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[18 Sep 2004|12:21am]
rar, back in NM, all is good, but very busy. more of a update tomorrow.
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[04 Sep 2004|03:51pm]
[ mood | relieved ]
[ music | Avril Lavigne - Knocking on heavens door ]

Today, I was reminded of how good of friends I got. They stick through me through thick and thin and I really want to thank you all. I really appreciate it! And I can't wait till I get to come home and visit ya all! :) Again, friends, I appreciate it!


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[16 Jul 2004|01:06am]
Sometimes people need to be shot.

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Update Update Updattttte! [12 Jul 2004|09:25am]
Well, just updating since I am sitting in the hotel lobby on there "phat" pipe. Got through first month in NY/NEADS fine... kinda. They are really stringent on stuff you look at online and I got yelled at for looking at "game" sites. Whatever that means, since it CAN mean 500000 different things. Ugh, oh well, not like I am permanent party, just TDY.

The hotel is nice, kinda boring and the service isn't all that great, but its got a dennys, so I can eat stuff 24/7.

Well, I am off, you people should call me! and if ya need my number email me at my military email.

And if you need to know what that is just write me here and I will write you a email from it so you get it, don't want to post it so some spambot can grab it and spam it forever and ever ;)

hehe, well, I'm really out. Kinda. Ok, AHh

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I hate Mondays [11 May 2004|01:05am]
Well, another update, yes, its rare.

Well, my friend and a few of my squadron mates are on there way to the sand box, can't say which one, or what, but its still a very sad time. I have never been to a go away thing, and man, I was not really ready for the level of emotion that these people showed. I feel stupid since I am going to New York while they go over there, its dumb, and retarded and makes me feel the same..


Mary, I know what your feeling... :(
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Update of the Month [07 May 2004|10:42pm]
Well, time for a update, since I have been away for a while. Where to start..

Well, first off, I am currently confused about alot of things, and alot of my emotions just don't make me mad. One of my friends at Holloman continues to amaze me with her idioticy when it comes to dealing with things, since she should know that we are in the Air Force, we deploy, and thats part of the deal. Some people go for a few months, don't take it out on me if that happens to be your damned husband. Don't treat him like a idiot, and let him do what he wants to do. Sure, he's married to you, but it's still his life, not yours.

Second, I've changed over and become a devout City of Heroe's player. I love the game. hence my new icon, its my char's name on the champion server, Storms Fury. Its good stuff.

Third, Still getting prepped for my "deployment" to NY. It's going to be a milk run, both work wise and money wise. I'm going to bank alot, which is good, since I really need to start to actually save up some money.

Fourth, I'm crying. Yep, since I'm missing home really bad right now.. :(

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[05 Mar 2004|08:09pm]
So, I am sitting here, after coming back from my friends room. Its a friday night, I should drink, or be drinking, or doing things with my "friends" but how can I do that when they don't even notice if Iam there or not. I _HATE_ people. I hate them. They can burn in hell for being insensitive bitches who don't give a fucking shit if it doesn't directly involve them.

Do I look like someone's bitch? If I do, I am sorry to be decieving, but I am not going to let shit happen anymore. I am handling things, and if you don't like the way that I am handling it you can die. Die a horrible death.

I am tired of being shitted on, and from this day forth I plan on letting people know it.
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Update of the weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek [24 Jan 2004|11:58am]
Well, its another week here at Holloman, and again I have learned many more valulable lessons on what it means to be in the Air Force, and how to deal with some of the stupid people from around the local area who don't like it. But oh well.

Last week friday I went with some guys from my shop to Las Cruces. We went to a Hooters, yes, me, at a hooters.. :-x It was alright, the food is overpriced, and the females really weren't THAT hot. The guys from my shop did pull a good prank and got me on a barstool and sang Happy birthday saying I was 13... :-x Talk about pissy ;)

We then went to a club, and after a few drinks, I was dancing, well, kinda dancing, more of waddling around the dance floor, all in all a good old time. Then on Saturday I went bowling, didn't drink, and was pissy. I don't know, the entire hanging out with couples bothers me.. Call me old fashioned but there should be rules on stuff like that when you have a single around, *shrugs*

Sunday went to church, and then some other lame stuff, but oh well, its done.

