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distant hearts that are miles apart

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A poem for ye all [03 Jan 2005|09:07pm]

I was reading poems tonight... )
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Intro [31 Dec 2004|09:35am]

[ mood | tired ]

My name: Jenn
His name: Rich
I live: New Jersey
My age: 24
He lives: Alaska (but currently he's in Korea till Jan 12)
His age: 21
Distance: I think its around 3,000 miles
Together since: October 29, 2004... but its kinda been on/off since August 2002
We Met: in 1997 at his lunch table in high school
We get to see each other (approximately how often): Things have been complicated, esp since we werent officially together till recently. But we saw each other about 3 times a year for anywhere from a week to a month each time.
Future plans? : cruise to the caribbean in Feb 2005 and possibly in Alaska in Jan 2005

So I just found this community and after reading the userinfo, I realized that this community so applies to me and I thought I'd join b/c noone understands a long distance relationship better than somone thats already in one.

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Hello everybody! BOSTON--->DALLAS lovers [28 Dec 2004|12:20am]

[ mood | sad ]

My name: Bonnie
His name: Noel
I live: Boston, MA
My age: 31
He lives: Dallas, TX
His age: 31
Distance: 1800 mi.
Together since: October 17, 2003 (14 months)

We Met: Noel and I started out as pen pals online while I was in a long-term relationship. When that relationship ended, we continued to talk for 2 1/2 years and became very good friends. We decided to meet in person last fall and we hit it off instantly. We are best friends.

We get to see each other: Once a month

Future plans: I truly have no idea. We are going through a hard time right now and I am not sure we will make it. The first 7 months were WONDERFUL. Then we struggled for 2 months and decided to work things out. After that, things were great again for 5 months, and now things seem shaky again. He has been dealing with his parents' health issues since May and that has put a lot of stress on him and our relationship. He says this experience has made him think about a lot of things and he is not sure about anything right now.

I want to marry him. If he proposed, I would definitely say "Yes" and move to Texas. I have told him that. I want to build a life together. I don't want to be with anyone else. He is the love of my life.....but I am afraid to tell him that. I am scared it will put too much pressure on things, as we agreed to stop worrying so much about where our relationship was going and to just enjoy the ride for a while. I am also scared that he wouldn't be able to say the same thing to me....and that would just be too much pain to bear.

Although our LDR is hard for both of us, it is definitely harder on him than it is on me. I have been in an LDR before, so that is probably why. Right now he is having a hard time with the distance. He is also not sure what he wants. Although he has said that he wants to marry someday (not necessarily me), we have not seriously discussed marriage. This situation is breaking my heart. I am not really sure about what will happen with us next.

He is coming for a 3-day weekend next Friday. Hopefully this will be a good visit and will bring us closer.


It's so true that nobody can understand what we go through unless they've been in an LDR themselves. I am so glad to have found this community! :-)

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Tactless [27 Dec 2004|01:36am]

I cannot understand what would possess someone, on hearing the nature of a long-distance relationship to say, "Long-distance relationships never work."

As if it's not hard enough already. Thanks, thanks a lot.
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Merry Christmas! [25 Dec 2004|03:45pm]

I wish you a very Merry Christmas! I hope all get what they wish for and have a safe and happy holiday!
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[25 Dec 2004|02:21am]

Cut for egregious self-pity )

And if you read all of that, thank you. I don't have anywhere else I can post this where people will actually understand any of what I'm going through.
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[22 Dec 2004|10:22pm]

This might be of interest...

Here's an article about infidelity that appeared in the SMH today.

How do you affair-proof your relationship? Yeah, it seems like still no one knows. Sorry I can't offer any better advice!
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Maybe some can relate [19 Dec 2004|12:43pm]

I know some can relate to this because everyone is in LDR's.
I have been having some really jealous feelings towards a friend of mine.
I feel bad because its not her fault but her boyfriend of like two months and been in a LDR with is moving here to Chicago and I have to say I am highly jealous. I am happy for her but I am angry to a point, not with her just with the whole situation.
Me and Chris have been dealin with Immigration for the last few months and visa's and all that stuff, and I can't have him here yet, but my friend's boyfriend gets to move here so fast. I know the situation is different saying he is just moving from one state, and mine and Chris's situation is moving from another country. I guess I am just really frustrated and feel like things are not fair. I just had to rant and rave.
I know I have been kind of stand offish with her and feel guilty about it but yet, feel that I have all the right in the world to be upset.
Who knows. Thanks for listening.
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"thinking about women and glasses of beer" [15 Dec 2004|10:42pm]

