Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "fushigi yuugi".
315 matches:
- ___animerock - Anime Rockers
- _a_m_randomness - Anime and Manga Discussionboard
- _akatsuki_ - Akatsuki
- _angelicicons - Angelic Icons
- _anime_icons_ - { A N I ME } -ICONS- .g.a.l.o.r.e.
- _fanfics_ - The Fanfiction Archives
- _fy_shinsei_ - Fushigi Yuugi Shinsei
- _noiresensus - Noire Sensus Online Community
- _shoujo - The Shoujo Community
- all_anime - All Anime Fan Fiction
- an_drabble - Viñetas de anime y manga
- angstyanime - The Cult of Angsty Romance Anime Junkies
- anichallenge - I challenge you to write...
- anifanfic - Anime Fanfics with a Sensual Flavor...
- animanga - The Anime and Manga Fan
- animanga_world - For Anime and Manga lovers only
- anime - LJ Anime Lovers
- anime4sale - for those looking to sell or buy Anime
- anime_4eva - anime_4eva
- anime_adore - anime designs
- anime_and_manga - anime and manga
- anime_cg - anime_cg
- anime_chorus - Anime Lyrical Challenge
- anime_club - Anime Club ^_^
- anime_colorbar - FOR ANIME COLORBAR
- anime_couples - Anime Couples
- anime_daily - Your anime, daily
- anime_dojo - Anime Dojo
- anime_esquare - Anime Website Exchange Square
- anime_etc - anime_etc
- anime_evolution - Anime Evolution Community
- anime_fanlist - Anime Fanlistings
- anime_freedom - anime_freedom
- anime_germany - Germanspeaking Animé & Manga Fans!
- anime_glomps - Anime Claims community
- anime_group_me - Anime Group Member Claims
- anime_hush - Anime, Manga & RPG Textless Icon Challange
- anime_iro_other - Falling Through Heaven To Reality
- anime_koibito - Koibito Claim
- anime_lounge - Anime Lounge
- anime_lovers - I love anime
- anime_lovers_rp - The Anime Lover's RPG
- anime_luvers - chase-chan
- anime_manga - Anime & Manga
- anime_names - Claim a Character!
- anime_nerds - Anime nerds
- anime_objects - Anime & Video Game Object Claims
- anime_obsessee - Obsessed With Anime
- anime_otaku_eu - European Otaku
- anime_replica - Who's your anime replica?
- anime_rewards - Anime Rewards
- anime_rp_1999 - Multi-Fandom Anime Roleplay {MEMBERS NEEDED}
- anime_rpg - Random Anime/Game Role Play
- anime_trade - Anime Trading Community
- anime_traders - Anime Traders: torrents,Music,MIRC
- anime_updates - Updates for Anime Child Website
- animeaddicts - anime addicts
- animeaddme - Anime Friends!
- animeamazons - The Amazon's RP
- animeartxchange - Original Anime Characters Art Exchange
- animeawards - Anime Awards
- animecharacters - Anime Characters - Claim a Character!
- animecity - Anime City Community
- animedotcom -
- animedrabble - anime drabbles
- animefobanners - Anime Friends only banners
- animeforums - Anime Forums LJ Community
- animegallery - The Anime Gallery
- animehonesty - Anime Honesty
- animeisland - Anime Island
- animeismylife - Anime is my Life
- animelovers - Anime Lovers
- animelyrics - Anime & J-Pop/J-Rock Lyrics
- animemanga - Best of Anime & Manga
- animemusicvideo - Anime Music Video Community
- animepenpals - ☆animepenpals☆
- animephreaks - AnimePhreaks
- animequotes - Anime and Manga Quotes
- animerpg_promo - The Anime RPG Promotion Community
- animescreencaps - Anime Screencaps
- animesectorcom - ANIME Sector
- animesongs - Anime (and Video Game) Song Claims!!!
