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(4 resting pieces | say your piece.)

Abuzz Abuzz Abuzz, seh. [11 Feb 2004|11:20pm]
I meant to leave a little something about this earlier, but I forgot all about it.

When I was around fifteen I discovered a small book called Tuva Or Bust! Richard Feynman's Last Journey on my Dad's bookshelf. In the back of the book was a small, square, 45 record made of paper-thin red vinyl. It was an example of Tuvan "throat singing", or overtone singing, and it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever heard a human voice do. And it still is.

The moment I heard it I had the deep desire to learn how, but lacking plane fare to upper Mongolia I just spent a few months talking to people about it like a fanatic. Then I let it slip into the back of my mind for about ten years.

This fall I came across a site made by a Californian throat singer who calls himself Arjuna (presumably after the Hindi king in the Bhagavad Gita). He was selling a how-to tape for fifteen bucks. I emailed him and he sent me the tape, and a cd, pretty much for nothing.

Four months of practice have passed and this and this are the results.

These two clips are of me making very amateur forays into two different styles of Tuvan singing. The first overtone, in the Sygyt style, is made by shaping the mouth to make the long-E vowel sound. The second, in the Höömei style, is made by making an "Ah" sort of sound. You can generate a flutelike overtone without making that buzzing noise, just by singing these vowels normally. It's much easier that way, but that's not the traditional form that sounds so nifty.

I can't explain how I'm making the buzzing subtone. I learned to do it when I was nine by imitating my cousin's Speak & Spell. I'd always thought that real throat singing was done in some other way, but nope.

This is an example of a master of the art singing in the second style, just to demonstrate how much I suck in comparison.

Maybe someday.

Thanks again to [info]dl for hosting my pompous site and silly media files.

(say your piece.)

Happy birthday, John Coetzee, you dead, Boer bastard. [11 Feb 2004|11:01pm]
                                                            From the Desk of Cde. C. Nova
                                                            Tuesday, February 11th, 2004

Today's memo, comrades, concerns one of my favorite enemies. I relish this one with the same reverence that the oncologist holds for a particularly difficult carcinoma. With the same adoration that an epidemiologist beholds an especially virulent and destructive tropical nematode.

And what is this lovely malignancy? This delicious specimen of plague? Why, I'll tell you. He is none other than the dreaded Cryptolumpenprole.

Ahhh, the Cryptolumpenrprole. Bacteria. Scum. The Lowest form of life. He (and She!) is the infection, the fungiform, the ever-present spore which dooms all revolutions. The Plutocracy could not survive without him. He is that cancer's own antibody, defense mechanism of the malignant organs of this hierarchical civilization.

Who is the Cryptolumpenprole? What moves this backstabbing, traitorous slime? This creature loves his church, or rather, he fears it lovingly. He adores, envies, and fantasizes about being in the place of his masters. The landowners. The bankers. Men and women with money and privilege, whose imagination and cleverness he can't, with exceptions, hope to match, but whom he imagines himself the equal of if only he'd get his break. The sullen dreamer on the stable hay. The cheery cutthroat in her cubicle. The incompetent wrench-turner on the line that boasts about how much harder he works, and will go to the foreman about any fellow that rests a minute after the break whistle blows.

If he has a wife he keeps her in her place. If he has children, he beats them.

Now, you may notice that these are all the core traits of the regular lumpenproletariat. How does the this variety differ from the rest of its species? In one, simple way: a cryptolumpenprole is a member of the working class that has been recruited by the bourgeois to infiltrate a revolutionary worker's movement. He possesses all the same sentiments and motivations, only intensified, whetted by the prospect of surcease for his actions as an informant, and secreted away in his heart of hearts.

Of course his hopes are vain in both senses of the word. His treason against his own people will never gain him admittance into the society of his masters. Any capital reward he will receive will be riches to him, but of course not enough to buy him any meaningful advance. He has not the mannerisms, erudition, nor aesthetics of those he serves, and would never be accepted into their company except as entertainment: as a clown. They despise him for what he is. The greater the service he renders, the greater their contempt. Once the uprising is crushed, co-opted, or otherwise rendered impotent he will be discarded if at all possible, either by ostracism or by denunciation by his own employers as their agent.