[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | james taylor ]

Jason wrote me some really funny and sweet things this summer. He worked 2nd shift, I worked 3rd. I didn't sleep ever because I would get up to spend time with him in the mornings and then run errands all day. Every night I came in, 6:30 am, sore and cranky and he would always mumble 'BABYCAT, COME CUDDLE WITH ME' and I would strip out of my uniform and crawl into bed and snuggle into his inviting arms and he would squeeze me really tight and say "I missed you" and his breath was always morningy and he was always really sweet and he'd rub my shoulders and back and sometimes even my feet, and he'd say "I couldn't sleep without you, I was up till 3 or 4" and I'd smile and scratch his back and curl up as close to his chest as I could get and he'd always fall asleep with his arms around me and we usually woke up really sweaty and summery but it was so good. We'd lay in bed and giggle in the mornings and stay there as long as we could until his back hurt and we'd talk or wrestle or make out. I loved coming home, sometimes I would be so exhausted I'd roll down the windows, run the AC and have music on at full volume to keep me awake while I was driving. I'd always run to the door, slip in quietly and brush my teeth. I'd grab a glass of water to bring to him because he drinks it like crazy in the mornings. And I'd slink upstairs, trying to not wake him but he always knew when I was there. And he was always so happy for me to be there. It was so special and normal. It just felt good. And sometimes he wrote me little notes. ANd sometimes he wrote me big ones. There was just nothing better than coming in and wrapping up into someone who wants to hold you. I love that. And this summer, well, who knows whats in store? But I can't wait, can not WAIT to curl up beside him again. I can't wait to touch him. It's still really far away and I'm still missing him like awful, but I can't wait.

how i remembered and why i smell like a man )

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Haven't posted in a while.... [15 Dec 2004|10:22pm]

[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | Green Grass - Bonnie McKee ]

So I guess I will post now :)

Christmas is rapidly beating down upon all of us...is it me or did this year go by just way too fast?

I'm very fortunate in that I get to see my fiance in just a week's time. We'll have 4-5 days to spend together over the Christmas holidays, which is the longest we've had this year, I believe. Even though we only live 4 1/2 hours away from each other, it does make things a bit difficult with living in different countries. Sometimes I wish Canadian Immigration wasn't such a bitch for those of us in love, but then if you make concessions for some why not for others eh? Oh well...just another part of our unique relationships that we have to deal with.

For those of you who get to see your loved ones for the holidays, may you enjoy each and every moment together. And for those of you who will not and will still be waiting until the New Year for you to be able to reach out and actually break that distance, even if for such a short time, big hugs for you. It's hard...but oh so worth it.

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Posting Photos! [14 Dec 2004|08:09pm]

[ mood | curious ]

Edit: Thanks to everyone who helped me with posting these...here they are!
Me and my Baby! )
Kissies )

I was hoping to post pics that I took with my boyfriend last week, but I dont know anything about "cuts" and how to go about posting them. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! =)

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Intro Post... [14 Dec 2004|07:45pm]

[ mood | awake ]

Hi. I'm joining this community because I'm getting slightly frustrated with the drama on [info]loversfaraway (though I plan to stay there for now), and an LJ friend of mine made from that community told me that this one was more mature. So here goes.

My name: Tom
His/her name (& LJ name if they have one): Angie ( [info]angelina_zooma )
I live: Northborough, Massachusetts, USA (near Worcester)
My age: 26
He/She lives: Saint Catharine's, Ontario, Canada (near Niagara Falls)
His/her age: 26
Distance: 450 miles (725 kilometers) and change, 7 1/2 hours by car.
Together since: April 25, 2004
We Met: On [info]greatbigsea, then in person at a Great Big Sea concert in Rochester, NY on April 3, 2004
We get to see each other (approximately how often): Roughly every two weeks, though winter is going to make that hard.
Future plans? : None yet.
Picture: Go here: http://www.livejournal.com/community/loversfaraway/412483.html

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[09 Dec 2004|01:03am]
I spent the last two or three days making a scrapbook for my boy. I don't think I'm all that good at making stuff, I'm not the most artistic/crafty person, but I gave it a try. Here it is, what do you think? Think he'll like it?

the scrapbook )
-lots of pics. slow computers beware.

the love letter I wrote at the end )

All the poems in the scrapbook were from me. If you want to read them, they're at http://free.angeltowns.com/raven18/poetry.html

xposted in love communities I'm in
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[04 Dec 2004|06:28pm]
I want to make a scrapbook for my guy, and I need some ideas. I'll put some pictures of me and pictures of us in there, maybe some love quotes, some poetry, this and that...

anyone have any other ideas/suggestions/tips? Any quotes or poetry you like, or any idea for what kind of format I should do? also, how should I stick the pics/etc on the scrapbook? with tape or glue or something else?
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[05 Dec 2004|12:05am]

Here's a question. How do you guys deal with the issue of fidelity?

