29th November 2004
Badania rynku, bo nie wiem, co ludzi interesuje i co warto tlumaczyc... Poll #393623
Open to: All, results viewable to: AllBiografia francuskiej kierowczyni rajdowej z lat 30. ubieglego wieku, Helle Nice: przeczytaliby? Spytaj przyjaciol i skomentuj. Tak, to dotyczy CIEBIE. *paluch* re: Ukraina: ojapierdole, ale jaja.
9th November 2004
Sorry for the quiz result, but it's too good not to post. Go Go Godzilla! What Kaiju are You? brought to you by Quizilla:P
W tym kraju nie warto, kurwa, chorowac. Innymi slowy: musze isc na uczelnie, a nie stac w nieruchomej kolejce w przychodni, bo panie rejestratorki wydelegowaly jedna kolezanke do obslugi polowy osiedla. Ej, da sie w warszawskiej uczelnianej zrobic badanie krwi?
Now Feeling: enraged
Now Playing: enraged
3rd November 2004
Got three sleeping spots in my flat still unoccupied. More if you bring your own sleeping bags. Come on over, Americans, the vodkafood's cheap!
Now Feeling: cynical
Now Playing: cynical
Now Feeling: Mahalia Jackson - We Shall Overcome
Now Playing: Mahalia Jackson - We Shall Overcome
30th October 2004
Every time I start feeling better about my drawing skills I come across a beautiful webcomic or graphic novel I haven't previously seen and all my newfound confidence goes to shit. Thanks a lot, folks. :P
Now Feeling: cynical
Now Playing: cynical
22nd October 2004
I'm not an artist. I never could draw faces even roughly resembling their actual models [or their photos], so no easy money doing portraits in the streets for me, but nevertheless I could roughly approximate a person's looks after about ten tries; shape of the face, hairline, eyes and lips. So now I'm majorly pissed off that I can remember several people in complete 3D down to the tiniest freckle, but I cannot draw them. I need one of these faces for a character, but I can't even find the proper face oval. Shit. :/ I oughta stick with eating, the art form I'm best at. >.<
Now Feeling: pissed off
Now Playing: pissed off
17th October 2004
It's understandable you'd want to call your villain "Dr Doom" when you want everyone to know right away he's evil and a villain. When you're writing a suspense novel and call your chief evildoer "Ahriman", though... the suspense gets sorta lost, if you catch my drift.
Now Feeling: morose
Now Playing: morose
15th October 2004
20:48: Heh.
1. While I accept the possibility of me starting to believe in a god at some point, I doubt I'd stick with any one religion anyway. Why? Example: I just ate a pork cutlet... ...on friday... ...which is the first day of Ramadan. 2. The Polish Parliament is preparing a list of ambulances that can drive over to other countries of the EU to help out in case of a terrorist attack. The list is, I kid you not, top secret. Frankly, I don't get the decision to keep it out of the public view. If the ter'rists got their filthy hands on them, they'd die laughing and the world would be saved. Shit, they wouldn't even have time to bomb those three suitable vehicles [even if they still were in working order by that time]. Ah, hell. Another chance to end world terrorism is lost. :<
Now Feeling: cynical
Now Playing: cynical
Now Feeling: The Pogues - Boys from the County Hell
Now Playing: The Pogues - Boys from the County Hell
12th October 2004
OUR SECURITAY IZ PASTEDE ON YAY!No, for real. Congrats, folks. *shakes head* ...if Szmajdzinski doesn't make good on that claim of his, I'm buying a bazooka...
Now Feeling: d'oh!
Now Playing: d'oh!
7th October 2004
Someone get me her phone number! :0 [Thanks for the link, licedime.]
Now Feeling: horny
Now Playing: horny
5th October 2004
The lightbulb in my desk lamp decided to split in two, leaving the metal part in the socket. Just like in the общежитие... first I tried to unscrew it with my fingers, like Tigran and Erik, then I remembered Begench solving the same problem with pliers and removed the bloody thing. Philips bulb, damnit... I'd expect better quality from something that wasn't bought on a five-rubles stall. Damn. Now I'm getting all nostalgic again. :/ I need a vodka&sprite in a "glass" fashioned out of a hacked-off water bottle, like in the good old days two weeks ago. :/ Or maybe I'll settle for my metal cup. It's larger than those glasses were.
