Allie's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]

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newjournal... [02 Jul 2002|01:14am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | yellowcard ]

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carnies with small hands and james dean [23 Jun 2002|09:59pm]
[ mood | lethargic ]
[ music | fun fun fun- beach boys ]

things i did today:
-went to the lame "town of wallkill" carnival
-went on tons-o-rides (that's so bad)
-got supercool feathers
-went to colandrea's
-got really sick
-had a water balloon fight
-steve got mistaken as a twelve-year-old
-went to thrift shop
-walked around middletown
-stole a family dollar cart
-saw spiderman
-held steve's hand
-got stalked by my neighbor
-got hugged by my neighbor
-saw marie freak out
-dreadlocked my hair (oh it fell out)
-met steve's supercool family
-broke into my own house
-went to adam's
-hung out on anthony's porch
-found out danielle is "soft"
-jeff always bails out on us
-updated my webpage
-saw james franco :) :) :)


new sn *coming soon* donttellharry

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marie's oh-so-gr8 party [22 Jun 2002|11:40am]
[ mood | mischievous ]
[ music | bus ]

yesterday i wondered around goshen, met some new "half-neighbors," and went to marie's party. billy and steve's band, the catch phrase, was playing.

me and boh and danielle wondered around marie's neighborhood looking for jeff's house. we got lost somewhere where everyone had mailboxes that were shaped like trains and lighthouses. then we quit and went back.

then the disgraced noodles (me, steve, dani-o) played our first set ever. there's not a word for the moment, it was just too great. really. jeff got it all on video and is making a webpage for the band, along with random photos of us playing. he just went on a high from us actually doing it, so who knows... but maybe that explains his sugary drunken-ness.

then marie's skater neighbor cut through her lawn, and a couple of hours later, me and cassie and boh decided to go get him to come to the party. yeah he didn't know us we didn't know him. we threw pebbles at his window but nothing. we rang at the wrong doorbell and his dad opened it and looked pissed. we went to the front and he came there... in his pajamas, and told us he'd be right over.

so we woke the poor guy up and didn't expect him to actually come over. but wow, he actually did. then me, cassie, brian, and jeff jumped in his pool. fully-clothed, just for the hell of it, because everyone else wimped out. losers.

i hope marie's rents aren't pissed.

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walkmocs and vintage clothing [21 Jun 2002|12:38pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | anthem ]

today was the last day of school... sad, but very very good.

after the spanish exam we had two hours before our bus came, so me and some friends wandered around goshen and went to nick's house. there was a fire in his room. it sucks, because now there's like a hole in the ceiling. or two actually. anyway walking around in three-inch heels equals not fun, but walking's cool. oh yeah. and being a burkie is not cool, judging by a couple of goshen losers. go figure.

ahh tonight's marie's party with billy's band which apparently has more people in it than uh billy. oohooh, side note, i saw the perfect james dean car. i wanted to hotwire it with the supercool book steve bought me on how to hotwire a car, but i relented. i wanted it though, if that counts for anything.

erik said "tommorow is yesterday the next day, so let's make the best of today" not much sense, but still.

*update* hahaha
i didn't feel like creating a new entry and i never put this one in yet, so. anyway i saw these two skater guys across the street and i decided to ask them if they were the new neighbors but they were just helping their aunt move in, but they'll be there everyday this summer and stuff, so. then i was like, ok, and went back inside.

they came back, rang the doorbell, and asked to hang out. it was fun. once again i realized the insane amount of money guys spend on decks (and yeah, girls too) but you know. eighty bucks and up. ugh i can't afford eight bucks. so we chilled. their names are anthony and dawson. and only until i got inside did i realize, dawson, dawson's creek, neighbor, and then crack up. alright i'm out. i mean-- 1 and i'm out, right dani-g?