At this point, if the light of wisdom glimmers in his mind (and his secret has not been revealed) he will throw his lot in with his comrades, even as they rot in a cell. Unfortunately, as his consciousness is raised his conscience will begin to gnaw at his heart. The rat will feel the stronger and stronger desire to confess to his brothers. Until he does he will have no satisfaction. Afterwards his outraged comrades will have theirs.

But if he can maintain, if he can suppress this urge and instead become a loyal warrior for the commonweal of his class he will have accomplished something: the transubstantiation of his own soul. Of course, there is always the worry that his former master will expose him for what he was, thus undermining the spirit and bonds of comradeship in the movement. If evidences of his treason are kept, they can be released at a strategic moment. Thus, even converted the cryptolumpenprole is an asset for the ruling class, and a tumor in the body politic of the revolutionary proletariat.

It is unlikely however that he will be completely abandoned by his owners at the end of his mission. Rather, he will be kept on, his loyalty bought by small sums and favors, and will continue to inform on whatever other groups accept this "veteran" into their ranks.

So what is to be done?

One cannot denounce him on suspicions alone. This will bring division in the heart of the movement. Even a successful exposure of this creature will sew seeds of paranoia in the ranks. If this veteran comrade could be a spy for the police, the government, or the management then who is surely not? No. The best way to deal with this slime is to bury him alive in a deep hole in the dead of night. If his disappearance is discovered a murder too soon it could have one of two effects: to inspire rash action, or to depress, dishearten, and terrify a budding revolutionary organization. To murder him just before the comrades undertake a revolt, and to do so in a way that leaves his body for all to find, is most preferable. The bourgeois will be called horrible monsters, the People will raise the red flag, and the cryptolumpen will have at last provided a service to his fellow men.

Unfortunately, in this America nearly all workers are lumpenprole of one sort or another, and the cryptolumpen are an anachronism. Like the Great Diseases of the last two centuries they are nearly extinct. There are so many eager informants and would-be traitors amongst the working class that there is as much tattle-tailing on each other as there is betrayal of True Heroes. The ratio of lumpen to revolutionaries is nearly a thousand to one, and that's an optimistic estimate. Bribery by the bourgeois is wholly unnecessary. In the sorry clime that confronts us this comrade can see no practical course other than the ruthless extermination of every member of every class, save the destitute and the clinically insane.

We could learn a lot from Pol Pot.


                                                            Cde. Clark

(say your piece.)

[04 Jan 2004|11:48pm]
You may all download this now.

(2 resting pieces | say your piece.)

tomorrow and tomorrow and next week [20 Dec 2003|03:27pm]
I need a calendar/clock/timer program that

  1. is open source

  2. runs as an automatic service with a very low footprint

  3. allows the user to define unlimited (both in length and in mumber of) events for any day within the next 100 years

  4. automatically displays the day's events at a specified time, or times throughout the day

  5. allows the user to define an unlimited number of alarms for each event, which will warn of impending events at any interval or intervals (i.e. fifteen minutes prior/ten minutes prior/five minutes prior/one minute prior -or- twenty days prior/five days prior/two days prior/one day prior -or- etc/etc/etc), and these timers should be unlimited in potential number and programmable to the second

  6. allows the user to set an infinite number of short/term alarm timers, which will nevertheless be remembered when the program is killed and restarted

  7. allows the user to specify any number of different sound files as the audio component of each alarm, but also has a pleasant default alarm tone

  8. allows the user to choose between audio-only, text-message-only, and audio/text alarm types

  9. saves all event/alarm/timer information in a easy-to-read text file which will allow the user to edit it by hand, and from which the program will retrieve the event data

  10. keeps this file in the volume/dir of the user's choice

  11. is ported to linux as a daemon and mac os as an init process, sharing this text databases' format as a standard between them

  12. refreshes this list into active memory, and deletes expired short-term timers from the file at user-defined intervals

Doesn't everyone on the planet need this?

