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The Bible Is Hate Literature [08 Nov 2004|08:20pm]

[ mood | determined ]

The Bible Is Hate Literature

The world is fast becoming too tolerant for the Bible. Dubbed as "hate speech," certain verses have been ruled by Canadian judges as promoting hatred and ridicule. Bill C-250 (An Act to amend the Criminal Code (Hate propaganda)), whose inadequate language fails to protect religious messages, was passed into law 28 April 2004. As at least one man has already been charged for hate when expressing an opinion based on a religious text, religious persons who condemn homosexual behaviour for moral reasons are troubled by this latest legislation. Below are relevant documents (quoted, linked) and comments.

Owens V. Saskatchewan (Human Rights Commission) QB02511

"[7] The bumper sticker in the advertisement displayed references to four Bible passages: Romans 1, Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, on the left side of the sticker. An equal sign (=) was situated in the middle of the sticker, with a symbol on the right side of the sticker. The symbol on the right side was comprised of two males holding hands with the universal symbol of a red circle with a diagonal bar superimposed over top. The Board noted, citing the Court of Appeal in Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission v. Bell (1994), 120 Sask. R. 122, that the red slash and circle is "the universal symbol for forbidden, not allowed or not wanted." The Bible passages read as follows: Read more... )

'[9] The use of the circle and the slash combined with the passages of the Bible herein make the meaning of the advertisement unmistakable. It is clear that the advertisement is intended to make the group depicted appear to be inferior or not wanted at best. [Emphasis mine] When combined with the Biblical quotations, the advertisement may result in a much stronger meaning. It is obvious that certain of the Biblical quotations suggest more dire consequences and there can be no question that the advertisement can objectively be seen as exposing homosexuals to hatred or ridicule. [Emphasis mine]


'[21] When the use of the circle and slash is combined with the passages of the Bible, it exposes homosexuals to detestation, vilification and disgrace. [Emphasis mine] In other words, the Biblical passage which suggest that if a man lies with a man they must be put to death exposes homosexuals to hatred."

As much as some intend to explain away the relevance of this ruling to Bill C-250, the fact remains that this case and others set a clear precedent that some presentations of Biblical passages will be determined hate propaganda. Justice J. Barclay in his above opinion attempts to reason that it is the Biblical references combined with the circle and slash that make Owens' advertisement hate. But in light of the message of the Bible verses compared to the message of the circle and slash, the advertised bumper sticker was indeed correct in equating the two, and it is precisely accurate to suggest that if the circle and slash is hate, it is the message of the Bible being ruled as hateful.

So while the language of Bill C-250 supposedly protects one "if, in good faith, the person expressed or attempted to establish by an argument an opinion on a religious subject or an opinion based on a belief in a religious text," the Court of Queen's Bench in Saskatchewan has already penalized a man for doing exactly that.

This is not an isolated incident. Scott Brockie, the owner of Imaging Excellence, Inc., was fined $5,000 assessed by the province's human rights commission for refusing to serve a homosexual advocacy group because of his personal morals. The BC Supreme Court ruled on 3 February 2004 to uphold the right of the BC College of Teachers to suspend Christian high school teacher and student counsellor Chris Kempling for one month, without pay, for writing letters criticizing homosexuality to a newspaper editor during the summer holidays. Others have similarly met with consequences because they "expressed.. an opinion based on a belief in a religious text."

Bruce Clemenger, head of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada's Centre for Faith and Public Life, reiterated Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin's concerns, saying, "What they are saying is, that if you willfully promote hatred, you can use this defense, but no one in good faith would promote hatred. So that 'good faith' clause almost eliminates the defense."

As Brian Rushfeldt, executive director of the Canada Family Action Coalition in Calgary, Alberta, pointed out, since "hate" and "hate propaganda" remain undefined, "I would have no way of knowing I'm conducting a criminal act until I'm charged with it, because there is no clarity in the law."

It is inarguably clear that because Bill C-250 failed to define "hate," "hate propaganda," or "in good faith," religious persons are not protected from pre-existing legal precedent and this amendment to the Criminal Code of Canada makes them liable to suffer fines or jail time up to five years for expressing their beliefs.

