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♥ ryan::\\

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this is turning into one hell of a week [04 Aug 2004|04:52am]
[ music | Soul Coughing & Weezer - American Girl ]

let's review:
-i have to be cut open on thursday. or something. if that is in fact that case, i'll be sure to show off my battle scars. except, not here.
-i keep waking up at night. not good.
-earlier this evening i learned that my aunt has breast cancer. um, damn.
-another doctor's appointment
-my friend is an idiot. a goddamn idiot.

i have lots of other things going on, but it doesn't seem important enough to make it into this entry. since this entry is all about important things.

so maybe i'll update later.

after i go back to bed.

::[ 3 ]:: | break the silence

[07 Jul 2004|02:38pm]
keeping myself convinced that this is necessary is the hardest part. is this even necessary?
::[ 14 ]:: | break the silence

[22 Jun 2004|07:13pm]
[ music | Pinback - June ]

lying down, feeling sorry for myself.

::[ 6 ]:: | break the silence

Играем в колбасу! У кого длиннее? [11 Jun 2004|08:51pm]
{Участников:38}-{[info]nightway}-{[info]mr_false}-{[info]cherita}-{[info]goldy_kin}-{[info]besyonya}-{[info]alexej}-{[info]ivand}-{[info]ta_tochka}-{[info]gosha}-{[info]candelabra}-{[info]nikon_nlg}-{[info]dziro}-{[info]ven_ture}-{[info]xnrrn}-{[info]allegroconmolto}-{[info]soulscode}-{[info]glassapples}-{[info]nevskaya}-{[info]ningyouhime}-{[info]brightbeak}-{[info]geonncannon}-{[info]venom69}-{[info]wiliqueen} - {[info]diannelamerc} - {[info]lizbetann} - {[info]missandrony} - {[info]mandalin} - {[info]mahoutsukaichan} - {[info]nikko_nikko} - {[info]xxpikapika} - {[info]paperpieces} - {[info]daie} - {[info]roseofmemory} - {[info]dorrie_} - {[info]el_mihoshi} - {[info]hotelmornings} - {[info]sukireru} - {[info]kifreak}
Чтобы присоединиться, введите свой ник и нажмите кнопку - колбаса сама запостится* в ваш ЖЖ.
* - вы должны быть залогинены и у вас должны быть разрешены java-скрипты.
created by [info]nightway
break the silence

[13 May 2004|02:59pm]
i'm updating from carly's house. her computer sucks and she uses aol. blah. i can't stay long because it's rude, but they took me off the net at 5:30 in the A-M. so, boo on me. well, i should go.


p.s. my jacket is still bitchin'. carly told me to say that, because i forgot what to say. i'm walking to kfc to apply for a job. later all. later janet.
::[ 6 ]:: | break the silence

[03 Apr 2004|10:07pm]
lost 9 more pounds since march 10...
::[ 10 ]:: | break the silence

[01 Feb 2004|10:48pm]
so i'm sitting here, and thinking...
i just hate my mom sometimes. she cares about me but she doesn't care enough about getting things done for me to help me.

it's not like it even costs her anything to just bring me to the doctor...
::[ 4 ]:: | break the silence

[01 Feb 2004|10:48pm]
break the silence

[27 Dec 2003|10:42pm]
ps. i've lost 40 pounds.
::[ 4 ]:: | break the silence

[09 Dec 2003|07:36am]
[ music | Rudolf the Rednosed Reindeer ]

[info]age_adrienne -- Neither. In fact, this year you've been placed on the Sporty Spice list. Congratulations.

[info]distraught -- And sometimes I think cookies with milk is disgusting, but what we all must realize is that these thoughts are foolish. There are certain universal truths we learn: cookies and milk are always good, and there is always hope. Ho ho ho.

[info]sukireru -- Perhaps the better question is what do the robots get me, huh? I get pretty lonely around Christmas too, you know, what with the long hours and all. At least kids send me letters...ungrateful robots.

[info]reincarrn8ed -- I will say this: Colin visiting again is probably more likely than world peace or unlimited coffee. But I can't ruin the surprise. You may get a furby.

break the silence

Ho ho ho! [08 Dec 2003|03:06pm]
[ music | N'Sync - I Don't Wanna Spend One More Christmas Without You ]

[info]kayt -- Whether or not you have been a good girl this year is entirely dependant on your definition of 'good'. Because I have lost my dictionary, I cannot define it for you. In the meantime, Santa shall put a pair of boxers on his head and refer to himself in the third person.

[info]yansa -- Does not compute. Illegal operation performed. Abort, retry, ignore?

[info]kickadee -- A television and a microwave duking it out mano a mano. Enjoy.

[info]daughterofeve -- The answer you seek is one of three things: 42; life, love and the pursuit of happiness; or sweet potatoes.

::[ 4 ]:: | break the silence

Santa Ry here. [08 Dec 2003|12:06am]
[ music | grandma got ran over by a reindeer ]

[info]kifreak -- I don't know why you are a reindeer this year. I can talk to the elves about it. In the meantime, if you continue to be dissatisfied with your status as a reindeer, you may contact my agent.

[info]fawoogle -- Because if we didn't do anything, I wouldn't have any reason to make my lists, would I? Duh.

[info]merjanet15 -- No, the rumors of her death are greatly exaggerated and insubstantial. However, she's really little more than a smelly old hag in her old age and I don't think I've heard her do anything but complain for the past week. You, on the other hand, are young and quite sexy to all the boys. Therefore, as my present to you this year I am shipping myself to your house. There is one condition, however: I don't sleep on the couch.

::[ 1 ]:: | break the silence

[07 Dec 2003|11:20pm]
Poll #216772 It's Santa
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Hi kids! Santa here. I've hacked kifreak's livejournal (my my, he's been naughty!) to catch up with you all. I haven't heard from you all in such a long time, so I'd love to answer all your questions that you never got to ask! So go ahead!