Also nice would be

  • a default calendar file, or public-domain sets of them with culture-specific holidays, astronomical and almanac information, and historical event anniversaries

  • a utility for automatically merging these files

  • a GUI front end(s) for adding events and timers, which

  • + allows the user to browse calendar entries by day, month, and year
    + allows the user to add one-time events (duh)
    + allows the user to add annual events throughout the calendar (i.e. birthdays) or
    + allows the user to uniformly delete or modify events of the same name throughout the calendar
    + refreshes the database into active memory each time a change to the calendar file is made/saved

So far about 85% of all the software I've found myself wishing for or needing has been anticipated and implemented by somebody, sometimes well, sometimes badly. Usually the more universal the need, the better, or more often it's implemented. This one is so basic, so inimical to the human condition that years after first wanting something like this I'm still puzzled over why calendar programs are rare and crappy.

Please let me know if I'm wrong.

(12 resting pieces | say your piece.)

A Memo From the Desk of Comandante Zero [11 Dec 2003|08:20pm]


The weakly-respiring carcass of Reagan will croak, soon.

This is not a good time for the American left, and it will become worse when he does.

Consider: Reagan is the first president to have a federal building named after him while still alive. This trend spread to an airport. There is already a heavy push by organizations on the right to canonize his memory by adding his visage to the back of the nickel.

He is the most eulogized president since Kennedy, although he isn't dead and photographic images of him after the year 1980 are probably our deepest press taboo.

Save talk of his war crimes, of course.

When his heaving, mindless husk finally gives up the ghost it will be the biggest propaganda clusterfuck since fox news went hard right.

No one will dare speak ill of the man. Only the most radical, disenfranchised lefty rags will dare to criticize him.

Unionists and the death squad orphans will mutter into void. He will be given a state funeral to rival Lenin's, and the clichés that were the coin of his life will come spilling from media outlets like a jackpot of Vegas slugs.

We will be treated to endless audio and video montages. Black-clad mourners will line up for a mile to pay their respects at his presidential library. Bush will give a short address, where he may call him (as he did Limbaugh) "A National Treasure".

Whether or not the family allows a pomp-and-circumstance motorcade, ideologues like Grover Norquist, William Kristol, and their attendant propaganda machines will carry his coffin through the streets for as long as the pall-bearing media can keep up.

Few will have thought the old king had so much blood in him.

Classrooms, those little honeyed cells of mindless state obedience, will observe the mandated moment of mourning. His record will be whitewashed and his memory hallowed until Rome finally burns, taking the planet with it.

Perhaps the stink will sweeten the nose of God.

Get ready for some psychic sea sickness, kids. We're in for choppy weather.

(11 resting pieces | say your piece.)

I stabbed myself an inch into the meat of my hand with a carving knife. [02 Nov 2003|02:49pm]
Last night I saw Grover and Oscar the Grouch perform a rollicking version of Tom Waits's Black Dog as a duet on a custom, two-man electric organ. In typical Muppet fashion the song had been renamed "Gray Hog" to go with Oscar's garbage theme.

When it was done I tried to tell all my internet friends how wonderful it had been, and of course they couldn't care less.

It's amazing how realistic a protracted agony will make your dreams.

I can't believe I just posted this.

(6 resting pieces | say your piece.)

A New Kind Of Prevarication [29 Oct 2003|09:23pm]
So I bought Wolfram's Book, and sent it back to Amazon twelve hours later in disgust.

I admit, it's my fault. I only read the Wired review. I didn't even bother to look lower down on the Amazon page. So when it came I was flabbergasted by the audacity of this 1920-page tome.

If there's ever been more flagrant professional plagiarism I've never heard of it. If he were a CS major he'd laughed out of class, then thrown out on his ass. He claims responsibility for chaos theory. All of it. From simple Mandelbrot functions to modern fractal art. It doesn't stop there. The more astute Amazon reviewers give example after example of entire disciplines he's claimed and dead scientists he's cannibalized, from Goedel to Turing.

I didn't have time for such self torment, however. It was forty four fucking dollars. I want the money.

As i was packing it up for return I saw his photograph on the back cover leaf and had a revelation. Consider:

Exhibit A: George Costanza
Physical Description: Overweight, middle aged, white male, roughly 5'6"
Character Traits: Bombastic, self-centered to the point of neurosis, smug.
Modus Operandi: Seeks respect and recognition by
pretending alternately to be an architect and marine biologist.

