Wednesday, July 23rd, 2003
1:05 pm - The Weekend
Well boys and girls, I'm finally 21... in fact I've been so for the past 11 days. It's been a long hard road these past 2 decades, but now at least its just getting interesting. Hopefully it'll stay that way.
On my actual birthday, the 12th I had a few friends over and we went to dinner with my family (sans my dear mom, who decided to ditch and head upstate...). We went to this nice saloon/tavern/pub place, damn good food. I had a few drinks, some fun conversation. Tried a Midori Sour, it was interesting. My grandma kept giving me looks as I ordered a new drink each time. [shrug] After that we headed back to my house where we sat around in the street blatantly ignoring open container laws for about an hour or two. We talked about HS, college, alcohol, girls, cars, etc. Then Leo had to get back to the train station; we left for the hotel soon after that. Didnt want to keep my grandma up later than we had already. I had rented a hotel room, thinking that a bunch of people were gonna come, but it kinda failed. Oh well. My friends bought a 40, some Michelob, and some Tostitos, which we proceeded to demolish in the room. Then James and Josh bailed, leaving me and Chris with the room... it could have been awkward, but luckily not. Didnt really drink enough to get drunk or get hungover, so it wasnt really as successful as it could have been. This was mainly because I had been out drinking the night before with my friend Manmeet for her 21st birthday. An occasion where I also tried Tequila for the first time. Mr Jose Cuervo was not the most pleasant experience. Blech. Anyway, I had more fun on the 11th, we went to TGIF's in NYC which was overpriced and the quality bit my ass, then to a comedy club, and then to a Karaoke bar that someone's parents owned. That was pretty hot. Then finally, we ended up at a Korean restaurant beneath the Karaoke bar, where my dad was nice enough to pick me up at 3AM. The night would have ended there except there was like 30+ minutes of traffic coming home, which meant not getting home until 4AM. Setting me up for problems the next day.
The comedy club was good; one of the comics was talking about gay Irish and he sang a song... "We're fat and we're Irish, we're drunk and we're gay." It was frickin hilarious. Yeah...
There was more fun this weekend, but I'm gonna pause here.
current mood: tired current music: Madonna - Burning Up
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| Friday, July 18th, 2003
12:32 am - Moon over Manhattan
I'm driving down the Turnpike and there, in an amber glow, hanging over the brightly glistening city, is the waxing (or waning) moon. It was quite an awesome sight. Ah, such beauty there is in simple things. How often I am inclined to forget that.
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| Friday, July 11th, 2003
12:19 pm - Poop and farts
As I was quite bored last night at work I decided "hey, why not" and went to www.bored.com.
While there I stumbled across some links that relate to my toilet entry and I think I should share them with everyone.
They are quite amusing. Or at least they were when I was bored.
Bon appetit!
http://www.fartnames.com/ http://www.poopnames.com
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| Wednesday, July 9th, 2003
12:04 pm - Dreams
Warning, severe randomness ahead.
Well last night I had an interesting dream. Usually, I dont remember them that clearly, but this time I was in some kind of Hollywood movie. I say that because, for some reason, there were actors in it. The setting was some kind of hotel restaurant/caterer. Marlon Brando played the head chef/maitre'd, Robert DeNiro played the assistant chef, this other actor whose name escapes me [he played the cripple in Swing Kids] was like the head waiter, Rob Schneider was a waiter or busboy, and I was a busboy or some other insignificant thing. It was really strange. There was a plot and everything; when I woke up, I didnt know what to make of it. DeNiro was machinating to become head chef when Brando retired. He [DeNiro] pretended to be his [Brando] protege but made fun of him behind his back. At the end of the "film" the Swing Kids guy, when it looks like DeNiro will become head chef, explodes in front of everyone, telling Brando just what kind of guy he's planning on promoting. Anyway, DeNiro is canned, Brando retires and recommends someone else to the owners. The audience waits in eager anticipation to find out who it is. And lo and behold Brando recommended me! Moi, who can barely cook Campbells soup! I think thats the funniest part of the whole thing. Now I really dont know what to make of this dream. Perhaps I am actually destined to own/operate a diner, like the rest of the Greeks.
I havent been able to find any meaning, perhaps you all will.
