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Current Music:Kill Bill Vol. 2 in background
Subject:Elusive satisfied mind
Time:11:30 pm
Not gonna go on and on but...I hate being put on the spot, especially in a room of my peers and supervisors alike. I'm not the best at speaking in the first place, letalone when someone lays something down on me that I'm totally not expecting.

Dammit, nonsensical entries and nothing of substance yet.

I'm working on it, I'm working on it. Just like I'm working on the 5lb box of Fruit Gems an aunt gave me for Christmas. Addictive. Savory. Yet my teeth are beginning to hurt. Hrm.
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Time:01:00 pm
Random post which might make sense a year from now. )
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Subject:Why don't you run?
Time:06:55 pm
Sooooooo...here's a question. If there's no work. No pressing, deadline-heavy work that's absolutely drop dead due before the 1st of the year, and you've already got Friday off anyway, and there is nobody, nobody else in any other relevant company working, therefore making it impossible to get any work done which needs input/support from said companies, is there any reason, any good reason, to come in to work tomorrow? Is there any good reason to even be open?

I'm having trouble with the whole thing. It's...just...weird. Not that I have huge plans for New Years anyway. And not that I'd really want to do anything since the whole "holiday" is so forced and like Valentine's in that it sort of just falls on us and we're supposed to act a certain way. But this is off the subject. The point is that it's a nationally recognized holiday and therefore, since it's only one day, people construe it as fourteen. Well, people who work 19-hour days do, anyway.

Oh yeah I worked on a proposal until 1:00am and was still the first one at work today. Any offer to leave early? Fuck no.

Fuck......no. Oh well. I have Lilo & Stitch and a Skyy martini. Things could be worse.
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Subject:This is me, circa this moment.
Time:07:01 pm
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Current Music:Rippin Kittin - Goldenboy
Current Mood:Odd.
Time:09:56 pm
Kevin Dubrow from here on out, Let's get this on with a stick of butter.

SO not wanting to go to work tomorrow. Wishing I had some Coldstone ice cream. Even though I severely need to loose weight. Two years ago I somehow fit into 29'' trousers; now I'm lucky if I can fit into 36-inchers. And even that's stretching it. I need to find something to inspire me. A few years ago the swinger lifestyle was somewhat in-vogue, and there were a lot of shows and articles and music that complimented it. Now, those shows are way down, the articles aren't being written and the music isn't coming out as quickly. I'd hate to think that I was only interested in a healthier, livelier, better lifestyle because of a sub-pop-culture phenomenon, but shit if it didn't have anything to do with it.

What's the new style? Gwen Stefani and her Alice in Wonderland funk?

I spent Christmas in Las Vegas. Not nearly as empty and quiet as people told me it would be. Fucking cold, though, which was expected as I've spent a few birthdays there, freezing my ass off wondering why I have never thought to invest in a decent coat. I got some cool stuff this holiday, the highlight being a digital camera for me to take useless yet fun pictures. For instance, here is what I had for dinner.

Anyway. I don't want to go to to work tomorrow. Not this soon after spending a weekend away from the city with my father. Besices, what's there to look forward to this week...oh yeah. A new year.

Hmm...new years eve. Does it EVER live up to the hype? Does ANYONE ever actually have a genuine good time? I've gotten to a point where it all seems so forced. It's so much like valentines to me. The media and traditionalism brainwashing us to behave in a certain way in the name of tradition. Or not. Maybe I really am a bit loopy.

In any event, I can guarantee this about New Years; if I do go out, I'll complain about how I complained four days prior about how bad it would be and how right I was, and if I don't go out, I'll complain about how I should have tried to make the best ouf of it and gone out. I'm a walking contradiction, a free ride when I've already paid. Or wait, that would make me ironic. When I'm really only a little confused.

Said the Duckshirt.
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Subject:A pirate's life for me.
Time:10:44 pm
This whole bachelor life-style is just not working for me. I miss D. I miss her warmth. I miss the way she'd tease me. So what if she...well, if she's a little disorganized and tends to leave things in random places and simply reFUSES to put her shoes away instead of just flopping them off in the living-room. This place had life. Now all I have is a bottle of SKYY and free time.