Now Feeling: morose
Now Playing: morose
3rd October 2004
Folks... I'm getting my brother's VAX! His wife put her foot down and bro knows my room's open to all homeless computers, so he's unloading the machine on me. And a heap o' manuals, too. If my mother hears about it, I'll end up sleeping under one of Warsaw's gorgeous bridges with all my computers. Some people just don't appreciate technology, y'know? :b
2nd October 2004
I started using Firefox. Piss off. :P Konq started throwing up on pages more complicated than LJ friends lists and I need to be able to access Russian texts, so I unwillingly joined the enemy and <strike>it's not too bad, really</strike>I wish it would read the huge XML with my konq bookmarks. Stupid Firefox, can't even do such a simple little thing. :P XMMS 1.2.10 is *good*. I'm loving the hell out of Queue... finally, a function to help me create the perfect set of sad songs for an evening of drinking without hauling each mp3 up and down a large playlist. :> Still a few megs till I get my fix of Sin City. Still a few *hundred* megs till I download the complete set of Preacher. And stupid mlnet has been having trouble connecting to reasonable servers. Warszawka i okolice - wypalic wam komiksy, jak dojda? Juz sie domyslam, ze <lj user=gasba> bedzie chcial, ale moze ktoras z pieknych dam sie zainteresuje ;) Bedzie: 100 Bullets 01-46, Fables 01-28, Preacher 01-66, Sin City, A Dame To Kill For, caly Sandman i [chyba cala] Death.
Now Feeling: Cornelis_Vreeswijk_-_Cornelis_Bästa_-_Disk_2 - Personliga Person
Now Playing: Cornelis_Vreeswijk_-_Cornelis_Bästa_-_Disk_2 - Personliga Person
1st October 2004
How bad is it when I cheer for the antagonists in a Russian propaganda movie? Y'all think all those years of siding myself with movie villains is to blame? ['Cause you can't *not* side with Darth Vader.] Either that, or the plot's too two-dimensional for me to do otherwise... or the villains have bigger guns and cooler uniforms... or I don't like blatantly racist flicks... ...or maybe it's just that I'm a stinking liberal who thinks totalitarian governments have no business exterminationg whole nations.
Now Feeling: indescribable
Now Playing: indescribable
30th September 2004
I blew a whole shitload of money on movies and food the last few days. I also downloaded the whole of 100 Bullets, original version, none of that poorly translated crap. I'm gonna start buying it next time I'm in a civilized country. Next download: Sin City.
New KFC dessert: it's crap. Doesn't taste like a chocolate cookie at all, and is *way* too expensive for its size. I'd rather buy a Twister there and any random damn cookie in any random bakery.
Bad Education: whoa. Finally a movie that ends *exactly* when it should, not sooner and not later, with a perfect scene. But hey, it's Almodovar; he's the Master. The movie's so multi-layered I find it nearly impossible to discuss without spoiling the pleasure [I think] you'll feel when you watch it [because you WILL watch it. Right?]. I can only say it's a damn shame we never find out what Ignacio wanted to be called in her new life.
Ong-Bak: it's full of two things - man candy and unbelievable asskicking. I thoroughly enjoyed every second of this PWP [Plot? What Plot?], even the deus ex machina ending; in the beginning it was the certainty that I'll see many more gorgeous stunts and near the end it was the fact that I did. The chase through the streets of Bangkok, and how Ting disposes of his enemies, and the tuk-tuk crashfest... all that makes for a wonderful, relaxing B-movie "with a message". Oh, and I liked how Ting was deeply religious. That was a nice touch. [I'm one helluva atheist, ain't I?]
