind the snail secretion
Leaves a dry heave that absorbs
a limbless procreation
let the infant crawled deformed

A bag replace the breath
of these suffocating sheets
and now when the craving calls
I'll scratch my itchy teeth

And soon
Come on
if you don't know...
Come on
if you dont know

Sink your teeth into
the flesh of midnight
Night forever more
Sink your teeth into
the flesh of midnight
Night forever more

She fell for the whispers
Sister flooded deaf tears
that night tore a river
in her baron womb mirror

And his multiple sons
with their mandible tongues
set crucified fires to petrified homes
let it burn

And the owls they were watching
and the owls did't care
then the owls came a knocking
placenta in their stares

They will feed on all the carnage
leftover from the flood
and in the corner of their eyes
fled sister L'Via

Now the pieces went floating
reflecting all at dusk
conceived from the stabbing
was Vismund Cygnus

25 wives in the lake tonight
raw bark in the water of the marble shrine
25 snakes pour out your eyes
yeah the icepicks cumming on the marble shrine
25 snakes are drowning

You cant bend your crooked arms
or fold your punctured proof
the air is growing cold
and there's nothing you can do

Soon there'll be no gauze
inside the confessional
only rows of crows
defrocking every breath

And one day you'll remember
behind the melting cones
I said one day you'll remember
behind the melting cones
you've already had a family
in the burial of your home

Not forevermore

And I peel back all of my skin
peel it back let it all run

Brick by brick
the night eclipsed
Pricked by cuticle thorns
Dried the sleep
on nursery slits
Into this life I’m born

Heaven's just a scab away
I'd like to see you after just one taste

Sink your teeth into the flesh of midnight
Night forever more
let them see it has begun
The others I’ve become

No there’s no light
In the darkest of your furthest reaches
No there’s no light
In the darkest of your furthest reaches
No there’s no light
In the darkest of your furthest reaches
No there’s no light
In the darkest of your furthest reaches

No there's no light
No there's no time
You ain't got nothing
Your life was just a lie

This never happened
But I saw you leave
and crawl
into a bed of broken windows...

1 Doobie| Wanna smoke a doob?

nobody has heard, compass wilting in the wind... [22 Jan 2005|06:25pm]
[ mood | high ]

man last night... damn. all yesterday was good, i ate good before work, and after, work was alright, came home and it started, me and Rory smoked every way possible last night, we made a "gravity-water bong" best of both worlds, like a bandpass speaker box if you will... it was AWESOME, ingenious(sp?), Danny got his shit and the TEA was brewing, like 11 people here, all in the fucking kitchen, it was funny...
slept in a little bit this morning not as much as i would have liked to, ill sleep in a lil more tomorrow.

damn everyone was fucked up, i had fun, good at work was great i did like over $700 worth, not bad for the newbie, ill be selling G's soon, ya heard

happened on a respirator in the basements, are they gone, are you gone
evaporated the fur, because it covers them, if you only knew the plans they had for us.....

7 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

Long Gone Day [21 Jan 2005|04:16am]
i think I'm going to start putting lyrics to songs on here and a link to download that song. give me a reason to post, lord know i cant post what goes through my head day by day..... thats only sex, cars, smoking. those things would'nt interest too many people

mad season is a cross between Alice in chains and pearl jam, because it has Layne Staley, and mike McCreedy, along with the drummer from screaming tree's
a lot better i think than temple of the dog (hunger strike) which had members from pearl jam and soundgarden IE Vedder and Chris Cornell

if you want to down load this song (Mad Season - Long Gone Day) click HERE

So much blood I'm starting to drown
Runs from cold to colder
Time to time the sky's come down
To help me lose my way
Tears and lies for answers
You and open veins, God knows I'm gone
Girl I just want you to
Come on down
Lord it's a storm and I'm heading to fall
These sins are mine and I've done wrong, oh babe
Come on down

Long Gone Day
Mmmm, who ever said
We wash away with the rain

See you all from time to time
Isn't it so strange
How far away we all are now
Am I the only one who remembers that summer
Oh, I remember
Everyday each time the place was saved
The music that we made
The wind has carried all of that away

Long gone day
Mmmm, who ever said
We wash away with the rain

So many tears I'm starting to drown
The rain in heaven's all come down
Silver spoons affix the crown
The luckless ones are broken
Fears and lies for answers
You and open flames
God knows I'm gone
And I just want you to
Come on down, hmmm

Lord it's a storm and I'm heading to fall
These sins are mine and I've done wrong
I want you to, oh, I just want you to
Come on down

I fear again, like then, I've lost my way
And shout to God to bring my sunny day
17 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

whoa, i just woke up and was hungry as hell [17 Jan 2005|06:31am]
[ mood | blah ]

i want a cigarette, but im out, im a i feind

yesterday was an alright day, had some good conversations

i need more sleep


why do i wake up hungry? thank got erins mom game me microwavable biscuits

Wanna smoke a doob?

ok [14 Jan 2005|03:24am]
You scored as Mushrooms. Shrooms! You're still goin for one of the most natural drugs. You'd like to visit a whole other world, and see things you've never seen before. Fucking trippy.















What's your ideal drug?
created with

You scored as Exciting. My, my, look at you!











What are you like in bed?
created with

You scored as The Lion King.

The Lion King


Alice in Wonderland




Beauty & the Beast




Sleeping Beauty


Which Disney Cartoon Are You?
created with

You scored as Punk/Rebel.





Drama nerd








Ghetto gangsta




What's Your High School Stereotype?
created with

lion kin and punk im not so sure about
1 Doobie| Wanna smoke a doob?

were just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year [14 Jan 2005|02:27am]
[ mood | accomplished ]

i did'nt know radiohead covered wish you were here, i like it actually i didnt think i would at 1st
im tired, the day worked out, but dint start well and i just felt tired and worn out all day, Erin said she did'nt feel good either... i hope I'm not coming down with something, but i did'nt feel real bad today, my throat was just a lil dry i kept having to buy drinks, thank god i brought my quarter stockpile
got real high tonight, in fact it was with Steve, and he said he was getting over a cold, me and Erin smoked with Steve this weekend, that fucking bastard, i hope he did'nt do this, i better not get as bad as Erin was saying she was.

Rory bought a sherlock glass piece today its orange n cool bright orange too

ate some yummy pudding, and some handy snacks bread sticks n cheese

ate 2 doublechee's from McD's for lunch

I'm gonna get fat i know it
i wish- hmm like 1 minute ago i had something i my mind that started with i wish, but i got an I'm and forgot so never mind people.
crazy instant messages, AAAHHH lol

i need to give up and go to sleep
thats all folks

4 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

putting rainwater in a hypnotiq bottle, w/ a make shift paper funnel, oh the adventures, It starts [13 Jan 2005|12:50am]
[ mood | nostalgic ]

i spent today with mattox, i was like super tired at 1st but then once i woke up we had good fun, hes a great little guy, i swear on it. he is so mobile he walked all sorts of times tonight that i saw and heard about after i left. thats fucking awesome

its layne staley, again tonight, like so many others, im like in this alice in chains rut and i cant stop listening to them, its actually been a mminute since ive jammed some tool

gotta work the next 3 days, sunday i think ill do absolutly nothing, im gonna make a call for a day of my own

i gotta check coolant and tire pressure before work tomorrow, i dont know why thats worth typing but whatever
my car should be going into the shop next week to get permatly fixed, hopefully everything works out with getting to work

i really wanted to do something tonight but i was broke my car doesnt work and nothing was really happening anyway
so we got weed, and got high

wonder whats next

Wanna smoke a doob?

damn [11 Jan 2005|09:41am]
[ mood | high ]

woke up instantly from this massive blast of lightning, the kitchen light LIT the fuck UP, woke up just in time to take my car to the shop, thank you god for a natural alarm cause mine did not go off this morning, i dont believe

