The Wayback Machine -
lj for it's bitchcraft.

one messed up girl:i exist
there's no one laughing:in someone else's
bored again by happiness:head
begging the past to stay behind:oh, no...
these are the 20 recentest entries. (yes, recentest is a word. why? BECAUSE I SAY SO.) missed some entries? Then jump back 20 entries.

Thursday, November 14th, 2002

Time:9:40 pm.
Music:my best friend's wedding on TV!.
I have just been informed by Christina that Taylor Hanson has a BABY now. I KNEW that was why he got married. Duh. He is only 19 and his wifey is 18. They have a baby boy named EZRA! (ugly name!) I told Christina I am going to wear my Hanson shirt to school tomorrow. I haven't worn it since I was 12. It would be incredibly humorous to wear it tomorrow, but i'm not sure i'm willing to risk getting beat up.
it was like music sing me a tune

Sunday, September 22nd, 2002

Time:6:03 pm.
Taking AP english and English 1010 and Journalism makes for a lot of writing, which I am trying to do right now. But my family won't turn of the TV, and it's hard to concentrate.
Yesterday was the homecoming dance. It was interesting. We went golfing, then to eat, then to the dance. It was kind of awkward. I was with people I don't know very well, and they were all LDS. That is a big part of people's lives. They talked about it a lot and I just sat there. It was basically okay though. Driving around in the golf cart was cool. Also I got to dress up like a princess. Kinda.
it was like music 2 tunes ~ sing me a tune

Monday, August 5th, 2002

Time:10:54 pm.
Oh yeah, I'm doing everything friend's only from now on. I might as well announce it, cause I've already been doing it.
So if you are interested in reading this and you aren't all ready on my friends, just leave a comment or add me or whatever.
it was like music 6 tunes ~ sing me a tune

Thursday, August 1st, 2002

Time:7:58 pm.
Mood: relieved.
Music:Ben Kweller - No Reason.
I found a ride to Ben Kweller so all's well.
it was like music sing me a tune

Subject:moo is for cows
Time:12:53 am.
Mood: awake.
Music:Nellly Furtado - well, well.
tonight i closed and i did everything all by myself.

I have come to the conclusion that -
i don't care. i'm not gonna talk about that. @#$#(%*)#(%*#$(%*#%#()*%@#$*

Anyways, tomorrow I have to figure out how I'm getting to the Ben Kweller show.
I have no clue how to get to Kilby, and i don't have a ride! but i'll figure something out. I hope. because i'm going to BK no matter what.
it was like music sing me a tune

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2002

Time:1:38 pm.
Mood: bored.
Music:Our Lady Peace - Denied.
I don't work today, and I don't have that thing I do, so I'm just sitting here....
it was like music sing me a tune

Sunday, July 21st, 2002

Time:2:30 pm.
Music:Weezer - Falling for you.
Yesterday my mom made me go to my uncle's house and visit with my family. Which was boring. And we were there for six and a half hours, which is a really long time of listening to your mom ramble to her brother about boring stuff and trying to entertain your brat of a cousin. It was made worse by the fact that Christina and Maria were going into salt lake to find a zuka juice or joomba juice or some kind of juice. Those are really good. and I couldn't go with them, because I was with my god forsaken family.

i also bought this purple hair streaking stuff that washes out so I think I'm gonna streak my hair purple and go to work like that tonight. Woo hoo.
it was like music sing me a tune

Thursday, July 18th, 2002

Time:11:23 am.
Mood: nerdy.
Music:System of a Down - Bounce.
"Well, Actually I am getting married. NO, I'm just kidding."
-Taylor Hanson, TEEN BEAT interview, Fall 1999

Hey, guess what? HE IS REALLY MARRIED NOW! Weird, eh?

please don't make fun of me for being a Hanson fan, I got enough of that in seventh grade (and now i'm in 12th grade).


Um, really, I'm not a Hanson fan anymore. I don't even listen to "Middle of Nowhere" anymore. Except sometimes. But only like...once every six months. I swear.

But it's still weird that Taylor is married.
it was like music 2 tunes ~ sing me a tune

Tuesday, July 16th, 2002

Time:10:10 pm.
Mood: energetic.
Music:Weezer - Surf Wax America.
It WAS a virus (thank you hamstar). I did that virus scan, and it said we had a virus called "VBS Lovescript". It happened while my sister was on the computer, although she won't admit to it. But I downloaded something to get rid of it and it worked (at least so far).

I have done absolutely nothing worthwhile today. But days like this are good sometimes.
I've listened to a lot of Weezer today. He he he.

Robert W. Smith says:
i'm tired of having sex says:
yeah, you would be too if you did it every night
Robert W. Smith says:
how do you know i don't
i'm tired of having sex says:
i don't know, you just kinda scream VIRGIN
Robert W. Smith says:
i'm tired of having sex says:
yes really
Robert W. Smith says:
that makes me laugh
i'm tired of having sex says:
well i'm glad i brightened your day
it was like music sing me a tune

Subject:someone help me
Time:12:26 pm.
Mood: irritated.
Music:rugrats theme song.