Plainly, tolerance has its limits. The question remains: How long before pastors are removed from the pulpit and put in jail for preaching what the Bible says about homosexuality?


[08 Nov 2004|12:43am]
What is it that homophobic people fear? )

[08 Nov 2004|12:30am]
Faithful take heart: All not blinded by the Right Read more... )

[08 Nov 2004|12:28am]
Divided we Stand - a discussion with political and religious leaders about american politics and the last election - as hosted on PBS's THE NEWSHOUR

Social justice and war and peace in a Republican theocracy [08 Nov 2004|12:22am]
. . . He Didn't Get )

We love the crazies [06 Nov 2004|11:41pm]

I wasn't sure where else to post this, but you guys seem to enjoy a good laugh. :)

[06 Nov 2004|07:36pm]
We Christians ought to be embarrassed

[USA] We Christians ought to be embarrassed
Item 9262 • Posted: Sat, Nov. 06 2004 • Weblogged by

Atlanta Journal-Constitution(USA), Nov. 4, 2004 (Opinion)
By Richard Williams, Guest Columnist

I've followed the teachings of Christ since I was 9 years old. For more than 30 years, I've served my faith, church and God. I listened with shock as Andrew Kohut of the Pew Research Center said it was the organization and get-out-the vote campaigns by my evangelical church that put George W. Bush back into the White House. I'm ashamed to call myself a Christian today.

One of the Ten Commandments is "thou shalt not lie." Yet my church elected a liar. President Bush may not have lied about the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq before the war, and he may have actually believed that Saddam Hussein helped plan Sept. 11. That myth has been undeniably buried. Yet Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney continued to repeat this lie, manipulating voters all the way.

Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple. Bush rode their money to the White House during the first term, then gave them a tax cut.

Jesus had compassion on the sick and dying. Bush arranged a medical plan for the sick that benefits the drug companies and the insurance industry. Then he tells the faithful that the problem with medicine is trial lawyers.

Jesus was moved to genuine compassion, while Bush peddles the message of "compassionate conservatism," an oxymoron if ever one existed, and can't move cheaper drugs from Canada for the poor, who literally choose between buying medicine and food.

Jesus risked ridicule, scorn and derision because he befriended prostitutes, tax collectors and other outcasts of society. Bush once began an address to a black-tie dinner crowd by saying, "Good evening to the haves and the have-mores." He went on to call these people his base. Yes, it was base indeed.

Jesus told the parable of the good Samaritan, a man who went outside the ethnic taboos of his day to provide care for a man who was injured and near death. Bush stirs up the faithful by stoking homophobia with the same-sex marriage issue.

Jesus said that it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven. Bush has become a rich man's haven as he pandered to special interests, who will surely come calling for tribute when it's time for writing advantageous legislation.

Because I expected so much more from people of faith, a shattered illusion lies in pieces.

• Richard Williams lives in Marietta.

Copyright & Ownership belong to the original publisher(s).

[06 Nov 2004|03:49am]

Kerry actually won [04 Nov 2004|11:54pm]

According to this analysis, Kerry won.;=0

i thought this was funny [04 Nov 2004|12:54pm]


[02 Nov 2004|04:10pm]

When is @#$% Acceptable?

There are only eleven times in history where the "F" word has
been considered acceptable for use. They are as follows:

11. "What the @#$% do you mean we're sinking?"

-- Capt. E.J. Smith of RMS Titanic, 1912

10. "What the @#$% was that?"

-- Mayor Of Hiroshima, 1945

9. "Where did all those @#$%ing Indians come from?"

-- General Custer, 1877

8. "Any @#$%ing idiot

could understand that."

-- Albert Einstein, 1938

7. "It does so @#$%ing look like her!"

-- Pablo Picasso, 1926

6. "How the @#$% did you work that out?"

-- Pythagoras, 126 BC

5. "You want WHAT on the @#$%ing ceiling?"

-- Michelangelo, 1566

4. "Where the @#$% are we?"

-- Amelia Earhart, 1937

3. "Scattered @#$ing showers,
my ass!"

-- Noah, 4314 BC

2. "Aw c'mon. Who the @#$% is going to find out?"

-- Bill Clinton, 1999

and a drum roll............! ....

1. "Geez, I didn't think they'd get this @%#*^ing mad."

