You are currently logged in as poitras. After a long adventure downtown with eric i concluded that:-buying a day pass saved me 12 bucks
-girls downtown ottawa are really hot
-leaving a drink on the sidewalk while you go into a store then comming out picking it up and drinking it infront of people while they look at you in discust is halarious.
-pants can get mighty huge
-when the wind blows from the east you can smell manure
-you have to have a licence plate on the fron tand back in ontario
-buses are shit
-people from outta town are real nice
-the dukes of hazzard car is in ottawa (and its amamzing!)
-taco bell rocks
-randy river has some cool shirts
-mcdonalds has 59 cents burgers
-No one says penis the word is dick what do i look like? a doctor? (chris rock - phone sex)
-the 85 is on the bridge beside rideau
-there are many weed stores downtown
-the rideau is really cut up but smaller than it looks
-i forgot to go to top
-micheal jackson is still alive
-excessive porno watching can give u chap dick (chris rock - porno 912)
-never say underware the word is panties
-"Congradulations" a funny word to say while smearing shit on someones face
-there arent really alot of parties anymore
-people at erics work are cool
-grand and toy doesnt sell ciggarettes
-when you dont shower you look weird (eric) heh
-superman is still the greatest
-the "it" store is soooo much better than sandiego
-walking 3 blocks with eric is much faster than with chris
-i forgot to call jesse (sorry man)
-my parents are harder on me than any parents anyone has
-i can do a hell of alot of sit ups
-girls who smoke are pretty damn gross unless its occational
-i see that superman guy everywhere
-i really need to meet new people
and that concludes a day downtown
heh i havent updated this in soooo long
Current Mood:
impressedCurrent Music: Rammstein - Du Hast