Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "malice mizer".
431 matches:
- 3crazyfangirls - three crazy fangirls+1
- 4theloveofkami - For The Love Of The Butterfly
- 999_icons - __The Icon Cafe__
- ___mirage___ - + Mirage - - - A Real Life J-rock RPG - - -
- __colormepretty - You don't have to be blonde to be beautiful.
- __xx___adore - [ :x: J-Rock Roleplaying Community: :x: ]
- _anime_icons_ - Anime Icons Galore!
- _bluerose - ~Blue Rose~ for gothic lolita photo sharing
- _jrockrpg_ - ☆Jrock RPG☆
- _route666 - route666
- _whatmakesyou_ - What Makes You...?
- aalikejrock2 - African Americans Like Jrock 2
- adopt_a_person - Adopt a Person
- akuro_no_oka - akuro_no_oka community
- alt_asian - Alternative Asians
- amenhaters - Amenlover Haters
- americanjgirls - American J Girls
- amorix - xxBoundByLovexx
- anime_evolution - Anime Evolution Community
- anime_jrock - Anime & JRock
- anime_north - Anime North
- animecity - Anime City Community
- animedrabble - anime drabbles
- animelyrics - Anime & J-Pop/J-Rock Lyrics
- animematch - Anime Death Matches
- anipixels - Anipixels Icon Community
- anti_gackt - No, Gackt. No.
- anti_mana - No More Mana!
- antimana - Anti-Mana - For all those opposed to Mana.
- artbrat - Art is better than egos
- asianmusic - Asian Kung-Fu Generation
- audio_hysteria - ♪ {Play it Loud} ♪
- audiomess - audio mess.
- babybats - Young, but not idiotic.
- bandelimination - music fighters unite! judo chop!
- bara_no_seidou - † Sanctuary of the Rose †
- bara_to_chi - A Tale of Blood and Roses RPG
- baranoseidou - Bara no Seidou
- bass_claims - Claim Your Bassist
- beachxbums - beachxbums
- beautiesuicide - Beauties Suicide
- bishounens_live - C l a i m - a - B i s h o u n e n
- bitter_graphics - Bittersuite Graphics
- bittersuite_rpg - Bittersuite RPG
- blackangelx - The Fat Lady Sang
- blitzkids - Exquisite muppet aliens & living Jem dolls
- bloodredkozi - bloodredközi
- bokapunx - BOKA!!!
- brizzo - God Child Diary - for cain and Kaori Yuki fans!
- brockism - BROCKISM
- canada_jrock - canada_jrock
- canadiancosplay - Canadian Cosplay
- cap_a_jrocker - Capture A Jrocker
- celestialrp - ¤ celestial rpg ¤
- cemetary_rose - EGA/EGL Help Community
- cerulean_ones - The Cerulean Ones
- chibi_diru - Chibi Diru Rabid Fangirl RP
- chishiki - Hideaway from Stupidity
- claim_a_jrocker - Claim a J-Rocker!
- claim_a_jthing - Come and claim a j-thing!
- claim_a_vocalis - Claim A Vocalist
- claim_jrocksong - Claim a J-rock Song!
- claim_muse - claims community
- colourlesrainbo - mana... nd all his prettyness
- completelyjapan - Completely Japan
- cosplaypwnzjoo - Cosplay Pwnz Joo
- cruel_moonlight - Cruel Moonlight Evershining
- cryptic_vision - cryptic_vision
- ctlolita - Connecticut Gothic Lolitas
- cult_of_gackt - Cult of Gackt
- cult_of_hora - -The Cult of Hora-
- cult_of_jrock - +Cult Of Jrock+
- cult_of_juka - The Cult of Juka
- cult_of_kaya - ~The Cult of Kaya ~
- cult_of_klaha - Cult Of Klaha
- cult_of_liz - Huur. She's the Goddess incarnate.
- cult_of_mana - The Cult of Mana
- cult_of_nekura - Nekura's minions
- cult_of_tohru - Cult of Tohru
- cure_anime - the cure & anime freaks in one
- cut_strings - To Kami and Hide:
- cute_cafe - I'd like a dollie with my tea, sir.
- cynicalsuccubi - The Cynical Succubi
- daily_drabbling - Daily Drabbling
- data_sex_geordi - The Data and Geordi Being Good Friends Club
- date_an_otaku - Date An Otaku
- de_merveilles - ~de Merveilles~
- dears - Gackt Dears
- deep_second - --
- degl - degl
- deiadrete - Elly Stanton
- deliriumxdolly - delirium_dementia
- digitalflare - Digital Flare
- diru - Dir en grey
- displacedfetish - displaced....back in the saddle again.
