Below is information about the "Militant Music" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | militant_music (873868) |
| Militant Music ... for Militant people. |
About: | Achtung!
This community will serve as a communications bunker for those individuals interested in Militant Music and the topics covered by such artists.
The community's musical interests are that of artists that cover militaristic issues or use militaristic aesthetics to present their art. Preference is given to artists outside of the generic rock spectrum.
1. Do not post play lists or club events that don't have anything to do with the listed interests. 2. No quizzes, period. 3. All posts are moderated and will be approved by heathen_panzer. If they do not meet our standards, posts will be rejected. 4. Lastly, introductions are a must! You will have 2 days to give the community a brief, yet simple informative introduction. Disregard for the rules will result in immediate removal.
So it is done, Hail Victory!
This community is moderated by heathen_panzer. Places to visit: heilige_tod, a Death in June community. hatesville, a Boyd Rice/NON community.
Interests: | 100: a challenge of honour, adam parfrey, aesthetic terrorism, albin julius, allerseelen, anenzephalia, anton lavey, axon neuron, benito mussolini, bio-terrorism, blood axis, bocksholm, boyd rice, carl jung, changes, coup de grace, cultural terrorism, darkwood, death in june, der blutharsch, derniere volonte, deutsch nepal, douglas pearce, eco-fascism, ernst junger, ezra pound, fascism, fascist propaganda, filippo marinetti, folkstorm, foresta di ferro, franco freda, friedrich nietzsche, gabriele d'annunzio, genocide organ, haus arafna, hermann nitsch, inade, james mason, john murphy, julius evola, l'offensiva, leger des heils, ljdlp, luftwaffe, maruta kommand, michael moynihan, militancy, military, militia, monte cazazza, muslimgauze, mz. 412, nationalism, nazi propaganda, nazi regalia, neo-folk, nocturne, non, november novelet, open wound records, operation cleansweep, ostara, oswald spengler, political extremism, proiekt hat, reutoff, richard wagner, robert n. taylor, robert x. patriot, sal solaris, scorpion wind, sektion b, sektion einheit, sonne hagal, sophia, spk, strength through joy, survival unit, tehom, terror organ, terrorism, tesco records, thaglasz, the grey wolves, the_moon_lay_hidden_beneath_a_cloud, throbbing gristle, toroidh, triumph of the will, tugend, turbund sturmwerk, von thronstahl, waldteufel, wappenbund, werewolf castle, werkraum, world war i, world war ii, world war iii, yukio mishima. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 167: 141, __transylvania, _deadlydoll, _mestiza_, adeleide, adrenachrome, akki, almutasim, aloas, anndr0id, annoyz, apsynt, atomic_roses, aversionline, babszin, bellereve, bellmer, bizon88, blood_reaver, bloodandsoil, bunkertor, cancerouszit, cause_of_death, chalklinedbody, chaoset, code243, comradstalin, const, contorted_angel, conure_ifau, cranilingus, darlahood, dasbitch, decod, demons_prey, dicky_bahto, dictator88, distilledvanity, dj_harlot, dj_ragnarok, djvoid, dolf, doppelganger_ds, draconian1, drugnaroda, durtro93, dusk_woerot, electricnight, emma_rising, enrapture, errattum, essenceablaze, everard, feima, firstinhell, frau_sexy, geuistystka, gojiraeight, greif528, grindcorean, grystle_dog_kor, hans_gruber, hate_for_all, havojk, headhunter187, heathen_panzer, heinali, hocicodegato, honorata, impalingmachine, irish_vigilante, ironymask, jeronim, katheudo, keith418, kyber, latexkitten, lifthrasir, lycanthropeix, magiclogic, maschinefleisch, maschinegunbaby, mastercontrol, mattdeath, maureyborden, missmerrick, misterreid, mnemenoi, moderpudding, morefvckinghate, mourningwood, mr_d, mr_intolerance, msektor, myrrman, nisroch, nithhogg, noire_blanche, noisepimp, nsidious, nyxerika, optout, organizized, oronzo, panzerdivision, panzerpenguin, plague_dog, prenna, princessryo, quewhy, ratagosk, ravennoir, raycee, redeux, romanko, rosanna_kai, sashavoloshin, scary_aunty, secret_plot, secretarydiana, silentwar, slow_agony, snorri_braut, sociopathic, somaa, spacebat, sterv, stored_images, sublevel3, submanifold, substanz, suspyria, synthetik_smurf, syrnopupkin, teknoir, terrifick, terror_unit, thallium, the_dictatorix, the_outsider, thecaptainslog, thegitsoi, threne, tokyohalogen, towith, treylis, tyranny, undivine, vaneck, vargulfr, varhan, venacavablue, venkaramon, vexen, visxera, vug, wehrkraft, wire_mother, x_panzerfrau_x, xaemyl, xcarlzillax, xcrazy_lovex, zarnitsa, zerolvxkrieg, zerotolerance_, zikoff, zwetschke |
Watched by: | 149: _deadlydoll, _mestiza_, adeleide, adrenachrome, akki, aloas, annikaedison, apsynt, asterius, atomic_roses, aversionline, b66883, babszin, bellmer, bizon88, blood_reaver, bloodandsoil, bunkertor, cause_of_death, chaoset, code243, const, contorted_angel, conure_ifau, cranilingus, darlahood, dasbitch, decod, demons_prey, dicky_bahto, dictator88, distilledvanity, dj_harlot, dj_ragnarok, djvoid, draconian1, durtro93, electricnight, enrapture, eroticgenocide, everard, feima, firstinhell, fmephisto, fodderstompf, gav_rosh, geuistystka, gojiraeight, grandaporia, greif528, grindcorean, grystle_dog_kor, hans_gruber, hate_for_all, havojk, headhunter187, heathen_panzer, heinali, honorata, impalingmachine, irish_vigilante, ironymask, irreligious, japanumb, kaiserschnitt, katheudo, keith418, kyber, latexkitten, len9, lifthrasir, ligeya, magiclogic, maschinegunbaby, mastercontrol, mattdeath, maureyborden, missmerrick, mnemenoi, moderpudding, mortiarti, mourningwood, mr_d, mr_intolerance, msektor, myrrman, nisroch, noisepimp, nounou, optout, organizized, oronzo, panzerpenguin, plague_dog, prenna, projektmonkey, qamil, rabbitron, rainedecadence, ratagosk, ravennoir, raycee, redeux, romanko, sashavoloshin, satanicsoldier, scary_aunty, sebottendorff, secret_plot, secretarydiana, selfdeception, silentwar, snorri_braut, sociopathic, spacebat, sterv, sublevel3, submanifold, substanz, sukub, synthetik_smurf, syrnopupkin, teknoir, tenderreaper, terrifick, terror_unit, thallium, the_outsider, thecaptainslog, thegitsoi, tokyohalogen, towith, treylis, tyranny, undivine, vamprelia, vaneck, varhan, venacavablue, venkaramon, vexen, visxera, x_panzerfrau_x, xaemyl, xcarlzillax, xnibasx, zerolvxkrieg, zikoff, zwetschke |
Member of: | 1: apocalypticfolk |
Account type: | Free Account |