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User:rantmo (381307) Paid User rantmo
Put Your Faith In My Elitism
The Son of a Bitch That Named You Sue
Location:Fort George G Meade, Maryland, United States
Bio:Well what can I say? I was born and raised in Chicago, worked as a professional actor from the time I was roughly 6 months old, until I was about 14, and haven't really been able to work since.

I'm an actor, musician, geek, gamer, scoundrel, sweet-talker, philosopher at large and pundit-in-training.

I'm the President and Founder of the People for the Exquisite Preparation of Animals, or PEPA. You can learn more about us at [info]pepa!

I'm a member of the Camarilla, but nothing in this journal is Cam Official, and if you really need to read this disclaimer to know that, you're a sad example of humankind.

Hobbes: Do you think there's a God?
Calvin: Well somebody's out to get me.

Marriage is love.
Memories:2 entries
Interests:99: acting, alt-country, army, arthur c. clarke, beatles, being childless, being married, bludgeoned the movie, books, buckfutter, caffiene, calvin and hobbes, camarilla, cats, changeling: the dreaming, chicago, cigars, d&d;, dancing, david bowie, dom, doonesbury, free-thought, gaming, getting harassed by marc, grunge rock, guitar,, intellectual anarchy, jack black, jazz, jenn's hinder, john cusack, johnny cash, kevin smith, kissing pretty girls, larping, laurenn mccubbin, military, monty python's flying circus, moping, movies, music, my wife, naughtiness, new wave, npr, old 97s, panache, pants shitting terror, pepa, pet shop boys, philosophy, porn, pro-troops, punk, queer eye, rain, reading, road trips, rock and roll, role-playing games, romance, sarcasm, sci-fi, scoundrelry, sensuality, sex, silliness, singing, snuggling, something awful, storms, support the troops, surrealism, swashbuckling, tenacious d, the blues, the blues brothers, the clash, the cubs, the cure, the early 90s, the onion, the simpsons, the west wing, theatre, transmetropolitan, tub-cuddling, u2, villainy, vinyl, weenis toons, wenching, winter, worrying, worship the snake god, writing, ya malaak. [Modify yours]
People105:a_better_me, amberbams, anuket, bauglier, bellabrigida, berrybuzz, blackball135, blackflag669, blatherbits, bleukat, bunnita, cailleachsinan, caillile, canuckdesz, casketgirl, celtickida, charleseb, cloakedchaos, coyotesdaughter, crapdaddy, dawgz, dch4, delwin, demosthanes, dgenerator, dimemaker, dire5, dragatheimpaler, drucifer13, elasticplasmagu, foxykitsune, gilroycullen, grettr, havocthecat, hobbsthepenguin, hrhthewitch, ihatecomputors, ismarc, jadedfate777, jadeinsoca, jasonero, jtrigg1, jumpingkitty, kdrugan, kelsiarei, keridwen, keyfox, krisnitori, lackocreativity, lonespiritwolf2, magusdewynter, malkiyah, marjai, martinhesselius, martyrssmile, melsner, mergryphon, michaelmclauren, mistersleepless, moonchylde, mr_sarcasm, mr_yakima, mrblackwood, nycciangel, pamc, paradys, phar0, pouncykitten, poweroftiga, rakin, requiemjournal, rickthefightguy, rigel, royalcrown, rpangel, sacrosanct24, sassette726, satyr69, shadoclaw, shamusg, sienash, soldiermom, spookhaven, spooktress, status, straiph, svaha, technocowboy, tenaveran, texflex, the_dean, thegargoyle, thetoken, tinagilman, trackerjay, twilightgoddess, vanquishedart, vorpar, watergriffin, wereguy, whethergal, worshipthesnake, xxnekojinxx, z0mb1, zja2
Communities3:pepa, quote_wall, rlxp
Feeds9:bbcnewsworld, calnhobbes, cnntopstories, dictionary_wotd, doonesbury, dorktowerfeed, foxtrot_feed, nonsquitor_feed, redmeat_rss
Mutual Friends:93: a_better_me, amberbams, anuket, bauglier, bellabrigida, berrybuzz, blackball135, blackflag669, bunnita, cailleachsinan, caillile, canuckdesz, casketgirl, charleseb, cloakedchaos, coyotesdaughter, crapdaddy, dawgz, dch4, delwin, demosthanes, dgenerator, dimemaker, dire5, dragatheimpaler, drucifer13, foxykitsune, gilroycullen, havocthecat, hobbsthepenguin, hrhthewitch, ihatecomputors, ismarc, jadedfate777, jadeinsoca, jasonero, jtrigg1, jumpingkitty, kdrugan, kelsiarei, keyfox, krisnitori, lackocreativity, lonespiritwolf2, magusdewynter, malkiyah, marjai, martinhesselius, melsner, mergryphon, michaelmclauren, mr_sarcasm, mr_yakima, mrblackwood, nycciangel, pamc, paradys, phar0, pouncykitten, poweroftiga, rakin, rickthefightguy, rigel, royalcrown, rpangel, sacrosanct24, sassette726, satyr69, shadoclaw, shamusg, sienash, soldiermom, spookhaven, spooktress, straiph, technocowboy, tenaveran, texflex, the_dean, thegargoyle, thetoken, tinagilman, trackerjay, twilightgoddess, vanquishedart, vorpar, watergriffin, wereguy, whethergal, worshipthesnake, xxnekojinxx, z0mb1, zja2
Account type:Paid Account

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