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Saturday, December 4th, 2004 | 4:10 pm [autumndreamer]
| Tuesday, November 30th, 2004 | 8:11 am [blurrygauze]
Baron-Cohen S, Wheelwright S. The Friendship Questionnaire: an investigation of adults with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism, and normal sex differences. J Autism Dev Disord. 2003 Oct;33(5):509-17. [pdf]
Baron-Cohen S, Wheelwright S. The empathy quotient: an investigation of adults with Asperger syndrome or high functioning autism, and normal sex differences. J Autism Dev Disord. 2004 Apr;34(2):163-75. [pdf]
Thoughts? | 5:00 am [mintogrubb]
An argument came up in the pres recently. Isit better to have boys and girls educated seperately or together? In Britain, at least, a lot of girls schools are making the claim that girls do better in science and maths because there are no boys around , so the social biases in society do not work to disadvantage female pupils. Others claim that having both sexes/genders around has a 'civilising' effect on both. Having been to a mixed school myself, I am not so sure of that one, and there is more than one gender, anyway... but does anyone here have any comment to make? are there any studies on this ? X posted from my LJ and to other communities I'm in. | Monday, November 15th, 2004 | 9:58 am [mintogrubb]
The Other Side of Male Privilege I found this, and thought it useful. Any comment appreciated. ( Read more... )ETA Here is the original in full. | Wednesday, November 10th, 2004 | 8:25 pm [momster_ltd]
Metrosexual man I thought I knew a lot about men. I've been studying the subject both theoretically and through some hands-on experimental work. Today I discovered a new kind of men - A Metrosexual Male or here: metrosexual. What do you guys know about it? | Monday, November 8th, 2004 | 8:51 pm [anthrocub81]
Health Textbooks in Texas to Change Wording About Marriage Here is a NY Times article from Nov. 6th. You can search the NY Times site to get the original article, but you have to register with them first. The text of the article is copied below. ( Health Textbooks in Texas to Change Wording About Marriage ) | 11:24 pm [_raging]
Hello everyone. I am writing about a Rape Awareness Project I am in the process of starting. I have just recently created a separate journal which describes the project and how you can help. Please visit and contact me if you would be willing to contribute. _consequently - Thanks so much!! | Saturday, October 23rd, 2004 | 12:43 pm [dva2004] |
Media Recon Project for Domestic Violence Awareness Media Recon Project for Domestic Violence Awareness Every October, in media throughout the country, both old and new, two statements are repeated so often they’ve almost become a mantra for domestic violence: “95% of the victims of domestic violence are women,” and “every (fifteen, twelve, nine, or six) seconds a woman is battered.” Often, they take a prominent place in an article or website, and have even been used as a headline or lead. The problem with both of these statements is that they simply have no basis in fact. Reporters believe them, because they are usually given by a spokesperson for a women’s shelter, or other service in aid of domestic violence victims. The fact that these statements seem to have taken on lives of their own does not make them any more credible. They are untrue, which is misleading to the public, and ultimately misrepresents the real picture of the issue. These urban legends are debunked here: and here This October, the DesertLight Journal has launched a campaign to combat these and other distortions in an effort to promote full awareness of the issue of domestic violence. DVA2004 – Media Recon, tracks stories on domestic violence and highlights those with inaccurate information and faulty statistics. Each day, the website will link to those stories, and encourage readers to contact the media outlets in their local areas with correct information. According to Trudy Schuett, Publisher of the DLJ, “There can never be any progress made in the treatment of victims or solving the problem until the issue is objectively studied. There has been so much advocacy research, and political agenda obscuring the facts, that only a fraction of the victims can be helped by today’s programs. This is not even to mention the waste of taxpayer dollars in misguided services.” Also on the website are the most-often repeated factual errors, with explanations why they are wrong and links to sources with correct information. In addition, the site provides background on the history of domestic violence programs, and how the problem came to be considered a “women’s issue.” Trudy W. Schuett P.O. Box 1252 Yuma AZ 85366 | Thursday, October 21st, 2004 | 1:56 am [mediaprophet]
| Sunday, October 17th, 2004 | 8:28 pm [mediaprophet]
Those of you with access to academic libraries:
Holt, Douglas B. and Craig J. Thompson. 2004. Man-of-Action Heroes: The Pursuit of Heroic Masculinity in Everyday Consumption. Journal of Consumer Research. 31 September 2004.