Tomorrow is Vegas. I have laundry that I should be doing. Ain't...gon'...doit.

On the other claw, I'm now watching Spiderman 2 and realizing just how great of a film this really is. It's so much more than just a life-action comic book. And the train sequence is brilliant; that scene is how the Matrix sequels should have been. Inventive angles, breathtaking cinemetography...all-around good filmmaking. Don't get me wrong, I loved the sequels. I just wish they had been more like the first. Which, in and of itself, is a classic for the archives.

Anyway. It's almost 11:00 in the pm. Why do I suddenly have so much to ramble about? And by ramble I mean...well, ramble.

Here's a picture of a rabbit with a pancake on it's head.

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Current Music:Gwen Stefani - Hollaback Girl (despite myself, I like it)
Subject:Eve, eve.
Time:04:48 pm
So I'm at work and of course it's the weirdest day ever. Ups and downs abound, my work is both lambasted as well as praised by various people. I feel more and more frustrated with my inability to please every single person in every way, as well as my inability to grow skin thick enough to weather the hits. So what if one person just flat out HATES my work; three others will say it's good. Gotta get over my pride if I'm going to stay in this business.

So as far as the ups go....would have to say that recieving this little diddy from my boss was a wonderful surprise. I haven't seen all of the second disk but the first was a great companion on this lonely day.

Another up is getting to go home an hour early. Even if it's to an empty apartment, I'd rather be there than sitting here watching banners print out. Why oh why do these large projects happen all at once? Oh well. We'll muddle through.

So how about that Christmas/Kwanzaa/Hanukah? Vegas should be nice. Nice and quiet. And cold, for the love of blueberry muffins.

Print is almost done...done done. Happy...Holiday.
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Time:11:06 pm
Wowsers, been a while since I've tried my hand at this thing. I figured that since D is gone for the holidays I'd better find some way of getting out what I'm thinking or feeling. I've been on and off with this for a few years now and I have a whole new outlook on the way I wanna get ideas across. That is to say, I'm not going to be as goddamn pensive.

So D is gone until mid-January, and I'm here alone for the first time, well, ever. Bachelor lifestyle isn't all it's cracked up to be so far. Granted it's only been a day but...still, I guess I expected to feel more liberated than this. Whatever. I've got my Skyy martini, Lilo & Stitch on, and the trip to Vegas with my father this weekend to look forward to.

What don't I have to look forward to? Knowing that I'm responsible for a very large amount of Flash programming for an upcoming event, regarldess of the fact that I've never done any kind of Flash work professionally, ever. But hey, it's only December 22nd. And without D here, no distractions. Except of course for movies, chatting, and lots of other self-imposed distractions. Nice how it all works out, isn't it?

At least I got a few cool things for christmas, not the least of which a new leather journal, and a flask with "jamo" engraved on it which also came with a small leather pouch to hold a pair of small, thin metal shot-glasses.

So...where's the party?
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Current Music:Deutschland (Has Gotta Die!) - Atari Teenage Riot
Current Mood:Pissed.
Subject:It was bad enough that Mya had NO idea who sang "It's Not Unusual"...
Time:01:03 pm
...but the use of "Help Yourself" in a mutherfuckin' HUMMER commercial is just plain SACRILEDGE. The use of a song who's theme is unconditional love used to advertise an icon of ego-centrism and complete disregard makes me want to go back on my tirade of why SUV's are the true weapons of mass destruction.

GOD. My favorite Tom Jones song. At least I got to see him last night on Craig Kilborn. D and I even sat in the very front 2 seats, the most coveted seats in the entire theater; absolutely in front of every other person there. That rocked. Tom is short. But jesus. Who the hell made the decision to use that song for a fucking Hummer commercial?

All I need is for The Prodigy to perform on Jay Leno and I'll know that my world has ended.
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