The Chronicles of Riddick: loved the costumes and what happened to Jack/Kyra. Let me reiterate: *loved* the costumes. And the whole Necromonger setup. Impressive ships, intimidating armor, 3vi1 artwork. Hell, I'd take the brainwashing if I could wear that kind of armor and fly one of those ships. And I want to talk like Vin Diesel. All that aside, I preferred the trailer. Less plot holes, less padding; sure, it was *extremely* entertaining and had a handful of great scenes, but they were strung together with long threads of blah.
100 Bullets, issues 21 and 22: they're about me.
Next stop: Hellboy.
25th September 2004
The water's running. Between my last post and the present time I read through the main three human filters, leaving the comms for later; it's good to be up-to-date with y'all's lives, folks. Someone [and I'll be pointing fingers as soon as my mother gets back from France] threw out all my pizza leaflets! Sacrifuckinlege, so instead of phoning La Stella for their four-cheese I'll have to order a Dominium or a Telepizza, of which the latter's nastier. Oh well, a double cheese/bacon/onion Dominium isn't that bad, especially when I'm immersed in hot water and reading magazines. I checked my school schedule. Unfuckinbelievable - they posted it *before* 1st of October! :P I start at 0830 only twice; the classes are unskippable, but hey, I'll have plenty of time for getting back to my weight training anyway. If my crappy bathroom scale can be trusted, I've _lost_*two*_kilos_ over those three weeks. Why don't I just keel over and die, eh? I think I know why'd I feel so crappy in the beginning of my stay. From a high-protein, high-calorie diet with at least two liters of fluids per day I went straight down to an extremely low-protein and low-cal regime. No wonder I crashed. Fortunately I bought a large tub of whey powder before I left, and took some with me in a baggie [well, I was hoping to drink it after my workouts. See me laughing? It's a scurvy grimace.]. In my second week I started eating two large spoonfuls per day. It tastes foul dry, and worse mixed with Sprite; don't try this at home - but it helped me survive. Gods be praised for bodybuilding supply stores. Don't worry, it's just a passing insanity. Once my supply of new-news runs out, I'll be back to the good, old, clutterfree once-a-month schedule. ;)
12:52: I leave for a while and LJ fucks right over.
Oi, fucklarola! What happened to going back over than 100 entries on my filters, gawfuggindammit?! I've a whole bunch of events to catch up on! *fumes*
Now Feeling: enraged
Now Playing: enraged
Now Feeling: Timur Mutsuraev - Serzhen-Yurt
Now Playing: Timur Mutsuraev - Serzhen-Yurt
I'm officially Back. Came home at fourish AM; the cats got on my case for leaving them without a word of apology, but slept with me for a while anyway. Fenio got *so* big - he's significantly heavier than Sprezyn, and his back is about as wide as a small car. Sprezynek is still the more massive-looking one with all that fur, but underneath it's all lean meat. [The same cannot be said about my paunchy little F-Stripe.] If I could've stayed longer, I would've. Unfortunately my visa problem [namely, it expiring one day before my scheduled departure] couldn't be solved for love nor money [and I did offer money], and there was no-one to buy me a ticket in Moscow [reser-whattions? No such thing in Russia, apparently], so I couldn't leave on Monday either. I'm sure I missed a lot. But I threw a farewell party with booze, candy and caviar, pics were taken, so hopefully when my former roomie [a gorgeous girl from Marburg] comes back and gets 'em developed, you'll see the fun times. No, we didn't take pictures of the toilets. Don't ask, I'm trying to forget. It's funny, the way I'm missing Общежитие №3. I'd've never thought dorm life would be so fun - once I dared to start talking with people, of course; it was pure horror before I did. I really started looking forward to the lazy evenings on the windowsill, drinking tea or vodka and eating sunflower seeds. Hell, I even managed to take a few pulls of my pals' cigarettes without retching... see me being social! International scandal: Giacomo caught the sniffles from Lena [don't ask me how] and my own pointy nose got runny on the train, some hours after