- divine_self - Show us you are divine, and we will open up to you
- dix_love - DiX Infernal
- dix_symphonie - dix_symphonie
- doom_magazine - DOOM Magazine Official Community
- drenchedicons - Dark Rock Icons
- ecchifam - The Ecchi Family
- eg_aristocrat - Elegant Gothic Aristocrats
- egl - EGL: Gothic & Lolita Fashion
- egl_icons - beautiful elegance in dark laces and ribbons
- eilian_celebren - Eiliant Celebren
- electicmusic - enlightened firepants
- elegantlolita - Lolita
- elegantlolitas - elegantlolitas
- elite_loli - Elite Loli's united
- endless_rain - camui gackt prose/fanfics/poetry!
- eternal_society - Mana's Eternal Society
- eve_of_destiny - eve of destiny
- evilsisters - eViLsIsTeRs
- excentricdolls - The Cave of Excentric Dolls
- f_cosplay - Finnish Cosplay Community
- fairlysimple - fairlysimple
- fakecyborggods - FakeCyborgGods
- fanbitches - Fanbitches
- fandom_crusades - The Fandom Crusades
- fanfuckers - Fanbitches Reborn.
- fangirl_mafia - FANGIRLS, UNITE!
- fangirl_nation - ~*Fangirl Nation!*~
- fangirlxfanboy - J-Rocker
- fansofregnasis - A Gathering of Fan(girl)s and Friends of Michael
- fashion911 - Fashion Do's and Don't's
- fightlikeagirl - The Girls
- florida_egls - Lolitas of Florida
- forevernihility - ________[]\/[] (_) $ ! |<________*m*u*s*i*c*______
- fruits_cawaii - fruits_cawaii
- fruitsofchaos - Fruits of Chaos
- fuckfangirls - Fuck Fangirls!
- g_a_c_k_t - A community for those who love/worship Camui Gackt
- gacktism - gacktism
- gacktoholics - Gacktaholics
- gakuhainews - Mallepa Daily
- geekyobsessions - Geeky Obsessions v1.0
- genki_skins - Genki Skins
- georgiacosplay - Georgia Cosplay
- ghetto_cosplay - Ghetto Cosplay
- glimmer_trash - glimmer_trash
- gnarlyicons - GNARLYICONS
- gotai - Gotika
- goth_and_lolita - ~Mana's Gothic Lolitas~
- gothicgeek - gothicgeek
- gothiclolita - "A blue rose for the delicate princess."
- gothiclolitas - Gothic Lolitas
- gothiclolitians - The Realm of Anime, Crossplay, and J-Rock
- gothicmen - Gothic Men's Fashion Community
- gothroyalty - Elite Gothic Aristocrats
- gothsnotgawfs - Goths, NOT GaWfs
- grin_or_die - GRIN or Die
- guess_the_sex - girl or guy? you tell me
- hanabi_graphics - Hanabi Graphics
- hawty_parents - Hawty parents
- hedokyuri - vomitingcucumbers-the home for otakus with no life
- hello_project - Hello! Project Fans UNITE!
- horrorkids - Horror Themed Photography
- i_cat_my_hair - The Vogue Children
- ichigo_media - Ichigo Media
- iconholics - iconholics
- iconsatrandom - Icons at Random
- iconxjealousy - [ .icon.x.jealousy.]
- idee_noire - idee_noire
- im_addicted - The Addiction community
- immortal_life - Immortal Life
- iupuac - IUP Underground Anime Club
- j_anime - Anime/J-rock Community ^_~
- j_colo - J-rock/pop fans in Colorado
- j_crackers - J Crackers
- j_ent - Japanese Entertainment!
- j_hero - J-HERO
- j_music - J-Music r0x0rz our world w00t! XP
- j_music_whores - 日 本 音 楽 売 春 婦
- j_rock_love - J-Rock Love
- j_rock_n_pop - J*Rock 'n Pop
- j_rockon2003 - J-RocKon2003
- japan_music - Japan Music
- japan_otaku - Otaku's unite!
- japan_sexual - japan_sexual
- japanfan_ottawa - Ottawa's Anime and Japan Fans
- japanshock - For little Girls and Boys
- jaxjapan - jaxjapan
- jcons - Jcons - the Japanese icon community
- jcrack - [music is a drug]
- jetto_x_ninjin - .//.Jetto Ninjin Cosplay Troupe.\\.
- jfans - J-Fans
- jfans_of_oz - JFans of Oz
- jfash_in_ne - Japanese Fashion in New England
- jiaan_haikurah - Jiaan Reiaya
- jmafia - Jrock Mafia
- jmusic_rulez - Jmusic_rulez
- jmusic_spain - ~*~ J Music Spain ~*~
- jmusicicons - Japanese Music Artists Icons
- jmusicwhore - Japanese Music Whores
- jpop_icons - J-Pop Icons
- jpop_rpg - jpop_rpg
- jpop_sd - San Diego J-Pop
- jpopaddme - Make Jpop/Jrock loving friends
- jpopicons - Jpop Icons: Japanese Pop Culture Icons.