2 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

And with everybody that i find, And with every claymore that they mine... [10 Jan 2005|01:09am]
[ mood | contemplative ]

Blackmail she fell off every mountain
The ones they tightly wrapped in tape
In hurried razors snag the guilty
As it made the best mistakes
Sharkhides got tangled in the mausoleum
Urgent plea of escape
A melted mouth on the chalkboard
Written in fingernail distastes
And with every body that i find
And with every claymore that they mine
I wont forget who I'm looking for
Oh mother help me, I'm looking for

Blackmail she fell off every mountain
The ones they tightly wrapped in tape
And hurried razors snag the guilty
As it made the best mistakes
And with every body that i find
And with every claymore that they mine
I won't forget who I'm looking for
oh mother help me, I'm looking for

man today was good, dad came early and we put in a new thermostat in the wagon biatch.
still need some work at the shop over this leak.
me and Rory just chilled the fuck out all day and talked our fucking heads off.
Curt came buy with these 2 bitches from Brazil, they didnt know how to talk it seemed, Brazil is nuts, so are the people
me and holly went to see burkett's show, it was decent, got me out of the house when i have no car too! thanks
me and rorys girlfriend had a long and deep conversation yesterday about a bunch of shit, shes real nice.
drinking alone
silent noise on stereo
note: surround sound not implemented yet.
trumpets ablaze on the tweeters.
displacement in my mind
at the same time curt sent me a cool lil site that randomly updates great info links:
curts a good friend

"Cygnus... Vismund Cygnus"

A. Sarcophagi
B. Umbilical Syllables
C. Facilis Descenus Averni
D. Con Safo

Frances the Mute's Songs appear to be divided into chapters

oddly, like how shine on you crazy diamond's chapters are...

something needs to happen, to me
something out of the ordinary
something exciting
something special

i wish id take more incentive on some things, and get them done

Wanna smoke a doob?

i was thinking of good quotes and then started looking for some [09 Jan 2005|02:05am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | The Mars Volta - Cassandra Gemini ]

"Civilization is unbearable, but it is less unbearable at the top." - Timothy Leary

"My advice to people today is as follows: If you take the game of life seriously, if you take your nervous system seriously, if you take your sense organs seriously, if you take the energy process seriously, you must turn on, tune in, and drop out." -Timothy Leary

"You're only as young as the last time you changed your mind." - Timothy Leary

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix

"I've tried everything. I can say to you with confidence, I know a fair amount about LSD. I've never been a social user of any of these things, but my curiosity has carried me into a lot of interesting areas." -Dan Rather

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon

"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination." - John Lennon

i got the new mars Volta and its not even out until march 22nd

8 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

hmmmmm [05 Jan 2005|12:38am]

What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Breakout Bat.I am a Breakout Bat.

I am an abstract sort of creature, who dislikes any sort of restraint. If you try to pigeonhole me, I'll break the box, and come back for more. I don't have any particular ambitions, I just drift, but I am adept at keeping life going along. What Video Game Character Are You?
Wanna smoke a doob?

hahahahahaha yeah rihght [03 Jan 2005|11:21am]

In the year 2005 I resolve to:

Start Smoking.

Get your resolution here

Wanna smoke a doob?

[02 Jan 2005|12:25am]
whoa been a crazy ass night, now if i type realy shitty im sorry im real drunk again
we had like shitloads of alcohol, and weed it was amazing, the only thing i didnt do was get a kiss on new years, i guess im a chode, BUT i did play life fuckers.... then actually lost when i thought i was winnnging the whole game, damnit, but still it was awesome its been so fucking long since ive played that game

tomorrow i spend the day with me son, thats good, bweeen like super busy these last few days, had a lot of things to do
may i remind you im super drunk
speaking of super...
whoa caps
i dunno when i hit that bhutton
damnit im too drink but i still have shit to type
im listening to still D.R.E.
pimp shit
stifky icy icky
whoa a drum solo
no i dont weant to hear this
ok metalicca ica - one
thats a good video
ok im rewlizeing im too drunk to type
i have to go now
dfjgbskjfhaoieuaads;asdlkjmcv z,mvnrewoioreh wakka wakka what is democracy
5 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

whoa [28 Dec 2004|12:04am]
David butler, havnt seen him in a few months, before that it was like over a year, we hung out tonight, it was cool... watched some videos
i guess Daren(?) Osbourne lives down here like a few blocks from my ex's house i use to live at...
Matty said coke today, a whole bunch of times, it was so cute
god i adore him

its been a long gone day and its midnight, time to retire

"Shout to god to bring my sunny day"
Wanna smoke a doob?

Christmas [25 Dec 2004|11:54pm]
today was good, real good. it was Matty's first Christmas where he could even kind of understand what was happening... it was nice to be around him today,i came home and Lucas and Jody were here, i went and seen a movie, then came home and kicked it with everyone here... now I'm just tired... i got one more day on my x-mas break and its the 1st night I've stayed here, damn... I'm so glad this Christmas was good, Matty got a whole bunch of presents :) thats enough for now
Wanna smoke a doob?

so i made a big mistake, try to see it was my way... [21 Dec 2004|10:17pm]
[ mood | its kinda cold in here ]
[ music | doobie brothers - jesus is just alright ]

fuck figgity fuck fuck, on one of those very few nights where i think, "i need to call (whoever)" i fucking dont have my phone... i either left it at erins... or danny has it, well thats still at erins lol he used it at the columba house store... i dunno if he ever gave it back... damnit i wanna make a call to.... and its free now, damnitjsdbfvjkszhbfkjadhfvkjhb. well anyway i might as well pass time with these live journal things that live journal people do... oh and thanks to erin for asking and holly for knowing... ive been wondering how to do those link fucks for a minute.

1. Josh
2. Shivers (at work)
3. Joshie

1. i420piate
2. Stardust Mafia
3. o0Fcensorship0o

1. my taste in music
2. i dont care how stupid you think i am, i KNOW i can make some niggas laugh, i may go overboard, but most the time it works.
3. i consider my self intelligent

1. everything about me except my wieght
2. i tend to be anal sometimes
3. Im poor just like erin

1. Irish
2. More Irish
3. possibly german, im unsure

1. the fucking COPS, po-po's, 5-0, whatever the fuck you call them, i call them devil
2. something happening to mattox
3. death anytime soon

1. deoderant, cologne, lotion... smell good shit
3. Internet

1. tool hoodie
2. reeses cups t-shirt
3. levi's

THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE BANDS (or artists(at the moment)):
1. the mars volta
2. tool
3. alice in chains

1. sparta - cataract
2. mad season - lifeless dead
3. dire straights - sultans of swing

1. gaining a lil bit of weight and muscle
2. ps2 online racing
3. TRIP biatch, cause i got some and you dont, one last glorious time

(i think dave chappelle said this best, but he used 4, so ill have a handycap, HAHAHA)
1. suck my dick
2. play with my balls
3. make me a sandwich
4*. ...and dont talk so much

1. My son is the most adorable child in the universe, again same as erin
2. i am std free
3. i dont smoke weed

1. boobs, and ass obviously
2. smooth skin
3. CSL

1. fucking whistle
2. that chin flicking, water drop sound with your mouth
3. stop fucking smoking cigarettes

1. Fucking Music
2. antyhing electronic
3. driving, and someday racing

1. jam msuic real loud
2. talk to a certain someone
3. actually id like to drink something tonight

1. Information Technology
2. anything computer related
3. rhodie

(fuck all these countries prolly hate us americans now)
1. Germany (autobahn, nurburgring)
2. England, of course
3. Amsterdam, in Holland, in the Netherlands

1. mattox (obviously)
2. none in mind
3. still none

1. live as long as possible
2. race on the nurburgring
3. quit doing so many wrong things

