Below is information about the "Conservative Forum" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | conservatism (586277) | |
Name: | Conservative Forum | |
About: |
Welcome to conservatism!
General Information This is an open forum for respectful discussion and debate of conservative politics. Anyone is free to participate, but postings to the main page are screened to ensure that they are appropriate. The topic of this community is "conservatism". That means that as a general guideline, you should limit postings to things you believe would be of interest to conservatives. Appropriate postings include, but are not limited to the following:Member Conduct Intelligent, rational, supportable debate is strongly encouraged. The only thing that's required though is that members try to be respectful of each other. Sometimes that's difficult to do perfectly, and that's alright, but deliberate and distinct disrespect will not be tolerated. A single disrespectful statement in an otherwise serious comment is undesirable but understandable. A comment, the bulk of which is disrespectful on the other hand, constitutes a deliberate and distinct action, and is not allowed. Please report violations of this policy to the maintainer, belt0033. Habitual violators will be banned at my discretion.Trolling There is a very simple standard for what constitutes trolling here, and what does not. If you've come here to participate in the community, you are welcome, regardless of your political opinions. If you've come here to disrupt the community or detract from it, you are not welcome here.Common Courtesy Out of respect for the members of this community, I ask the following rules be adhered to when you post to the main page.Officials Maintainer:Honorable Mentionbelt0033Moderators:imaybeparanoid belt0033Designed the community's current layout and iconvaryarconservatism's previous maintainerDonated Paid Time: | |
Memories: | 54 entries | |
Interests: | 87: 2-party system, balanced budget, bias in the media, bill bennet, bill o'reilly, bob novak, breaking rank and file, c-span, cal thomas, capitalism, cold war, columnists, conservative, conservatives, conversation, crossfire, declaration of independence, discussion, economy, elections, electoral college, elephants, epa, first ladies, focus on the family, foreign affairs, foreign policy, founding fathers, four more years, fox news, free trade, freedom, freedom of religion, george bush, george w. bush, george will, govenors, government, grand old party, history, homeschooling, idealism, independents, john mccain, laura bush, libertarians, lincoln, lowering taxes, military, moderate conservatives, moderates, morality, morals, national review, newspapers, nixon, opinion, p.j. o'rourke, peace, peacemakers, politics, presidential pets, presidents, pro-life, rank and file, reagan, reform,, republican party, republicans, small government, smart environmentalism, stewardship, tax cuts, the constitution, the founding fathers, the oval office, the white house, tucker carlson, u.s. presidents, united nations, united states, us congress, us house of representatives, us senate, voting reform, washington d.c.. [Modify yours] | |
Members: | 881: View Members . | |
Watched by: | 584: 192_168_1_1, 3sheets2thewind, __splitscreen, _cait_sith, _conundrum_, _failure_limbo, _statusquo, _tabitha_, _toesinthesand, _troglodyte_, abrient, absinthe_dreams, acidictongue, adeptomega, aelius, aeonx33, afireinside2727, alanator, alfawolph, alwaysscared, amalea, ameliatan, amokk, amyaustin, anaidea, andrewpolitics, angra, anguisettee, annemarie, aquajon311, arclightzero, ari_fleischer, army_guyintx, art_junkie, asmodeus1, ateleios1, austria, azariah, azrhiaz, baby219, backliteyes, bailey83221, becca_is_cool, beeler, beez23, beherift, bel_isenhart, belt0033, bennoir, bigmclargehuge, bigvinne, billyliar, bjr319, blackjack2021, blindharrypalms, blonnie, blueyeddevil, bodacious_ellie, boo_berry, bookish_sunny, bootbyrd1973, bradj, brandon74, brianrfsu, broadwaybaby14, brooklyn, bruce__willis, bubbamfounder, buhbulls, bull, bunez, bunnysteve, burntbythesun02, burntbythesunx, buzkill, calbruin, calmius, calvin_coolidge, camfangrrl, captonshiner, carl_sagan, carpicon, catchmurphy, catjesus, ccnuggie, celestial_drops, cgallivan, chaos2099, chaoticdawn, chelona, chibigohan, child_of_zion, chipuni, chirogrl, chochinmidori, christabelp, chuckwow, cieldumort, club, common_veil, compleatheretic, consequentiam, conservatism3k, conservative, conservative2, conservativenh, cornboy, courtie723, crackerman, crazybarry, crispycreme, crspencer, cthullu, culturalbaggage, d55411acs, damapessego, dandypants, darkmistress, darthbeckman, daywalker84, deaconblues256, debergerac, decayofbeauty, delfonic, dementedchicken, demi__moore, denali_kat, devi_angel, dick_nixon, dingodonkey, diplomacy_first, djwildchild, dkmdominates, do_not_enter, dondarkstalker, donnertheim, dorit, dr_e, dream_king, drgrbek, driftwoodsun, drmellow, dubya4life, eagle243, eddiecoyote, elektrobop, elevenphoenix, elixersounds, elusively, elusivetiger, ... | |
Member of: | 3: anti_lefty, paidmembers, reagan_country | |
Account type: | Paid Account |