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User:ben (817) Paid User ben
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on his/her cellphone/pager.
Location:Plano, Texas, United States
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status jetpen (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:Strength and honor.
Interests:51: analysis, apoptygma berzerk, astronomy, astrophysics, c++, capitalism, computers, constitution, contemplation, cosmology, creativity, cycling, dark energy, dark matter, delerium, design, dvds, epistemology, ethics, front line assembly, innovation, introspection, investing, java, law, linux, logic, metaphysics, military, modeling, movies, ncaa basketball, objects, physics, politics, pornography, science, science fiction, software architecture, software engineering, solitude, space, strategy, sushi, synaesthesia, tactics, technology, uml, unconventional thinking, west wing, workflow. [Modify yours]
People33:allisten, americanwoman, anterabae, aralan, arisu, arsloki, crasch, ctiee, dfalcon, dwarf, hjcanning, hober, integreillumine, kiad, lowkey, lucernea, maradydd, meghatron, miguy, naivehope, old_girl, phronq, pjammer, priior, reene, ring0, rktking, softfurrykitty, soul4rent, sunshine__girl, syberchic, templier, utiledulci
Communities2:ljwin32_sema, paidmembers
Account type:Paid Account, previously an Early Adopter

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