Wanna smoke a doob?

i took it too, im bored [09 Dec 2004|07:56pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | 311 - applied science ]

If you could be instantly fluent in one other language that you currently do not read or speak, which would you choose?German, nurberg and porsche....
If you could have the starring role in any film already made, which would it be?Old School
If you could receive one small package at this very moment, who would it be from and what would be in it?Sophie, letter and plain tickets
If you could own one painting from any collection in the world but were not able to sell it, which would you choose?The Persistence of Memory, salador dali
If you were instantly able to play one intrument perfectly that you never have played before, what would it be?Glass Harmonica
If you could possess one supernatural ability, which would you choose?same as erin, do shit w/ my mind, of course
If you had to choose the most valuable thing you've learned, what would it be?using the internet, so i can always learn more
If you could only have one piece of furniture in your house, which would it be?entertainment system, to hold electronics
If you could read the private diary of someone you know personally, whose would you choose?my dad
If you could choose the way you would die, how would it happen?im my sleep, old
If you could wake up tomorrow and find that the major newspaper headlines were about you, what would you want them to say?Josh has fought and won, Marijuana is LEGAL
If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you would do?make sure my close family's lives are cake, then start on friends too
If you could choose the music at your funeral, what would it be and who would play it?Dust in the Wind, will Farrell
If you could take away the vocal chords of any person, who would it be?Gilbert Godfrey
If you had to describe your idea of the perfect mate, how would you do it?oh boy, big boobs, nice ass, skinny, cool, smoker, tripper, great stepmom (no more kids), loves giving and reciving head, adventurous, outgoing, listens to good music, logical, intellectual, not a ho or bitch
If you had to have a personal friend redecorate your house, who would you pick to do it?Rory
If you had to choose the worst home you've lived in, which one was it?Nepolian st. my room was in the dining room, FOREVER
If you could have prevented one thing from happening between you and a friend, what would it be?cheating on jessica
If you could learn the number of hours you've spent of your life doing one thing, what would it be?unnessecary cleaning, time wasted
If you had to describe yourself as a child in one word, what would it be?baby genious
If you could own a single prop from any film ever made, what would you choose?billy bong thorton, half baked

1 Doobie| Wanna smoke a doob?

phat bullet? [09 Dec 2004|07:56pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | sparta ]

Quiz Me
Joshua David McGlaughlin spins tunes as
DJ Phat Bullet

Get your dj name @ Quiz Me

Wanna smoke a doob?

artificial red [04 Dec 2004|07:15pm]
ahhh, im back in terre haute, working at columbia house. my parents gave me a car, things are looking real good, i spent the day with my son today and yesterday, it was soooo nice, he said dada today, he really said it, and kept saying it, so awesome. he should be learning to talk soon, hes so adorable, its unbelievable, im glad to be back
7 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

It's musk was fecal in origin [23 Nov 2004|12:48am]
man, i was woke up alot today, joel came over hes at his gmas in indy, got kicked out of rehab, his probation lady told him "this is the highest cocaine concetration i've ever seen" about his drug test, hes crazy man, some people dont know when too much is too much, and jaime called me too, but what finally woke me up was paul coming over, finally, we spent the day together, some chick told us we were hot while we was eating, i dunno this bitches name... but id like to, he woke me up then he went home to take a shower and i took one and went over there, he got payed, we found jaime got a small amount, some dude said he had opium, ok, hung out at chucks, TJ tracked us down, he was with bobby york, havnt seen that long haired bastered in a while, joel went back to indy, i dropped paul and tj off at the bar for an hour and helped regina close, finished that and josh kelso and ryan kramer stopped by, they had a lil captain in em, so a lil got it me, we tried finding more bud but everybody ran out today at once, so me and tj just came here and dropped paul off, a mildy advernturous day of nothing.

i heard mat was going to kick danielles ass to the curb, and gary too, good for mat ida had that bitch out of the house, mat told me she told him i pinched her ass all the time, man i dont pinch asses, i fucking slap them, and i wasnt touching any part of her ass, its crazy she said that when she showed me her boobs and i didnt even ask, i wasnt even talking about boobs, she just did it out of nowhere, gary and ryan were there, and when i said, damn titties they came in the kitchen and she showed them again, i didnt even tell mat that untill i heard what she was saying about me, shes a lying bitch, why are most (not all) bitches just phsycho like that, but then 5 mins later they are normal, danielle can be cool actually, everyonce in a while she just has a different personality, argh i dont understand. danielles and chrissy are the 2 craziest fucking bitches i know , enough, i dont know why i typed all that.

i wonder iff ill post as much once i get back to terre haute, i wont be so bored there, as i am here
Wanna smoke a doob?

FUCK FUCK SHIT FUCK [22 Nov 2004|12:23am]
Just as he hit the ground
They lowered a tow that
Stuck in his neck to the gills
Fragments of sobiquets
riddle me this
three half eaten corneas
who hit the area

ok so uh from what erin told me, patrick got in a wreck, drinking was involved, but like i guess hes really fucked up physicaly(sp?) because of it.... damn, i was JUST having a conversation last night with bob, metioning how i dont like driving and drinking, yeah ive did it before, and thats why i dont life it at all. damn man, some say he deserved it, but doesnt everybody judge, even though they themselves have did things they shouldnt have done.. i know a lot of people who have drank (any mount, whole range) and relized it was wrong, or people who still do it and you know them, even if you say something to them or not about it. to anyone thats done that before, drove drunk, just think if it had happened to you, its real fucking sad man, hes its wrong, yes it could have been worst and involved hurting other people and thank god it didnt, and id think hes gonna get into a shitload of trouble after he get back up in health.
but i do feel bad ofr him, after the fact, you have to think ok, he didnt hurt anyone but himself, that makes it better, then you have to have compassion and think its a horrible thing, i just got out of the hospital, for alot different reasons, but those stays are fucking horrible
life shuts off
things will never ever be the same afterwards, my matty being born, and my lung bullshit,
(the 1st one being happy, the 2nd one well im still feeling the bad bad effects it had)
this should teach him
but it also sucks fucking ass man
i dont care what his stance on god is, im going to pray for him, i just have to
its crazy
1 Doobie| Wanna smoke a doob?

Are you peaking in red?, preforated at the neck. Now I'm lost [21 Nov 2004|11:18pm]
well me mikel did some off road safari driving today while i learned the manual transmission, i think i did ok. i did kill it some but i kept forgetting it cant idle w/out the clutch in, and it took me a minute to relize the pedal was pressure sensitive, i just thought it was like a on/off switch lol, i think i did alright though.

tonight regina got soap bubbles all over me, so i took a handful of ice and crammed it down her bra she was so fucking pissed. tj isnt spending the night, so ill prolly go to bed early. in fact im too lazy to write more
Wanna smoke a doob?

last night i heard lepors [21 Nov 2004|12:48am]
[ mood | high ]
[ music | burning doobie ]

otherwise, ive been hanging out w/ ole brandon england again hes back in town too, last night we got high out in the garage, and man i could not come back inside, hes one of those people that can smoke 1/2 a joint and have a small buzz but his eyes are ALWAYS dark fucking red, see out of all my friends mom doesnt care for brandon, hes actually done nothing too wrong around here either... but last night i figured it out, its cause he always looks the most stoned out of all my friends, everybody else has no problem, exept him. i felt bad but i wasnt going inside, please remember i got kicked out of here for smoking in the house last year, that wont happen again, but im trying to be respectful. i saw paul mckinney today hes been working crazy fucking hours, its been like 2 fucking weeks its like he vanished, i think me and mikel are gonna work out something with this truck, i believe the one with robots lol's because this is...