- jraged - J-Raged: The J-rock Role Play Fan Community
- jrock_academy - J-Rock Academy
- jrock_addme - J-Rockahs.
- jrock_anonymous - J-rockers Anonymous
- jrock_art - jrock_art
- jrock_asses - COME claim your favorite J-Rock ASS!
- jrock_awards - jrock_awards
- jrock_banners - JRock Banners
- jrock_bb - jrock_bb
- jrock_bodyparts - Claim a Jrock bodypart
- jrock_buttons - Customized Jrock Buttons
- jrock_caps - Jrock Screencaps
- jrock_clothes - Super String Theory
- jrock_co - +Jrock/VisualKei+ Colorado
- jrock_daily - Jrock Daily
- jrock_dreamers - J-Rock Dreamers
- jrock_europe - Jrock Europe
- jrock_friends - J-rock Friends
- jrock_grammys - Jrock Grammys
- jrock_graphics - J-Rock Graphics
- jrock_hair - J-rock Hair <3
- jrock_high - ~Faded Styles~
- jrock_icons - J-rock Icons
- jrock_journals - ~The J-Rock Journals Roleplay~
- jrock_layouts - jrock_layouts
- jrock_moments_ - Claim a Random Moment in J-Rock History
- jrock_mp3s - 日本音楽。
- jrock_names - Claim a Jrocker!
- jrock_pic_req - J-rock Picture Request
- jrock_quizzes - JRock, Visual Kei, Etc, Quizzes
- jrock_saiyushu - +Saiyushu J-rock RPG+
- jrock_scans - Jrock Scans
- jrock_slms - Show~Lie~Mad~Sexual
- jrock_surveys - ..:: ModE Of GauZe ::..
- jrock_tabs - .:[ J-ROCK Guitar & Bass Tablatures ]:.
- jrock_u - JRock University Role Play
- jrock_uploads - jrock uploads
- jrock_winners - Jrock Award Winners
- jrock_world - J-Rock Fans Creating J-Rock Sensation
- jrock_yaoi - jrock_yaoi
- jrock_yaoiclaim - Claim a Jrock Couple!
- jrock_zero - Tainted Subreality
- jrockaddicts - J-Rock addicts
- jrockandcosplay - jrock and cosplay unite!! ^^ \\//
- jrockcon - J-rock convention
- jrockconstaff - JRock Con Staffies
- jrocker_claim - jrocker_claim
- jrockers - jrockers
- jrockfantasy - ~*Jrock Fantasy RPG*~
- jrockfanz - JRock Fanz
- jrockfics - Gothic imagination
- jrockhighschool - J rock roleplay, set in highschool!
- jrockhumor - Jrock Humor
- jrockilluminati - J-rock Illuminati
- jrockism - The Jrock community
- jrocklyrics - Jrock lyrics! Translations & Discussions
- jrocknpop - Another J-Rock & J-Pop community..
- jrockplushies - jrockplushies
- jrockroleplay - J-rock Role Play
- jrockrp - The J-Rock RP
- jrockscans - Jrock Scans
- jrocksuomi - JrockSuomi
- jrocksupport - Jrock Support Group
- jrocktalk - Talk about Jrock
- jrocktheatre - Theatre des Jrockers
- jrocku - jrocku
- jrockuk - J-rock UK
- jrockwallpapers - the_jrock_wallpapers_community.jpg
- jrockyaoi - J-rock Yaoi
- jrpelitists - JRP Elitists
- jrrpcircle - JRRP Circle
- jsong_names - Claim Your Very Own J-Song!
- jwrongness - JWrongness Community - Mocking more JArtists daily
- kabuki_theatre - kabuki_theatre
- kageshien - Kageshien performance Troupe
- kamis_silentnap - Kami's Silent Nap
- kattcon - Kattu's Icons
- kingstonanime - Kingston Anime Society
- klahamalice - The Klaha Livejournal Community
- kodonahaven - Kodona cosplay & original style
- kogals - The Kogal Community!
