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Below is user information for Bino. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:bino (107724) bino
Location:upstate NY or southern California, United States
AOL IM:AIM status calcruis (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 946888 (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:Short, chubby, lazy, happy, sad, dorky, nerdy, witty, friendly, bitchy, standoffish, willing, unwilling, liberal, moderate, conservative... and all at once to boot.
Interests:55: acacia, activeworlds, axis & allies, battletech, candy, classic rock, computers, d&d;, dachshunds, databases, dr. pepper, eating, ebay, g.i. joe, gaming, irc, jigglypuff, kevin smith films, laziness, legos, mechwarrior, military, military history, movies, mr. pibb, networking, newsgroups, paintball, radiohead, reading, rensselaer polytechnic institute, rice, robotech, rogue spear, rpi, second life, sleeping, smart homes, solar power, south park, star trek, star wars, starcraft, steak, sushi, toys, u.s. history, ultimate soldier, virtual environments, warhammer, warhammer 40k, warm weather, weezer, wireless, x10. [Modify yours]
People21:auricangel, baralu, dalia, farrell, filefish, foxtrot, garstini, gurglesnap, jannygirl, jcearley, jsieller, kosinb, princesskaite, rollergirl, scearley, schala4, serialkiller, sessa, sessabros, smileypillsbury, thejll
Communities6:battletech, dachshunds, databases, robotech, second_lifers, the_cru
Feeds5:boingboing_net, comic_getfuzzy, dilbert_feed, foxtrot_feed, pennyarcaderss
Friend of:6: dalia, farrell, gurglesnap, princesskaite, scearley, sessa
Member of:5: battletech, dachshunds, databases, paidmembers, robotech
Account type:Free Account

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