been hanging out w/ tim inabnit, jerry inacabient's lil brother, he got huge man, beefed up, and fuckin, he knows curtis gorski man, thats crazy, me and tj have been hanging out w/ jaime brachen alot lately, and awful lot really, corey has been down a decent amount lately also and ginny too, im like the only friend of coreys she likes, same as with his dad...
fucking the other night i was telling corey about this article i read in FHM magazine it was like 10 ways to know you have to dump your girlfriend, and then we get out of the car go in george hines house, and he brought it up and had the magazine and coreys main reason to break up from the article was one about the girl will ditch all her friends... and then try to ditch yours, then you cant do anything but be with them because their lonely
for geroge it was the one about they only buy you alot on your b-day, expecting least that much or more for their birthday, or else they will hang it over your head
and mine was the one where the clean and wash your clothes and it said theyre trying to show you that everything will be ok, as long as they can stay home and not work...
it was funny cause all 3 of us related to a reason, and i really like hanging out and talking w/ brad and penny, good people.

dman. regina, im working w/ her again. shes a manager now, and so is sarah, megan and strader still work there too... this daryl guy is a dousche, regina was talking to corey saying "now im joshs manager, hes my bitch", and corey was like are you sure its not still like last time and your his bitch, she said yeah, its funny man, those girls do alot of my work there, its like i have this magical power to get them to work and let me talk and smoke cigarettes my whole shift, except friday night which was the worst time ive ever had at burger king, ever, ever. that sound rediculous a hard day in fast food, but they fucked the scheduale and only 3 people were working and everything went wrong, it sucked.

corey bought one of those whip cream cracker canister and like cases upon cases of nitrus, we did whipits all fucking night long thursday night, hours... it was an adventure to say the least. my cell phone get no signal in quincy or cateract. everytime i walk out the door over there i get like 3 new voicemails and it wont tell me who called till i listen, bluh... im going to work hard to try and not go over on minutes this month on the cell phone, itll be third month in a row over... i guess im talking to alot more chicks and friends now then i was. thats cool.

im done for now

1 Doobie| Wanna smoke a doob?

All Apologies [20 Nov 2004|05:46am]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | The Mars Volta - Roulette Dares (The Haunt Of) ]

man, its been a crazy period of my life lately. im glad ive been hanging out with old friends so much more. but at the same time its sad that i dont get to see matty, i miss him. blah blah from erins view i ignore him and whatever, shes just unreasonable, and never comprimising on visitation, so i take whatever shit talkin w/ a grain of salt, it isnt like what she says matters much, nor her herself, but i feel i have to say at least something to avenge my name, anyfuckingways

she told me that shes got a b-day party for him setup, thats awesome, livejournal feels weird these days, since for some unknown reason i feel like i cant really type ALL and whom ive been doing, just seems wrong and i dont know why, but i wont let it get to me. its nice being free, ill finally be able to hit on those chicks in thc when i get there, and be on the internet, closer to my son, have a means of transportation. i thought as fast as possible in the process of being single and getting out n about, that i would have tried to get laid even more so then i am, but oddly it hasnt been a high priority.

im working at burger king in cloverdale for a couple of weeks before i hopefully get to terre haute, get a paycheck or two. BK sucks but hey least im putting foward an effort, as much of a effort as i can, i still have to take short 5 min breathers to get through, but im proud of my self since theres people i know who are perfectly capable of working and are just lazy. im back up to about 130lbs now same as what i weighed before the collapsizing of zhe lung exept now i have a small lil belly and none of what small amount of muscle i had to start out with, but im gonna get to buisness on that soon, T.J. has practically been living at my parents with me, its like im 16 all over again.. otherwise if he wasnt here i be bored as fuck all day long, helps pass the time, actually time just flies day in and days out i wont know time went by, i havnt got much to do, erin might say i avoid visiting my son, but in logical reality its simple, my parents just put out over $3,000 on what the insurance didnt cover of my $50,000 hospital bill, and frankly they dont have money for me to be putting gas in the huge 3.8l V6 station wagon to drive to terre haute all the time, for the most part when me and erin talk we at least arnt yelling at each other, or least im not wasting my energy yelling, im not sure how much and what ill do with livejournal posting since i think the bulk of people who have read my posts in the past have prolly been turned against me with her overexaggerated remarks, at a time when i dont have much internet access to defend my side of the story, and even if i was to do it right now, it'd prolly be to late, anyways im dwelling on stupid subjects.

THE MARS VOLTA: these guys are THE NEW MUSIC, my belief id that theyre the best new band in the last decade, its like at the drive in meets santana, meets mr. bungle, meets pink floyd, it fucking amazes me, so many rich cultural almost ethnic drivin beats, and having flea sit in for bass on the studio album helps the sound alot also.

all my shit is up at rorys in terre haute, its going to be the best thing when i move in, fucking a nice place i can be proud of, a setup by men for men, no stupid bitch rules, toilet seat stays up, vacums are a rarity, yet its not one so bit trashy in fact theres thousands upon thousands of dollers in nice, nice things, yummy...

soon i will start paying child support, erin said i should be getting a letter in the mail soon but i havnt, so very very soon im just going to have to go talk to vigo cnty courthouse and see whats up, i have no contest in paying support, after all it is my son, (just wonder why she verbally swore that she would not take our situation to the courts) one thing i didnt quite understand is erin told me she had to apply to keep insurance for the both of them.. maybe im wrong but i know im not, hoosier healthwise has him covered till hes 18, and it makes me wonder (and erin im not saying this mean) but what is honestly stopping you from getting health insurance from an actual job like most the world, now i hope she dont read this and get all crappy, im not trying to piss her off, its just my journal and its what i type, prolly be smart idea to just take her name off my friends list, to stop arguments before they start.

but theres just some things i need to type, to get off my chest, like how a little under a month ago my docter said i can work but only 4hrs max a day, shes doesnt want me working a full shift untill february, now i cant wait that long and im going to push myself to do more hours sooner then im supposed to,even right now at burger king i am, medically im ahead of scheduale, but erin told me over phone that i was in essence using that as a crutch and i could have been working a while ago. now i dont mean to be rude but how many of you people reading this know someone other then me who has had a lung collapse, or had it happen to themselves? this isnt some small cold or flu that the whole town can relate to, and i say untill youve had it happen to you, and your in these shoes, shut the lard of your lips right now

erin had also told me theres no way matty would go over to rory's because quote-unquote its a "drug house" when in reality theres more drugs in that basement of the house on monterey and oak that matty is living in then would ever be at rory's, (i could most likely prove it any day of the week) im not talking about to cops or being a narc, just standing up for myself infront of my parents and good friends, come on were talking about a guy who DOESNT smoke weed, he is on probation. and then me not being there watching matty thing, well 1st off yes we did leave for at most 5 minutes to mcdonalds, #2 i'll quote erin "...and he could have cried for 3 hours and she wouldnt have heard him.", now logically being gone for 5 mins is alot shorter then 3 hrs, im not saying i used to best judgement or did the right thing... but the subtle shift between real life occurances and then her typing it on LJ get blown way out of porportion, to add to the effect that im a bad person, and 3rd the baby never cried. will i do that again, no i wont, but if your going to announce my flaws, at least report it to the world accuratly, and im pretty pretty sure that along with child support i WILL have the RIGHT to take my son to my residence during visitations if i so wish (or my parents in cloverdale), erin gives me the impression that i am unable to do that, i will definatly spend alot of time reading child placement laws or what not once im settled into thc, i mean as far as a track record ive NEVER been in a wreck my driving record is flawless. and man now this is old news and i dont really know what to make of it, but a month or so ago (maybe longer) erin had pushed me (obviously not hard cause shes a woman, but enough to count in the eyes of the law) and also threatened to have some "one" "smash my face in" (im guessing a new male friend, maybe the one she was kind of seeing, that got his arm shot or something, im clueless...), im baffled as to why she would act like that, that sounds like some highschool "my friend will beat you up" kind of thing, very immature and also technically ILLEGAL, not really an adult way of handling a confrontation, since ive never once threatened her with violence, ever. violence doesnt solve anything, its true, i felt i had to do the right thing and at least report it to the terre haute police, just incase she did try to have me physically harmed, i even told the cop, i doubted anything would come from the situation, but just in case, there would be proof, im trying to cover all my bases here, its one my lawyer always emphasized. and i do have the letter of notification of victimization