Exhibit B: Stephen Wolfram
Physical Description: Overweight, middle aged, white male, roughly 5'2"
Character Traits: Bombastic, self-centered to the point of neurosis, smug.
Modus Operandi: Seeks respect and recognition by
pretending alternately to be a a theoretical physicist and mathematician.

Amazon only refunds money in the form of gift certificates, so for what his work (har har) cost me I'll be able to buy about six used books I've had my eye on. Not a total wash.

All of the reviews past the publisher's blurb were more or less the same, save one.
To paraphrase:






Upon reading this I felt that twinge of anxiety that you get when you brush off a resentful carnival barker, or offended schitzophrenic. Maybe I'd been too dismissive and arrogant to slog through the tome. Maybe there was something in there others had missed, and first impressions had misled. Then I had my second revelation: I'd heard this before.

So, apologetically, hoping to atone, I wrote my own review:

Reviewer: Daniel L. S.
from Lone Tree, IA
Your Professors are stupid evil Liars, and fear the Computational Equivalence Truth. Humans are the only educated stupid animal and too dumb to even know it. I am the wisest human and offer $1,000.00 to the 1st to disprove my wisdom. Humans are educated stupid because they are really dumb and cannot even comprehend the Computational Equivalence creation code when it is explained to them.

Think of the Computational Equivalence as a 4-corner class-room representing the 4-corners of Earth, wherein, stupid educators teach erroneous 1-corner self aggrandizing singularity- that equates a deadly poison to Equivalent humanity.

Creation is a Equivalence Principle, & you are too dumb to know. To ignore it, indicts you evil. God lets little children starve, so no adults are worth saving.

YOU are the lowest form.
YOU can't procreate alone.
YOU destroyed the village.
YOU destroyed the family.
YOU destroyed childhood.
YOU destroyed naturalism.
YOU don't know the Truth.
YOU pitiful mindless fools,
YOU are educated stupid.
YOU worship inequivalent word.
YOU are your own poison.
YOU create your own hell.
YOU must seek Computational Equivalence.

I hope that clears things up for everyone.

(13 resting pieces | say your piece.)

People of Earth! [03 Oct 2003|06:40pm]

It is time.

You knew this day was coming, you all joked about it for long enough. As I'm sure you're all aware, today's longest-running jokes are tomorrow's most easily swallowed truths. Well tomorrow is today! Ignore that sinking feeling.

*pause for laughter*

Yes, the time has come. Nitrogen levels are up 10% in the past 100 years while oxygen is down by point five. This may not seem like a lot, but in biological terms it is looming disaster. Hypoxia -the lack of dissolved oxygen in salt and freshwater bodies- in a spiraling problem, with the Atlantic shelf rapidly becoming inhospitable to the flounder and tuna and dolphin that give us, the citizens California, life. Precious life.

And that's not all. Rain forests produce 20% of the earth's oxygen, but are being cleared at a rate of 125,000 acres a year. By 2030 there will be none left. Poisoning of the oceans is reducing levels of phytoplankton, as is the increase in UV radiation striking the ocean's surface. In our cites oxygen levels fluctuate wildly and have reached record lows. Environmentalists and the academics have pointed fingers at our automobiles, diet, farming practices, and timber industries, but I promised you I would not pander to vested interests like Greenpeace and left-wing radicals like the National Academy of Sciences, and I will always keep my word. I'm laying the blame where it belongs.

The human body consumes approximately 2 and a half pounds of oxygen a day. For most Americans, that's more than steak. *pause again for laughter* In one year alone the people of the city of San Fransisco consume six hundred and twenty three million pounds of Oh Two. Californians use up, sucking in and out of their noses and mouths, into their trachea and villi, (chant for emphasis:) twenty three million tons a year. In a world and a state where oxygen is becoming more and more a rarefied commodity this uncompensated waste is unacceptable. The resources of California belong to ALL Californians. You are being robbed every moment of every day that people inhale your air. Today there are thirty five and a half million breathers, and they don't pay the state a dime.