-- Sadaam Hussein, 2003

Go go go! If you have cable, watch it! [02 Nov 2004|11:56am]

This is an interesting video. It's all about the government. Have patience and watch it--or just order it. This is just one of Alex Jone's videos. 911 The Road To Tyranny is the one that I first saw. It's a good one too. Download that from Kazaa Lite or Limewire (or just buy it). He provides all kinds of proof and challenges you to check it out yourself.

[01 Nov 2004|01:02pm]
True and False transformation

Me thinks I see Bush as a falsely transformed faux-christian

I thought this was interesting [30 Oct 2004|10:34pm]

[ mood | contemplative ]

It puts things in perspective for me at least...

Does Sen. Kerry believe it is wrong for a Christian U.S. senator to apply any of the morality of his faith to any of his votes or sponsored legislation?

If he believes this is wrong, what does this say about the morality of his faith?

What would Elijah and the other prophets have said and done if any Israeli king had said:

"First of all, I cannot tell you enough how deeply I respect the belief about life and when it begins. I'm a Jew, raised a Jew. This religion has been a huge part of my life.

"But as a king, I can't take an article of faith for me and legislate it for someone who doesn't share that article of faith. …

"Therefore, I cannot in good conscience stop the worshippers of Moloch from offering their children as human sacrifices to that god. For after all, it is their children, not ours.

"Human sacrifice has been a part of history for centuries. And while God sent an angel to order Father Abraham not to sacrifice his son, Isaac, the Molochite's report no such divine intervention. And we must take the greatest care to provide tolerance."


*huff puff* [27 Oct 2004|08:32pm]

after pissing off all the other christian communities, i found one where i'm allowed to say that bush isn't the christian choice.

bush just "flip flopped" on gay marriage, after trying to constiutionally ban it:,2933,136712,00.html

As well note, that abortions have increased during bushs reign (as opposed to the decades long decrease)

these are usually the top two reasons why a christian supports bush. But i never really understood how those mattered more than the lives of those in iraq and the poor and homeless in america anyway.

[24 Oct 2004|07:34pm]

Today there was a whole section in the paper on faith and how it's affecting this year's election. On page 3, there was an article titled "The Christian Fight Against Poverty and for Peace". The author used Matthew 25:40,45 Matthew 19:20-22 and 1 John 4:20 to illustrate how Jesus tells us to give to the poor and how we should love everyone, just as He does. He claimed that people like Bush and Kerry, and other professing Christians, give "lip-service" to these notions, but don't really do anything about them.
In the end of the article, the author said, "President Bush, Sen. Kerry, it is time to shut up and start preaching."

Really made me think...

I haven't read the whole thing yet, but I'm sure I'll post again if anything else jumps out at me.


[21 Oct 2004|02:49pm]
[ mood | cranky ]

What are the opinions on this article:

Halloween celebration banned at school as it is "disrespectful to witches".


Abortion Rates Under Bush [14 Oct 2004|09:13am]

I spotted this on another community, and figured it was worth sharing, given how many people are single-issue voters over abortion:

"52,000 more abortions occurred in 2002 than would have been expected under the pre-2000 conditions, and abortion has risen significantly in those states reporting multi-year abortion statistics."

An article by the professor who did the statistical analysis: "What does this tell us? Economic policy and abortion are not separate issues; they form one moral imperative. Rhetoric is hollow, mere tinkling brass, without health care, health insurance, jobs, child care, and a living wage. Pro-life in deed, not merely in word, means we need policies that provide jobs and health insurance and support for prospective mothers."

[13 Oct 2004|06:02pm]

One thing that bothers me. I dont see how Christians can have a problem with welfare. Did jesus himself not tell us we should give up everything we own to help the poor? And i honestly don't see how people can abuse it. Unless Welfare laws vary by state? Because here in Massachusetts a mother can not be on Welfare for more than 2 years unless she has a severe medical problem. And if she is under 25 years old she has to be enrolled in school to get her GED or diploma while recieving welfare. And Over 25 she has to work so many hours a wee or they will cut her off. So how is that abusing it? Wouldnt it more correctly be getting help untill theyre on thier feet enough to not need it anymore? 2 years isnt long at all. But it is enough time to get an education or save a little money.

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