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User:angry_hippy (2020217) angry_hippy
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No More Bush's, EVER!
Name:Values ≠ Republican
Location:Portland, Maine, United States
About:angry_hippy is moderated by baba_o who is also known as Jon Baba. I'm currently in the Environmental Science and Policy program at The University of So. Maine. I'm am outraged at the direction our country has gone in, and the Bush administration's attempts to monopolize Patriotism. I LOVE my country, Which is why I want to make it BETTER. If you are reading this, you probably feel similar.
Interests:136: aclu, affirmative action, afghanistan, africa, al gore, allies, arms control, bill clinton, bush, cabinet, california, campaign finance, canada, candidates, castro, chemical war, cheney, china, choice, christianity, cia, citizenship, civil rights, clinton, condaleeza rice, congress, conservation, conservationist, conservative, constitution, dean, debates, deficit, democrat, democratic, democratic party, democrats, dick cheney, economy, education, edwards, election, elections, energy, environment, environmentalist, equal rights, fascism, fbi, federal spending, florida, fox news, free speech, freedom, george bush, george w. bush, grateful dead, green party, gun control, health care, hillary clinton, hippies, howard dean, human rights, immigration, iran, iraq, israel, jambands, jfk, john edwards, john kerry, karl rove, kennedy, kerry, law enforcement, left, liberals, maine, media, medicare, mexico, middle east, mideast, military, national parks, national security, nature reserves, new hampshire, news, north, north carolina, northeast, northwest, nra, nuclear weapons, oil, palestine, peace, pentagon, petroleum, political, politics, pollution, prayer, predidential, prejudice, prescription drugs, president, progressive, race, rebublican, religion, republican party, republicans, rights, rightwing, saddam hussein, social security, south, southeast, southwest, terrorism, terrorist, texas, un, unions, united nations, united states, usa, voting, war, wmd, wmds, world bank, world trade organization. [Modify yours]
Members:518: View Members .
Watched by:359: _______1982, _____starlight, __imperfection, __mybluesky, __youdontbelong, _about_a_girl_, _angryprincess_, _aurelius, _burningup, _giantbumblebee, _october_rust, _savitri_, _welovegeorgew_, abe_lincoln666, aeonsbeyond, alcielj, alisquid, alittlemexican, alternative_mom, amandahw, ambient_1, andrewchui, angeladeluna, annie213, anthonyk_6319, antitheftmilk, arlia, arwen_estel, auntiemana, ayanami_chick, baba_o, bapgacktgrrl, beepbeep, bichika, bigbearsunshine, bigzer0, bjorker, blameitallonme, blinkyblues, blinovitch, bluey1233, blujay_, blumuun, bongobeatchic, bubblequeen950, bunkermonkeemx, bush_nazis, c0mfrtably_numb, c1ock, callmechristi, calypsocat, catch_27, catherine_722, cbminor, ceiucis, centre_chronics, cheguevaralives, childofthekorn3, chiquita__, chrisbkreme1025, chuckdarwin, colonialsong, cortster040, curious_intent, cuteypieem, damoose, dancingpixy6, dancingrage, dandycat, daniegirl, darkwitch666, defenderbear, deidrich, delanee, delcomm, democrats_rock, depp_couture, destroy_sensory, deviant_1, deviousfae, dewdropinnfaery, diaryofchaos, divine_d, dr_strangehat, dragonguyver, drawnbadly, drealbuddha, dreamyd, drscribe, dumdirtyblond, dying_metaphor, dylansdream, eafm, ebonyoutcast, egregore_master, eight_thirteen, electricdaisy, elusive_shadows, emergentpattern, emo_music_box__, empyrean_shroud, endseptember, envirocunt, erinfred, erinya, etceterak, eternaltourist, evilgollum7777, failingbeauty, fairbrother, falconcat, feministgeek, fennario, fermata_chizika, fierce_dragon, fille_allemande, floatingscarlet, flutterby_gabby, flyswatter, forecastmazy, foreclosurex, fosphorescent, fragirl, freckle_face, funkychinatown, furlanean, gardsmyg, garygetsnolove, gbus_luvs_you, georgew, ghostsontv, ginq, girl_jumps_down, glambohobabe, gmudemocrat, gone_nanners, goodcow, gpv, gracefulreverie, grayfolded, greenlantern46, gypsy1681, gypsydance, hannah8ball, harleen, higlearn, hikerinthetrees, hobbit_ninja, hobbleskirt, hooray4music, ...
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