now in typing this im betting that i might get some type of respnse from her on all this, hopefully not, i dont want to argue. but i had to tell the real deal, people in LJ land will believe what they want to but least theres another view. honestly our interaction lately has went smoother than before, and i hope it continues to do so, she is a great mother to that beautiful boy, ive never doubted that, but ive always felt to her everything is black and white in comparison, and she just cant grasp the concept of an even bigger area inbetween black and white called grey, or metaphorically "logical reasonable reality" you know? looking at things as fact and in a scientific approach, other then opinion, cause opinions are like assholes, everybody has their own... if ive pissed you off or offended you erin please accept my apology right here, and dont try to get a last word in, im just trying to stress that im am in no way trying to provoke or piss you off.

just venting, im very pleased that things are almost oppisate of 3 or 4 months ago, we was together, and it felt like bitchfest '04, now were apart and we talk calmly to each other, i wouldnt have acted like such a fool after getting out of the hospital if i woulda relized how awesome it is to not be with you anymore, i was just attached, but im glad you ended it, i have more overall confidence in myself now

15 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

Cicatriz Esp [20 Nov 2004|02:52am]
[ music | The Mars Volta - Take The Veil Cerpin Taxt ]

do you recall it's name
as it suggested back and call
this facing heel
will drag your halo through the mud
ash of pompeii
erupted in a statues dust
shrouded in veil
because these handcuffs hurt too much
still scalping these ticketless applause
and when they drag the lake
theres nothing left at all

searching confussion
beyond the anthills of the dawning of this plague
said ive lost my way
even if this cul-de-sac would pay
to reach inside a vault
whatever be the cost
stullen clear blackened eyes
and when they drag the lake
theres nothing left at alll

i've defected

searching confussion
beyond the anthills of the dawning of this plague
said ive lost my way
even if this cul-de-sac did pay
to reach inside a vault
whatever be the cost
stullen clear blackened eyes
and when they drag the lake
theres nothing left at all

ive defected

beyond the anthills of the dawning of this plague
said ive lost my way
even if this cul-de-sac did pay
beyond the anthills of
beyond the anthills of
said ive lost my way
even if you
even if you
even if you
who reached inside a vault
whatever be the cost
still lit clear blackened eyes
and when they drag the lake
there's nothinkg left at all

i've defected

Wanna smoke a doob?

This Apparatus Must Be Unearthed [20 Nov 2004|02:17am]
[ mood | peaceful ]
[ music | The Mars Volta - Eriatarka ]

I've been waiting for so long
For someone to mend all the blame
Ive been searching for so long
For something to...
avenge my name
avenge my name

You came here on time
I hope that it's not to late
Ive seen you at night
Biting the frost of silence
Can you cure of this fate
Mock the litany in its face
Is that you moatilliatta?

I've been waiting for so long
For someone to mend all the blame
I've been searching for so long
For something to...
Avenge my name
Avenge my name

Hex zero rouge
He'll hybernate no more
The altars run dry
Prefect dictate your final words
does it sting of augur truth
was your temple left in ruins
is that you moatilliatta?

I've been waiting for so long
for someone to mend all the blame
I've been searching for so long
For something to...
Avenge my name
Avenge my name

This is the altar
The one that you let me die in
On your knees how you wept
Much like omertta
The quiet has shielded all intent
On the ground it appears
Like wrath avenging the lamb as bait
In a bed of nails you made
Who made this effigy
Is there straw dressed in these fields

And now it won't be long

I've been waiting for so long
For someone to mend all the blame
I've been searching for so long
For something to...
Avenge my name
Avenge my name

Wanna smoke a doob?

Mad Dogg 20/20, 4 for $12, and it's COLD, brrr [11 Oct 2004|02:07pm]
things have been going good lately, should be getting this job at columbia house in terre haute, cool.
hung out w/ ole rob burton yesterday for the 1st time in years, me him and TJ drank a few beers, i missed corey coming into town this last weekend cause i had an interview, hope he comes this next weekend, me TJ and shorty hung out last week sometime it was cool, hope to do that again... even saw an old friend from rehab, chris something or other. ive mmainly been hanging out w/ gary cofer, paul mckinney, ryan kramer, TJ, and josh kelso been having fun doing a lil drinking here and there.. life isnt too much of a big story these days, hopefully me and paul will head down to depauw to meet some chicks there. whoop-te-do, blah, im tired of typing now, outro like metro, toodles
Wanna smoke a doob?

long hard road out of hell [30 Aug 2004|11:56am]
things have changed. im in cloverdale (with no internet) for what i thought was just a bit... but i know now i was tricked... even though its at a time where i dont have the energy to get all my shit thats here in terre haute. i wont be coming back here at all to live definatly since i know im unwanted now. things are the hardest theyve ever been in my whole life, my health isnt getting even 1% better i only wiegh 100lbs now after being in the hospital... sucks ass i think everyone who see's me in cloverdale prolly thinks im some crank fiend. soon i gotta get my shit from here, doesnt feel right being booted then feeling like every still has a right to use my shit, i dunno my mindset hasnt been normal or just hasnt been at all what it used to be. life is practiclly over as i know it.. and before to long itll prolly be over for me as you all will know too. too many negative things to keep positive anymore... too much pain... too much hatred.. too much evil.... i dont smoke much but i am smoking again... maybe this next time both my lungs will collapse at the same time giving me no option of repair. i have been left, beaten and bruised emotionally from all of whom i thought cared for me, it was never true, cant believe i belived it for this long, if things do brighten up youll find me in indianapolis or surrounding areas, i dunno how that will happen with no car and no help, like i said only if things brighten up... but that looks very dim, very dim indeed... im done writing for a while, im just done
6 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

pissed [19 Aug 2004|07:07pm]
its a god damn fucking shame when i wake up in horrible pain... and then i get bitched at... then when i bitch back. the fucking house makes me out to be the bad guy.. erin, as soon as i can ill move, ill get away and leave you well alone... i cant take this you acting to everyone like your the only one who goes thru shit... i dont start these arguments... do i argue, damn straight i do once im provoked too everyday.. but you keeep making me out to be the horrible one to everyone and it pisses me off.. i dont deserve this.. ive worked my ass off from day 1 of moving to terre haute, payed the whole cell phone bill for about a year now... yet you yell at me and say how your gonna take my name off? like you dont relize all your lil cell chats for about a year have been at MY expense, paid for w/ my money.. here i am fucking collapsed lung n shit.. im hungry... i HAVE MONEY that I EARNED i want a subway sandwich..., is it childish to bitch maybe, but maybe not being that here you are smoking your camels at $3 a pack (something i havnt had the fucking privilidge of for about a month now) and eating your blimpies, i never once said you didnt or dont derserve those... but if your fucking getting food there should be NO fucking reason why you can tell me i cant spend my FUCKING MONEY on something i fucking want... i dont care if it fucks up the cell phone bill.. as long as i know ive payed my part, you were so nice when i was in the hospital with your "maybe i was wrong, i do love you" can it... you wernt wrong, you dont.. and its funny how you were sao quick to kick me out but you still expected me to pay for the whole cell phone bill... you were just being sympethetic like i said from the very begining you never meant any of it... it was all a lie... alll you want to do now is make me go to cloverdale.... just gimme a few days i wont be going to cloverdale... guess ill just be homeless. but i dont want to be here if you act like you dont want me here.. yet your trying to control me and my money to your advantage... thats just robbery to be so hateful and rude.. but still expect me to pay your way. i have a fucking hole in MY CHEST if i want a fucking SUBWAY SANDWICH I THINK I DESERVE A FUCKING SUBWAY SANDWICH, especially since i worked for the fucking money, yet here you are coming in with your food, nothing for me, take anah to wic.. then bitch about having to take me to the docter, FUCK YOU a bif 250 lbs of FUCK YOU... go ahead kick me.. i dont where ill go... but youll be taking me to get my fucking money 1st... i tried to take care of you when your were sick.. i see now how you repay that.. ruthless and wrong... and i know youll read this and i dont want you to reply or anything if you gotta problem tell me im kicked out and ill go... even if i have to sleep in the streets after this lung shit, loosing a car and all this yeah im pretty fucking depressed.. i dont think theres any lower i can get so i really dont give a fuck
Wanna smoke a doob?