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party smarty [18 Jun 2002|01:40pm]
[ mood | productive ]
[ music | sticks and stones ]

i hate live journal! i wrote an entry, then it conveniantly LOST IT. i hate you!!!

anyway matt's party was on saturday. i didn't know anybody there, besides maybe matt. yeah then there was this weird kid ryan who kept freaking me out cuz he kept hugging/touching/putting his arm around me. it was uncomfortable around him so i finnaly then met hans, and he was pretty cool, even if matt desperately wanted us hooked up. yeah i know. but it's all good.

then they made this stoner tom do a keg stand, and he got trashed. he fell down the stairs a couple times. he's so hippie though. he really is. he's just one of those people that's fun to watch. and wonder.

so anyway yeah i submitted this extra credit assignment for religion because i was failing, and my teacher loved it i guess. she came up to me and was like, it's so good, you should publish it, you have such a strong voice. and she wrote on the paper that my writing was "unique, strong, and brutally honost." it was so religion-bashing, too, but i didn't call it that of course. i wrote that the paper was on "athiest exploration." it was so corny/cheesy etc. i can't beleive she liked it, though. and a couple people affirmed this sudden good-ness i have writing, which is odd, but then regardless of how much i didn't beleive them, i still went on a high while i was writing my finals essays today. i mean not like livejournal writing. that's nothing special at all. oh yeah, by the way:
i like the first story best. it really is just exactly the deal with me and dan was. it's all about my life in dumb little stories, but i'm taking some of the lamer ones down, so savor it while you can.

anyway i get to see YOU KNOW WHO again, and if you don't know who than use your imagination, and guess what? im physched. hahaha. and also, a little part of me is - apprehensive.

alright guys if you want to get on the bus it's twenty bucks, and then it's twenty-six bucks for the pass. (that's forty-six dollars in total.) you need to put thirty bucks in an envelope with your name and phone number on the front and give it to either me, matt, or chuk. it's next monday, the 24th. you need to call one of us for the time and meeting place for the bus.
listen don't come if you don't want to hang around pine bush kids all day, because that's who matt's friends are. i don't know if there's going to be parental supervision, although i know sophie and some other kid's mom is coming. also if you're preppie or antisocial don't come, and be forewarned matt's friends are very punk. there's mostly seniors and up, with some sophomores and juniors, so keep in mind you'll be the only freshman there. don't give freshman a bad name now, come on, the burke class did enough of that. any other questions, call one of us. (well me since you guys don't know the other two guys.)
*oh yeah, not my rule, but matt's: NO GEORGE* sorry buddy :(

peace, love, and upside-down-roller-coasters,

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my party oh oh [15 Jun 2002|10:34am]
[ mood | indifferent ]
[ music | nfg ]

yo yo, my birthday (party) was yesterday. i got tons of superhot gifts:
danielle- nfg sticks and stones + m&ms; (inside joke)
jeff- lucky bamboo! + a guitar book + cosmic crispy bar (inside joke)
marie- leather jacket book (james dean!) + two patches ("straightedge girl XXX" and "it's o.k. not to drink") + a pin ("no!") + ten bucks
nic & boh- twenty bucks each, woowoo
steve- the survival book + that awesome rufio cd

tell me you're not so incredibely jeleous. it rained on my birthday! it sucked so much. but we went outsdie and nic and steve chased cars and we did eachothers hair and made it cooler and then we played run across the street relay until someone gets hit and then hide and seek and watched monty python and cruel intentions and sesame street wit ME on it woohoo, and talked and stood in awkward huddles in doorways, and now you got the gist of it.

i got darryl's party and matt's party and then guess what i'll be doing all day tommorow?! STUDYING! more like cramming, cuz i don't know shit for the finals.

peace & luv, allie

~*~ dan's on the plane right now ~*~ :(

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dan's party and then some [14 Jun 2002|04:33pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | thursday ]

evan was pissing me off butthen he offered me a ride so i cooled down, and i went to my best friend's going-away party. i don't need to express the emotional mix occuring there. anyway.