I'll answer them all as I get them. I am a busy man, after all!
break the silence

Phone Post: [18 Nov 2003|02:33am]
155K 0:53
“i sound so dumb. i'm just kind of rambling near the end because i'm so tired.”

Transcribed by: [info]kifreak
break the silence

this is a test. [29 Oct 2003|07:55pm]
sending my entry via email. don't ask me why.
::[ 1 ]:: | break the silence

oh, my old tired bones groan with sickness. [14 Oct 2003|12:06am]
[ mood | i dont know ]
[ music | Toy-Box - Best Friend ]

my nose is fun tonight. earlier, it bled shortly, and then stopped. it started out strong, but it lacked endurance and ended quickly. an hour two later, i'm talking to janet on the phone. just talking about something-or-other. well, in mid-sentence, my nose suddenly begins to bleed again. not just bleed, no--my nose erupted. like a volcano of blood, the yosemite of nosebleeds. it shot straight into my mouth. it also shot straight down to my shirt. unsure of how to react, and also because i was in the process of speaking at the time, as i began to recoil, i let out a cry of shock. 'uuuuwwwwwaaa!' i said, pushing my keyboard in and sitting up as fast as i could. i woke up my dad, oops.

those first few seconds it bled the most. a tissue i had was looking pretty crimson after i held it to my nose a few seconds. janet wanted me to get pictures, though. unfortunately, out of a desire not to entirely ruin my clothes, already stained with blood, most of this early blood was lost. but there was a lot. believe me, there was a lot. in the end, all that i was able to get pictures of was a large stream leading to my mouth. because, yes, it once again stopped very quickly. i fully expect my head to burst from the eyes with blood if it bleeds again, only to end with a small speck of blood on my right nostril. following current trends and all. now i'm paranoid about my eyes exploding...damn.

apparently, i have 4 ex-crushes. did i get really unattractive or something? you all used to love me. dammit. ):

tonight is the night of cool music. between toy-box, gravy train and g. love + special sauce, my ears are recieving much loving. toy box is the sort of the thing i should be really embarrassed liking and should never, ever want to admit...but it's too good to deny.

don't forget tomorrow. don't forget tonight, either. but i'll be expecting it.

i need to work on some new icons.

oh, by the way, two pictures of the nose bleed. they're gross and may not be fit for human consumption. consider these pictures to be for archival purposes, nothing more. but if you're morbidly curious, it's all there.

good way to re-establish those crushes. psh. don't worry though, i look at least somewhat presentable. i even brushed my thoroughly bed-headed hair for the shots! but then there's the whole bloody nose thing. and i didn't shave either. oh well. so you get a little stuble.

::[ 5 ]:: | break the silence

this is a petition [02 Oct 2003|02:33am]
[ music | Smashing Pumpkins - 1979 ]

dear life,
i understand that you have many things to tend to and i can respect this fact. but i feel that my request is simple and may be worth your time. i ask simply that you make more goddamn mother fucking sense you pile of goddamn turd. yeah that's right i'm busting the big insults out now. so yeah. you better be afraid. because...yeah...or else.

i deeply hope you will consider my proposal.

thank you, and sincerely,
the undersigned

::[ 2 ]:: | break the silence

janet: [07 Sep 2003|05:10pm]
if i miss you or something...i'm out on a walk.

break the silence

[04 Sep 2003|01:20am]
[ music | Rage Against The Machine & Snoop Dog - Bounce ]

i think it's been a long time since i've taken any truly decent pictures. but these are some i got in boston. there are a lot more, to be honest with you, but i need to get ready for bed...or at least convince myself that i am. so i'm posting these, and then i'm done.

i suppose i'm not really to be the judge of my photography anyway. i really need to get more pictures. i'm being lazy about it. this is something i care about and i shouldn't be lazy about it.

so here we go )

so even if they suck, there you go. those aren't even nessecarily my favorites of the group; they were the first i came across that were already resized.

::[ 9 ]:: | break the silence

i've been meaning to do this [23 Aug 2003|01:05am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Soul Asylum - Runaway Train ]

pick any 15 people on your friends list. without revealing their names, say something about (or to) each one of them. never reveal who is what.

1. i look up to you in a lot of ways. i wish i knew how to be half as good as you are.
2. we never talk anymore and it kind of depresses me. first you were never on, then me, and now i don't even know what's going on. you need to update more, too. i miss hearing about your life.
3. we used to be friends, but i'm not sure anymore. which is kind of sad.
4. i miss the way you used to be. i wish i knew what happened.
5. i hope you've finally found what you're looking for. maybe now that you have it you will understand that there's so much more in this life than that.
6. things are difficult now, but when they're this bad, they can only get better. always.
7. you're one of those people i'd like to have in my life forever. i don't say it often, but i love you.
8. you were one of those people i never thought i'd get along with. then i got to know you, and you were awesome. sometimes it's almost like you mirror myself, only happier.
9. i don't know what happened to you, but you're never around anymore. i guess you're just busy with life, or bored with livejournal. but i still think of you.
10. out of everybody on this list i don't talk to anymore, i miss you the most. i hope life is oh kay for you, i hope it always will be.
11. your entries have always intruiged me, to say the least. i wish i knew you better.
12. i wish i had the guts to hang out with people more, because if i did, i would with you.
13. to be honest, i don't really like you much. :P (ohh, drama)
14. i don't miss you in the way i miss other people on this list. i miss you because i don't feel like i know who you really are anymore.
15. you know what you mean to me, and you're probably one of the few people out there who do. there's nothing i could say here that you don't already know. and that's a nice feeling.

::[ 4 ]:: | break the silence

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