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aDaM's LiveJournal
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Below are the 12 most recent journal entries recorded in aDaM's LiveJournal:

    Thursday, December 19th, 2002
    6:57 pm
    Halloooo...beerbogganing or soberbogganing on sat anyone interested?
    Sunday, October 20th, 2002
    2:05 am
    Thought that Emilio might like this

    Good afternoon ! As per your uncle's below instructions, Please send me
    your courier address and I will send the MDR-V700DJ headphones to you
    next week.

    Executive Assistant
    AVIT Sales Group
    Saturday, June 22nd, 2002
    12:40 pm
    Does anyone know anything about subwoofers?
    Im not sure what an optimal frequency range is for a sub... im pretty sure that 20 to 120 was pretty good but i wasnt sure...can someone prove me otherwise?
    Friday, May 17th, 2002
    2:13 am
    WOoaohohaoohaoha! its 2:13 in the moirnninggn! i havent slept and im gonna be up till 11 tommrow its wonderland timeee
    Sunday, March 3rd, 2002
    8:10 pm
    k anyone remember the shwalla? that car washing thing? it was blue with a handle could someone try and find a pic of it or sumthing i have a bet riding on this
    Friday, August 17th, 2001
    2:50 am
    oh baby oh yes yes yes! oh oh oh!
    ...i am not having an orgasm..yet, im just soo pumped ! i was on my cousins trampoline today and he has a snowboard! ohhh yes! i was doin some tricks it was fantastic! adrenilen (dont know how to spell going stupider to much weed)(hehee) anyway yeah! came up on tha bus to north bay having an alright time ! kinda or sumthin u know how it is left my parents at home (hope they dont go through my stuff) (vaginal seringe) ahhhhhh that was on dirty present svetty ...anyway! stabbing westward is amazing . lain screwed me up . i dont usually use periods . dont bang me for being lazy, well u can bang me if ur a girl ... or close to one!
    thats gross but u know
    i love u guys! see ya monday!
    with clothes on!
    unless u guys wanna have a umm naked party
    sorry im being stupid to late no sleep !

    Tuesday, July 24th, 2001
    6:21 pm
    -ate to much cookie dough
    -got sick from it
    -going to see a movie with ppl (call me if interested before 7 (837-3921))
    -L J's been fucking up
    -Bjork is real cool
    -saving silverman was pretty funny
    -anyone want some cookie dough?
    -hate shaving
    Thursday, July 19th, 2001
    12:04 pm
    You are currently logged in as poitras.
    After a long adventure downtown with eric i concluded that:

    -buying a day pass saved me 12 bucks
    -girls downtown ottawa are really hot
    -leaving a drink on the sidewalk while you go into a store then comming out picking it up and drinking it infront of people while they look at you in discust is halarious.
    -pants can get mighty huge
    -when the wind blows from the east you can smell manure
    -you have to have a licence plate on the fron tand back in ontario
    -buses are shit
    -people from outta town are real nice
    -the dukes of hazzard car is in ottawa (and its amamzing!)
    -taco bell rocks
    -randy river has some cool shirts
    -mcdonalds has 59 cents burgers
    -No one says penis the word is dick what do i look like? a doctor? (chris rock - phone sex)
    -the 85 is on the bridge beside rideau
    -there are many weed stores downtown
    -the rideau is really cut up but smaller than it looks
    -i forgot to go to top
    -micheal jackson is still alive
    -excessive porno watching can give u chap dick (chris rock - porno 912)
    -never say underware the word is panties
    -"Congradulations" a funny word to say while smearing shit on someones face
    -there arent really alot of parties anymore
    -people at erics work are cool
    -grand and toy doesnt sell ciggarettes
    -when you dont shower you look weird (eric) heh
    -superman is still the greatest
    -the "it" store is soooo much better than sandiego
    -walking 3 blocks with eric is much faster than with chris
    -i forgot to call jesse (sorry man)
    -my parents are harder on me than any parents anyone has
    -i can do a hell of alot of sit ups
    -girls who smoke are pretty damn gross unless its occational
    -i see that superman guy everywhere
    -i really need to meet new people

