Blac's LiveJournal
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in Blac's LiveJournal:

    Thursday, April 18th, 2002
    9:37 pm
    I have died....
    There is no longer a person named Me. I fell down a whole and now can't see. I have been blind but then who really cares any more. I am no longer me. I have no pain, no sarow or fear. I am at peace in side but I still get a chill. I wonder what tomorrow will bring but then again I don't really care.
    I don't know what really happened but I fell asleep. When I awoke me was dead. I felt free and then I felt something I haven't felt in a long time. Free and happy but I know it will not last. My days are short my time is comeing. I am not afriad just a little sad. I am young but I know that my time is close. So I just wanted to say good bye....
    I was singing a song... one from church. It hit home and very hard. I wanted to cry and to kick and to scream but All I can do is just sit and think. I have been stupid to say there is no such person as God. For when I am scared and a lone I talk to him. He might not talk back in words but he gives me peace of mind when no one else can. I love him a lot and I have meet him. Every one has we just don't remember. My religon says that no one on the intire earth will go to hell. I belive that with all my heart. I am a new person. I have put my knife a way seeing how foolish I have been. Here I thought I was making myself suffer for the things I have done when really I was just hurting myself for the fun.
    I was watching my teacher today and I saw what was her pride and joy. She has a son. A really good looking sone that is in elementry school. Her face would brightnen up and she would just get to happy to see him. When I meet the right man I hope to marry him in the temple for time and all eternity. I want to have that joy that my teacher has. My time is up and I must go.....

    Current Mood: calm
    Current Music: There is a Green Hill Far Away
    Tuesday, February 5th, 2002
    10:05 pm
    just for Jennifer
    I think you told Rob too much maybe you shouldn't have my journal.... I see how Shorro felt. Holy Cow I feel like I could shoot my self right now for that. But I will not do that. Can't think of those things right now....
    Saturday, January 26th, 2002
    10:19 pm
    I was...
    I was just going to get on and get off but I guess I am not tired... I don't really care who reads this. I am confused about what I should do with my life. I want to go to college through PSEO which for some reason I want to call ESPO but N E ways I am just hoping that I get in.

    Current Mood: blank
    Current Music: Too Much Of Heaven by Eiffel 65