ooh, child things will get brighter [02 Aug 2004|05:46am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | annoying compouter fan ]

curt came back from avon or wherever with good news of telling his mom how we signed the contract and she bought him some shit like one of those lights where you can bend the light in any direction, like the floor light things like that, i have no idea what it would be called... and dishtowels n shit, thats cool man, my mom will help with dishware, and im getting the futon. this place is gonna be PIMP, danny said at revolutions the subway pink floyd naked chicks album art poster was like $12. i am fucking snatching that to hang over the 2 bedroom doors in the main area.
well have enough room for all our equipment, thats the best part, well that and a fucking POOL bitches, itll rock and roll
april 17th is when we can start moving shit in... i think its safe to say its official now, hope so...
ill leave with a pic of the kitchen (its small but efficent) and the main living area (you can see the 2 bedroom doors).. but lemme tell you, the pic of the living room doesnt show justice to how big it really is

its real cool that curt has an ibanez bass and a peavey guitar.. i havnt had an instrument in my life since steve jacked the applesauce from me.. i been lonely, this will be good, oh and one great thing is curt has a digital camera so whenever matty is around i can take real good high quality photos of him, no one has let me take many pics of him, or maybe i didnt have enough
initishative, but maybe ill take real good photographs, my dad one state fair shit back in the day for photo's, hes taught me some.. and ill be able to show pics of the place after we renovate to our own lil home, i think curt will be a great roomie, hes a good cat, and well i already live with danny and theres no probs here...

i talked to sophie tonight for the 1st time in years we talked alot of phrases from region to region, and prices too... she said a place like what were getting would be 2500-3500/month (shes in cali) and when i was tellin rory that, he said 2500 before i could so thats just nuts... i was crious if she knew about top gear or jeremy clarkson (car show on BBC2 in england) and she was talking about how her and her dad would watch it every tuesday... i found that pretty cool (shes from england)... shes 18 now and i guess teaches lil kids how to snowboard. just neat to talk to someone that you havnt in a long time, and when she picked up she knew exactly who it was... that was nuts, its been 2 years, i guess ill be having more time to hang out with people now, and ill be closer to rory and melcho and chris, i need to see that nigga, sucks without a ride...

2 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

hmmm [01 Aug 2004|04:09am]
Mattox turns 8 months old EXACTLY right now
10 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

yeah [30 Jul 2004|02:39pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | white world ]

as you might have read, me and erin arnt together, i guess i say "things i cant take back" but i dont feel im alone, dont feel too guilty, nor innocent. all i did was say things on my mind, if one can dish it out everyday , i thought one could have taken it also... guess other are too emotionally weak. not saying i was right.. just not as wrong as one could make it seem.. nobody is perfect, and everything happens for a reason, she has been nice since all this... i think shes moved on and/or had already moved on before this even happened anyway, there was no relationship, there were no comprimises, no understanding, deception, and no interest for a while, if there was.. there wouldnt have been a "AIM conversation" to find, but if there wasnt an aim log, i wouldnt be planning on getting out on my own, the idea of setting up a place how i want it wouldnt be possible, the idea of waking up from sleep in a good mood will be awesome, instead of someone yelling right when you waken, its horrible to hear, and the fact that im so asleep and will forget anything said makes it harder, since i was prolly expected to listen hard and understand what was said... now im not perfect, but getting yelled at for being irresponsible, yet somehow never being late to work and never calling in, seems tireing at 9 and 10 am after being up untill 4 or 5am, yeah i work till midnight and cant unwind within 2 hrs from being home, doesnt mean im worthless or good for nothing, having a job in genreal seems responsible enough for me
im not saying erin is evil, just maybe that we were wrong when we believed we were on the same track, cause were not, far from it.. i think we expected too much from each other, i just hope we can continue to be nice and mature to each other, weve done good, no bitching at each other... and boy if this happened at a bad time... i woulda been happy to leave alot faster if i only had a car... but fuck it, illl figure out something. i just need enough time to move into this place, so things can get a positive outlook..

anyways im...
tired of fucking oatmeal for breakfast, i need some new waffles,
and no matter how fucking hot the bath tub is when you get in... it will always turn cold

13 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

things arnt bad.... [27 Jul 2004|03:03pm]
going to check on a apt today... and erin tells me this

phadelikeasigh: dude i got an email from bill clinton
i 4 2 0piate: what
phadelikeasigh: its just campaign shit for john kerry
phadelikeasigh: but msn just popped one of those little windows up that said you have a email from Bill Clinton i was like whoa
i 4 2 0piate: hahahahaha
phadelikeasigh: i thought he wanted to be pen pals or something

for now, later
Wanna smoke a doob?

Far behind [21 Jul 2004|02:16am]
[ mood | blank ]

Now maybe I didn’t mean to treat you bad
But I did it anyway
And not maybe
Some would say your life was sad
But you lived it anyway
And now maybe
Your friends they stand beside they watch you crumble
As you falter to the ground
And now maybe
Your friends they stand beside as you were flying
Oh you were flying oh so high
But then some day people look at you for what they call their own
They watch you suffer
Yeah they hear you calling home
But then some day we could take our time
To brush the leaves aside so you can reach us
But you left me far behind
Now maybe I didn’t mean to treat you oh so bad
But I did it anyway
Now maybe some would say you’re left with what you had
But you couldn’t share the pain
No, no, no
Couldn’t share the pain they watch you suffer
Now maybe I could have made my own mistakes
But I live with what I’ve known
Yes maybe we might share in something great
But won’t you look at where we’ve grown
Won’t you look at where we’ve gone
But then someday comes tomorrow holds a sense of what I fear for you in my mind
As you trip the final line
And that cold day when you lost control
Shame you left my life
So soon you should have told me
But you left me far behind
Now maybe I didn’t meant to treat you oh so bad
But I did it anyway
Now maybe some would say you’re left with what you had
But you couldn’t share the pain
No, no, no
Now maybe I didn’t mean to treat you oh so bad
But I did it anyway
No maybe some would say you’re left with what you had
But you couldn’t share the pain
I said times have changed your friends
They come and watch you crumble to the ground
They watch you suffer
Yeah they hold you down
Hold you down
Maybe brother maybe love I didn’t mean to treat you bad
But you left me far behind
Left me far behind
Left me far behind

Wanna smoke a doob?

i am you, and what i see is me [25 May 2004|04:39am]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | pink floyd - echoes part 1 video ]

for those of you on my buddy list in aim... if you open a windows like your about to IM me and go to "File>get file" youll be able to download any of my over 60GB's worth of videos, just something to think about....

anyway, my son is growing everyday, hes such a beautiful baby. i think hell like having me for a dad, ill teach him so much, and i know hes going to be exceptionally smart, thats just how it is...

