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User:2daysairforce (1137139) 2daysairforce
Location:Mildenhall, England, United Kingdom

[info]2daysairforce was created to provide a community for Active, Retired, Dependents, and Spouses of Todays Air Force to discuss the topics that regular civilians have no idea about or know little of. We discuss different bases, tech school, basic training, home sickness, deployments, jokes, family, career goals, etc. We also complain about the everyday crap that we as Airman or future Airman have to deal with! SO if this interests you or you just need some people to complain to when the civilian world just does not understand. This is why we are here. So welcome to [info]2daysairforce. We hope to hear from you shortly.

1. Must be in the Air Force, retired, joining, dependent, spouse, or interested in the Air Force. --makes sense right--
2. No bashing or being rude.... or you will get an article 15... just kidding...--but you will be kick out.
3. Must be a member to post.
4. Play nice
5. Please keep the post at least semi-related to the Air Force or daily encounters that happen to you while you are in the Air Force
6. Enjoy

No one so far but I will add some when I get the chance. If you want to add your community that is Air Force related or military related for that matter... leave a post either here or in my other journal [info]afdancinchick and I will add it.

Is something missing? Any way that this community can be better? Or just have a question for me leave me a post and let me know. Either here or in my other journal [info]afdancinchick!

~Hello.. my name is Erin.
~I am an A1C in the United States Air Force.
~I have been in for over 2 years. I joined October 2002.
~I am currently stationed at RAF Mildenhall, UK. My next assignment is Mcguire AFB, NJ.
~I am originally from Daytona Beach, Fl.
~I am in the 100th Comm Sq.
~I am a 3c051
~I am thinking about becoming an officer, but that is a little far away right now.
~I am currently trying to get BTZ.
~Any questions just ask [info]afdancinchick. If you want to chat more you can leave a post in my personal journal and I will add you.
~Well that is all for now.
A1C Erin

Everyone if you want can start by filling this out!

Time In Service:
Future Plans:

Like what you see? Tell a friend and invite them here. Also if you would like to you can post a link back to us in your info. That way we can get more members.

Interests:4: air force, americans, cross into the blue, military. [Modify yours]
Members:130: 21stcencasanova, _abcdefghijklmn, _anesthesia, _fireraven_, _phrenic, _uncensored, ab1n631, acpaintr, af_elisha, afdancinchick, aftokala33, afwifenmom00, airforce_wife_, airforcee5, airforceonez17, aliciamariposa, ally525, anekdota, angeldecoy, anonymousless, antemeridian, aryanna, baby_duck_hat, becky11, berkleeprick, bluenucleus, blythe83, bombasschicken, brwn, c3nturi0n, chineselaundry, clash31982, clearheaven, cosmicsarcasm, craigers, csprague, d0min0, dalijunky, dnuofntsol, dubstylee, ehrihk, embracetheend, esordivad, firebynight, fishknifeseller, fortresseurope, foxotic, g_navx, galenamoon, garbagewomyn, greooow, haduken, hailbritania, hellsangel, herrlt, hey_airman, hibiscus85, hopeinme, horridvanity, hxc_rocker, hypoluxa79, iam7341, icons_by_erin, inboundhueys, irishprincess17, ironicph8, islandsofaloha, italiansuperman, jacyra, joelaterdayz, johnnynopants, jolo702, jotyanu, kase, kr_isten, krysownzu, kumaus, kungfumunki, lil_erie, liquidsilveraf, litlbambino, lone_wolf_852, militarykia, mindthemental, missionswriter, monolith2k4, mpflyboy04, mysterious702, nghtskyystarz, ohfolk, ondskapen, onmyownsoon02, osothedj, penguinzluvme, pizzapants, pjpark, polargrapes, pooniethegreat, riceracer, rpitab, seancp, shadow_lining, shanegmac, sheenamay, shinigami84, simple_strength, sjw04, sluggbeezy, smooth102, snowshadow, somefan, spacerx, staciefidler, stateproperty, stealthalbino, steel, sunkiss16, sydpenguinbunny, talltina, tbird_flamingo, tex_chick, the_pathogen, tinaroquena, usafnichols, usafone, vanillaf4i, veracious_g, waterdragon, yellafever, zenny
Watched by:110: _abcdefghijklmn, _anesthesia, _brute_, _fireraven_, _teamdefcore_, _uncensored, ab1n631, acpaintr, af_elisha, afwxman, airforcee5, ally525, angeldecoy, anonymousless, antemeridian, aryanna, becky11, blythe83, bombasschicken, c3nturi0n, chineselaundry, clash31982, clearheaven, cosmicsarcasm, craigers, csprague, d0min0, dalijunky, dberge1088, dubstylee, ehrihk, embracetheend, firebynight, fishknifeseller, flemnos, fortresseurope, g_navx, galenamoon, garbagewomyn, greooow, hailbritania, herrlt, hey_airman, hibiscus85, hopeinme, horridvanity, hxc_rocker, hypoluxa79, inboundhueys, irishprincess17, islandsofaloha, italiansuperman, jacyra, joelaterdayz, johnnynopants, jolo702, jotyanu, kase, kr_isten, krysownzu, kumaus, kungfumunki, lil_erie, liquidsilveraf, litlbambino, logos_af, lone_wolf_852, mindthemental, missionswriter, monolith2k4, mpflyboy04, mrfallejr, mysterious702, nghtskyystarz, ondskapen, osothedj, penguinzluvme, pizzapants, pjpark, polargrapes, pooniethegreat, riceracer, samuraivalues, seancp, shadow_lining, sheenamay, shinigami84, simple_strength, sjw04, sluggbeezy, smooth102, snowshadow, somefan, spacerx, stateproperty, stealthalbino, steel, sunkiss16, sydpenguinbunny, talltina, taz2crazy, tbird_flamingo, tex_chick, the_pathogen, tinaroquena, usafnichols, usafone, veracious_g, waterdragon, zenny
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