first it was dork fun. they made up really stupid party games that little elemantary kids could play (think of spin the bottle, 7 minutes in heaven, suck and blow) that would be excuses for little hormonal preteens to "fool around." they came up with knock the knockout, which to them is a mix of spin the bottle and truth or dare. it's where you have to kiss (knock over with a kiss) the person you think is the hottest (the knockout.) it's so honest, so poignant, so dumb. i think it will catch on. Second it was emotional fun. everyone got all sad when it hit us dan really was once and for all leaving and it wasn't just a "maybe." so sad. yeah even erik, who doesn't get emotional for nothing, i think got a little mushy. third was when for dan's very last night with all of us he was going to get completely drunk and stoned and go more than a little crazy.

that's about when he kissed me good-bye and evan gave me a ride home...

well my par-tay as boh so puts it is starting sometime, so i should go. luv ya.


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life is fragile [12 Jun 2002|11:31pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | phantom planet ]

well i was debating going to bed, but then i thought better of it because there's a billion trucks and cars outside and road sparks and people radio-ing eachother and me and herms went to check it out and there's this hugeass fire down the street from me and the entire house is down, and they're afraid it will spread to the hospital, and it's awesome (in a morbid way, don't take that personally) just cuz the entire sky is orange and it smells like when you burn your uniform in a giant campfire and stuff.

yeah today i went shopping for the first time in a billion years. it was awesome! i got a skirt, a shirt, a tank, a hair straightener, "hi my name is" stickers, nail polish, the phantom planet cd "guest", and cool dexter clogs that are so hideously ugly they're awesome. tommorow is picture day and i thought a gun would be the perfect accesory to the stupid dressy-code. i've never taken a good picture in my life, and i don't feel like breaking that tradition.

my mom and sister are back from jersey with their stories. i think it was good for my mom.

i don't know what i'm doing right now. it's only eleven-thirty, but there's no excitement planned for tonight except watching the house burn, playing my obscenely loud guitar, finding some bracelets to put on my bare left arm, thinking about if tommorow will be the last day i'll ever see dan, and wondering how the hell i'm going to raise three-hundred dollars. then i'm going to have some summer dreams in my sleep. i do that.

i decided when i was in the shower that this summer for a day i'd try dreadlocks with this wax i bought for no good reason and see how much of a freak i'd look like in them, cuz i don't know if they really look good on anyone.

yawn. all that spending really got to be too much for me. i only have a hundred dollars left. maybe i'll give it to charity. well actually there's this sneakers i wanted... wow. i don't really give a shit anyway what i do with it. except maybe buy on a wire so i don't have to listen to it on their webpage anymore, cuz it's getting old after awhile.

i'm so sure no one is interested in any of this, so i will just retire while i am ahead. i really like that song "california." remind me to put that and thin lizzy on my road trip cd... oh you don't care? ok.

luv me luv you luv us and them,

and this whole world needs an anthem
and i'm trying to put the words where they belong
and this whole world needs an anthem
and i hope that everyone will sing along

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iT's mY biRtHdaY!!! [10 Jun 2002|07:34pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | RUFIO!!! ]

some friends (dan, evan, erik, johnny, chris, mike) just came over, then they left to "get me my present." and they'll be back in five, so let me make this quick.

well well, it's my birthday! MY QUINCE!!! oh yeah, go me and then some. it was so awesome. *** My parents got me my acoustic guitar!!! *** it was a lot of money and i was like, aww this is the coolest thing in the world. no more crappy electric. yeha!

today in school i got cards and lotsa "happy birthdays" and a dollar bill folded into a bird and ten sexual favors and a can of minute made (which i'm allergic to-- no fair) and a birthday note and all this other amazingly great stuff. awesome toss 'em.

and then i was thinking this is the second-to-last time i'm ever going to see dan so i might as well make the best of it. it's real awful cuz when he showed up he looked really good and then he hugged me and kissed me on the forehead and told me this was gonna be the best birthday i ever had. and i just sort of stood there like ehh noo. then evan looked at us really sympathetically and i was just like, yeah, definately the best birthday ever...