life in terre haute is going good, i keep finding myself longing and missing the days of youth with joe, mikel, tj, mat, paul, justin, gary, eric, steve all of us when we were young and everyone got along for the most part and we did our good share of some partying, life was soo simple, no wonder i could trip on acid every week with no worries, it was great, but im not too say life is bad now... theres some things id definitly like to change, like living at arins moms, i just hate to bere, feeling like im using her in a way, i know since i moved in bills have been raised, i feel bad and i just dont want to be a nuisence, i love her mom very much, shes kind, danny has to stop smoking so i think that might slow me down too, and i hope ***HOPE, to slow down on smoking for both money and health issues, cigarettes will be obviously the harder of the 2.

as my obsession for cars grow with each and every video i download and watch, i cant help to think about how i cant even drive a manual yet.. its not that ived tried and cant, its that ive NEVER had the oppurtunity, id really like to learn, but i dont wanna fuck up someone elses car either... for now though i have my video games and steering wheel, and hey dont knock the xbox racer "project gotham racing 2" its VERY VERY realistic and over 100 real cars from american classics, jap imports, and super cars.... and over 90 REAL life tracks including the nurburgring(sp?) in germany... its quite huge step in overall quality over any available car game out now....

im downloading some pink floyd DTS (digital theatre system) audio CD's, theyre supposed to be super high quality 5.1 sound, thats cool, a few months ago i took the DD (dolby digital) 5.1 audio tracks from the movie pink floyd the wall and made and DD audio CD it sounded GREAT.

well ima stop now, bye

6 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

...I want out, I'm alone and I'm a east target. Did you ever listen, Get out [04 May 2004|09:13pm]
[ mood | high ]
[ music | Foo Fighters - Exhausted ]

its been a long hard road out of cloverdale... i dont remember when the last time i posted was or anything so i might ttype some shit or maybe not just depends on when i get tired...

anyway, i started working at red lobster by honeycreek mall, i have 2 jobs aegis and red lobster... mattox rolled over for the 1st time today around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, i love that boy, how could i not, i gotta say having a kid does change you, i kind of expected it in some areas but now to my knowledge even in other mostly considered "nothing to do with beaing a dad" areas hell have a effect on it and i just hope and pray things go well for us as a family, im so grateful to have arin and her mom, hell she let me move in and eat and she never takes money, someday when things are going real good for me im just going to have to buy her some shit to pay her back... that and help her w/ shit or something, i owe her alot, and even though shes not my family i sill love her, very nice woman, i just hope we can get moved out soon... cause i know the 3 of us make this house hectic, probably giving her grey's or something....

mainly anymore i sit in my basement when im not working dont see mattox that much during the week cause i work the whole time hes awake somedays... im still watching videos on the xbox, its awesome how much the xbox has done for us, when me and danny 1st talked about xbox and modding, we was mainly talking about emulators and all the power and somewhat about playing divx and such but NOW, the media center is prolly the most used function of the xbox everybody is not acustomed to it, the menus are great, with car shows and videos, movies, tv shows, drug documentary's, and about 30gb's in music videos... and all the mp3's can be played on my big 5.1 stereo... and it doesnt lock up as much as before... mainly i set down here and listen to music and watch downloaded videos on the xbox is like my own TV and radio station and i choose what i want to watch when i watch it

im thinking about buying a different car getting like a 96-2000 V6 w/ leather model honda accord... if i found a good one cheap enough and speant about 3 G's on the brakes suspension and few engine mods... i think id like it, just those stupid 13" rims or tires or whatever there so little definatly need at least 15" rims w/ wider tires... unless it was just pimp as shit.. I'd ONLY take a honda if it was V6 and/or RWD i hate 4 cylinders, and just prefer RWD better.... that used porsche 944 we test drove is still there... it acted funny as 1st but we got some awesome slides in when me and curt had it out...

the 1st foo fighters albums in simply the best

i want to pee in yo foo

the milks gone bad

nicole simpson cant rap

maybe sometime later, bitches

4 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

amber is the color of your energy [30 Mar 2004|01:41am]
Green Vibes
Your Energy is Green. You are easygoing, stable
and bring feelings of peace and natural harmony
to those in your presence. You have good
perception and awareness about most things, but
you don't apreciated sudden surprises.

You are a natural healer and would make an ideal
physician, office manager, herbologist,
anthropologist, or Accountant.

What color is your energy?
brought to you by Quizilla
Wanna smoke a doob?

haha i saw this on someones journal [30 Mar 2004|01:37am]
type your 1st name in google image search and pick the most funny images from the 1st page of results,.... heres mine
Wanna smoke a doob?

taken from [17 Mar 2004|06:52pm]
Awful Link of the Day

~*~*~*ElLie*~*~*~ (thanks Da Bishop) - I might be off my rocker, but I think the rampant scourge of LiveJournal has gone far enough and it's time to put an end to blogs and online diaries of all kinds. When you reach a point where you feel it's necessary to inform the Internet of every single hideous act you've committed as a failed human being, then I think it's time you have your Internet license revoked. And when you reach a point where you are writing incomprehensible shit like what this girl posts, it's without a doubt the proper time to put on your helmet and check yourself into Special Ed rehab, if there is such a thing.

pplz hur @ eljaaaay r fukazzz!!!1! i dun undaztandz it @ al.

OMGZ i dun no y al mah frenz r levn meh!!1 itz so0o0o0o00o nawt k3wli3z. i men, wtfux0rz/

i dydn g3t 2 go0o0o0 2 da britneh knz3rt so0o0o0o00oo dat sux0rz so0o0o0o0 loz!!!1! i men, wtf??? my bf andrew wudnt evn bai tik3tz 4 meh so i wuz lyk "wtfz andrew??!?!?!11? i thot u luv3d meh!!!1!" n he go3z "i d0do lUv3rzZzzZZZZZzz u elli3!!11!!!" n i wuz lyk "i no im so00o0o0o0o luvbl3!!" n hiii go3z "yaaa babiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!! <32323233333333222222233333333222" n i wuz lyk "wel i duzn mata cuz lyk 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 gaiz <3323 meh MOR DAN U!!!!!!!!1!! n dey wud bai meh tik3tz 2 dah britneh konzert

OMGZ SERA CONERZZZZZZZZZ ON!!!!!!!! SHII ROX. onlii shiiz uglii!!!!! bonz babii out da doa git ^ n m000v dun mek meh akt da f00!!11 juz get ya stufz boi cuz im tyrd of hiirin all ur laiz!!!1
babii boi i no ul nevaa fid no0o0o0 stufz as gud as myn!!!!!!!!!!11! u mad ur bed n nau u haf2 sliip w/ meh babiii!!!!!!11!! i saw u der w/ myn on iiz!!!11!! JUZ BONZ!!!!!!!1!! omgz diz s0n r0x0rz azzzzZZZZZzz!!1!1! omgz loli3z im so0o00o herdc0rrr.


um so0o0o0o0o0o diz iz wutz nu w/ meh:

forrest brok ^ w/ meh. i h8 him. im gld wr nawt goin out cuz HEZ SUcH a DiKKKKKK!!!!!11!!!! omgz. n i slpt w/ him 2. i thot boiz neva brok ^ w/ u afta u sliip w/ dem. OMGZ mebee hiiz gai n datz y. EW DAT WUD B GROS.

so0o0o0o den i skipd claz 2 hab sexx0rz w/ jamez but it wuznt fun so0o0o0o wen he azed me out i sed no. now im w/ carloz N HIIZ SMowkin!!!1 lOL3rzzzz. but ya.

i dd a math tezt n i dind dew so gud. i h8 mah techaaa. hiiz such a dumaz. y duz hii even botha? n den hii wuz lyk "i no u hav lurning probz, ellie,"

WTFux0rzzzz? i dun hav probz. dumaz. hi niiidz 2 dai. i h8 him.