- animestills - AnimeStills; Icontest Community
- animesymphony - Anime Symphony
- animetrade - anime trade network
- animetwins - twins and anime
- animevgsongs - Anime and Video Game Song Claims
- animevillains - Anime Baddies
- animewallpapers - Anime Wallpapers Forum
- anipike - Anipike: The Lj for Links to Anime Sites
- anti_fandomrape - Fans against the rapeage of fandoms
- aoas - aoas
- badficsupport - Badfic Support
- beyond_gender - Beyond Gender: Seeing Past Male and Female
- bgm_sockpuppets - Black Gate Sockpuppets
- bish_names - Bish Name Claims ~* Ouu.
- bishie_claims - bishie_claims
- bishie_rating - Bishie Rating
- bishonenbeware - Bishonen Beware Forum
- bishoujo_awards - Bishoujo Icontest!
- bishounenawards - Bishounen Awards
- bishounenhq - The Bish Lovers HQ
- blackgate - Black Gate MUX
- bloodandroses - Maaka na Tsuki
- blurbs - random scribbles
- bunny_love - Bunny <3
- bwcrossover - #bwcrossover
- canonfodder - Canon Fodder
- cats_in_anime - cats_in_anime
- celcollectors - celcollector
- chibi_elf - chibi_elf
- chichiri_noda - A Chichiri Community ^o^
- claim_a_fic - Claim a Fic!
- claim_a_villain - Claiming Villains
- closet_romantic - Closet Romantic: A different kind of love
- cmuanime - CMU Anime Screening Society
- con_dreams - Dreaming of the Conventions
- crazyclaims - Crazy Claims
- cw - #cooans_world
- daggera - daggera
- deanimefans - Delaware Anime Fans (DAF)
- devilduckyclan - The Devil Duckies Of Doom
- drabble_me - Drabble Me!
- drabbles_r_us - drabbles_r_us
- dragonballz_rp - dragonballz_rpg
- dragonfly222 - An All Out Anime RPG
- eastsideanime - Eastside Anime Community
- efgc - EFGC LJ Division
- elite_otaku - Elite Otaku
- elitist_otaku - Elitist Otaku: Clearly what we like is better
- fairytalewishes - fairytalewishes
- fanarticonreq - Fanart Icon Requests
- fandom_songs - This song is PERFECT for...
- fangirl_mafia - FANGIRLS, UNITE!
- fans_only - fans_only
- fic_on_demand - Ficlets on Demand
- fiction_writers - Fiction Writers Anonymous
- fightlikeagirl - The Girls
- fishmoneygogo - FISH MONEY GO GO! (A scary, random and pointless R
- flamingyou - FFnet FLAMERS
- florida_otaku - Florida Otaku - Where Florida anime fans call home
- forbidden_haven - Forbidden Haven - Fans of Bishies Everywhere . . .
- ftloa - For the Love of Anime
- fushigi_cosplay - Fushigina Cosplay
- fushigi_kyouki - Fushigi Kyouki
- fushigi_touzai - FushigiTouzai
- fushigiyugi_rpg - fushigiyugi_rpg
- fushigiyuugi - Fushigi Yuugi
- fuyu_rating - Fushigi Yuugi Rating Community
- fy_100 - FY_100
- fy_awards - Fushigi Yuugi Icon Awards
- fy_dalnet - The FY Community of Love and Sparkles
- fy_rpg - ~Descend to us know from the heavens above!~
- fy_yaoi - Fushigi Yuugi yaoi
- fydynasty - Fushigi Yuugi Dynasty
- fyfan - Fushigi Yuugi Fanwork Community
- fyfourcheesesun - Universe of the Four Cheeses
- fyrpg - Fushigi Yuugi RPG
- fyrpg_tas_ooc - Fushigi Yugi: The Alternate Story (OOC)
- fysues - Fushigi Yuugi Mary Sues
- gaia_online - Gaia Online
- gaiajournal - Gaia Online
- gaiaonline - Go Gaia Online Community Journal
- genbu_grotto - Fushigi Yuugi Roleplay: Priestess of Genbu
- genbukaiden - Genbu Kaiden Community
- genroucom - Updates
- gimme_fic - Gimme Fic!