Now its a week later, I got through some of the lamest classes I have ever gone through, finally got IP subnet's out of my brain, and I am working tomorrow from 2:45 till 10:45, I'm thinking of bringing the lappy along to keep me entertained. ;)

Thats about it for now. I will probally HOPEFULLY be posting more now that I can have stuff to write about that some people might find interesting enough to write wonderful comments too.

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Anyother day, another adventure, or something along those lines... [06 Jan 2004|12:29am]
Well kids, lets see what has been happening in my wonderful neck of the woods. Well, first point, Got Cable, which means, SAY IT WILL ME, Matt is going to ownz u all in gamez yoz. Second, I'm finally a Airman, got the bad boy put on last week Monday.. (my arm has the marks to prove it :-p) I have visited the wonderful medical facilities available in Alamogordo, and I have been to the base "hospital" to get above stated Staples and stiches removed. Yes, I had staples and stiches, don't ask why, I was dumb, Very Very Dumb. Other then that though, I have to change my license to a NM, and then register my vehicle which means Matty has hardly any money (big change there, eh?) and other then that, just kickin it. No, i don't have a GF yet, and yes I am looking, :P Well, I guess I will let ya go, gotta get up in 5 hours, damned addiction to the internet :P


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Welcome to Holloman [06 Dec 2003|03:44pm]
Well, as the subject says, I'm finally at my First Duty Station, done with Technical Training, done with worrying (well, kinda) and am finally starting my real job. :) Matt happy!! :D

I miss all my friends though :( ;)
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Tech School YOZ! [27 Sep 2003|10:29pm]
So, I'm at tech school! :) I gotta say, its cool stuff, :-D

Write me here!! :-D
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[15 May 2003|03:55pm]
5.7 weeks till basic...

hehe, and I really need to jog more..

Any suggestions?
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w3rd [15 Apr 2003|02:33pm]
w3rd yoz
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Pulp Fiction maddness [02 Apr 2003|11:16pm]
What does Marcellis Wallis look like?

A simple question, really, some say a bitch, most say bitch, but some people just don't remember. ;)

Randomjoe: umm
Randomjoe: a person
Randomjoe: ?

joejoeyojoe: hmm
joejoeyojoe: who the fuck is that?

Analwolf: Huh?

Names have been changed to protect the innocent :P :P
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heh, ;) [29 Mar 2003|06:07pm]
You're a Dragon Babeh!!!
You are a Dragon! Oh, but not the big fat European
version... Oh no no no you're a creature of
style and taste. You love the exotic foods of
other places and have a special place on your
pallete for arsenic, and bird's nest soup. You
are the symbol of royalty, good luck, and
enlightenment. Hey, if you're good enough, you
could even become a deity!

What Japanese Creature are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I know I took it from one of my LJ friends, but its sweet! so yeah! :)

I am a dragon, rar!
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Iraq [22 Mar 2003|03:32pm]
To all the people who say we should give the Iraq's more time, take a read of this.

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[22 Mar 2003|03:42am]
Coast to Coast AM roxors,

Took me a damn long while to find a station that plays it


But, for now, Sleep

I gotta get up for a DEP Commander Call tomorrow morning, heh
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[11 Mar 2003|02:10am]
bahhhhh, I am stuck watching ABC because Time Warner is having a power outrage thing, bahhhh, bahhhh, atleast I have my internet still, or I would be mad ;)

Actually, I should be asleep, but sleeping is boring.

Well, actually, ABC is making me tired, time for sleep

P.S. roxors still
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w00t [21 Feb 2003|02:49am]
Well, I got a Radeon 8500 coming sometime early next week, and I also got the boxed set game of Battlespace coming either monday or tuesday.

Yay for tax returns!! :D
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DS [06 Jan 2003|04:40am]
Um, I know I have said this before, but, rocks ass. ;)
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