Much better than some of the crap out there. | 9:42 pm [mintogrubb]
Male role models in Lord of the Rings. It is often claimed that an aspect of Male Privilege is that as a male, one can pick up any newspaper, magazine or whatever, and see one's own sex portrayed positively and fairly. Ok, there are a lot of male around in films and literature, but I must say that I am not impressed with a lot of them. Ok, I love the gadgets in the 'James Bond' films, but his attitude to women just stinks. Sorry, it does, so I don't think I am getting any good feedback here. Dr. Who has improved over the years, as his female companions got fiestier, but he was still 'in charge'. Therefore, it was good to see a film like 'Lord of the Rings' and I want to talk about both the book and the films, and how the male characters are presented in them. I think they show new, better ways of being men than previuos action heroes. ( Read more... ) | 12:47 pm [tritogeneia]
Not that MSN is the most scholarly of resources but I thought I'd run this by everyone: "10 Myths Women have about Men" By Susan Hayden ( Read more... ) | Thursday, October 14th, 2004 | 4:30 pm [nevergobck]
I just joined and I'm going to start off by saying I'm a 16 year old girl and a feminist. The fact that some of you are probably cringing right now goes to show that the term "feminism" has been mutilated throughout the years so it no longer indicates equality of the sexes. People hear "feminist" and think of a male-hating lesbian who places women on pedestals above men, when the definition is actually (according to Webster) "the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes." By this dictionary definition, not the warped social one, I am an adamant feminist. I could talk extensively about prejudices and discrimination both women and men face, but because this is a men's studies community I want to delve into one topic that particularly irks me: domestic abuse--men are victims too!
Remember The Flintstones? Cute show, right? Especially when Wilma beats Fred for being a douche. Try to imagine the national outrage if it had been Fred beating his wife. This is just one example--there are cartoons and greeting cards all over that make light of women hurting men, and even killing them. This is a real greeting card: “Men are always whining about how we suffocate them.” On the inside it says, “Personally, I think if you can hear them whining, you’re not pressing hard enough on the pillow.” Is this not blatantly advocating serious violence against men? Change the first word to "women" and read it again--do you think this card would be tolerated? The media telling people it's okay for men to get hurt is what leads to the widespread misconception that women are much more likely than men to be the victims of domestic violence. Even some of the strongest men's rights activists aren't aware that men are just as likely to be the victims of abuse in a relationship as women. Murray Straus and Richard Gelles conducted a study in family violence in 1975 and again in 1985 to prove this. Some people say that there are other domestic violence studies that show that women are more likely to be abused but the problem with these is that they measure acts of violence differently between the sexes. Consider this: a man grabs a woman's arm forcefully while yelling at her. People call this abuse. A woman grabs a man's arm forcefully while yelling at him. People say she's just trying to get her point across. Stemming from this idea that men are always the abusers are ludacris laws. In twelve states, when a woman reports abuse the police have a mandatory policy of immediately arresting the man even when there is no evidence. There have been cases where a man and woman get into a fight, the man calls the police, and the man gets arrested!