This is why I am introducing a new bill to the legislature to levy a tax on the biggest 02 wasters. The Fair Air Ttax will target those who take the most air out of the lungs of other Californians. Every citizen will be given a Human Uniform Function Frequency(practice this word!) or HUFF test once a year, when they go to get their vehicle emissions. It will measure rate and volume of tidal respiration, and Oxygen to CO2 ratios. This information will be figured into the state income tax return and more money will be withheld from the bigger breathers. This will be good news for you smokers, already hit so hard by California's smoker-apartheid laws. I promise, I'm working on them!

*pause for laughter*

As you all know, I'm not some tax-and-spend liberal trying to line his own pocket and the pockets of his buddies. This money will be spent on much-needed social programs like the Police. The men and women of LA and Irvine law enforcement risk their lives every day to keep our streets bad-guy free, and we must not let them down!

*pause for cheers*

It is my honor and privilege to serve the people of this state. With your continued support we will make it through these difficult times and build a better California. (wink slyly) I urge the house and senate to pass this legislation. Let us, as we always have, take the leading role and be a example to the nation.

And tomorrow the World.

Thank you.

death? [02 Oct 2003|07:19am]
I spent three hours writing an essay and now it's gone because i hit Ctrl-C instead of Ctrl-V. I hate you and I hate the rising sun and I hate everything and I'll burn you all burn everything god as my witness I'll burn Him too.

No No. Calm down, Daniel.

What I really hate is the Windows clipboard. It should have multiple levels of undo, and it should save every new copy as temporary file, to be deleted when the sun explodes. I can easily imagine this one because I'm bitter, but there are other problems with it, too. It's not a unified process, but rather function calls handled by a small smattering of daemons. If one daemon goes down parts won't work, and there's no telling which parts. It is intermittent and unreliable, and not just for this reason. Sometimes I have to hit Ctrl-C several times to get the fucker to copy, so I've gotten into the habit of Ctrl-X, which is why I lost my beautiful little essay on the history of. well. that would be re-writing the essay.

I loved that essay.

Needless to say: fuck you. You know what I'm talking about and you don't care. You apathetic shit. They could have fixed this back in 3.1. Why aren't you lazy swine rising up in revolt? You. Yes you. You fucking Californians that are about to vote a decaying nazi into office because you're distractable and stupid like retarded possums. Bill lives right there. RPGs are still incredibly cheap. What the fuck have you cocks been waiting for?

And my cat just puked tuna on my comforter.


(15 resting pieces | say your piece.)

Caption America [07 Aug 2003|02:03am]
I was going to write a short comment about
and what a darth-vader like supervillan he is. Twin to that desiccated, nazi arch-nemesis of Captain America: the Red Skull. I'd have to upload a picture to my host, hoever, and for that I'd need to install and configure some ssh software on this machine and fuck it. There is no Captain America. The Red Skull wears a tux and parades unimpeded for the reflective, masturbatory adulation of camera lenses, media slavishly mirroring his ego. And He Will Win. As my imbecile cousins (oh, let's just call them simple) Adam and Chris put it when explaining why they'd vote him president: "He's STRONG."

Bicep flex.

Seig Heil.