I'll give this moron a break since she's only 14, but then when I was that age I was slightly smart enough to know how not to act like a retard revved up on PCP and given a colorful keyboard. This is an unholy crusade against everything sane and coherent, and it's truly sad that our education system is not allowed to use totalitarian-style violence to bring kids in line with common sense. Freedom of expression is fine, but as far as I can tell this girl is only expressing that she's stupid and needs to be taken off the Internet before she embarrasses herself and the human race any further.
7 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

haha beach boys are cool when your high. [03 Mar 2004|02:45am]
[ music | Beach Boys - Don't Worry Baby ]

today was quite weird, got off work early cause of low call volume, and me, rory and melcho played some games... rory cracked his ZIF socket on his motherboard so then we came home to test his cpu, we did this in dannys machine.... then after testing the cpu, danny put in a light and then somewhere in the process of changing shit, or the power supply went to shit OR the hard drive just failed.... but none the less windows nor the bios picks up his 120gb storage drive which may i add has practiclly 65% or more of are video media and pretty much 100% of our audio file including about 40 FULL albums ive just downloaded within the last WEEK FUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!
i hope somehow we can get this data back... danny said his friend curt knows a guy that can do data recovrery from drives.... (i wonder how that works) and the shame is... is that im waiting on my fucking tax check so i can burn dvd=rw's of all the video files on that hdd
i think ima take a small computer break losing all that data is just like someone having a fire andall their cd's and dvd's burn up, except i guess i didnt pay shit fpr any of this makes it a lil less bad on my end lol, im trying to be positive and i still have all the torrents for those albums fuck fuck fuck
ok im out

1 Doobie| Wanna smoke a doob?

YES!!!!!$#^#&VCXNDN; [24 Feb 2004|12:34pm]
a pefect fucking circle at pepsi colleseum(?) april 17th $40 a (including service chanrge... me and arin are going
twiggy, james iha and maynard somewhere on here
4 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

Everybody Look [22 Feb 2004|02:34am]
gothere gor baby pics of mattox
4 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

yo! public announcment [19 Feb 2004|12:53am]
to anyone who wants to or knows how to setup a webserver from home and has a static ip or an ip that "rarely" changes i am able to at least donate a subdomain to be redirected to a personal ip addy like if you host on your computer and and your name is fucktard and the ip is then i can make point to your ip ( and there ya go... just something i came accross today because im trying to see how hard it is to setup a ftp and http from my computer
Wanna smoke a doob?

my lil states thing [30 Jan 2004|12:37am]

create your own visited states map
or write about it on the open travel guide
Wanna smoke a doob?

i got my present [13 Jan 2004|09:53pm]
[ mood | high ]
[ music | Alice In Chains - Down In A Hole ]

well some of you may not care but:
i got the speed strip today and got from a 266mhz fsb to 333 and my clock speed from 1.73Ghz to 2Ghz
it shows 2400+ (it was a 2100+) which the 2400 does run at 2ghz the front side bus in only 266 on that chip... mine is at 333 so i feel this chip is "faster" then a 2400+ Athlon XP, mine isnt to far from dannys xp 3000+ his is 2.1Ghz at 400Mhz front side busand a 512k l2 cache (mine is 256k)...
heres a picture of my work

2 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

Speaking of live journal... [11 Jan 2004|09:30pm]
its been some time... ive had a baby boy, got laid off... biult up a very good start to a nice ass video collection, soon as i can buy some dvd+rw's (50pck for $56) ill back up my files, out of 120 gig i have 41.4 free, now that might seem like a lot free but thats after deleting everything i could and storing files on dannys network storage drive that 120gb's w/ 30free... and trust most files are mine... :( i learned how to rip dvd's into divx movies w/ full on high quality dolby digital 5.1 surround to theres some space takers lol... ill burn off alot when i get those dvd's anyway...

danny got a new computer xp2800+, 512 megs of 400mhz ddr a 400mhz fsb motherboard (he had all the other shit already e.g. nice vid card and monitor and hdd's) well his processor was a 2800+ at 2.083Ghz that 166x12.5=2083Mhz (166-333Mhz fsb)... well thanks to me, right out of the box i noticed his chip was unlocked 12.5 multiplier and below so we changed the setting to 200x10.5-2100Mhz (200=400Mhz fsb) thats the stock speed of the athlon 3000+ his mobo and ram already supported 400Mhz but the chip only ran at 333... by doing this i made a overclock of only a mere 17mhz (grin) but it made a difference of around 200Mhz in "intel"* terms (*AMD rates their chips in model numbers like 2100+ for 1.73Ghz to show benchmark comparison to intel p4 processors, simply because at a lower clock speed amd just works more then intel chips,) and its not like i overclocked his cpu to were it was going to burn up anyway. the difference between the 2800+ and 3000+ chips are around $75 right now...
it pays to to learn how to overclock... not so you have put a 1ghz chip to 3ghz under liquid nitrogen to laugh.... but to understand how things work so when it comes time and you break down and buy a aftermarket motherboard and a amd processor, youll save money on cpu, and then you can get a lil more kick out of it then you paid for.

"I love being a nerd, it saves me alot of money"

on to life: the babys like gettings longer and shit. its cools that hes growing soon he'll be able to learn how to kock lugeys(?), laugh after he farts, and with the way me and arin talk say fuck too... oh the laugh.. some people get real upset about cussing, i guess even the bible says not to do it... but for some reason i cant deny that they are only words just like boat hair and cup, the only reason i say them alot is because everyone always told me not to. it they wouldnt have told me not to say them or got mad when i did, i prolly wouldnt say them half as much as i do. personally i wouldnt care if he said them, but on the other hand the sosial world would have my ass for not disiplining him for saying bad words. if everyone would just get off their high respecful horses and swallow their pride we could all say fuck anywhere and everywhere.... then it would get boring and eventually most would slow down their usage of fuck simply because it doesnt have that charm anymore. ill start with.. "Fuck you, you fucking Fuck." anyways, no my kid isnt going to be cussing all the time, this is life, and i dont want the inlaws or even my own family or friends, or teachers, or case workers down my thraot... but it is a nice thought to think that everyone would be desensitized.

however.. hes going to be a very smart, cute boy that will have a subscription to playboy when he turns 13 ;) i hold my word to that. and it written here for anybody to see even him when he becomes of age..

since i did help danny by boosting his fsb to match his ram and mobo thus gaining great leaps in performance.. i got a lil jealous im over here running a athlon xp 2100+ 1.73Ghz 13x133=1730ghz (133=266mhz fsb) w/ a 333mhz mobo and ram, i wanted to to make a synchonis(?) jump to 333 in my cpu well unlike dannys chip mine is unlocked at muiltiplier 13 and above therefor getting a speed like 10.5x166=1743ghz (166=333Mhz fsb) wasnt possible unless i physically modded my cpu, well im too pussy to do that well i was reading and found the a lile device that will unlock my chip and leave it unharmed... well i bought it the next day.. now im just waiting for it to get here.. then ill get a much anticipated perforamce gain..

i woke up at 5pm today and went outside to get in my car and drive to the store to find that someone had busted my headlight out. it didnt look like someone had backed into my car because there is no body damage no scrapes of paint.. some bastard busted out my headlight, now im not racist in anyway but there are these black people that are always out walking the streets.. i dunno why, prolly to poor to buy a ride, or looking to steal or break shit (peoples stole from cars here before) anyways i bet them damn niggers did it, im counting on it... next time a group walks by the house im survelencing that shit finding out where they go and then busting every window in every car at the house or houses they reside... i really dont like when people fuck with my shit, cause then i fuck with theirs alot harder while trying to aviod any confrontation w/ police, it gets tough.. but i like coming out better, ahead and in front of, anyone who fucks with me.
fucking shit smellers.
3 Doobies| Wanna smoke a doob?

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