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User:missturtle (380321) missturtle
Miss Turtle's Thoughts
Can't get ahead if you don't stick your neck out
Name:Miss Turtle
Location:Hanover, Indiana, United States
AOL IM:AIM status blufyr5264 (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 74450726 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status jasmine2128 (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:If you treat an individual as he is, he will remain as he is. But if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought and could be.

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I'm 26. I just got my master's degree in Higher Education from SIUC in May, and now I'm working at Hanover College as an Assistant Director of Residence Life. Yes, I work with college students, again. Anyway, a little about me: I have dark blond hair to my shoulders, blue eyes, and I'm 5'2" tall.

"A mind is like an umbrella. It doesn't work if it isn't open." I actually saw this on a board for the Baptist Church on Walnut street in Carbondale, and loved it.

Thanks to [info]sh0rtbus for the eeyore icon!
Interests:72: 80's, 80's culture, abnormality, astrology, baking, big beds, biking, blush wine, books, brandon lee, chewy candy, chi- chi's, clear skies, collecting knives, cooking, country music, debates, driving music, eeyore, falling in love, family, gemini, geology, good personalities, hating stupid people, he-man, heath ledger, helping people, hiking, honesty, horoscopes, interesting people, justice, learning new things, long haired men, men, men with long hair, military, movies, music, my little pony, names, nylf, other people's creativity, outgoing people, people, pictures, piercings, playing devil's advocate, rainbow brite, real jewelry, recipes, self confidence, sexy musicians, she-ra, shot glasses, smiling, smurfs, spanish men, strawberry shortcake, stressing, talking, tattoos, the crow, the neverending story, thundercats, toyotas, trace adkins, trucks, turtles, walking, warm apple cider. [Modify yours]
People26:ac_slater, anniemaed1981, babyrae, bonovox4040, courtly, daughterofmist, engrgrrl, giulina, grayfox63, hottiewithin, jayj79, ladycinderella, ladylilac, lordtony, miazapata, moonlight114, musicman79, paradisenpoison, paythebill, ravencrovax, sandcat, savy, senorwarrenv, shouldvesmiled, th3_real_me, toreinne
Communities36:_weightwatchers, altpersonals, bi_people, bicuriousgirls, bodymods, bodypiercing, brad_cotter, club_ww_recipes, cooking_club, counting_points, countingpoints, lesbigay_mwest, ljrecipes, long_hair_guys, long_hair_men, longhairedmen, longhairfetish, luv4longhairs, matchm8kr, poor_ww, randomquestions, reciperiot, siuc, tattoo_flash, tattoo_me, tattooed, turtle_club, watching_points, ww_at_home, ww_clothingswap, ww_core, ww_diaries, ww_lj, ww_users, wwmealplans, wwonline
Friend of:16: courtly, daughterofmist, engrgrrl, grayfox63, greengobstopper, ladylilac, lordtony, miazapata, moonlight114, musicman79, paythebill, ravencrovax, savy, senorwarrenv, shouldvesmiled, toreinne
Member of:36: _weightwatchers, altpersonals, bi_people, bicuriousgirls, bodymods, bodypiercing, brad_cotter, club_ww_recipes, cooking_club, counting_points, countingpoints, lesbigay_mwest, ljrecipes, long_hair_guys, long_hair_men, longhairedmen, longhairfetish, longhairnudemen, luv4longhairs, matchm8kr, poor_ww, reciperiot, siuc, tattoo_flash, tattoo_me, tattooed, turtle_club, watching_points, ww_at_home, ww_clothingswap, ww_core, ww_diaries, ww_lj, ww_users, wwmealplans, wwonline
Account type:Free Account

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