    and that concludes a day downtown

    heh i havent updated this in soooo long


    Current Mood: impressed
    Current Music: Rammstein - Du Hast
    Thursday, March 8th, 2001
    10:18 pm
    Hehe tickeling a fancy (i didnt realize what a fancy was until my dirty mind kicked in)
    oh baby
    so tha last of weeks have been great i must say went boarding last night that was amamzing!
    even though i hurt my arms neck back and wrists so much haha attemped almost everything wanted to but not my 360 that was quite shitty couse i didnt wanna do it on a table top (big jump for all u none boarders)heh and we got pics of some of my stuff and daves and jm's and i think matts and ummm yeah well thats it i think and the bus ride back was cool talked it up with some people and yeah it was good oh yeah and march of break is commin up oh baby thats gonna be good boarding of alot and im gonna go with some people and it will be good couse it usually is but i donno which hill we are goin to anyone know which one the shuttle bus goes to?

    heh heh quite tha fun

    i feel like some good mooshy lumps of pudding i think ill go make some in a sec
    oh well

    see ya


    Current Mood: hungry
    Current Music: Distorted Penguins - Anarchy Waltz
    Sunday, February 18th, 2001
    10:43 pm
    Oh man best weekend in like umm wears of years i actually did fun stuff heh went to janeges and danced and shouted then i went to mu's where we umm ran around and ate spunges and had leather condoms uhhh sure and then today i went to dans and watched a movie and it was great yeah i met some new ppls like lauren shes so coolege and some guy from some school in some place that did something uhh yeah and then im here now bored doin nothin heh oh well isnt it a great umm thing?

    heh some goodness of kenshin baby it rocks!

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: Goldfinger - superman
    Friday, February 9th, 2001
    9:06 am
    Life underground
    Pretty much sittin here mom woke me up goodly to tell me that theres freezing rain and that im not goin to school wippy dooodle liek she shoulda let moi sleep in i need tha sleep goin to bed at 2 in tha mornin isnt really that good oh well heh so i was in class and some guy on a movie we were watchin said rubber chicken and god damn i want one of those rubber chickens heh so i wish u ppl would come online and talk to me couse there aint to much to do roudn here u know? heh anyway matt got into some good trouble haha pretty funny

    Haha oh god so matt likes some goodness of eminem and there was an article in tha news paper bashing eminem so matt went and replyed to the editor type of thing with some badness of language and stuff and then they published it haha quite funny. Anyway as this story unfolds and gets to the funny part his parents read the article and they published his E-mail address also so he got grounded and he has to apologize to the editor face to face and he has an appointment. Oh man thats classic matt so im gonna scan the article good so everyone can see it and ill put it on ma site.

    so anyway im rumbling my house i kinda borrowed my dads ampegeness and its soooooo much louder than mine and tha bass is amamzing and its rumbling ma ass heh feels kinda good oh well im tired and legs are tired liek cheese oh wait (SHESESE) woohoo yeah sooo ummm jello in a can is good like rubber


    oh yeah marijuana will replace tylenol! woohooo

    Current Mood: blank
    Current Music: uhhhh maralyn manson - sweet dreams
    Thursday, February 1st, 2001
    10:43 pm
    Banana pie with chicken sides
    WEll there wastes another day of my life heh
    sat at home i couldnt get a hold of anyone it was kinda funny though couse i was eatin a sheese (heh) and i was so tired i stuck it in my eye go figure?.
    i was walking to erics house and some car drove beside me and sprayed me good yes that took a good stab at my self esteem
    heh i think?
    i talked to ppl there were some coolness of ppl on today though and it was good yeah
    now im tired and sick still up when i should be sleeping heh and i need to SNOWBOARD so if anyone wants to give me a ride heh i need a car so i can run over things like grass and put donuts in my neighbours front lawn heh that would be funny but dumb they would see some good tire marks and i would be like my dad did it
    and stuff
    heh yeah
    ohh i had chicken for supper and it sprayed me for sum reason so i pooked it with a fork and it died then the potatoes and gravy had an orgasm like the commercial yes and the pees just sat there they suck yes i know oh well poor mr pee yeah so ive been readin ur journals of other ppl and some are really sad and i feel bad for u and some are pretty happy like mr in my pants uhh yeah
    haha well this is a journal and it will take me a long time to write again heh couse im lazy uh yeah
    well see ya


    Current Mood: crazy
    Current Music: system of a down - poophole