ahh! i think i hear the car. obscenely loud bass!!! wtf? gotta go, lyl, ME


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mermles graduated without my consent [09 Jun 2002|10:23pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Thin Lizzy ]

i wanted to cry. lol, but i didn't. i don't understand why. and justin kept falling asleep during the ceremony. and the salutorian dissed on father foley. and what the hell? no one got their diplomas. seriously now...

then was jessi's happening party. oh ya. danielle painted her this cute little danielle picture of a sunset and a notebook with glued-on picks. and gave her "dough." it was great. me and hermie both had pretty pink dresses on. she just sort of sat there and sulked, though.

then me and marie and dani-o and steve went down to the circus. we flipped all the letters on the sign around so it said "fuck free parking." then we stole letters for our lockers- for the last week of school! boohoo. that's so damn sad! steve got me an early birthday present (hey! my birthday's tommorow!) it was the worst-case scenario survival guide. it's soo awesome! now i know how to jump from a building into a dumpster, fend off killer bees, and deliver a baby in a taxi cab. i will bring it everywhere. *just in case*

matt called and explained stuff while everyone was pondering if i was asian as a child. it reminds me of the time we went to the supermarket by swinging bridge lake and told that kid my names was ching quang qoang. funness.

i realized the true extent of embarssing family-ness i have. so you guys, seriously, if you ever wonder why i turned out this way, look at them. i mean really.

i'm so depressed that the elaphants left before i could free them or hand out free ellie stickers and foreworn scrubby soccer moms or put my hand up to a carnie to see if his was smaller.

dan is flying out saturday. i just thought you should know, because his party is on thursday and i'm gonna be depressive. you're forewarned.

~steve loitered around forever, but luckily with help of my book, he knew how to jump in the air at a moving car. he's so talented.~

-luv, peace, and other stuff the world will never be made of,

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baccalaureate... yeah a big word for a small mind [08 Jun 2002|11:53pm]
[ mood | quixotic ]
[ music | ap2 ]

today was jessi's baccalaureate, and after a long fight with my parents which i reluctantly lost, i had to go. then i had nothing to wear and i wore black pants (gucci! right dani-o?) and the purple shirt i wore to nyc last year which somehow now is too big on me, and this black lingerie top that dan bought me as a gag gift, but it was basically covered. i told my mom i looked like prince and made my family refer to me as "the girl formelly known as allie." then i put my cd player in a black duffel bag and told my mom it completed my hobo look. she gave me a look.

matt came to the bacca... you get the point. the mass. because that's what he does. he goes places and is matt. sam was there for fallon, jeff for aj, and greg for mike. jeff pointed me out to his parents and hid his face and his parents go, "why won't you look at her?" funny stuff.

after that we went out to the olive garden. oh yeah. i got home just now, after dropping matt off and walking him the two feet to his door (lawl) and i told my parents how joey found a dead body in the woods behind a korean church.

i'm gunna call dan now cuz his going away party is on thursday. hear you me. i am going to cry. lawl!

jessi graduates tommorow. i will be soo sad! wouldn't you?

luv and kisses, me

p.s. i noticed how stuck on itself my school is. the theme of the yearbook is "to whom much is given, much is expected." shut the hell up! nobody likes you. U B JESUS!

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emo-tastic [08 Jun 2002|11:08am]
[ music | stuff ]


I act like I'm 17.
This test was brought to you by Melissa - No, really.... Take it here.

Which Dashboard Confessional Song Are You?

By Tiffany

click to take it!