- goddesscosplay - Goddess Cosplay
- graphic_awards - graphic_awards
- grey_scribbles - Grey Scribbles of Dark Hunters
- harukahangout - Haruka's Hangout
- hated_names - Least Favourite Anime Character
- heathers_junk - My little Store, Will Sell/Trade!
- homemade_manga - Homemade Manga!
- hott_anime_guys - Hott Anime Guys
- i_cat_my_hair - The Vogue Children
- iconated - Iconated
- iconcompetion - Anime Icon Contest
- iconz_kthx - Where you can find iconz..kthxbai!1
- inkslingerhaven - The Ink-Slingers' Sanctum
- inoue_kazuhiko - The Inoue Kazuhiko Appreciation Group
- instant_muse - Instant Muse: Anime Fanfic Challanges
- inutachi - The Inu-tachi Treehouse
- iupuac - IUP Underground Anime Club
- ja_elite - Japanese Anime Elite
- japaneseanime - Are you a Japanese Anime F®ËãK?
- japanfan_ottawa - Ottawa's Anime and Japan Fans
- jdccstoryboard - jdccstoryboard
- jenovas_witles - Jenova's_Witles
- kagai_shakaku - Anime Icons,Friendsonlybanners,ColorBars and MORE!
- kaijuu - Kaijuu Icon
- kawaiianimezone - Kawaii Anime
- kingstonanime - Kingston Anime Society
- kngdmheartanime - Kingdom Hearts Anime RPG
- koyasu_takehito - Silly Fans!
- kunicon - ~*KUNICON*~
- lgbtanime - lgbtanime
- lizzycon - lizzycon
- lunar_satellite - lunar_satellite
- lyk3wh0a - Graphics by TKsama ^.~
- madrpersanon - madrpersanon
- mallepadream - -mallepa-
- manga - The Japanese Manga Community
- manga_trade_uk - Manga Trade In The UK
- mangaaddicts - Manga Addicts
- miaka_support - In support of Miaka Yuki
- midorikawa - Midorikawa Hikaru (緑川光)
- midorikawa_seki - Bittorrent seiyuu update and anime reviews
- miki_shinichiro - Miki Shin'ichiro fan community
- mikifans - Shin'ichirou Miki Fans
- mizu_no_naka - omgwtf fanfiction :O
- mu_rpers - MU* RPers
- muse_asylum - Asylum - A Haven for Muses
- nakagocon - NakagoCON
- narutards - Narutards
- nekochans_anime - Nekochan's Anime Happyland
- nekocon - Nekocon!
- nijikon - The Nijikon Support Group
- nikoniko_club - nikoniko_club
- nonuglyanime - Non-Ugly Anime Lovers
- nvisioned - N I V I S I O N E D
- okiayu_sama - Okiayu-sama
- onigiri_castle - Onigiri Castle ^__^
- original_ideas - Original Art/Writings/Ideas
- otaku6 -
- otaku_club - The Supreme Otaku[s]
- otaku_jinrui - University of Nebraska-Lincoln Anime Club
- otaku_mayhem - otaku_mayhem
- otaku_writers - Otaku Writers: The Place for Anime Fanfiction
- otakuwinds - otakuwinds
- pa_anime - PA Anime Club
- pairing_claim - Claim An Anime or Manga Pairing
- pbz_bangers - Childfree Yaoi-ists
- pencil_board - Shitajiki
- pocketuniverse - Fragments of Fantasy
- queen_kamatari - Kamatari Hounjou, Drag Queen of the Meiji
- quillofferings - Aishuu's Quill
- rabidfanssuck - Rabid Fanboys and Fangirls Suck
- rpg_players - Anime and Games RPG
- rujca_club - rujca_club
- ryuuen - The Nuriko Community
- saffic - saffic
- sakurainn - The Sakura Inn Mansion
- santouseiji - Anime and Manga for the Sane Fan
- sc_anime_club - Santa Cruz Anime Club
- seki_tomokazu - Tomokazu Seki-san Fan Community
- sekifans - Fans of Seki Tomokazu
- serenity_icons - Usagi
- sex_anime - SEX & ANIME
- sg_anime - Anime Lovers in Singapore
- sheepball - Haruka and Michiru
- shijintenchisho - The Universe of the Four Gods (FUSHIGI YUUGI RP)
- shiraume_hiwa - Shiraume no Yuukei
- shm_society - Silver Haired Men Society
- shoujo_drabble - shoujo anime/manga drabbles
- shoujo_paradise - Shoujo Paradise
- shoujomuck - ShoujoMUCK
- shoujoorg - Shoujo Oraganization?