There is something really fucked up happening in my music folder. Every single song has a duplicate file of it, except instead of an mp3 it's a "VBscript Script File", whatever the hell that is.
I don't know what they are or how they got there. I tried to delete some of them, but it didn't work.
Now it screwed up my songs, and sometimes when I go in my folder half my songs are gone but the VBscript things are still there, and sometimes when I go in my folder all the songs are still there.
I don't know what is going on.
someone save me.
it was like music 1 tunes ~ sing me a tune

Monday, July 15th, 2002

Subject:whoo hoo
Time:11:23 am.
Mood: exanimate.
Music:System of a Down - Sugar.
I'm going swimming.

it was like music 1 tunes ~ sing me a tune

Saturday, July 13th, 2002

Subject:Matthew Good Band - Going All The Way
Time:11:36 pm.
Music:Matthew Good Band - Going All the Way.
my favorite site,, is down right now for some reason. Anyways, i love this song. it sounds like such a happy song until you read the lyrics.

Well this is it so where it's at monomaniacs baby you know it's all we're good for. drugs for the kids, if the kids are flat.
all dressed up to match those shit eating grins look effortless.
and if there's nothing left to die for and all this our beauty is just decay and if there's nothing left to die for then you and me, let's go out going all the way.
well this is it so where it's at megalomaniacs baby you know it's all we're good for.
those missle men with their master plan don't get paid to understand.
makes you wonder where we got these shit eating grins from.
and if there's nothing left to die for and all this our beauty is just decay and if there's nothing left to die for then you and me let's go out going all the way.
dreams of the sea caught way inland. cut as losses we'll cut our losses we'll cut our loss.
it was like music sing me a tune

Thursday, July 11th, 2002

Subject:i am so cute
Time:8:38 pm.
Mood: lazy.
Music:a New Found Glory - My Friends Over You.
because I am wearing spongebob boxers and a weezer t-shirt and flip flops. Whoo hoo.

I have to march in another parade tomorrow.

I had a really good dinner tonight. It was cheesy potato stuff with mushrooms.

Did you know that 7-11 is giving away free slurpees today? You should go get one. I did. But it was really small, because it was only 7.11 ounces. But hey, it is free.
it was like music sing me a tune

Tuesday, July 9th, 2002

Time:3:52 pm.
Mood: content.
Music:Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees.
Last night Christina, Maria and I got together and made shirts. Ahh. Fun times. It's been almost a year since the last time we did that. We buy plain white shirts at wal mart and then write our stupid little inside jokes on them to confuse people. It's great fun. We also made pillowcases. Mine is an MGB pillowcase and it's the bee's knees.
I came home and watched A Beautiful Mind all by myself because my family was asleep.
Today I've done absolutely nothing, except take a shower and listen to Radiohead. Whoo hoo.
it was like music sing me a tune

Monday, July 8th, 2002

Subject:i'll be nice and post this
Time:10:04 am.
There's a virus being e-mailed to lj users and it looks like this:

Dear LiveJournal user,

We have recently noticed that you haven't updated your LiveJournal in
awhile. If you would like to keep your LiveJournal account, you must sign in
within the next 24 hours.

You may sign in at: {link removed}

Failure to sign in within the next 24 hours will result in account termination.

it was like music 2 tunes ~ sing me a tune

Time:9:22 am.
Mood: energetic.
Music:Something Corporate - Konstantine.
Yeah, so, I figured out Kazaa, so I can download free music again. Whoo hoo!
I'm not sure what I'm going to do today. I want to get tickets for OLP, but I don't want to have to drive all the way in. Christina and Maria wanna do something, anyways. Maybe the SmithTix here will have the tickets. I hope.
But for now I'm just sitting here in my pajamas.

Oooh, and this song is purty.
it was like music sing me a tune

Friday, July 5th, 2002

Time:3:13 pm.
Mood: amused.
Music:Weezer - El Scorcho.
There's a big huge article on emo in the Salt Lake Tribune. Heh heh. I sat there and laughed the whole time I was reading it.

They got a lot of the stuff from which I have been to a couple of times and I find that quite humorous also.

And one more thing. According to this, I do not dress emo.

it was like music 1 tunes ~ sing me a tune

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2002

Time:11:48 pm.
Mood: curious.
HEY! I just remembered that song has a dance to go with it, too.

It's a chicken dance.

*sings and does the dance at the same time*

du nu nu nu nu nu nu FUNKY CHICKEN!
I think it says that at the end.
it was like music sing me a tune

Time:11:45 pm.
Mood: creative.
Music:du nu nu nu nu nu nu.
*sings the song that goes "du nu nu nu nu nu nu, du nu nu nu nu nu nu, du nu nu nu nu nu nu, *CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP!*

I can't remember what it's called. They play it at hockey games and stuff.

*hums the song some more*
it was like music sing me a tune

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2002

Time:11:59 am.
Mood: sick.
Music:Our Lady Peace - Lying Awake.
My ear is all filled with wax and it's driving me NUTS. I even went to the doctor and they couldn't fix it so I have to take medicines now. AHH!
Also I heard Ben Kweller on the radio on the way home from the doctor, which was surprising for 2 reasons.
1. I have never heard BK on the radio before
2. It was on this alternative station that usually only plays shit like Disturbed and Limp Bizkit.

Scary day
it was like music 3 tunes ~ sing me a tune

LiveJournal for it's bitchcraft.

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these are the 20 recentest entries. (yes, recentest is a word. why? BECAUSE I SAY SO.) missed some entries? Then jump back 20 entries.