Mikey B.'s LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Mikey B.'s LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, April 3rd, 2002
    10:23 am
    Spring Break Heaven
    Ah.. the wonders of San Diego. I really don't wanna leave... so...WARM. So much fun here, almost enough fun to make me forget that I rejected to two schools- but it was what I needed, get me down from my pedestal. Now I know I'm not as cool as I thought, and hopefully my ego-trip has ended. Anywho...

    San Diego kicks ass. We went to Tiajuana, the SD Animal Park, 3 beaches, a punk show featuring Tom DeLong and Travis Barker<-- THAT WAS LUCK BEYOND ALL LUCK- check out their side band Boxcar Racer. We spent hours at the pool and in the jaccuzi, and it was o so niice. The weather was not too hot, and I even got some color. Many margaritas later, I look back on the trip as a total success. Now, I'm ready to get home and see the girlfriend, because I'm having major withdrawl.

    Moment of Zen..... the wonders of drinking in Mexico

    Current Mood: chipper
    Thursday, March 21st, 2002
    9:18 pm
    contrary to popular belief, I am NOT ultra-liberal.. I just have a heart. Yah, I never post... so it goes
    Thursday, March 7th, 2002
    2:26 pm
    New York Here I Come
    I just found out that I have a good shot at being accepted to go on a FREE trip to NY for a church council activity. SWEET! I get to tour NY and we have lectures about the Mid-East religious crisis at the United Nations! This is gonna rock and roll... My life keeps getting better (except the school aspect). Well, I'm in the writing center, so I gotta go tutor some health paper...

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: Mr Love talking to his future employer
    Sunday, February 24th, 2002
    12:11 pm
    I bleed Hoya blue
    After this weekend at Georgetown, I've never been this 99.9999999999999999999999999999% sure about anything in my life. The only way I wouldn't go there would be if I spontaneously combusted or something of that nature. I'm still reluctant to send in my enrollment form because I don't want to feel like sending all those f*cking apps to other schools was for nothing. Anywho, on to my experience...
    It was incredible, the people, the professors, the neighborhood, the campus, the CITY, EVERYTHING! I already know which dorm I want.. its MINE I say, even though I have to get damn lucky in the lottery to get it. Well, right when I got there I thought, "this is it!" I was immediately greeted by MY admissions officer who, of course, I asked to tell me why the heck they accepted me of all people. He said he really liked the comments from my interview, so I really have to call and thank the lady who talked to me. Anywho, all of the professors were awesome and great to listen to. One read a speech about how the 'new' terrorists would come to the forefront and proceed to attempt to destroy our country, and then told us that he had written it one year ago. UMMM... I met Dean Galluci, who I've read about in more than one book.. that was cool. The student panels talked about the various types of parties and the courseload and each told us a story about why they love Georgetown and some people in the audience had TEARS in their eyes.
    To quote dean Galucci, "If you want a liberal arts education, I'm sure all of the schools you applied to are great and I wouldn't say that our School of Foriegn Service is the best, but I'll definitely say that there are none better. If you want a liberal arts education that focuses on world issues, I say with all confidence that if there is a second best, they are way behind us." That was a cool speech.
    I found out that practically the entire junior class goes overseas, also cool.
    FUNNY STORY: When we got there, there were posters everywhere and writings on the floors about the Gay community being strong at Georgetown. They also posted signs like, "There are Transgender Hoyas, too" I guess they were trying to scare away conservatives, but anyways, in the same place where the Gay group was protesting, some guys came out with signs that said, "Welcome HETEROSEXUAL Hoyas" "We like GIRLS" and "Come with us, we'll show you some GIRLS" and even posted signs like "There are straight Hoyas, too". It was the funniest thing I think I have ever seen, and quite effective in calming some freaked-out parents.
    I felt so stupid there, with all of the valedictorians and John Carroll Scholars etc.. I'm going from the top to the bottom, and I hope I can deal with that.
    Well, I'm rambling about random topics now, so yah... HOYA SAXA! GO GEORGETOWN!
    And I'm spent....

    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: Goldfinger - Authority
    Sunday, February 17th, 2002
    5:11 pm
    I never do this, so I thought, what the hell...
    You are...