I hit a deer. I snapped two frames of his shattered body with my ruined windscreen in the foreground, memorializing the event in 400-grain film. A kodak moment. Then the deer woke up. Head craning around between the roaring commas of eighteen wheelers and mini vans like a fawn looking for his mother above protective meadow grass. I dragged him from the pavement by the stump of a hind leg, weeping. Nearly shrieking useless apologies. He kicked once but didn't resist. I ran to the car for some tool to put him out of his misery. Baseball bat? No, too violent. His last moments shouldn't be the horror of a monkey with a club. Long screwdriver. Gruesome but painless pithing but no hammer. Forgotten. At home. Drill into the skull? No just as bad as the bat. Knife across the throat? No, another Last Terror for him, and no knife. Nothing. Maybe there's some sort of wildlife rehabilitation center in the state. Flag down some cars? No, ten seconds of that: useless. Oh shit. My Goodwill cell phone for 911 emergencies. The dispatcher asks where I am. I have no clue. Here I was, tooling along at the speed limit, slow lane, cruise control, seat belt, listening to NPR, living the neoliberal dream, next thing I know my hands are bloody to the elbows. Oh wait, there's a sign across the median. She'll send an officer. Is there any chance you can send some kind of animal rescue? Maybe rehabilitate the animal? My words echo emptily in transmission: an artifact of analog. Sure sure. She'll get right on that. I hang up. He's still lying there, head up and craning around, one eye shut by misery, the other lid ripped wide by saftey glass. He looks at me with the eye he cannot close, and I realize I must be that ominous, murky, bipedal shape he sees in nightmares. I put my hands on his neck, his muzzle, his flank and repeat i’m sorry I’m sorry i'm sorry like a mantra. He cannot blink his eye and so rolls it back into the recesses of his ruined socket, moistening it with blood. For an instant I’m amazed at the distance nature will reach for an adaptive response, even in the face of death. The pain of that simple should have been beyond description. Just for a clearer look at me. I run back to my useless car for a useless tourniquet for his useless leg with its surprisingly hollow bone. Highway morphology. Dissection at sixty-five miles an hour. I cut off a piece of nylon cord and grab the water jug and bring it back as his lips were getting sticky, probably thirsty, dying drink from my canteen but when I pour it across his muzzle he shies. Useless. I tie the leg above the point where it’s snapped off, even though he’s not losing much blood. I realize this must hurt worse than the wound itself, and he affirms it with a few weak kicks. I tie it anyway. Useless. He looks at me, pleading, although he cannot see. I stroke his muzzle and gut, and for an instant he is eased, but suddenly becomes distant, head rearing back in the second panic attack of his last half hour on earth; he's become aware of the inevitable. His breathing is fast, frightened, and he makes a few pitiful attempts to stand but gives up. Kneeling behind him I hold his head in my arm, hand oh his ribs. A few more minutes pass and his breathing slows as he begins to slip away. I realize the last thing he hears shouldn’t have to be interstate traffic and pitiful apologies, but man is a verbal creature and I cannot stop. The cop finds me holding him in his last few minutes, nodding silently to his questions. I look up at him and ask "Can you SHOOT him please?" Useless. In another three minutes he'll be dead anyway and he’s already past the suffering part. I think about how he should pass into the next world, and wonder if the instantaneous violence of the pistol won't somehow disrupt the process, not even thinking that there might not be a next world. Of course the cop can't use the nine on his belt. He has to get the .22 from the trunk and I have to stand twenty feet away. The young deer dies with a jerk and pop. I shouldn’t have called. I should've kept my mouth shut, just held him while he went. A more compassionate grave than sun and switchgrass.

I'll have to remember this.

The insurance company didn't even care about the accident report. Not even that last, fossilized drop of the drama was necessary, as drama never is. 116 deer have been hit in my state in just the last six months.

The moment of my birthday passed without incident. It’s both I and my father’s (and my cousin’s) today, which is why I was on the road in the first place. I almost never drive. He played netris as he turned seventy. I read Nickel and Dimed as I turned twenty nine. A resonantly prophetic moment if there ever was one. Five minutes later he said “It’s getting late” to which I replied “yeah, five past already.” This morning I will have four hours sleep, and will then go and have a Good Time in our honor. I will photograph a life-sized butter sculpture of a Harley Davidson motorcycle.

Something about life seems incredibly cheap right now. I’ll let you know when I can name it.

(say your piece.)

[25 Jun 2003|05:04pm]

(3 resting pieces | say your piece.)

[08 Jun 2003|01:02pm]
smilingmasochist: holy shit
smilingmasochist: there's this protestant minister in town
smilingmasochist: and he's retired 'cause he's old and blind as fuck
smilingmasochist: and i'm waiting for someone to get here
smilingmasochist: and i pulled the shade aside and looked out the upstairs window from this room
smilingmasochist: and he's down there looking furiously up at me
smilingmasochist: and he's fucking BLIND
smilingmasochist: so like, i gave him the finger.
smilingmasochist: the end.

(8 resting pieces | say your piece.)