we hugged goodbye. Which embassy shall I write first? ...aww, I really could use the photos right now. And if I had a cellphone, I'd be able to download the pics we took on the train station with Begench's phonecam. :S This happens to me rather too often: just as I find people I could possibly call "friends" after a period of time, I have to switch schools/the camp ends/I get sick for a long time/my visa FUBARs and I end up feeling desperately unhappy. Fortunately nothing can keep me away from LJ for long, so y'all are stuck with me. :P The worst thing is, they all - with the exception of one teacher - are going to remember me just as an XX. I don't think they'd understand. [Too little credit? Maybe. The time will tell... or not. I have a metric assload of addresses for sending postcards to.] You know what I managed to do? Well, I don't, either. The Russian doctor didn't tell me anything I didn't know before and the x-rays came back fully normal. I was running down the dorm stairs [I hate stairs, so I take two at a time to reduce my experience with them to minimum], stepped wrong, heard a significantly unpleasant "crunch" and my foot started hurting. I jumped to my room on one leg, chased down some painkillers with a drink or three and... it didn't get better in the morning. I limped heavily for four days, stopped on the fifth and am still sore almost two weeks afterwards. I'll start looking for a better qualified doctor on Monday. Time for a bath. Long, hot bath. In hot water that I didn't have to heat up in a tin bucket! ;>
Now Feeling: blue
Now Playing: blue
Now Feeling: Cornelis Vreesvijk - Ballad Om Olika Segelytor
Now Playing: Cornelis Vreesvijk - Ballad Om Olika Segelytor
8th September 2004
So since most people didn't know I'd be away, here's a short backstory: I don't know Russian as well as my classmates do, so I needed - badly - to immerse myself in the language and stop being afraid to speak it. I thought I'd spend July in Moscow, but at the last possible moment they refused to accept me; my mother found the course in Saratov online [yep, and I'm proud of her :D] and it was by far cheaper than Moscow or St Petersburg, so I got here last Monday and will leave in three weeks. I'm living in a foreigners' dorm... if those are the "better" toilets, as I've been told, I do NOT want to see the regular ones. And the shower is... ужасен. Every time I'm there I get this feeling that the mold wil gather up into a monster, crawl off the walls and pounce at my back. 0_o But the food is indeed to die for. The sweets... the пирожки [ piroshki ;)]... the fruit... gods in all possible heavens, I'm getting hungry again. See y'all. ;>
6th September 2004
Wish y'all were here. The food is *great*... I'm so going to miss Russian food when I'm back in .pl. :/ Though I'm probably the first dreadhead in the history of Saratov, so I'm getting stared at and folks are trying to fondle my hair. :6 See you in a month, or whenever I get net access.
30th July 2004
A combination of unpleasant circumstances made me miss gym today. I'm not too thrilled. Will make up for it tomorrow, though. Hey, life? Don't stand between me and my weight training, kthx. Tax return: 202,08 zl. I can spend 80 zl out of it. Gonna buy me some kind of a protein powder, because I seem to be unable to get enough protein the usual way. I'm not gaining any weight, damnit! Gained 1 cm in bicep and 0.5 in forearm, but I'm still stuck at 65 kilos. Hopefully I'll be able to gain 5 kg of lean weight before Christmas. Fucking estrogen poisoning.
Now Feeling: angry
Now Playing: angry
18th July 2004
Not only Paivi is getting a notebook. I won a Thinkpad for my mother on Allegro... 910 zl/$255; I could've paid less, but I went paranoid in the last seconds and raised the price by 20 zl at the end. :S Oh well, at least she'll have a small, light machine she can take anywhere. And I'm pretty sure I could whine it off her from time to time... *g*
15th July 2004
20:48: Spam
I don't think it's appropriate for dot_cattiness, but I gotta preserve it. Jul 15 Donna Winters (1828) SEXUALLY-EXPLICIT I had a man put his fingers in my pants today Oh, shit. I'm so sorry, hon... I hope you kicked him in the fork and called the cops on his abusive ass. Don't let it bring you down! *hug*
Thanks, LiveJournal.com!