Find your inner random object! by Emily

hey look! you're emo!
congratulations. weirdo.

stick this in your blog, and show the world that
you are a true, tissue-toting emo kid!

take the emo quiz
.created by jessi

you could also have gotten poser, not emo, semi-emo, super-emo, peep, or jessi.
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i'm not lonely cuz the tv's on yeah, i'm not crazy cuz i take the right pills everyday [07 Jun 2002|03:20pm]
[ mood | exanimate ]
[ music | Thursday ]

i'm so over that depressed state i was in yesterday. all i remember is cursing out corn to jeff and then collapsing on my bed like i was some tortured soul. then i realized i wasn't, got up, and got over it.

today is a friday night. i'm going out later tonight, but until then, guess what i get to do??? well i just bought TEN PACKS of index cards and i brought like all my books home. (well, a couple of em, which is a lot for me.) and i'm going to study so i can learn a year's worth of six different subjects in a couple of hours... can i do it? UGH.

ugh ok well i guess i should go. i really gotta get to "work." that just sounds wrong. I HAVE ONLY STUDIED ONCE THIS ENTIRE YEAR. what the hell? i can't do this!

anyway here's a big one to all the graduates... mermles (i luv ya, you so made it girlie!), darryl (hahaha and ha, good luck at your Christian college), matt (yeah! the marines! don't forget my address), chad (love the shoes, and i'm glad you came in), will (ah, third one down; not that i care and a two-girl party? come on now) and everyone else.

"if i met the girl of my dreams, i'd wonder what the hell she was doing in my life..." -chad "would she still be my dream girl? i don't get it."

luv, allie

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the boys are back in town [06 Jun 2002|07:35pm]
[ mood | gloomy ]
[ music | Jimmy Eat World ]

i don't feel like a girl, i feel like a little white ping-pong ball that we bought a million and two of last summer in o.v. for 25 cents a pop. i feel like i'm an emotionless freak. i feel like i'm holding a calender up and all the pages are slipping out my hands. suddenly i know that no matter what he's a million miles away and i'm falling further and further behind. i know i can't get it. i'll never be there.

::failed conversations::
danielle- i sort of left her stranded
amanda- i felt compelled to clean my room
matt- i felt the need to study, which i still have yet to do...
joanna- we have nothing to talk about anymore
papageorge- our conversation died before it happened

::a song for a heart so big::
There's no one in town I know
You gave us some place to go
I never said thank you for that
I thought I might get
One more chance
What would you
Think of me now
So lucky, so strong, so proud?
I never said thank you for that
now I'll never have a chance
May angels lead you in
Hear you me my friends
On sleepless roads
The sleepless go
May angels lead you in
So what would you
Think of me now
So lucky, so strong, so proud?
I never said thank you for that
now I'll never have a chance
May angels lead you in

ahh he looked good today for some reason all i remember. and i kept thinking that no matter what i wouldn't let my mind go back to that one night than changed both of us because i'd get too poetic and emotional, but then i got taken to that place. the place where i keep kicking myself, keep wondering, keep thinking... i can't do that. no i can't.

i'm sorry, it's just that he was standing there, and smiling, and it was just like it was not even a few monthes ago like no time had came between. and i just thought the usual, if only.

i think it's the rain. all i see is water all over my window. there's no sun. i feel like it matches my mood. gray. lifeless. ugh this can't all be real.

it was jessi's very last day of high school ever today. lucky.

i love you, wherever you are, i miss you, no matter where you go...

luv, allie.

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my real kickass page [03 Jun 2002|08:50pm]
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mazeltov jonathon {& dreidle, dreidle, today was a not-so-bad day} [01 Jun 2002|09:32pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Argyles ]

today i didn't really have much of a choice about going to jonathon's bar mitzvah, but i didn't really mind all that much. he's a pretty cool kid. plus i got this cool t-shirt that says "jonathon's bar mitzvah June 1, 2002" and then i realized i'm a complete dork and then i thought, but that's cool.

