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Monday, October 4th, 2004
3:44 pm

In a group of 251 soldiers from a study group in Mississippi who had all had normal babies before the Gulf War, 67 percent of their post-war babies were born with severe birth defects. They were born with missing legs, arms, organs or eyes or had immune system and blood diseases. In some veterans’ families now, the only normal or healthy members of the family are the children born before the war.

The Department of Veterans Affairs has stated that they do not keep records of birth defects occurring in families of veterans.


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Friday, September 10th, 2004
8:43 pm

and so jesus is going to die tonight
gather the children within his sight
he swore that this was his birthright
what his father wanted without a fight
in his name millions are going to die
will their blood be on his hands also?
we can’t be blamed for what is right
what his father wanted without a fight
and so he suffered the most they’ll say
nothing about all the mothers they rape
and by his word many will be enslaved
although he promises all can be saved
so gather all the armies and go to war
the imperial crusaders marching forth
save no-one in baghdad she’s the whore
what were all these stories of love for?
bless your enemies by dropping bombs
offer the other cheek by digging tombs
in church on the wrong day singing songs
far from the truth the christian belongs

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Wednesday, August 18th, 2004
6:17 pm

I see alot of vegetarian related posts in this community.

I don't get it.

We are carnivores and we eat animals. In the wild most animals are viscous predators and eat meat as well. Do you think when we all lived in the jungle that the animals had sympathy on our ancestors that they ate?

What is the difference between slaughtering a cow and 5 crocodile's mutilating it for dinner?

I admit that maybe we should put the animals to sleep before killing them so that they feel no pain, but I'm not going to stop eating hot wings because some chicken was killed inhumanely. I hate chickens.

I'm all about ending wars, and not polluting the earth...and as much as I understand that animals feel pain just as much as we do, they will last longer with us than they would in the wild.


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6:14 pm

i saw another war
and a mother
weaving a shroud
for the dead man
still in her womb

get the children back outside
their bombing the building
so you better hide or die
everything is exploding
has anyone seem my wife?
she must be trapped inside
she's all i have left in life
can't save her now if i tried
lost my child in the first war
a missle landed on my house
please i can't take anymore
the pain is too much even now
someone give me a rifle
an american is going to pay
if even only for my survival
so i can fight another day
you cowards started this fight
and allah promises you jihad
so make me a martyr tonight
in paradise never to be sad

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Wednesday, July 21st, 2004
3:08 pm
singlemomga I read today that islamic militants have again taken more hostages, this time 7 from countries ranging from Kenya, India and another country. They don't even have troops in Iraq but these ppl work for contractors who are aiding the transport of oil, military supplies, food etc. This just ONE day after filipino forces withdrew from Iraq upon the demands of the islamic groups holding hostage a filipino truck driver. I am wondering if the early withdrawal by the filipino goverment is going to spurn a rash taking of more hostages and threats to behead them all. I personally understand the reasoning behind the filipino backout but as a President I dont think it was a wise decision made by Pr. Arroyo. I believe she may have saved the one life of her citizen but has put thousands more in danger by allowing the terrorists to think that everyone will back down. What do you guys think?

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Friday, June 4th, 2004
4:56 pm

Taliban told US it would give up Osama - middleman
By Mark Trevelyan

BERLIN, June 4 (Reuters) - U.S. and Taliban officials met secretly in Frankfurt almost a year before the September 11 attacks to discuss terms for the Afghans to hand over Osama bin Laden, according to a German television documentary.;=/ff/story/000

That link is down now - big surprise. i was told by a reliable source that it was taken down 45 minutes ago and the author is being taken in for treason.

apparantly if people find out that war was a lie too, they will be upset.

here's another link:;=5346537

The war was a lie. I lost a friend in Afghanistan, but i thought he had died for something. but it was all a lie.

this is what america is coming to.

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Friday, May 21st, 2004
8:49 pm

scatter the lifeless stones
where all the flowers grow
covering the resting bones
that are buried deep below
pray for them as they sleep
casualties of years of war
their daughters that weep
knowing there will be more
smoke rising from buildings
the smell of burning flesh
saddening songs she sings
if only they had one wish
the other side of the world
people pretending to care
only concerned about oil
costs are rising over there
bodies pile for their greed
through the past centuries
so that the rich can feed
we build iraqi cemetaries
their calling me unpatriotic
some even say unamerican
kids dying makes me sick
I am still a fucking human
When our leaders have lied
and our soldiers have died
with civilians on their side
i lose my american pride

if only they had one wish

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Wednesday, May 12th, 2004
4:36 pm