    Click the sprite to take the Which Caffeine-Induced Freak Are You Most Like? test thingie. Or you could just click the result pic and save yourself a bit of trouble. Crap, I need to shut up now.
    Thursday, February 14th, 2002
    9:07 pm
    Another Perfect Day
    Happy V-Day everyone! Today was great. WHY? I saw Maggie. She gave me the coolest gift- a book with all sorts of military quotations and some chocolate. I know what people are saying about how love doesn't exist at the HS level, well I know it does- but it just doesn't work out--- unless there's some Divine Intervention. I don't know if I'll ever love Maggie, but she's just awesome- and that I'm sure of. Tonight was absolutely perfect... even the food was great. I just found out her and I are busy all weekend- its terrible. Oh well, we're not going to get sick of each other.. that's for sure.
    I'm finally happy again. I'm not worried about school anymore- not worried about friends or family, and I have a great girl to call my own. I don't know why I always write my journal entries when I just saw her, but oh well.. so what if I sound retarded.
    The Olympics are on... very cool.. GO USA!!!!! Well, its time to get to more Olympics and more homework.

    Current Mood: thankful
    Current Music: Third Day - My Heart
    Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002
    1:28 pm
    I haven't posted because I've had nothing to say... the situation continues...
    Thursday, January 10th, 2002
    1:54 pm
    TGIAF (Thank God its ALMOST Friday)
    I'm still not done with my soc project, ick. I'm really busy with it too. Also, stupid Gym teachers never informed me about the Independent PE thingy, so now I'm screwed for yet another semester... dammit. Oh well. I need a graduation countdown clock. Well, off to kindEEgarten.

    Current Mood: apathetic
    Current Music: Silence...
    Monday, January 7th, 2002
    9:24 pm
    School... ick
    Well, I haven't had an entry in a while, but I'm back now. Back to my usual complaining about how school sucks, I need a girlfriend, I'm the most pathetic loser on the face of the earth... and I digress...

    Anywho, I am happy to know that I will have the best looking girl for winterball, and Jillian should be happy to know that she will have the best looking guy. :-) It's going to be a blast. I really wish a few more of my friends would go that aren't going, but that's ok...

    School has come back to bite me in the A$$ once again. I have no desire to do any homework, at its 930. I'm a raging procrastinator. I really have no life besides my computer and my video games.. school is just a big fat hole in my day of being a geek.

    Well, as I said before, I need a girl. Yeah, its true, so if you know any nice ladies who are single, TELL ME. I think I just miss having someone to rely on, to talk to at night when I can't sleep.. to watch movies with and all that good stuff. Maybe I should post a personal. "Desparate Guy Needs Nice Girl To Maintain Sanity"

    Well, I hope I've amused someone with my pathetic-loserness. But I'm proud of being a loser, so if you've got a problem, STEP UP! Yah, I didn't think so....

    Current Mood: geeky
    Current Music: Incubus - I miss you
    Sunday, December 23rd, 2001
    12:09 am
    Good Times
    Tonight was so much fun... a real intellectual conversation that was productive and made me truly reflect on so many cool topics. This is why going to college will be so great, because convos like that will never end! I'm glad I have friends who really value introspection and discussion, as well as having an overall good time. I loved listening to people who I didn't agree with present their arguments, it was fun! I feel like such a geek, but it doesn't matter... I'm proud of it. I even felt better about myself afterwards. Jill, meghan- we need to do that again..

    Current Mood: pensive
    Current Music: Crunching of Cookies!
    Tuesday, December 18th, 2001
    1:30 pm
    Oh Happy Days
    Yesterday was like a dream... I never really thought I could get in, but I did... I got into Georgetown. I'm a HOYA! (which means "what" in Latin, its beyond me...) Jillian, you rock and roll far more than me! And that Shayer chick can eat our dust.
    Jillian, we are so having get-together parties next year, and we will have lots of sex fun. I am the king of the world right now.. BOOYAH
    Oh yah, I got into the Naval Academy too... yay...

    Current Mood: jubilant
    Sunday, December 16th, 2001
    12:30 pm
    I'm sick
    Yah, so I'm sick again. Oh well, a little chest cold won't kill me too quickly. I had lots o fun with Katie, Jenni, Mike, and Meghan. Though we didn't do too much, it made my stinkin' anxiety about Georgetown go away for a while. It's evil, how they say they annouce results the 15th, yet I still haven't found out and its the 16th. I have to cut this short, for food awaits... sometimes its nice to be sick and waited on hand and foot...

    Current Mood: sick
    Sunday, December 9th, 2001
    12:31 am
    Well, it seems as though whenever others are having a tough time, I'm happy because I have the chance to cheer someone up or something... but when everyone else is happy, I'm really really sad. It's so odd. My sadness today is due solely to the fact that I was the only person on earth who had nothing to do today, nothing. I hung out with my brother, which wasn't TOO bad. Today I also realized that if I don't get my college stuff finished by tuesday, life will suck... Well, hopefully helping others tomorrow (vets at great lakes) will make me feel better...