at first it was just me and merms, but then we got moved to indiana jone's table, which was a good thing. i hung out all day with these kids shawn, mike, and josh. shawn was really hilarious and pretty cool today, and he was a ska band down in pennsylvania. we had this emo/ska/punk fight, and it was great. i think i just kept going because i refuse to be wrong... other than that, he was real cool kid. mike was hot, and he looked older, because when i first saw him he was wearing a suit and talking to this old guy and i just figured like seventeen. (dunno y.) he seems cool. maybe i'll harass him more when i go down to langhorne! lol. i swear to god, he fell down while mowing the lawn... josh is this kid who looked like a mini version of this kid matt who's a freshman at burke. he was real quiet, but when he talked (like making fun of PANSY!) he was hilarious. plus he got a pool and a hot tub. woowoo. lol!

right now i'm listening to shawn's mp3's. i never turned it off... it's not all that bad. i think emo woulda been better! i bet he cried when he listened to weezer... lol! guys who cry! that's horrible. pussies! hahaha. i've heard way too many jokes today. i wish we went to the segarra's house afterwards, i wouldn't be home doing nothing right now!

*without him, spiderman would have been nothing. i needed his commentaries and incessant laughing while little kids faced being plunged into depthes of perilous water. just thought I SHOULD MENTION THAT so i'm no longer harassed about the unmentionment. really, jeff made the whole movie worth seeing!!! or something like that.*

OMG! THE CAR RIDE WAS BEAUTIFUL!!! it was three hours to pa, and i noticed something:
my dream college (princeton) is right next to my dream town (lawrenceville)
---i discovered my dream town two years ago on labor day weekend on the way down to phile. it's the most beautiful, pretty down you've ever seen. if i ever raised kids (which i won't) or wanted to settle down from the city (prolly not) that's where'd i go.
---i made my parents stop at my lifelong dream college, the place where i know i will go, PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. the town was better than i'd ever imagined. they had little tables outside of the cafe's and everything. i made them stop at the graduation. OMG! im so going.

-*-he's an entry for the "locked" people who want a little extra something-*-
last night with dan...
and evan...
the swing in the middle of the night!
this is the kid i'm in love with...
and he's going how many miles away from me?
the choice is not his...
his lines are...
and damn are they perfect...
good stuff NEVER happens to me!
and when it does...

luv and shit, allie

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the explosion [29 May 2002|05:37pm]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | Boxcar Racer ]

star wars downright sucked, but spiderman... i dunno. it wasn't that great. it kinda let me down for all they hype it had and all. (and james dean got totally screwed over! :)

lindsay just im-ed me... it's so strange. she's so different now! i can never get over the shock. i saw her at the mall, she went like, "oh, your friend is cute!" i looked over at nic standing by marie, and she's like "no,no, the other one." i suddenly went like "JEFF?" i don't know why that shocked me so much.

i saw gorgeous luke... i saw gorgeous luke... and as always, i felt ugly next to him. he was just talking. every time he flips a car, he gets a new one! a flitchken NICER one. damn rich kids!

THEN THERE'S THE NEVERENDING DAN THING. i say this becuase it is such a pain in the ass.
erg, uh, dan headache coming. I DON'T EVEN FEEL LIKE EXPLAINING IT, IT IS SO MESSED UP. i will just feel even worse. i will explain it some other time. the explosion. the mess. the thing. whatever that is.

erikson00: just get it over with! just do it! just jump! be my jumper! just got for it! just fall! you know you want to! it's like that jump thing! you want to!
geminiangel311: are you done yet?

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"that's a chair. you're apologizing to a chair." [24 May 2002|10:34pm]
[ mood | exanimate ]
[ music | Beach Boys ]

i bought new clothes for no reason, except maybe mp is my closet instead of actual clothes.

i am going boating tomorrow. today @ sns i was in my denim skirt and white tee and flip flops and the mm-hairstyle me and mandy concocted last summer and tall matt goes, "what you going to the beach or something?" then i noticed blond tim bagging and he really wanted to join in the convo bcuz he kept laughing and looking but he's really shy and he just couldn't. it's like this kid al that goes to my school. you befriend them because they're shy, and quiet, and gaurded. it's not really a pity thing. tim isn't all that bad looking.