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1:11 am - Women (as in my mom and sister) and the toilet
DISCLAIMER: Potty humor
What the fluck is the deal with my mother (and sister) and not flushing the god forsaken toilet!!?!?!
I just went to use it and found that YET AGAIN, my mother had failed to do so. My mother likes to follow the "If its yellow, let it mellow; if its brown, flush it down" philosophy. This, obviously, is just gross. She likes to think (as does my idiot sister) that by not flushing we are doing something to conserve water. I say, FLUSH THE PISS!!!! I dont need to be using the facilities and have to worry about whose urine (besides my own) could be splashing on my ass!!!!!
This might go unnoticed (and I say MIGHT) by my obsessive compulsive nature IF they followed normal convention and put down the top lid down (not the one you sit on) after use. Yes boys and girls, the thing most guys get bitched over constantly, is something my of which my MOTHER and SISTER are guilty. Now you have to understand a toilet (with pee or with plain toilet water) is not something one would wish to drop something into. But picture our bathroom, a toilet upon which we have shit piled and a cabinet installed above. In these various areas we have razors and toothpaste and band aids and Q-tips and tweezers and a bunch of other things that could do very well without falling into a fucking toilet bowl!!!! Call me crazy, as some of you might be inclined to (and you could be right), but just imagine plucking something that could be used for your personal hygiene from out of a dirty pissy toilet. EEETS JUS FOCKIN GROOOSS MAN!!!
current mood: confused
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12:53 am - Hot and dark
First things first... I arrive home 5 minutes ago to a home uncooled by the wonders of modern Air Conditioning. My mother actually turned it OFF. Now why, WHY I ASK YOU, WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT!!??! I feel like I'm part of some sadistic Zima commercial, being stuck to my leather computer chair. Its ridiculous!!!!!
Anyway, I wanted to post because as I was driving from Manhattan and into the Bronx on my way home, I glanced across the Hudson river into NJ. What greeted me was the unpenetrable darkness of the Palisade State Park. It was scary. There were like no big lights. Just big dark landmass. I dont know why but it made me frightened. I still think that at some level, I'm terrified of the dark. I dont know why. Like pitch black, the absence of light. That kinda dark spooks me.
[shrug] I dunno
current mood: hot current music: the comforting hum of the AC I just turned on
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| Friday, July 4th, 2003
11:44 pm - Politics
Not enough time for a truly serious entry, but I'm gonna try to say something nonetheless.
First of all:
Vote Howard Dean for President
Actually I think thats all I have to say...
I got involved in his campaign about a month ago when I went to a meetup in White Plains. I am fairly certain I'll be posting more about the Governor in the future, but for now I will await Security to relieve me.
Ta ta
current mood: silly current music: Village People - YMCA
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11:11 pm - July 3rd
Last night was a grajiation party for a friend of the family. I thought it was gonna be a drag (auspiciously I might add), but I was forced to go. My sister and I ate till we were full (good food of course) and then were like... well, time to go! You fed us, thnx buh bye, we're out of here!
Well, I went inside to pretend to watch TV for a while, since there really wasnt much else to do, considering I didnt know anyone (which isnt much different from most family events) nor was I related to them. So a little bit later a girl comes in and sits down on the sofa and we strike up a conversation. Apparently Lisa is a 4th cousin of the girl for whom we were celebrating and lives in Mahopac. As usual, she over-estimated my age by about 5 years, and she turned out to be 26. My uncle notices me conversating and decides to "help me out." This is where I bury my head in shame. They mean well, but sometimes family just needs to go away. Whatever. When she went out to smoke, my uncle was like, "Dude, she wanted you to go outside with her!" I really am a bonehead sometimes. Seriously, I'm horrible at interpreting signals. If they're there, I miss em. If not, I imagine them. Fucking dumb ass. Anyway. She ends up having to leave sooner than she'd like, and my uncle is bugging me to get her digits. I really wanted to take his gun and shoot him with it. So, as she's leaving I ask her for her phone number, and she starts to give it to me, so I take out my cell to store it. She stops and says that she has a boyfriend... an on-again off-again bf, who just happens to be on-again. She also mentions that maybe the next time we meet it'll be off-again. [shrug] No loss. Just amusing really. Essentially more evidence to support my hypothesis which I garnered from a joke: Women are like parking spaces. All the good ones are taken, and the rest are handicapped. After that was over, I essentially gave up trying to care and desperately wanted to leave. To no avail.