I don't really have any nice conclusion statement to wrap that all up...just...what do you all think? | Tuesday, October 12th, 2004 | 2:09 am [mintogrubb]
For anyone intersted, ther is a new community formed, called mens_equality. Anyone from here is welcome. | Friday, October 8th, 2004 | 4:03 pm [jodawi] |
| 2:45 pm [momster_ltd]
George Soros writes:"Many of our troops return from Iraq with severe trauma and other psychological disorders. Sadly, many are also physically injured. After Iraq, it will be difficult to recruit people for the armed forces and we may have to resort to conscription." I wonder if DoD will have to resort to draft would they make it compulsory for women too? Seems logical to me if we do have equal rights and duties with men why should we not go to armed forces on the same basis. Do you think it would be fair? | Thursday, October 7th, 2004 | 11:22 pm [mintogrubb]
Oppression I found this piece was very hard going.heart rending, even. It has helped me to understand why some feminists are so angry, resentful and bitter. the question is, how do we stop this happening? I have been in jobs where I was 'damned if I did, damned if I didn't.' I have some sense of what is meant by ' the double bind of oppression'. I got miserable and, yes, suicidal, because I lacked the skills, education or opportunity to leave and still keep my home, etc. Fortunately, circumstances changed and I went on to better things. For many women, however, what happened to me in the past - for a couple of years or so - is a continuing experience with no end in sight. Do any women here think things have changed since it was written? is it something you are aware of as it affects your daily life? Does anyone have any answers to undoing this terrible situation? | Wednesday, October 6th, 2004 | 4:30 am [whiskeydick]
Middle School Girls (12-15 year olds) Date: 07 May 2002 15:31:54 -0400 From: Miles Nordin To: 720 aaahtaah arthurdent deeoot com >>>>> "zicary" == Zichary O`Tea writes: zicary> Why is it every girl's handwritting in middle school looks exactly the same? actually, depending on how you look at it, their handwriting is _more_ varied than anyone else's. Handwriting researchers have shown that secondary handwriting characteristics start becoming invariant only after losing your virginity. You will find the same thing in the writings of _some_ Catholic saints, but of course not all. The writing looks like it's all the same, but really this is because all the characteristics that handwriting science can measure are constantly changing on an incredibly small scale---between and sometimes even within single letters. For example, you'll notice that girls who are virgins do not always write the same kind of 'a'. ex.:
# ####
##### # #
# # vs. # #
# ## # ##
#### # #### ##
If you examine their work carefully, you can sometimes see particularly enlightening examples where the virgin started forming one 'a', then switched to the other mid-character. The end result is an undifferentiated sort of ``universal'' robotic handwriting that only good sex can cure. In the early days of language, all these girls would be having sex regularly, but thanks to the current oppressive legal and religious regime in the US where civil rights, free association, sex, and even access to music and movies are restricted for children by the Christian Fundamentalist Theocracy, these poor handicapped girls sometimes can't even type properly. One can hardly imagine the internal trauma they must suffer, constantly questioning what is the ``proper'' way to form a certain letter, feeling as though they have ``forgotten'' how to write a letter when in fact they merely face an excess of redundant internal patterns. On the upside, middle school girl virgins are excellent subjects for training handwriting recognition because there are fewer ``local minima''---which is one of the big problems with gradient-descent ANN training. However mining the children's minds for the benefit of Industry hardly justifies the negative health effects. In Norway, girls in secondary school are screened regularly for pregnancy because there are a variety of free, mandatory prenatal care services, and social workers found that parents were obstructing their children's access to these services by attempting to monitor and ``supervise'' their children's use of State medical care. so, now, the test results are protected by doctor-patient privilege, and semimonthly testing is provided for free in the schools and is all but mandatory, even for girls who say they are still virgins. Denmark is planning to adopt the same program, but is struggling with funding. Some schools are currently experimenting with handwriting recognition, because it can pre-screen some of the younger girls to save money on pregnancy tests, but so far I think they haven't gotten the reliability high enough to implement the program. They also face confidentiality problems with the ``stigma of virginity,'' which is not a problem with traditional binary pregnancy tests. At least one student-rights group is protesting the handwriting-recognition for this reason. HTH. | Monday, October 4th, 2004 | 12:27 pm [mediaprophet]
| Monday, September 27th, 2004 | 2:25 pm [jodawi]
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