the still dark night was black as coal
below her, the people prepared for war
already crippled and 5,000 years old
about to get blasted like never before
blasts dropped from the sky like rain
like allah was the one inflicting pain
the sky lit up like the 4th of july
bombs over baghdad are dropping again
now they are pissed and taking revenge
their people dying 10,000 plus already
bearing arms this time not to forgive
killing americans is a sport to many
their leader tortured their parents
our leader blew them up with uranium
because "they hate freedom" he says
because we know they have a weapon
what do we find pointing in our face?
kids crying cuz their fathers are dead
they will grow up not caring for us
remembering bombs over baghdad instead
who started terrorizing who this time?
yet we link them with our real enemy
like sheep most believe what they hear
even christ would call this blasphemy
bombs over baghdad are falling again
like fiery rain from the heavens above
all the tanks sent causing so much pain
why couldn’t we just send them some love?
dearest queen baghdad of centuries old
please don’t hate me for what we’ve done
i’ll cry the tigris river for all your agony
another war for money that no-one ever won
I cry for all the casulties on both sides
we are a cursed nation causing so many to die
this war that will haunt us all of our lives
bombs over baghdad make my fucking heart cry


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Tuesday, February 10th, 2004
5:01 pm - Fact Sheets

Chronological list of statements by US officials about Weapons of Mass Destruction

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Wednesday, August 13th, 2003
7:54 pm - X-posted various places: Major combat operations in Iraq have ended?

''In reality, the population is very surprised. They don't understand how such a level of efficiency during the war could be followed by such a lack of efficiency in 'peace','' )

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Wednesday, June 18th, 2003
2:41 am - 164+41+ (crossposted to other lj antiwar comms)

When it came to the war his father started 13 years ago --a war that is, was, and hopefully will always be mostly irrelevant to the War on Terror-- May 1, 2003 was the biggest lie of them all.

Forty-one Americans have been killed since the fighting officially stopped, the latest an Army soldier felled by a sniper Monday night. The attacks have become a 'daily occurrence,' an Army spokesman said. 'There is an element of society here that doesn't want change, and they see the coalition forces as bringing change in the form of freedom and democracy,' said Army Col. David Perkins, commander of the 3rd Infantry Division’s 2nd Brigade. )

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Tuesday, May 13th, 2003
1:28 am - oh no

Crossposted lots of places, obviously...:-(

Blasts Kill 3 Before Powell's Saudi Visit

By HASSAN JAMALI, Associated Press Writer

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - Hours before a visit by the American secretary of state, attackers shot their way into three gated compounds housing Westerners in Saudi Arabia's capital and set off car bombs. At least three people were killed and about 60 injured, officials said.

The string of attacks occurred in quick succession Monday night, capped by a fourth explosion early Tuesday outside the headquarters of a joint U.S.-Saudi owned company in Riyadh.Read more... )

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Sunday, April 13th, 2003
4:20 pm - POWs found alive

Seven U.S. POWs freed in Iraq

"SOUTH OF BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- U.S. Marines advancing on Tikrit -- the last major Iraqi city not under coalition control -- freed seven U.S. prisoners of war Sunday before racing to the front.

The POWs were recovered by Marines who had been sent into Samarra to keep traffic from interfering with an armored column approaching the battle, Brig. Gen. John Kelly told Matthew Fisher, a reporter with Canada's National Post newspaper. Samarra is about 75 miles north of Baghdad.

An Iraqi policeman approached the Marines and asked if they had come for the prisoners. He led the Marines to a nearby building, Fisher reported, where they found the seven Americans guarded by at least one Iraqi soldier.

The Marines surrounded the prisoners to assure them they wouldn't be abandoned and gave them fresh clothes, Fisher said. They were given first aid and then whisked away on Army helicopters to a coalition air base 65 miles south of Baghdad.

U.S. Central Command identified the freed POWs as Spc. Joseph Hudson, Sgt. James Riley, Spc. Shoshana Johnson, Spc. Edgar Hernandez and Pfc. Patrick Miller -- members of a convoy from the U.S. Army's 507th Maintenance Company that was ambushed March 23 near Nasiriya -- and Chief Warrant Officers Ronald Young Jr. and David S. Williams, pilots who were captured March 24 after their Apache helicopter gunship went down south of Baghdad.

CNN's Bob Franken, who was at the coalition base, said all seven were able to walk on their own, but two appeared to be more seriously injured and limped from their helicopter to an ambulance. The other five ran as they got off the helicopter, Franken said.

They were quickly transferred to a C-130 transport plane and flown to Kuwait City, where they were checked out at a military hospital. Three were treated for minor injuries, and the other four did not require treatment, said Lt. Col. Ruth Lee.

All seven, officials said, were released from the hospital and taken to an undisclosed location.

President Bush said, "It's a great way to start a morning -- that seven Americans are going to be home soon in the arms of their loved ones."

Bush, returning to the White House from a weekend at Camp David, Maryland, said the United States would continue to search and pray for remaining missing troops.