Oh well, it was still fun I suppose. It was just gay as hell trying to talk with my family around.
At any rate, it still makes for a fairly entertaing journal entry.
current mood: dorky current music: Fleetwood Mac - Landslide
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10:54 pm - July 4th
Well, Happy Birthday to America and my grandmother... the former is 227 years old and the latter is... somewhere in her 70s.
Anyway, I've spent the last 3 hours at work and am now trying to whittle down the last hour. Before I got to work I spent nearly 2 hours on the road going from the 4th of July party in upper Westchester. Fricking 2 hours. It would have been better, but there was a fucking accident. I was only about a dozen cars back when Emergency Services arrived and cut off traffic. Fan-fucking-tastic. HALF A BLOODY HOUR waiting for them to move. Made me late to work. I left 6:10ish to get there by 7:50ish, about a 75 minute drive. Urgh. Whatever. The food was good so thats all that matters. Hambergers left much to be desired, but ahhh the hot dogs. Nothing is as good as a grilled hot dog sometimes. The pasta was great (as was to be expected in an Italian household); ziti w/mozzarella and ricotta (I actually dont like ricotta, but it was creamy instead of rough, so it was ok). They had a pool and I almost wished I brought my bathing suit, but thought better of it. Who really wants to play hunt the white whale anyway? Just go read Moby Dick. Theres my self deprecation for the moment. I thought I was gonna be forced to make small talk with my family for like 4 hours, but I was rescued from an unlikely source. My (2nd?) cousin Tina (lets see... her grandfather and my grandfather are brothers... so her mother and mine are cousins... so we're either 2nd or 3rd cousins...) had brought her friend Cheryl, who turned out to be an Asscroft hating immigration lawyer. Ah, God said let there be liberals, and there was, and it was good. She was 33, but that didnt stop us from having some good conversation, not that I was planning to bang her in the first place... (must everything be about sex?!). I dont know what it is, but with almost every female I meet, there is a doable test... size them up, evaluate and assess the doability... Yeah, I'd do her. It's pretty bad. But then again, I'm a guy, bereft of all morality, so I guess it's ok =). And if not, I'll just fart and scratch my balls and it'll be all better.
Oh well, last night was interesting... but thats for another entry.
current mood: bouncy current music: Stevie Nicks - Edge of Seventeen
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| Thursday, July 3rd, 2003
1:39 pm - Red White and Blue
Well theres a new song out by Lynyrd Skynyrd called "Red, White, and Blue." Its pretty good. I haven't decided if the subtle political message is one I agree with.
Anyway, the chorus goes something like this: "My hair is turning white, my neck has always been red, my collar is still blue"
Pretty cool. But I thought up some lyrics for the neo-con cock monkeys: "My stocks are in the red, my skin's always been white, my blood still runs blue"
I like it. I think its pretty accurate. Fricking bastards.
current mood: hungry
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| Tuesday, July 1st, 2003
1:01 pm - Traffic Cones
OK, wtf is the deal with traffic cones and road construction. I was late to work today, and may now get written up, because some fucking cock sucking monkey testicles decided to close down the Henry Hudson Parkway to ONE BLOODY LANE. Its the middle of the day. You would think they might wait until, I dunno, dark, or some other fucking time when less people are driving. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, the bastards have to be doing it at the same precise time im speeding to get to work. Sons of bitch-whores. I mean its not like they were even DOING anything. They block off an entire lane and then sit around and MASTURBATE. Oh look its 5 minutes past X hour we should play whack the winkey for a while, followed by a lunch break. >:O GRRRRRRR
This isnt the first time either. Not like it matters. It really twerps my pickle to see fucking stupidity at work.
current mood: irritated current music: Billy Joel - Stranger
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| Wednesday, June 25th, 2003
4:41 pm - very interesting
not too far from the truth =)
hellenica | Magic Number | 15 | Job | Politician | Personality | Sunshine And Blue Skies | Temperament | A Yo-Yo | Sexual | Whatever, Whenever, Whoever | Likely To Win | Another Gold Star | Me - In A Word | Genius | Colour | | Brought to you by MemeJack |
current mood: indifferent current music: Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal
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| Tuesday, June 24th, 2003
2:32 pm
Well, I'm feeling awfully Italian today.