/quit SIX BILLION HUMANS CAN'T BE WRONG. [14 May 2003|02:38pm]
<Sandy17> What is your quit reason suppose to mean?
<clarknova> do you want a driver's license, and a reason to use it?
<clarknova> do you want a tv, a playstation, a macdonald’s hamburger?
<Sandy17> Yes please.
<clarknova> do you want a faster video card? a new cd player?
<Sandy17> yesss
<clarknova> do you want to read a lot of books? nice, pretty books made of nice, pretty trees?
<clarknova> your own library perhaps?
<Sandy17> Oh common, just answer.
<clarknova> i AM!
<clarknova> do you want all these things?
<Sandy17> No I don´t, I have all these things.
<clarknova> even better!
<clarknova> six billion of you can't be wrong!
<Sandy17> Am I dull or what, I don´t really understand what you mean by that.
<clarknova> the planet cannot support six billion of you burning gas for your Luminas and electric appliances. it can't survive all your plastic and breadboard gadgets, washed with acetone in the manufacturing process. it can't take all that pretty gold junk you wear around your neck being swept out of the ground with rivers of cyanide.
<clarknova> it can't take your factory farms and your cheeseburgers with pesticide fries.
<clarknova> but here you are.
<clarknova> six billion of you fuckers all clamoring for the same thing.
<clarknova> and there’ll be twice as many of you in the next fifty years.
<Sandy17> You´re one of us as well, arn´t ya?
<clarknova> and six billion of me can't be wrong!
<clarknova> actually, i don't want all that crap.
<clarknova> but i'm hooked into the system anyway.
<Sandy17> I see
<clarknova> the only thing i can do other than kill myself is not have anymore of me with any more of YOU
<clarknova> so i'm not doing that latter and i may well do the former.
<clarknova> and so should you!
<Sandy17> But you can´t judge people you don´t know, can ya?
<clarknova> why not?
<Sandy17> Because it isn´t right.
<clarknova> it's not about guilt or innocence. it's not about the goodness of the heart. it's not about right and wrong.
<clarknova> it's not about democracy or communism or religious oligarchies.
<clarknova> it's about whether we're going to die with the planet, or whether we're going to leave it alive before we go.
<clarknova> think about it this way
<clarknova> there's a small bridge over a river, and it can only hold about a two thousand pounds at a time
<clarknova> now people keep piling on to this brigde, and because they like the view they stay there
<clarknova> and more and more keep stepping on, and crowding the planks
<clarknova> and you can hear the wood creaking, and the moorings cracking
<clarknova> at this point, does it matter how good or bad each individual is? does it matter who has a right to look out over the water and feel the wind and who does not?
<clarknova> or does it matter that ther's too many goddamn people on the bridge?
<Sandy17> It is about avariciousness, isn´t it?
<clarknova> not really. although that does play a big part.
<Sandy17> I understand
<clarknova> it's possible. the planet COULD support six billion of us living like anarcho-primitivst vegetarians; sleeping in yurts and growing our own soybeans. but we aren't going to all live like that, are we?
<clarknova> in fact not even one percent of one percent of us aspire to that lifestyle, do we?
<clarknova> well i'm glad we had this little chat.
<clarknova> have a nice day.
<Sandy17> You´re actually wrong cus a lot of people live like that.
<Sandy17> You too.
<clarknova> yeah. "a lot". maybe two or three million
<Sandy17> Even more.
<clarknova> true, most of the palnet does, actually. but very, very few live like that because they WANT to.
<clarknova> given the choice about 80% would drive corvettes and eat at wendy's.
<Sandy17> That´s true. But why would someone want to live like that when he/she can live even better than that?
<clarknova> and that's exactly my point. everyone wants to, and they may very well get thier wish.
<clarknova> do you hear the bridge creaking, Sandy Seventeen?
<clarknova> do you see the people on the road lining up to get on?
<Sandy17> Not everyone. Some people do not have other alternatives.
<clarknova> yeah.
<clarknova> not everyone can fit on the bridge. most can't even get close enough to see the pilings
<clarknova> but they're all going to damn well try.
<Sandy17> True
<clarknova> do you enjoy the wind?
<clarknova> aren't the rapids below lovley?
<clarknova> creak creak, Sandy Seventeen.
<clarknova> crickity crackity creak.
<Sandy17> lol


(2 resting pieces | say your piece.)

[08 May 2003|02:51am]


Then you learn to type in lower case?