- konayuki_onpu - Konayuki Onpu
- kr_cube - [KR] Cube
- l33tninj4s - l33tninj4s
- lame_triste - L'âme triste
- leet_like_ninja - Ninjability
- leonleonheart - leonleonheart
- lgbtanime - lgbtanime
- ljpets - LJ Pets
- localgothrocker - localgothrocker
- loli_biatches - Lolitas with Attitude (also:Boston EGL)
- loli_for_sale - loli_for_sale
- lolitatsuki - Mana-sama
- loser_jrockers - Loser Jrockers
- loserotaku - the loser-otaku
- love_replica - Love Replica :: Custom Costume Commissions
- loveisalive - Japanese Pop Slash + Femslash
- lyk3wh0a - Graphics by TKsama ^.~
- lyrikattak - Lÿrikâ//Åttak
- maine_lolitas - Maine Gothic Lolitas
- makenshiradio - Makenshi Radio
- makeup_sluts - Slut for Makeup
- maliceaftermath - Malice Mizer Aftermath
- malicefreeks - Malice Mizer
- malicemizer - Ma Cherie
- malicemizerlove - Malice Mizer's Secret World
- mana_amour - mon amour international members
- mana_or_mattin - † Love MALICE MIZER †
- manaism - † . . . Manaism . . . †
- mananess - Mana Fans Unite!
- manasama - Mana~sama - the community for his lovers
- manawearsboots - Élégance dans le Noire
- manaxgackt - ManaXGackt
- manaxscooter - manaxscooter
- marry_a_ljuser - Marry A LJ User
- mdma_graphics - M·D·M·A icon//layout//graphic requests
- meninmakeup - Men In Makeup
- miphileg - tender little kiss
- misegoya - Misegoya [Freak Show Booth] AU Jrock Roleplay
- mixerxmana - Electric Mixer x Mana
- mixtapegraphics - Mixtape Graphics
- mizer_love - Mizer Love
- mm_claims - MALICE MIZER claims
- mm_pictures - Malice Mizer pictures
- moi_mana - Moi Mana - A community for those who love Mana
- moidixmois - Moi Dix Mois
- moidixmusume - Moi Dix Musume ~*~*~ A Jrock RP for Fangirls alike
- moonchildsekai - Moon Child no Sekai
- mopiloli - M.O.P.I. Gothic Lolita
- musegackts - House of 1,000 MuseGackts
- musichour - ~~Porno Graffitti~~
- musique_icons - Canta Per Me
- myfandom_icons - My Fandom... Icons
- n3t_beauty - <3
- nekocon - Nekocon!
- neon_banana - Vulgarity Complex - J-Rock RPG
- new_romantic - The Perfect Picture of a Boy-Girl Age
- nippon_onpu - Nippon_Onpu
- nsk_jrock - nsk_jrock
- ongakusociety - OngakuSociety
- otaku6 -
- p0pwar - for the pimps who play skate and skate popwar
- palace_jrockers - Palace Jrockers Unite!
- pfft_music - Pfft Rotating Mp3s
- planeteve - planeteve
- poetry123 - i was drawn by your gentle song...
- poisonpancakes - poisonpancakes
- popstarstore - The Popstar Store!
- pressrepeat - Press Repeat
- pretty_elegants - Gothic Aristocrat
- project_nippon - Project: Nippon
- psycho_paradox - PsycHo_PaRadoX
- pvclace - PVC and Lace -- a jrock rpg
- ragingbeat - Jmusic downloads
- rate_the_dead - Rate the Fucking Dead!
- razed_in_ptbo - Razed in Peterborough
- razuberiijamu - Razuberii Jamu
- red_apple_prod - Red Apple Productions
- red_drops - マリス ミゼル の NEWS
- retro_candy - Are You SeXy?!
- ririisu - J-Rock CD Release Updates
- romaji - ローマ字: romaji, a japanese lyrics community
- romancia - [ :: Professing Sin :: ] A Jrock RP Community
- ru_egl - Elegant Gothic Lolita Fashion
- ru_j4asti - ru_j4asti
- ru_jrock - J-Rock Community
- ryuichifangirls - Ryuichi Fan Girlz
- sanantonio_rock - sanantonio_rock
- sanjoseanime - San Jose PPL who like Jpop, Jrock, Anime and Manga
- santomadachi - Amour
- sarah_kamiya - The Digi-Place Message Board
- schwarz_stein - Schwarz Stein
- secchushugi - Eclectic Club UNC
- seraph_reviews - Seraph
- shigai_vk - Shigai -VK in America-
- shinkai - POPular UPrising - A Jrock roleplaying community
- shounenhigh - Shounen High
- slash_the_life - Slash the Life
- slytherish - Slytherish
- smartjrock - Smart Jrock: No Fangirls Please
- snarky_yaoi - ~Yaoi Humor for the Immature and Snarky at Heart~
- societe_parente - Ma Cherie Presents: Socìété de Parenté
- sorrowland - sorrowland
- soulinstereo - Music Rating Fun
- st_fu_nd - Shut up and Dance: A J-rock RPG
- stardust_trails - glam rock'n
- subcultauctions - buy ! sell !