So a few days ago Anthony invites me to go to this golf charity event and a reception sponsored by some rich guy(s) and this Italian-American organization. I was supposed to go to a NYC rally to support Howard Dean's official annoucement that he was running for President, but after discussing with some people, I decided grudginly to accept the invitation. This was in spite of all the hotness, sun, humidity, bugs, et al that would be found there. Being that I did not wish to spend all that time in the hot sun, I arrived a few hours after it was supposed to start and proceeded to get bounced around the country club as nobody knew where I was suppoed to go or what I was supposed to be doing (my friend, the bonehead, had failed to inform me of just that, and he had left his cell phone in his dads car... so I had no way of contacting him). So there I am wandering aimlessly from the pro shop to the food place, since they wont let me onto the course... I was very close to stealing a golf cart and driving it into the store. I passed the time chatting with the cute girl behind the food counter. Apparently, Kristin is transferring to Rutgers and is going to study journalism or medicine. I'm glad. Finally, after about 1/2 hour of waiting, and a phone call to Anthony's father, I finally managed to find a guy who knew wtf was going on. I straightened everything out with the golf people and jumped into my awaiting chariot. It was my first time in a golf cart, and I'd have to say it was a fun experience. After much tribulation I was able to find Anthony and some Montclair guy spotting a hole. To those uninitiated, like myself, this entails sitting in a cart staring at a hole all day, waiting to see if anyone makes a hole in one... Now thats some pretty exciting shit! Suffice it to say, I was less than thrilled. So I complained. Something I'm very good at. Eventually I decide to go see some more of the course and take off. I bump into a course ranger who puts a damper on my fun for a bit. Unimpressed, I again get bored and set back to find Anthony. More of the boredness leads me to make a successful tour of the golf course before we head back to the club house to go to the reception. I've been debating with myself and with Anthony whether we should actually go to the reception or just ditch and get some food elsewhere. I should mention now that as volunteers we got free food at the golf course and free meals at this reception. So we eventually decide, what the hell. We follow this van full of guys that inexorably leads us through various towns and hamlets in different directions before finally arriving at the Florentine Gardens. Now this was a pretty damn classy place. Valet parking, a huge house like thing, the inside decorated with HUGE chandeliers, waiters with white gloves, the whole shebang... and I'm dressed in a SHU t-shirt, shorts, and sandals. It was beautiful.
OK, I need to take a break and either sleep or something for a while... I'm gonna finish this later.
current mood: lethargic current music: Mob Hits - Tarantella Napoletana
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8:33 am - OK maybe not last time....
You're the United States of America!
You were probably a big bully in school, and odds are that you're still a big bully. You make promises that you break, you manipulate everyone around you, and you're awfully materialistic. On the other hand, you're pretty inventive and have a really good sense of justice. You just never get around to applying the idea of justice to yourself. Incredible potential remains yours to take advantage of. Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid
You're the United Nations!
Most people think you're ineffective, but you are trying to completely save the world from itself, so there's always going to be a long way to go. You're always the one trying to get friends to talk to each other, enemies to talk to each other, anyone who can to just talk instead of beating each other about the head and torso. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, and you get very schizophrenic as a result. But your heart is in the right place, and sometimes also in New York. Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid
You're Vatican City!
You're pretty sure that you're infallible in all that you do or say, and it's hard to say whether you're right. You have a lot of followers, most of whom will do whatever you say without question, or line up to see you ride around in your spiffy car. Religious and reserved, you have some wisdom, but also a bit much contempt for everyone around you. You're also fabulously wealthy, no matter what you say to the contrary.
Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid
You're Iraq!
An outcast from all you meet, you have very few friends who haven't later backstabbed you in some way or another. And you've made your share of mistakes... a little torture, a little coercion, a little stealing, it was all part of a day's work. It's hard to say if it deserves the kind of treatment you're getting now, though. When people look for someone to point to with a worse life than they have, they think of you first. Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid
Yeah thats enough....