(say your piece.)

[08 May 2003|02:40am]
Dear Sambra Six,

It gives me great pleasure to inform you that you are an idiot.

Have a nice day.



> --------------------
> Question from: budmam1196
> Title of item: 10 Channel Police Scanner: Fire, EMS, & Ham
> Seller: gearandclothing
> Starts: May-01-03 04:38:29 PDT
> Ends: May-08-03 04:38:29 PDT
> Price: Currently $31.00
> To view the item, go to:

(say your piece.)

i may learn how to do this soon! [29 Apr 2003|05:29am]
Download this if I haven't sent it to you yet.

(thanks again for the webspace, lilly. i'm ever in your debt)

(say your piece.)

who needs action when you've got words! [28 Apr 2003|05:43pm]
Subject: WSUI Fund Drive.

I was very close to pledging money to WSUI today. As much as I can't stand Jim Dougherty's monotone gibbering or dimensionless taste in Jazz, and am loath to do anything to further his career, Diana's charming monologue on the cooperative nature of public radio, with its' almost socialist implications, warmed my heart. Her accent helps, too.

Then I recalled other cooperative aspects of public radio.

For example, the cooperation of All Things Considered's protest correspondent with the SFPD when he said that the police had "taken some metal pipes from people", implying that they were carrying them as weapons. In fact they had used the pipes to link themselves together in a peaceful, sit-down demonstration. The "taking" of these pipes by hacksaw-welding cops caused serious injury and suffering to the people wearing them.

I also thought of the cooperation that ATC Science Friday displayed with the Pentagon when they aired an hour-long show creating the illusion of balance by vetting the "competing views" about the use of Depleted Uranium munitions without once mentioning that they are banned under the Geneva convention, and by treating defense department spokespeople as credible sources, when the DOD has never, ever, ever been a reliable source of information.

And these two examples of public radio's cooperative nature are just the tip of the iceberg.

I'm sure by this point, were you to respond to me, you would invoke the standard caveat: "views and opinions expressed by WSUI's member stations do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of WSUI or its' management blah blah blah..", but I'll brush that nonsense aside and hold you responsible anyway. You have a broad swath of programming options. ATC and other NPR programs are hardly an alternative to commercial radio. Their only saving grace is that they're not AS culpable in the crimes against humanity that our government is committing on an hourly basis as the for-profit media is.

You get no cooperation from me this year.

not that iv'e got any money anyway..

(1 resting piece | say your piece.)

so you’re saying i’m doomed to repeat it anyway? [24 Apr 2003|03:10am]
"The impression that's left around the world is that we plan to occupy their country; we plan to use thier bases over a long period of time, and it's flat false."

         U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, 2003

"If you go to the setting sun there you will be happy; there you will remain in peace and quietness; so long as the waters run and the oaks grow that country shall be guaranteed to you, and no white man will be permitted to settle near you."

         U.S. Secretary of War John Eaton, 1814

(2 resting pieces | say your piece.)

the appropriate filters make all the difference. [13 Apr 2003|06:42pm]

(2 resting pieces | say your piece.)

the shift at night is accompanied by sudden light. in daytime the inverse. [01 Apr 2003|03:47am]
    Looking back over the last twelve entries or so, I see that my mind's ungainly slow, like a dancer gone to seed.

    Certain powers, however, are returning, a synaptic tide is turning, and forgotten attenuations are being tightened and retuned. Sensitivities I'll not discuss here. Specific visions and intuitions. Foresight and superstitions which bear out very much in practice.

    And hooray for that, eh? If only controllable bicameralism were within my grasp. Oh the fun we'd have then, eh boys?


    Well the devil with you! Control is not control, after all, and the pursuit of that sterile mistress saps the very thing we're after. Stay in touch, drop me a line, or perhaps the entire fractal dime, and we'll see in time. Fuck cheap rhyme and reflexive alliteration.

    But it keeps the motor idling, and that's a good thing. Use it or lose it. The backup plan may yet pull these foundering fat cortexes out of the fire. The lumbering behemoth, screaming it’s tarry tusks, we can resurrect this mammoth and teach it tango.

Heave ho you bastards.

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