- suika_wari - suika_wari
- supportgackt - supportgackt
- sweet_tea_party - sweet_tea_party
- tchs_anime - Timber Creek High School Anime Club
- teh_sex0xrz - Teh_Sex0xrz
- the_goth_elite - ..elitist goths of LJ unite...
- thejrockerlove - Oh for the love of the J-rockers
- tie_you_up - Tie You Up! Claims
- tlldethdouspart - Andia and Dabbid
- tokyopistol - 東京ピスタル - visual indies reviews & mp3s
- tokyoto_garden - Ash, Ka-san, & Sara!
- tristatedolls - Loli-chan of the Tristate Area
- tsuki_ga_warau - 月が笑う
- tsukiyomi__ - [ t s u k i y o m i ] \\ a non AU J-rock roleplay
- ultrasoul - B'z Fan Community
- untimelylunacy - Untimely Lunacy
- vampirekindred - † Creating the Largest Vampire Family in History †
- via_nyc - via new york city
- visual_candy - Visual Candy
- visual_darkness - Jrock
- visual_deg - Visual_DEG
- visual_elite - +The Jrock Cosplay Elitists+
- visual_germany - visual_germany
- visual_kei - Kei
- visual_love - visual_love
- visual_shock - adokou
- visual_shoxx_ - Visual Shoxx: A Jrock RPG
- visualk_goodies - Visual Kei Goodies
- visualkei_icons - VK icons
- we_love_icons - people who love all sorts of icons
- we_love_yuki - We Love Yu~ki
- weird_heels - - + Weird High Heeled Shoes! + -
- wheres_yuki - Where's Yu~ki?!
- wngd_gltr_goths - Glitter/Fearie Goths Amalgamate
- x16theatre - Theatre
- x_kurenai_x - Kurenai
- xblackplaguex - Black Plague
- xddd - [XDDD] :: The community ::
- xjrockx - J-Rock Community
- xteamalphax - The Stories Of Team Alpha Community
- xtinkerbellsx - Tales of scared, jealous, paranoid girlfriends
- xvisual_keix - I Wanna Start A Visual Kei Band
- yaoi_add_me - ~Yaoi-Loving Friends~
- yaoi_smut_fics - Yaoi Smut for the Soul
- yukisecret - Yuki Secret
Interested users
The following users are interested in malice mizer. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
431 matches:
- 1ucifer - Lu
- 5ver - Andy Kidwell
- _cloudy_ - Words, words. They're all we have to go on.
- _hypnos_ - Mordred
- aangellus - Tobias Aangellus
- adees_castello - adees_castello
- agentscuiy - miss krystine
- alexandrophile - Saturn, Pr1nc3 0f wh00rz
- amekodomo - Mechanical Doll
- amici_noctis - シレッスト the model who fell down >_<
- amira - Ami
- amiricol - shini
- ananew - Faeiri Yuki
- anatra - Erin
- anberu - Black Angel
- androidlusts - just me
- angeliccelestia - Angelic Celestia
- anti_ristc - anti_ristc
- arakune - :☆:skook~a:☆:
- arikado - アリカド
- arya - Sayuri
- athena_lucifer - Adelle teh Muffin
- autumnsdiscord - £õver Õf ßeãutiful Thiñg§
- awais - アワイス
- badkitty - bad, bad kitten...
- baka_na_hito - 馬鹿な人!
- bakananiji - ZoëMonsutaa
- balletvamp - Miss Kitty
- belle_cheese - belle_cheese
- biri - Biri
- bittybat - Visualistic Synopsis
- blackangelyume - † - KT - †
- blackdeath - Bisexual Angst Chick
- blackearthbliss - blackearthbliss
- blackwing - ~a wolfpack spotted in the irish sea~
- bloody_scissors - The Incredible Edible Chan
- bloodylipstick - Becca
- boiyaoi - Steve-O
- breakingdestiny - Dawn
- brockslate - BROCKSLATE
- brokendragon - Dead-End
- bunny_chan85 - Bunny-chan
- butterpixie - PS: I hate your boyfriend
- caldina - Katsumi
- cally - The Dark Lord: Chuckles, the Silly Piggy
- chapeljax - Chapel Jax
- chibigir - Baron von Awesome
- chibistardust - 羞恥奴隷
- chintsuuzai - i c h i . ☆
- chokaiten - Cho Kaiten
- colbyucb - la dix croix
- colsanders - Evil Colonel Sanders
- crowlee - Crow
- csythepnkwndr - LiL MisS UnOrIgiNaL
- daemona - Daemona
- dark_horizon13 - dark_horizon13
- darkfairy - Yami
- darkmab - An infinity of zeros
- darkmind - .unkissable.