Families of the seven had already told CNN that their loved ones had been freed. Before receiving official word from the U.S. military, some family members said they recognized their relatives in CNN's video of the soldiers' arrival at the coalition air base.

Young's parents said they recognized their son on TV. A Pentagon representative gave them official confirmation later at their Lithia Springs, Georgia, home.

"I'm ecstatic," Ronald Young Sr. said.

"The main thing to me is knowing he's all right," Young said. "It's a relief. You just don't know how much it is. It's almost like Christmas, New Year's and everything all rolled into one."

Sporadic fighting in Saddam's hometown
U.S. Marines on Sunday battled Iraqi forces in Tikrit, but the fighting has been sporadic, said Fisher of the National Post.

The forces would engage Iraqi fighters for five or 10 minutes at a time, followed by a lull of an hour or so, he said.

A "fairly large core" of about 2,500 Iraqi soldiers -- the apparent last vestige of Iraq's army and Republican Guard -- "looks as if it is prepared to fight an urban battle" with the Marines, Fisher told CNN.

"Whether Saddam Hussein is alive or not, his regime still lives in this town," he said.

A large number of Cobra attack helicopters were engaging Iraqi forces inside Tikrit, and some 250 armored vehicles from the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force had entered the north-central city as well, Fisher said. Fisher is embedded with Marines sent to Tikrit.

Gen. Tommy Franks, commander in chief of the U.S. Central Command, told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that the Iraqi army has been destroyed and "there is no regime command and control." But he said that pockets of paramilitary and foreign fighters remain throughout the country. (Full story)

Earlier Sunday, CNN's Brent Sadler, one of the few Western journalists to travel to the immediate outskirts of Tikrit, said the town looked abandoned -- with no military movement and only a few civilians on the road. Highway signs bearing the deposed Iraqi leader's image were still intact.

The CNN convoy entered the city Sunday morning but had to flee under a hail of machine gun fire after passing through a checkpoint in Tikrit. (Full story)

At least one of the vehicles was hit, and a bodyguard returned fire. Sadler said two people in the seven-vehicle convoy suffered minor injuries.

In Baghdad, U.S. troops are trying to restore order after intense fighting and subsequent looting.

Although the chaos that engulfed the Iraqi capital after the collapse of Saddam's regime seemed to subside, a U.S. Marine was killed Saturday when two gunmen posing as landscape workers attacked a checkpoint at a medical facility, Central Command said.

Marines returned fire, killing one attacker, but the other escaped, Marine sources said.

The man who shot the Marine had a Syrian identification card, Central Command said. The Marine's name was withheld pending notification of relatives."

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Monday, April 7th, 2003
8:20 am - "Chemical Ali" dead

British military: Body of 'Chemical Ali' found

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Sunday, April 6th, 2003
2:55 pm - Tragic irony

David Bloom dies at age 39

The man is a reporter, embedded with the troops just 25 miles from Baghdad. He's in the middle of a war zone on a dangerous assignment.

And he dies of a pulmonary embolism.

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8:17 am - Friendly Fire

'Friendly fire' hits Kurdish convoy


"An American warplane has bombed a Kurdish convoy in northern Iraq which included members of US special forces.

The BBC's world affairs editor John Simpson, who was travelling with the convoy, says he counted at least 10 bodies and others wounded.

It is the latest in a series of "friendly fire" incidents involving coalition forces during the Iraq war."

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4:49 am - Information minister still denies practically all U.S. progress reports

Information minister: Iraq still controls airport - CNN

It seems like every time the U.S. reports that we've taken control of an area, this guy (Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, Iraqi information minister) comes on Iraqi TV and says that it isn't true. He says that we're running away, his forces are winning, we haven't advanced, we haven't taken control...

""Today we slaughtered them in the airport. They are out of Saddam International Airport," al-Sahaf said. "The force that was in the airport, this force was destroyed." "

Are the people in Baghdad so naive that they believe this guy? I really just don't understand that whole mode of thinking and operating. I don't believe that everything our government tells us is true, or that the media always shows us 100% accuracy, but I do think that for the most part, in the U.S. the people are given the truth.

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4:02 am - Welcome to the War Commentary Community


This is a community to discuss the current war in Iraq and keep up with the latest news.

The primary focus of this community, at least initially, is to provide information about the war, links to current news developments, etc. so that the community can become sort of a "mini news source" for people who just want to be able to pop in and see if there is something major happening.

Secondary to that, this should also be a place to discuss the war in general, and events within it.

What this community is *not* for, however, is pro/anti war arguing.

To put it plainly, this is for posting and discussing the events of the war, and speculation about what they mean.

Some basic links:

BBC News: War in Iraq


Fox News

U.S. Separtment of Defense News

British Ministry of Defence Operation Telic

Australian Government Operation Falconer

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