    Current Mood: apathetic
    Current Music: hmph
    Tuesday, December 4th, 2001
    7:22 pm
    internet is back
    yes, its true. My internet has returned, the suffering has ended. The recovery will take many hours of chat, but the worst is over.
    Wednesday, November 28th, 2001
    9:36 pm
    What a day...
    Well, I'm growing in confidence about my grades, but yet I still have 2 B's. They will go away, oh yes. Today was another 14 hour day, and I survived. I actually had a good time too! I really am starting to remember why I joined ROTC. My staff is so motivated, we are really good this year. People are learning and having a good time. We are planning great things for the unit and for the community. I get to go help set up christmas stuff for the vets this weekend at Great Lakes. The vets are always so happy when we go see them...
    Well, I don't know why, but I'm in a great mood! This is such a turnaround from this weekend, but I know its not a mood swing or anything. I am genuinely feeling better. I don't have much homework these days, either. It's been good :-). Well, I'm off to chat the night away, tomorrow I have stinkin Orchestra... ick.

    Current Mood: good
    Current Music: Beatles - Penny Lane
    Sunday, November 25th, 2001
    2:02 am
    Well, I know I have 2 friends.
    Saturday, November 24th, 2001
    4:00 pm
    The worst day gets 10 times worse
    I got my SAT-II scores today... Say goodbye to Georgetown, goodbye to Penn, goodbye to all of the schools that I've been dreaming about. I got in the worst three percent of people who took the French test, the worst 10 percent in the writing. My hope for my future has died, and now that's what I want to do, curl up and die. I can't contain my tears anymore, and they flow like never before...

    Current Mood: morose
    12:14 pm
    I don't know why, but I don't think I've ever felt this sad without a reason. This is truly strange-- I wish I could figure it out. I'm thinking I have an idea why... but that would be just crazy. I know I'm gonna be alone today, all day, so that doesn't help either. No one will call, no one will stop by, no one will care. My parents are buying my another new car instead of putting the money in my college account, so they won't be here either..
    Well, it seems that some of my friends no longer care, but I'm thankful for those few who still do. I feel that my life is sinking into worthlessness, like I don't mean anything and can't change anything and I'm falling fast and no one is there to catch me. School no longer gives me the pride that I used to get from it, because I'm not succeeding there either. Even the things that I used to turn to to forget about what was bothering me are gone, and now its all hit me and I don't know what to do. Is this a plea for help? No. Its a supernova of emotion. I've never ever felt this terrible in my entire life, and I'm afraid to call my best friend because I'm thinking that she won't care... and its all my fault. I haven't even called her in weeks.
    I used to turn to God in times like this, because only He could take away my burden, but it seems that this time he's left it up to me. Well, I don't know if I have the strength to deal with it myself.
    I realized last night that I'm nothing but an accessory, the pity partner. I have to shove myself in people's faces for me to get something to do. Then I just feel worse, because I know I'm not wanted. I wasn't born beautiful, I wasn't born with a great sense of humor, and I wasn't born with the best personality, but I was born with a heart that cares for others- but I guess that isn't enough. I'm losing all the people close to me... and once again fading into the distance.
    I'm alone.

    Current Mood: gloomy
    Current Music: Incubus - Drive
    Thursday, November 15th, 2001
    4:17 pm
    For all you procrastinators who don't know what to get me for my b-day... I really don't expect anyone to get me anything, so don't worry about it if you ain't got the cash. Here are some ideas, make sure I don't get 2 of the same thing though.

    • CD-Rs
    • Come Together - Third day cd
    • MONEY
    • CLOTHES, use your best judgement
    • Hugo Boss Colonge (split this one, its tres $$$)
    • CRACK! wait, no..
    • DVDs, CDs, anything COOL... I'm not picky!
    Tuesday, November 13th, 2001
    8:04 pm
    I'm really really pathetic, aren't I? I can't even get the younger girls anymore. Maybe if I wasn't born with an annoying voice, pasty white skin, and red hair people would like me.. or maybe if I was buff? I don't know, whatever the reason, I repel the opposite sex like Deep Woods OFF. I have no reason to hope for a girl, I guess I'm just going to have to wait until college. Man... I'm lonely...

    Current Mood: dorky
    Current Music: New Order - Confusion
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