- darkseda - Kim
- dazza - Ashleigh.
- deaditeash - Chris
- deadsecrets - I Am A Robot.
- deadxbunnies - ☆Mistress Angelina☆
- deekz - Deekz
- defectivemale - David, ennui extraordinaire
- deis - President Evil
- dekatrea - dekatrea
- demonruri - カガリ~チャン aka 悪魔ルリ
- derakhian_rose - Little Kyo Monster
- desdemonia - Desdemonia of the Jrock Inferno
- destroyingangel - The Prime Minister of the Republic of Prompt
- destruct_girl - destruct_girl
- diibish - Madam Mim
- disorderiadore - Maxwell
- docudrama - alt//06
- dragonkey - Dragon
- dreaym - t3h sami-kitty // dance whore
- dredlockblu - Jessica
- duokun - Duo
- earthsea - earthsea
- elaidia - Jen
- elecktrik - pirate prude
- electriclemoned - hideko
- elusivee - Nick
- emotionreader - Billy
- employed_drug - M a na
- endlessdarkness - Child of Death
- eneref - Eneref
- eobo - cardinalsynn
- eurojunk - her satanic majesty
- faereinfer - Dreamless Again
- fairylilly - Willow
- fallenskyangel - Kalie Auruoa: The Hyper Fairy! XD
- fallinglights - Demon of the Fall
- farfarello - Keith
- ferret1337 - Frankie Sissyface
- flarekefka - beth
- forbiddenangel - Yami wa Tenshi
- frameless - amie
- frozen_ashes - Miranda/Blu
- furor_scribiend - Momiji
- fuyuyuki - Fuyu Yuki <ふゆ ゆき>
- gabrielxxx - Brian
- gami - カシ
- gauze - Kyo
- geechan - romanticide
- geekchick - There can be only none!
- genbu - Fairlight Excalibur
- generalwhitey - Hey. You.
- glaydevotion - Kittamiki
- goddessofstars - Andrea
- goethe_engel - Tadzio
- goth_goddess - Andrea
- graveflower - Mandy
- greatmoses - Eddy
- gwendahl - gwendahl
- h_a_t_r_e_d - Michael Magus <3
- haleyismiaka - Miaka Sukunami
- happiplum - mako
- hatexanthem - Kimy
- havocchick - Dead Girl Dancing
- heartworm - nineveh
- heddychaa - Heddy
- hhornton - hhornton
- hiarcs - Hiarcs
- hide - hide
- hightrance_play - ( Umbrella rider )
- hope1109 - Just Me
- hppsychosis - SeductiveDrug
- hurtandlost - Mi-chan
- hyuga - Hyuga
- ichibancrush - The Ichiban Crush of Grey Skies
- inarikitsune - Christine Xanthia
- ination - I.N.A.tion
- incubus_fan - Death bat girl
- indira - Indira
- infected_slinky - cheesestick breath
- infinitygirl - Modyssey
- ipfxtwin - Legions
- isis_of_neptune - Isis
- izam004 - izam004
- jaded_purity - ~ 夏子 ~ (なつこ)
- jadedlily - Becka
- jasperfaust - S h i r u r i
- jenchan - Cyberpunk Fool
- jing - Jing
- jrockersplaytoy - Refrain of Dreams
- judgedarklight - judgedarklight
- jujubeeduchess - The Sensual Neon Pixie Jenny Kitty
- julsey - Jules
- junjun - Sexy Sexy Hairpin-chan
- juunanagou18 - Juun
- juuzingekido - -[ gekijouno.shinzui ]-
- kagome_angel - Kagome
- kairyuu - Robin's Minstrels
- kaitou_lobelia - Lobelia Carlini
- kakurete - ¤ elphie ¤
- kamijo - haya§hi
- kamimura - 夜神 月 (キラ)
- kanek0yuki - kanek0yuki
- kanna - Kasey
- kao_xiii - kao_xiii
- kaoru_chan - 有村 竜太郎
- kashugi - Kashugi
- kasumi_ishida - Janna
- katalyst - the naked truth
- katmegami - Sa-chan
- kawaiikoneko - Tamara Kroger
- kawaiimiaka - Miaka
- kei0 - kei
- keiko - Katie
- kellycuba - a sprinkling of rain
- kellykungfu - k
- kenji - kenji
- kentrebor - XloserX
- khiq - みやび -雅- : elegance redefined
- kigin - Shini - 銀狐
- killerangel - a nameless, fictional girl with long, dark hair
- kimako - Big Eyes and Bullet Trains
- kireihana - Kireihana
- kiru - kiru
- kisakisama - kisaki sama
- kit_tilmett - Kit Tilmett
- kitphiros - Yazoo..