I told an acquaintance of mine about Alex last night and she gasped to learn how far away he lives (I'm in Ireland, he's in Serbia). Her first question was, "How do you know if he's being faithful to you?" I replied that I didn't think about it, because I know he loves me and I trust him to let me know if that changes. And if he occasionally wants physical release with someone else, it's his business and I don't need to know about it. That's my philosophy about relationships in general - I've never been one to demand absolute fidelity. But I especially can't see demanding it of someone who lives 1,000 miles away and who I only see once every two to three months. I haven't slept with anyone else and don't intend to, but it wouldn't mean I loved him any less if I did.

I'm just wondering how others in LTRs deal with this, and I'm especially curious about those of you who see your SO as infrequently as I do mine.
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Update on the situation [04 Dec 2004|12:06pm]

Well, after some asking around, the only way that Mouse can get a work permit to come down here is if she already has an employer who will sponsor her. On the uphand, she can come down on a visitor's visa and look for jobs while she's here -- go to interviews and such -- she just can't actually WORK. She can do volunteerism though, as long as it's completely without compensation. So if she does elect to come down here on a visitor visa, we should be able to keep her fairly occupied.

Continued. )
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Intro post [04 Dec 2004|09:23pm]

His name: Mike
I live: Kyoto, Japan
My age: 22
He lives:Boston
His age: 26
Distance: 7000 miles, give or take
Together since: March 2004
We Met: In March 2001, on a group camping trip sponsored by the community service fellowship at our alma mater. I was the officer in charge of new member introduction, aka the "Pledge Mommy" There's been a tradition since long before I was a student of the freshmen banding together to "wet" the "mommy" (traditional methods often involved water balloons or the moat around the college chapel). My freshmen were shy, though, so Mike egged them on into picking me up and dropping me in the lake! We became fast friends after that, but didn't start dating until nearly two years later, while on a road trip to DC.
We get to see each other (approximately how often): Sporadically. I last saw him in October, will get to see him again mid-january. After that, who knows?
Future plans? Take it one day at a time and see what happens when I'm back in the states (next October, or so the plan goes)

When we started seeing each other back in March, we both new that I had been hired by a Japanese company and would be moving out here as soon as I finished my degree. I don't think either of us realized it would be this hard though. I've been here a bit over a month, and not seeing him is killing me. Especially since we had been all but living together from July to October (I was finishing my thesis, but didn't qualify for student housing anymore, so I took a room in the same co-op where he lives). Tonight I was making dinner, and after I sat down to eat I realized I had cooked two portions of everything out of habit, and I nearly burst into tears.

Someone tell me this gets easier with time, please?
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woo haa! [03 Dec 2004|01:21pm]

[ mood | excited ]

tomorrow is the big day! i'm spending all day today doing laundry, cleaning, and packing. tonight i'm doing some last minute shopping and going to dinner with my parents. tomorrow morning i'll be leaving my house at 4am to catch a plane and move out to california! i'm not taking all of my things right now. we've decided it'd be best to have someone drive out there with me when i move. so for now i'm packing up everything i can into suitcases. looks like reed and i will be coming back to texas for a visit at the end of january and will probably drive my car back at that point. even though i'm moving in with him (FINALLY) and our hearts won't be so distant, i'll probably still lurk around in here. i've made some good friends thru this community and i want to see how things work out for each of you. my heart goes out to each of you and i wish you all the best. ♥ xoxo ♥

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Intro Survey [02 Dec 2004|12:17pm]

[ mood | complacent ]
[ music | A Perfect Circle ]

His/her name (& LJ name if they have one): S (I don't really want to put his name up here)
I live: Iowa
My age: 24 (almost 25)
He/She lives: Iowa
His/her age: 30 (almost 31)
Distance: 141 miles
Together since: July 1st
We Met: He was my college roommates older brother. I just got out of a terrible 3 year relationship, and S and I had always been attracted to one another, so we decided to give it a shot.
We get to see each other (approximately how often): Almost every weekend.
Future plans? : Um, to find jobs closer together.

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