I'd apologize for all the BS, but I have an excuse... I've been up since like 515AM and havent been able to go back to sleep. So there!
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8:28 am - Last time....
And with one more set of guessing I found my other half!
You're Italy!
You pretty much feel like you are the most long-standing bastion of civilized humanity on the face of the earth. While this is probably not true, you do have a noted history of living the good life and spreading culture to those around you. More recently, however, things have started to slide and you're having a hard time staying together and not getting beaten up. People still like to ask you how it was to be the center of high culture, but your days at the top are long past you. Avoid volcanoes, flooding, and unstable buildings wherever possible. Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid
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8:26 am - GREECE BAYBE
Well, it only took me one set of guessing to find Greece... cant you tell im bored?
You're Greece!
Wise, old, and athletic, you used to be a big star, but now you've faded a bit into relative obscurity. While no one would go so far as to call you a ruin, you're definitely past your prime. You really would rather spend the day on a small island or a small boat than doing just about anything else. Though watching the games, whatever sorts of games they may be, is also appealing. Whatever you are, you're Greek to me. Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid
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8:25 am - More Tackiness
Well my friend Anthony, who doesnt post or anything, got this one:
You're Colombia!
You do a lot of drugs, and these have kind of distorted your view of reality, to the point that everyone looks like an enemy. You keep trying to restore order over your schizophrenic world view, but you don't even know which goal is your own and which is someone else's. You're pretty sure someone needs to be punished for all this, but who that is changes all the time. Things would be a lot better for you if you switched to coffee, or even to decaf, but all this money would be hard to give up.
Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid
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8:20 am
You're Ireland!
Mystical and rain-soaked, you remain mysterious to many people, and this makes you intriguing. You also like a good night at the pub, though many are just as worried that you will blow up the pub as drink your beverage of choice. You're good with words, remarkably lucky, and know and enjoy at least fifteen ways of eating a potato. You really don't like snakes. Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid
current mood: exhausted current music: Take That - Back for Good
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| Saturday, June 21st, 2003
10:35 pm
I've got a serious entry wanting to come out, but I'm not particularly in the mood.
Earlier today a girl from work IMed me asking if I could cover her shift. Normally I'd like to help someone out (not to mention jumping at the chance for more hours), however, it was only for 2 hours (45 minutes there and 45 minutes back means driving 1.5 hrs for 2 hrs of work) and it also happened to be 10pm to midnight. Blech. Cutting into very important sleep time. I wont be getting back till like 1am. Craptastic. Oh well, so I'm here now listening to randomness. Somehow the heater behind clicked on all of a sudden while I was on the phone and bugged me out. Not to mention the HEAT coming from it. How stupid. I hope I can keep up this energy level for the next hour. I also hope security comes on time to relieve me. I'd be slightly perturbed if they did not.
Its always amusing reading some of my earlier journal entries. You know, back from when I was funny. I think maybe I had to be depressed to be really funny. I hope that isnt the case. Maybe I was just writing funnier entries. Who knows.
I'm also left wondering if anyone reads this anymore. Considering I havent been around for ages, I wouldnt be surprised. Of course, most Academy people are dead and gone. I cant speak for the LJ people.
current mood: bouncy current music: Real McCoy - One More Time
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6:55 pm - Make the pain go away!!!!
OK this is getting ridiculous. You've all been through this. When you want to yank your hair out of its roots and bash your head on a rock simply to stop a song thats been stuck in your bloody head for the last few days!!!! AUGH!!!
Mind you, its not just ANY song. Oh no, that'd be too easy. Nor is it a commercial or a TV jingle (admittedly, those would be bad as well).
It's a NEIL DIAMOND song. Why would I be listening to Neil Diamond, you might ask. Well, I'm not sure of that myself. Let us just say the rest of the radio was commercials and bad overplayed crap. So I MUST have been on one of those silly easy listening stations. Of course, I was then compelled by some cosmic force to search for it online and ACTUALLY DOWNLOAD IT. It is now looped on Winamp...
and all i can say is...
God help me.
current mood: crazy current music: Neil Diamond - Sweet Caroline (AUGH!!!!)
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