tonight i stayed home because i really wanted a night off, to chill, to break in my new french riviera-style pants, and to watch james dean: too fast to live & too young to die. my favorite movie. ppl would call and i'd be like, go the hell away.

yesterday was middletown prom. everyone at jess whatever's house and stephanies house were all outside taking pictures. there was this big white stretch limo. stephanie looked pretty. she was wearing this black glittery dress with a lace-up back. it was like a movie star,but you really need the body to pull it off. then rafeal and anton showed up with his date, and everyone took pictures at my house all pretty and stuff. rafeal's a pretty cool kid. the prom was at anthony's peir 9.

we were supposed to go camping this weekend but it got all booked up. uncle doug's pretty bummed. i didn't want to back to oakland valley anyway. to see my friend! matt who pulled a knife on me, or matt the bad teeth kisser, or gourgeous lloyd, or i'm-gonna-hook-up-wit-everyone tim, or high joe, or weird george, or derek. i saw derek at the castle last week. he was really weird last year. he kept in the corner listening to the hot dog song by limp bisket a billion times on his boombox in the arcade and he always wore this hugeass backpack and he wouldn't go into the woods because he was addicted to his girlfriend back "home". he's still with her. he was stoned in a bad way that weekend. the most fucked up weekend of my life.

i have a blister from my new flip-flops. it was bcuz me and herman walked to friendly's and i've never worn flip-flops before. that's a funny word. flip-flop.

i have to go pack. i so don't want to get into a bathing suit. nastiness. but then marie's all, cosmic bowling! my friends bring me down to reality. they're worth the world.


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a day at home [15 May 2002|01:06pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Weezer ]

heyhey, i woke up, got out bed, took a shower, put on my uniform, and went downstairs. the clock read 12 noon. i was like, wtf? my mom wasn't home, my dad was at work, and my sister was at school. i was one very confused girl.

then i went upstairs, put on plaid pajama pants and a boris t-shirt, and picked up my pillow. soaked.

my parents usually let me stay home when i get these nightmares. they say i yell or sleepwalk and say stuff that "scares them" but they won't tell me what it is that i say. it's all very cool. basically now, i'm home alone with nothing to do.

i was watching ferris bueller's day off when i realized i'd seen it for like a million times and know the plot off the top of my head. then i was watching a walk in the clouds, but it was all too sad when his wife didn't show up to greet him after he hadn't seen her for four years cuz he got called off. so now i'm here.

these nightmares have gotten me out of two days of school before this one, but usually i know what's going on. it's all very kryptic. but hey, at least i caught up on some well-needed sleep.

In my heartsent my confession my condolence,
You're indefinite you're incompetent inconsiderate.
You're so childish,
I will push you out of what is real out of my head.
You can stick and drown at your residence of dissapointments,
Are of yours to come.
So embrace them oh my shallow one today,
If I could change anything then I would change everything.
These bitter days shall remain.
I don't ask for your forgiveness I don't care much for your actress.
That's just you though shallow and selfish.
So I go now oh my hollow one today.
If I could change anything then I would change everything.
These bitter days shall remain.
So carry your blues behind your eyes,
Don't flatter yourself I will survive.
So carry your blues your own denial.
Your feathers are gone you'll never fly.
If I could change anything,
Then I would wipe the years away.
If I could change anything,
Then I would wipe the years away.
If I could change anything,
Then I would change everything.
These bitter days shall remain.
Since you're gone I'm much better than you.
So carry your blues behind your eyes,
Don't flatter yourself I will survive.
So carry your blues your own denial.
Your feathers are gone you'll never fly.
She'll never fly.

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by stewart's [12 May 2002|11:58am]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | don't hate me cuz im just that good...a little misunderstood ]

uh, erg, um, and, yeah.

where do i start with last night?

how about i don't.


i'm screwed up.

what the hell am i doing?

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