- kitsune_eyes - Nell
- klaha - Banabi
- knuxlover - kim
- kochan - kochan
- kojiro_james - Dreaming of Mana
- kotetsu - Kinzoku Kaeru
- kouhotaru - Kou Hotaru
- kouyaten - ¤ ..Slave to Fate.. ¤
- koyasunomiko - Koyasu no Miko
- krakmunky69 - michael mitchell
- krispyeveryday - クリスピー カワイイ
- kurai - Erinin
- kwissipie - Krissi
- kychan - ky-chan
- kyonokoibito - nikku
- kyonomiko - Integral
- kyouketsusha - Delinquent Dolly Kyou
- lacomediedivine - Miss Kenza
- laluneestbelle - Anne
- lancewilliam - Call me what you will
- laughsatevil - bloody valentine
- laurenkasumi - Lauren
- lemoned - 犬★|。 レモン
- lenina - Trinity Bennett
- leya_chan - DIE-Fanatic
- lifepuppetreji - Reginald / Reji/ Reg
- lilliana - Lily
- linksjournal - Nate
- littlelostboy - seppuku ga yokatta
- littlemissluna - Katori
- lon_c - ..::Itachi::..
- loneliestnumber - Amanda
- loona - Loona
- lovemeeko - Lynleigh
- lunarpollen - The mysterious pollinator
- lvladhatter - Kul (corresponds with purple)
- lyme - Fukusuke's Eyebrow
- lyoness - Black Lightning Slash
- machinegirl - Eliza C Style Machine
- maigo_no_crab - [brad the hyde]
- mako - Mako
- mako_anime - ♡Vixen♡
- makoto_tanaka - Makoto Tanaka
- maliciouskami - Corey
- maliciousklaha - Andrew
- manahime1437 - Wing
- mananonamida - Shan Elegance
- maryzaint - theepitomeofagaymaninawoman'sbodywithacandyfetish
- masochist_kiss - K-chan
- mcvarmazi - η Φωτισμένη ~ The Enlightened One
- meegan - Meegan
- megami - Megami
- meshalana - Meshalana
- metallicapixie - metallica pixie
- metaphora - ♥ Allyssa
- miako_hidaka - peach
- michirukaiohv - a hopeless romantic
- midori_ocha - Ngo Thanh Nga
- midoriocha - I don't need your opinion
- minakokenshou - Nako-chan
- minami_uehara - ~ ' S o l l a ' ~
- mirai_may - Mirai May
- miriya004 - miriya004
- mirwen - Shake The Disease
- mischief_86 - Thanatos
- missalina - Kitty
- mistress_bastet - Mistress Bastet
- mitsuchan - Mitsu
- miyake_is_mine - [ルイ-ス"]
- miyavichan - ♡♡♡
- miyavichik - Tania
- miyuki304 - みゆき
- mizerable - kait
- mizraelle - Christine
- mmb - Akasha
- model_celeste - Celeste
- moon_sandman - moon_sandman
- morika - Morika
- moses - Alli
- mrah - vanilla doll
- n3kk1dk3r0 - Usagi
- nacken - julius caesar
- nagarerutenshi - Nagareru Tenshi
- nakedpieces - Loulou
- neev - Neev
- nekoisa - Neko Isa
- neonix - Dreams of Ashes
- newwavehamster - rob
- nezumichan - Meg
- nezumitoo - Nezumi
- nienna - nienna
- nijikongirl - CJ Burgandy
- ninespiral - NineSpiral
- nitroglycrin - Jen
- no_fishing - Omitsu desu ka..?
- norikosugarhigh - Inside, I'm hollow
- ocelot_eyes - Ocelot Eyes
- odangoatama - The Awakening of the Light
- onnawufei - Do Spiders Make Gravy?
- onyxmoon - Rachael
- orgyanimefreak - Dawn
- pan_chan - The Manda Panda
- pandy - Pandy
- patejens - patejens
- pearlydiamonds - Pearl
- phantasmrose - Claire Rose
- pie_is_i - pie_is_i
- pinkybarbiegirl - stephanie
- pinup_zombie - pinup_zombie
- plaidtuchpherd - Rain¢loud Wat§on
- poisoncrazylush - bola-natalie
- poisonedtears - blessed precious
- pretty_kozi - Lauren Christensen
- prismfaerie - prism -プリズム -
- psychotaku - Mizerable Obsession
- psycotia - lauren.
- ptocheia - ptocheia
- purple_usagi - purple_usagi
- pv - Mandy/PV
- rabby - Pirate King!
