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User:osbumlets (385291) Paid User osbumlets
Does it comfort you to know you fought the good fight?
Website:Lenny’s Profile
Location:Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
AOL IM:osbumlets (Add Buddy, Send Message)

I pop my knuckles.  I have attention deficit.   I am social phobic.  I am chronically depressed.  I hate getting my hands wet.  I don't like peeling oranges.  I eat ice.  My breath smells.  I gag when I use the bathroom.  I flush before I finish peeing.  I brush my teeth in the shower.  I get a headache when I'm tired or hungry.  I don't know karate.  I am extremely shy.  I avoid the phone at all costs.  I quietly observe.  I despise people that say, "You're quiet," in an effort to get me to converse.  I hate the person and the action.  I will speak when spoken to.  I don't end sentences in prepositions, except for that one.  I don't care about the difference between itch and scratch.  I pay attention to the subjunctive.  Don't ask me if you're ugly, because I will tell you.  I cannot stand comic sans.  There isn't anything I won't say.  I masturbate frequently.  I am afraid of David Bowie.  I hate Yankees that call Southerners wimps in cold weather.  I am an INTP (description).  I have a 12 Monkeys tattoo.  Locker rooms excite me.  I resent my father for doing such things as following me with a videocamera while making me cry, cheering for the other team at my soccer games.  Sometimes I paint my toenails.  Sometimes my socks match my shirt.  I like bullnecks and jarheads.  I have soft hands.  I have no tolerance for pain or stress.  If tickled, I will punch, bite, maim, and dismember.  If you drag race on a public road, I hope you die and I will have no sympathy.  I like free markets.  I rarely swear.  I read magazines backwards.  I am left handed except when writing or eating with chopsticks.  I am not easily offended.  I like precum.  If you make fun of my athletic ability and I will make fun of your intelligence.  I hate girl rock and gangster rap.  I hate raggae and, more broadly, all music from the Caribbean.  I think German is an ugly language.  I am intuitive.  I apply standards and rules unilaterally.  I live to eliminate contradictions and inconsistencies.  I am consise and avoid redundancy.  I have a sarcastic sense of humor.  I will strongly resent being told I am wrong without merit.  I put two spaces after a period.  I hate people that are insistent on asking me, "What's wrong," when there's nothing wrong.  Some people can hear my Southern accent.  I am offended by bad dancing.  I hate it when people say, "I don't have a problem with gay people as long as they don't try to make me gay."  I am a dog person.  I hate poodles.  I respect merit not authority.  I will analyze something to complete exhaustion, at which point I will no longer care.  I appreciate men as one would a specimen of art.  I was once sent to the emergency room for severe constipation.  People that say, "I don't get angry, I get upset," are wrong.  If you have to defend yourself by pointing out the difference between being mean and being honest, you probably have it backwards.  I don't know how to change a flat tire.  I know the difference between discover and invent.  I screen anonymous replies to my journal.  Worker ants are female.  Pluto is a planet.

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Memories:62 entries
Interests:139: 12 monkeys, adam pascal, air force, ambient, american crew, andrew sullivan, andy roddick, army, asians, athletes, atlanta, attention deficit disorder, beef jerky, boy bands, boys, brad pitt, brad renfro, bring it on, britney spears, bruce weber, buddhism, charlotte, christian bale, clay aiken, clubbing, clubs, clueless, computer science, connecticut, cute boys, dance, dancing, dashboard confessional, david beckham, david sedaris, donnie darko, durham, economics, electronic music, electronica, fayetteville, gay, gay boys, gay men, gay rights, gays, gideon yago, glasses, go, graphic design, hayden christensen, herb ritts, homosexuality, house, howie day, igby goes down, intp, investing, ivan dudynsky, jake gyllenhaal, janet jackson, jason mraz, jc chasez, jesse bradford, jimmy fallon, jocks, john mayer, jon stewart, joy luck club, justin timberlake, kamel, krispy kreme, leonardo dicaprio, libertarians, log cabin republicans, lovely and amazing, mariah carey, mark wahlberg, memento, men, military, mixtapes, movies, music, ncssm, new haven, new york city, newcastle brown ale, newsies, north carolina, nyc, ok go, okgo, party of five, paul walker, peter krause, phantom planet, photography, playlists, pleasantville, queer, queers, red meat, remixes, rent, requiem for a dream, robbie williams, rockwell church, roundhouse, rufus wainwright, ryan phillippe, scott caan, scouting for all, seth green, sexuality, simon rex, six feet under, sldn, social phobia, soy milk, stock market, studs, tennis, the daily show, the joy luck club, the oc, the-perks-of-being-a-wallflower, to wong foo, trance, twelve monkeys, uncc, vietnam, wake forest, wake forest university, warm weather, web design, wet hot american summer, wfu, winston-salem
Friends:22: aolhater, branman1975, dgreatone, hijumpgrrl, katie79, lizbizwfu, lj_maintenance, navycoat, news, osbumlets, pmsissues, princessbrynie, radioacc, seeking_insight, shedmun, shygirl32, skajedi63, status, teleted, toomuchbodyhair, topper81, toyboy
Friend of:38: americanandrew, annifridfour, aolhater, bangbang85, batsonian, branman1975, charier, chrisq_t, danceboi, dgreatone, hijumpgrrl, itsjustlove, jetbusjet, katie79, lauralou_who, lizbizwfu, mercutio, navycoat, ninerfan, osbumlets, pmsissues, princessbrynie, radioacc, rickzworld, seeking_insight, shedmun, shygirl32, skajedi63, teleted, thecamster, toomuchbodyhair, topper81, toyboy, trouble22, turtle_turtle25, varekai2, westsideboila, whitedevilbitch
Member of:14: artfilm101, clay_aiken, donnie_darko, gay_boys, gayboi, guys_who_play, jakegyllenhaal, lj_nifty, north_carolina, ok_go, paidmembers, queer, rcfans, thedailyshow
Account type:Paid Account

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