- shoujotoys - Shoujo Toys
- shoujowing - Shoujo Wing LJ Community
- sl_anime_share - Streamload Anime Sharing
- slow_as_hell - Slow As Hell Writers
- smamuraiicons - Smamurai Icons
- smart_guylovin - Angry Slash and Yaoi Fans
- smlsanimeclub - SMLS Anime Club
- snarky_yaoi - ~Yaoi Humor for the Immature and Snarky at Heart~
- spanishflyrp - Spanish Fly :: The (Ghetto Fabulous) Fushigi Yuugi
- sparklybra - sparklybra icons
- ssssss_cosplay - ssssss_cosplay
- storia - s t o r i a
- support_slash - Support Slash & Other Smutty Fannish Weirdness
- talk_anime - Talk about anime
- tamahomelovers - Tamahome's fanz
- taschi - taschi
- tasnuri - Tasuki x Nuriko
- tasukilovers - Tasuki Lovers
- tator_tots - WoWsErS
- thecuteones - The Cutest Anime and Manga and Game couples...
- thepeoplewehate - The People We Hate
- thktldy - 이명은
- tie_you_up - Tie You Up! Claims
- tofu_platter - Maria's Stuff
- tohmaryuichifan - ~*Ai-chan*~
- tohmas_closet - Tohma's Closet
- tohmaxryuichi - TohmaRyuichifan
- toumas_closet - r3turN t0 ::[ tohma Seguchi's ]::[ cLos3t
- tradeanime - The Anime Trading Community
- transanime - Anime Transgendered
- try_this_fic - Your Local Yaoi Supplier
- umd_anime - UMD Anime
- valley_slash - slashers of the valley, unite!
- vegeta955 - anime and games
- venomskiss - Thank you for the venom
- vga_icontest - vga_icontest
- voice_w - Voice of Wonder: Koyasu Takehito Fan Community
- wangtastic - Wangtastic :: RP Journal
- watase - Yuu Watase Community
- watase_claims - A Yuu Watase Claim Community
- watase_icons - + Watase Yuu Icons +
- watase_icontest - watase_icontest
- weekly_icontest - Random Icon Contest
- weiss_seiyuu - Weiss Seiyuu Club
- willowburn - TasNuri Fans Anonymous... With Roleplay
- wing_fall - Anime drabblers at our best
- wing_well - Wing and Well
- winnipeganime - The Winnipeg Anime LJ Community
- x8_anime_8x - »——› Änîn€ ‹——«
- xposed_icons - xPosed_Icons
- yaoi_add_me - ~Yaoi-Loving Friends~
- yaoi_fic_rec - Yaoi Fic Rec
- yaoi_smut_fics - Yaoi Smut for the Soul
- yaoi_wank - yaoi_wank
- you_wish_anime - "You Wish!" Anime Reviews
- yuri_add_me - Yuri-loving friends
- yuri_fans - yuri_fans
Interested users
The following users are interested in fushigi yuugi. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
427 matches: