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Brian Tromburg

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Good Morning [31 Jan 2004|10:38am]
[ mood | motivated ]
[ music | ambient noise ]

Just woke....didnt do ANYTHING last night. I needed to catch up on some sleep plus I was home reading all sorts of good info. One of my roomates uses this old cell phone for an alarm clock and of course he didnt shut it off even though he went home to TX for the weekend. I was woken up at 5am by it. May has well been a normal week day. Last night I read the Passion of Christ in the four Gospels. Then I decided to start reading Matthew since that is my middle name. I ended up falling asleep though. No one was really on to talk to and Ashley didnt come back like she said she would. :) s'ok. I have duty tomorrow and then we are getting underway on Tuesday until Friday. I dont know if I will be watching the super bowl. I know they are going to be have it on tv on the ship but I have some comms exercises I need to participate in. I have my OOD Board tomorrow. I have been studying the flags a bit more. Cooks said I will be fine and "we will pass you, have you standing OOD in no time. you'll be alright." good deal. Thanks cookie. I wonder if I should get dressed. I need to find those two Churches today. I better get on that.

Take care,

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hmm [28 Jan 2004|10:52pm]
[ mood | tired ]

well then...i got my laptop today. this is the first computer ive ever actually bought with my own money. good stuff. i went to church tonight. the service was two and a half hours long. pretty interesting. some good preaching tonight. i hope to post a lot more now that its a little easier accessible. until next time, peace

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[01 Sep 2003|03:54am]
Today, Sep 1st, is my 21st birthday. I had planned on going to a casino in Biloxi. I went and saw Freddy vs Jason to kill some time until midnight. However, it was 10pm and I just kept driving. Before I knew it I was in Pascagoula. I stopped at Lakeside to see if they had any rooms and they did not. When I got to Mobile I stopped for gas. After purchasing a full tank and a 22oz Budweiser I try to start my car and it doesnt turn over. I am now 45 minutes into my birthday and I have to call a tow truck. Luckily I was remotely close to where I need to be. Seventy-five dollars later I am in the parking lot at the ship, my car is at the dealership, and I am on my cell with a warm Bud in hand. Happy birthday, Brian.

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[02 Aug 2003|12:56am]
Sheesh its been a long time since Ive last posted. Not (un)intentional. Just not too big into writing about my feelings and shit thats been going on. Good and bad. The best is that next Friday Im going home for ten days. I leave Friday. The first sunday I have my Nephews(Godsons) Baptism, then the following saturday is my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary party. Every day in between that is going to be spent drunk and wakeboarding. I love living on me lake.The fact that i will have relatives there whom I have not seen in a while to spend my time with is great. I still dont know if Jordan is going to be der. I was supposed to go "get away" this weekend...............fuck, pretty much. I was given Friday off for busting my ass and getting the server up. Then what happens. I leave the Mobile Library after researching hotels and shit online so I could drive to FL for the weekend. I step out the door to put my sunglasses on, which involves taking my glasses off, and when I get to the car I dont have them in my pocket. That means within 100ft of where I know had them, then didnt have them, they were lost. Bravo Sierra! Luckily I was able to get a new pair within the same day. This place says. Buy one get one free! I was only intent on buying one pair. Then the one fucking pair costs 366 when its totaled up. Not much of a bargain. The only good this is that over the next 3 years I can get 2 pairs a year free. Cool eh? no doubt.

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two weeks gone and yea [22 Apr 2003|05:58pm]
[ music | Superdrag - Who Sucked out the Feeling ]

I just spent two weeks home in arkansas. good times........umm, im not too keen on journals these days but i love pictures. check out in the april 03 folder for the newest pics. all i can say is that it has been a great time and im not really ready to leave. i just want to stay here for a j-bird says. "when you gotta go you gotta go." i bought a cell phone so if any of you want to call me my number is 228-327-4645. like most people im not big on wasting minutes so if its going to be random which i appreciate make it after 9pm thanks!! well ive got to go to my first ship finally. im leaving tomorrow morning and will be back here in august. maybe when i get to my ship i will have more time to vent on LJ because i wont have the people to talk to like i do at home. i realized while laying out in the back yard yesterday that i really dont like being by myself...especially in the quietness. thats probably why i watch so much tv when im not home. its always been a good companion. im out though. hope to talk to you soon. take care. brian matthew

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[19 Jan 2003|10:02pm]

I have been in Norfolk, VA for a week now and the roads are fu(king madness. They do loops around each other, none of which have complete signs to where you are going...and...and... well, I finally found Best Buy today. I bought the Live double CD of Dispatch, the System of a Down "Steal This CD," and thanks to Claire, thank you Claire, I bought Howie Day - Australia. Good tunes....did I mention that I didnt pay attention to where I parked at the parking garage, which had five levels, and didnt find my car for like 20 minutes!! Bloody hell! In accordance with my getting lost I left Chesapeake to come home and ended up at macarthur center which I decided to watch a film so I saw Narc. Good flick, Ray Liotta and this other guy..real familar but not enough so his name rolls off my tongue. Last night I went to eat with Pier and Jen then we saw A Guy Thing. Not a bad movie. A couple laughs...Julia Stiles is __________. I stopped by the Verizon dealer in the malle to check out cell phone plans and the cheapest one was 40$. I am not too pleased with that..a) if i have a number where people can get a hold of me its all good. b) i really dont want any bills (car insurance is one thing) c) i stopped in an art gallery and saw some colorful oil paintings which make me want a wall to hang them on. hmmm, no one online to talk to. Go out with a bang!

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f o shizzle [16 Jan 2003|06:39pm]
damn my jaw hurts. finally saw snow a couple days ago. the first time in a year. i didnt really get to enjoy it though. i got an oil change on tuesday. still need to find the subaru dealer. i guess aaron was in ny to do the preproduction on his record among other things i wish i could go back. damn i think its been like 6 years already since i was in manhattan. i still remember it. is vaguely the appropriate word? cause that seems like ... so i was talking to this girl on the airplane to st louis who was stationed on the cole and i guess she is transferring to the west coast but that would have been nice if she was coming back. jen graduates in a week so i wont really know anyone out here because my class doesnt really have anyone i can hang out with and i cant get a hold of chris. ahhh i will have to write him now. wait is he on aim? hold one sec

nah hes not on right now. usually hes got his mobile phone running aim but not right now. for you who asked my friend in nashville goes to belmont. ive gotten lazy with my website. ive not had a net connection of my own since ive been in the navy so that is poo ....... i dont know what else. im forcing this writing out of me. i have the growing up to be my parents syndrome. i need to get to sioux falls and have some actual fun with friends. i need to have at least one night of drunken insanity this year. hopefully justin comes up from NC some time. its nice that im living in a hotel and not in barracks. more freedom you outta here. peas, bt

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[05 Jan 2003|05:19pm]
i am sitting a the hotel royal in naples, italy. we have been here on 16 hour and counting "layover." the airline fucked up like whoa. whats depressing is that i could be in the states right now..oh well, we are making the best of it. i swear the bar a this joint has never seen so muc activity. ciao, brian

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[13 Dec 2002|09:59pm]
I have my flight date. I will be leaving on 11Jan and if all does well I should be home on the eve of the 12th. I am getting an order mod so I will be going to a 3 month C school in Norfolk. Anyone stationed in Norfolk right now? I dont know what date the school starts as of yet but hopefully I will have enough time to fly home for a couple days then drive my car out to VA. I will have spent 368 consecutive days on this island...sheesh. I think I deserve a couple days leave. I should get more in April when my school is over with. The biggest shocker is going to be going from 80 to 20 degree weather...*BRRRRRRR* thats cold!

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[20 Nov 2002|07:54am]
Took the PRT this morning. Did around 80 some situps. 70 some pushups, and the mile and a half in 12:03. It was surprisingly cold outside today. The air hurt my lungs im not used to it....I am transferring back the states in about 45 days.

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[18 Nov 2002|10:28pm]
i like my job but dislike the work.

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[02 Nov 2002|04:06pm]
Oh yea. the car I bought is this:

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[02 Nov 2002|04:03pm]
I wish I would have gone outside earlier today. It is really cloudy, sprinkling and just damn nice. This is definately SD weather. Not for this time of year cause it is obviously snowing there...but anyhow. I saw a marine with the name of Kevorkian. Kinda interesting. Got a car cover for christmas. Good times. Wonder if it has been ordered yet? Im going to go turn a uniform top in to be tailored. Put my crow on...indoc next week then I heard the frocking is on Thursday. More on that later...

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[30 Oct 2002|08:54am]
I took the advancement exam this last September and the results came out this past week and I am receiving promotion! A couple captions from my exam profile:


"1. SUBJECT CANDIDATE HAS BEEN SELECTED AS A PRIMARY ADVANCEMENT TO IT3 . MEMBERS EFFECTIVE DATE OF ADVANCEMENT HAS NOT BEEN DETERMINED." This means I will get paid for E4 as soon as I put it on vice waiting the usual 4-6 months. Also known as first increment.

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[29 Oct 2002|06:22am]
Who got a new car? Brian got a new car.

2000 Subaru Outback Sport, Silver. Ooooooooooh man. More later.

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recent posts [07 Oct 2002|12:12am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | just kinda annoyed.. ]

dinner party -- Sunday, October 6 2002, 05:12 pm Author: brian

ron just complained extensively about ann coming into work late. hmmm.. soccer dinner was a good time on saturday. Jims was hosting an Irish Rugby Club so we went next door to Krumz. I had the Fettucine Cabonara. It was pretty good save the fact that I couldnt finish it..I had eaten a whole tombstone pizza just hours prior. I bought this protein mix at the ships store..then i called scott to ask him what is good to buy. he told me that sometimes if you get the cheap stuff, which i did, and if it ends up giving you stinky gas its bad protein. since then i have been paranoid that its going to give me stinky gas. haha. i havent noticed anything out of the ordinary so far so its all gravy. i havent taken all that much but whatever.

thought for the day -- Friday, October 4 2002, 03:45 am Author: brian

Just got done working out. So far since getting off work I have: eaten two toasters strudels, watched volleyball on tv, talked to my sister for thirty minutes, worked out for an hour and fifteen minutes, and discovered a complex i have which needs to be corrected. While doing some leg extensions I was thinking to myself about how I really dont like working out much but today for some reason I was doing a nice routine. ie: actually doing complete sets of exercises, feeling the BURN!! hehe. anyhow, i says to myself, in most every situation, \"how long is this going to last?\" or \"when is this over?\" i realized i need to just do things and not worry about when they are going to get done. just that they will get done. of course with most things it should be sooner than later but i think that there have probably been some things i didnt do because i felt it was going to take too long or inconvenient. etc etc. so the moral is. just live your life and dont put a time limit on things. most everything good in life takes a long time too but why try to rush it? out, need protein.

weekend! -- Thursday, October 3 2002, 09:16 pm Author: brian

Soccer team seems to be falling apart. Dont know if its my fault or not. Tony was a lot more enthusiastic about it. I send out the emails and let everyone know whats going on and when but the attendance has been poor since coming out of Delta. We are having a going away party on saturday for three guys who are leaving. Hopefully there is a good turnout for that..if anyone happens to read this and not there email its at 7pm at Jims off Schwarma Alley. Be there or be square! I should probably take pictures but we will see what happens. I think there should be some new eye candy, that is Anns term. She is on the phone with Juan right now. on again off again but I think she wants to take him back. Our soccer game on weds was pretty piss poor. We lost 5-2. I didnt realize it right when it happened but I threw over one of the Indians. He shielded the ball and to get around him I put an arm on his side pulled him out of the way. He went flying to the ground and just sat there. I aplogized afterwards while he was getting up, the ball had been crossed by this time, but he didnt seem to understand me. He is kinda old but his expression was like a hurt child. It was kinda sad but I got over it. Ive been looking up info on P-goula, Im excited to get back to the states. Im out...