- raiko42 - raiko
- raisha - Krista
- ravenpyralis - high in calcium
- reanimated - A Fury Divine
- redmage - Lina
- reeshya - Moonsong
- relm - relm†
- rizu - The Liz
- rooroo - Kanga ^_^
- rotem - 死にたがりのハムスター
- rottenrose - Feeling'sNeverFade
- runrunmarch - Tendai 「運命の迷い」
- rxjuliet - pretty hate machine
- sadakochan - ヘンタイ猫
- sadeyed - astro boy toy
- sadisticlullaby - Mason McKinley
- saitheverity - Saithe Verity
- saki_hime - Sakura
- sakurafire - Sakura Kusogano
- sakurapinku - Sakura
- sanban - スズの月世界
- sandmandream - The Mindfreak
- saturnina - jenn
- scarlet_lemon - Scarlet Lemon
- schnoogirl - A N G E L
- schooll_kids - schooll_kids
- schreient - Caitlin
- sea_demon - Zaaly
- secondarysanity - Marina
- selene_hyo - Sel
- semicolor - i know you are but what am i?
- serdarkariudo - Serdar
- sesshoumaru - Sola
- shahrizai - eating all your cookies since 1986
- shayneko - Shay wa Kyo no megami desu
- sherrasama - Ha'ou Shogun Sherra
- shimosawa - Shimosawa
- shinigamigurl - Bad Karma
- shinigamu - Shinigami
- shinyakun - Shinya
- shiromi - Osamu Hiromi
- silentkitty - Sarah ~静かな猫~
- silentstar16 - Jibrienne
- silph - akina.
- silversolitaire - Silver
- sinisterf - Brandy
- sinisterfeeling - candy
- softlyjaded - Vic
- sorano - !Mix Masta Chief extends SPARTAN
- sorasoup - ? ?[l][a][u][r][e][n]? ?
- sou_kiri - kyo-chan
- soybeanie - Fallen Dreams
- sparklingsatine - miss r.
- spectreryoko - Gizmo the Short
- sputnik1629 - @ngie a.k.a. Sven
- starwolvie - Star Wolvie
- sto0pud - Trish
- stockwell - Stomper Stock
- supaajuunanagou - * Berserker -.:~*
- supernovae - SuperNova
- sykopanda - My Tumor Fell In Your Soup ^-^
- syntheticdreams - Dream
- tabbyphobos - Tabby Phobos
- taintedreality - Nick
- takanomai - takanomai
- takeru_ren - yomitchi
- takichan - Luna Saisho
- tallon - ~The Crowned Queen Spreading Her Blackened Wings~
- tashychan - アジティター キリト
- tatterhood - teh coo
- tenjou - Tenjou Utena
- tenma_no_kami - Alcy
- tetrisaddict - ~*~Corey~*~
- tetsuwanatom - A Lonely Seraph
- thanatophelia - 花死
- theadrians - theadrians
- theblackqueen - Dorian Oddchild
- theboy_wholived - Duo Maxwell or Emiko
- thegetupkids - Jason
- theprotagonist - Lauren D.
- tifag - ~*~Malee~*~
- tolien202 - tolien202
- tonibelle - tonibelle
- tophatinblack - John Walker
- torame - Aoi
- totchigirl - totchigirl
- tristinai - えれーちゃん (Elle-chan)
- trobaby - Tro-Chan
- twistoffyre - Haku Kaen
- valliebeth - Valerie (Aka GID!)
- valna304 - Valna Ando
- vampmiyavi - Lady Darkness
- vampy - +Vampy+
- vampyresolare - VampyreSolare
- vanima - Mooliciousness, Queen of Evil Cows
- veggie_chan - I'll forget you when I'm famous baby
- veinfeed - Viktria Aramelt
- velvy - Velvy
- vinta - vinta
- vinylspacedoll - Neyu
- visualdolly - JENN
- vlove2ya - Vlove2ya
- voiceofanarchy - ~ Emu ~
- witeiris - Teh Sa
- wuck - The Adventures of Wuck
- xanatos - .X.
- xenocide_azrael - ヌタイプの クリス
- xicachu - x is to vex
- xio - Seeking Nastalgia
- xiolablux - XiolaBluX
- xjuteveux - lydia
- xvanilla_gackt5 - xvanilla_gackt5
- xxxxxxxxxxx - Melanie
- yamatoishida - tSUmI To BATsU
- yaoishonen - Gambler
- yasako - Yasako, the Reuben Slut
- yatenkou3lights - Eric
- yotaka - L-chan
- yuffchan - .: yuffchan :.
- yuffiebunny - ☆Yuffie Bunny☆
- yuka - Sh|on
- zcv - zim
- zeropoint - A Strange Little Girl
- zerozephr - James West
- zinagod - Zina
- zoshen - Kain Dragonia