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Below is user information for Amber Lori. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:celine8627 (209175) celine8627
are you really what you dream?
Name:Amber Lori
Location:Sturbridge, Massachusetts, United States
AOL IM:AIM status eventually zox (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Bio:amber. 18. massachusetts.
fiance in the army, stationed in alaska,
about to leave for a one-year deployment to iraq
Emmanuel College class of 2008.

Memories:3 entries
Interests:52: afi, aim, army girlfriend, boston, boyfriends, britney, burritos, dashboard confessional, dispatch, ducky boys, earmuffs, emmanuel college, field hockey, fort wainwright, friends only banners, green day, guster, h2o, hemp, johnny cash, lillix, long distance love, love, love letters, love songs, lyrics, mae, march 25th, massachusetts, mike, military, military men, music, nfg, nhoi, no school, oar, on the drop, partying, phone calls, pictures, pink floyd, plain white t's, pogues, singing, sturbridge, sublime, summer, tantasqua, teaching, zox, . [Modify yours]
People92:_______fatality, ___romantica, __comet, __laughter, __partytime, _solongastoria, abbyroadme, abreadcrumnfish, aej913, ailehtac03, angel_sweetz, assiral, babychoco777, booboosowee, br3akaway, burnthevillages, chellie26, cruz_is_my_idol, culdesaccharine, dandywilber, danisyelling, deshauna143, dream_on_you, ecgirly06, g2gsk8, hazelishorty86, herheartfalls, hotdawger81, hotel_ca, hulasharka, iamtwp, ismellskanks, jeff_the_banker, juice056, kanyewest1977, katiecarcrash, kimberskank, kroser_46, lady_in_white, le_kristie, limeystars, lisandra_inez, litleigh237, lizzydicks, ludescent, lynzertart, madamme13, malliepoitah, matchstickcats, mattmazz, mcfart, moncherierin, morgo714, notfor_resale, odkdc, one_big_journey, one_gusterfan, paeg, phaylan, poohsthecutest, pretty_x33, prettywrecked, princess182, roxygal07, sassyanne, scolabradoodle, seizure_dance, serendipityxo, shan0na, shiningsilver, silly__ho, sinandsilence, slayer007, southern__bella, starwhitelemon, sugarfairy511, tesserino, thelongingtruth, thinking_naked, trixieanne, unbornbutterfly, usngrimm, usnmusic, vee_el_tee, vitaminvitamin, vyx, wendeth327, wheniwascruel, willow97000, x_brighteyes, xbrknheartdlsrx, youngspaniard
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