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[28 Aug 2002|05:44am]
Started my routine yesterday. I am doing Cardio on Command PT days and weight lifting on the others. That does not include the soccer training a few days a week. Today included a lot of goods. We relieved from watch to go to PT and there we did our usual push ups, sit ups and other mild exercises. I ran three laps around the warehouse which is around 1.4 miles. Three and a half laps is 1.5 so I will estimate. Came home and did some alternating dumbbell curls. I slept for around three hours. Woke up and watched tv for an hour. Slept for another two hours then went to soccer practice at the Manama Club. For that practice we jogged for 20 minutes which had to have been two miles, did a bunch of conditioning drilss, scrimmaged for about 15 minutes with a 3 touch limit(my legs were sluggish by now), then finished with a sprint to back peddle drill around cones. My touch was a little off but I made a few good plays. After practice I took three shots and there were all solid and well placed on goal. I was happy about that. * I decided to buy a 35mm camera with the birthday money I get..if I get any? I really enjoy photography. I dont want to risk losing all my pictures due to a server crashing. Man we, no...I was busy at work tonight. It feels good to have done some work for once. Now I am going to do more!! okay bye bye

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yep yep [21 Aug 2002|07:00am]
I have made a psychological breakthrough!! I am no longer a pill swallowing fool but a fiend. That is right, the last two doses of pain relievers I ingested were whole pills. For those who know, and thos who didnt, now know that I had a mindblock preventing me from swallowing pills whole. I could swallow anything else in amouns equal or greater in size to your average pill. I will start from the beginning. Yesterday morning I had gotten off work and was home watching EXPN 2Day on ESPN. They were showing previews of riders from different sports who are going to be participating in the Xgames in Philly. Anyhow, the host was interviewing this guy who should be a potential gold winner..they were showing some video clips of tricks and what not. They were pretty hardcore. They started showing these guys landing double back flips on motorcycles. It was time to take some more Panadol so I said to myself. "Come on you candy ass! You can do it!" I grabbed those pills and next thing ya know I was downing some water and pain relief. It sure felt good. When I woke up that evening I was in pain again. I thought to myself, "can I do it? Can I swallow two pills yet again?" Sho nuff. I that makes two doses in a row. I think my pill swallowing complex has passed!

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*bleh* [20 Aug 2002|03:44am]
I am officially sick. I kept waking up every 30-45 minutes. As I seemed to fall asleep I kept having these repetitive dreams. It was the same thing over and over. It wasnt an actual dream though. It was first person view of myself in my bed. Everytime this \'dream\' began I would repeat a series of movements in an attempt to get comfortable. In other news. My supervisor, as she calls herself, informed me that I am probably going back over to Tech Control for the remainder of my tour. I dont really have a problem with that so long as I get to go back to section 3. I would upset to go to any other. Section 3 has the best peoples. I am going to look on base to see if they have any decent video cameras. I dont really want to buy a video camera until I get a good computer though for editing reasons. I want to make some killer videos. I could get some dope footage while I am over here anyhow. haha. Who am I kidding. Bahrain does not offer any good footage. I wonder if my camera right now is fixable. I would take it to an electronics person if I knew where one was. They have plenty of good mechanics here for cheap hire. I dont know about electronics whizs. I think when I said \"Man, I havent been sick the entire time I have been here\" kinda brought this on. I HATE being sick!!! Arrgghhh!! Popeye style for sure... I have been watching some killer wakeboarding/wakeskating videos at Wakeskating is bad ass. It looks like they are wearing tennis shoes. I have to use the little boys room. peace!

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[06 Aug 2002|06:01pm]
[ mood | sitting here ]
[ music | Sky's the Limit - 12.31.99 (Us vs. Them ]

Just got done filling out my application for the All Navy soccer team. If my CO approves it and I get selected by the Navy Sports Office to go play I will get 30 days temp. duty in San Diego and then play in the Armed Forces Tournament in Dover, DE. I am waiting on a couple email responses for contact numbers before I submit it. I am pretty excited. I took over management of our base team. I get to set up games and practices. I have also developed a little site for our team at so go check that out!! There is a link for it on the main page. There isn't much to it but I hope that people can email it to their families so they can kinda see what they are up to here in Bahrain. After I edit the team photo tonight, needs to be lightened and resized, it will be put on there..check for that later. Hmmm, so what have I been up to lately? Well, working out a little. Nothing too intense. I have the advancement exam on September 19th, and my birthday on September 1st. I will no longer be a teenager! heh That is about all I have for now. Just doing the same old routine. I haven't talked to ANYONE from SF in for what seems like a couple months. I think it has been at least three weeks though for sure, give or take. Ship store hasnt gotten any of the CD's I want to buy. That is probably a good thing considering I need to save my money. Im out. Peace!

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