Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "naraku".
121 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in naraku. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
411 matches:
- 14and53 - steph & christine
- _afterlife - na na na poo poo
- _celticangel - $niper
- _cruxshadows - Christin "The God" of Chrispinism
- _dark_crisis_ - Lili Miliko Akera
- _doggirl - Inugurl
- _eternal_snow_ - Evera the Winter Sage
- _footnotes - Julia
- _golden_shadow_ - |*| S e p i a |*| D r e a m s |*|
- _kanna_ - Kanna
- _kirenai - Seikiko
- _rachie_ - Rachel/Adela
- _rhea - ~rhea~
- _shinjite - S e i k i k o
- _silent_hill_ - ∑!Lå†ån
- _snoogans_ - _snoogans_
- acid_etched - P.O.A
- adai_atmeh - Miko Warrioress & Haiku Goddess
- aikasama - AikaSama
- akarui_hikari - Hikari
- aki_kaze - aki_kaze
- akumuness - A Cyanide Cookie
- alonely - Alonely
- alwaysflicker - Steph
- amagiwa - Katana
- amai_amaya - amai_amaya
- anasulune - Anasulune
- angel_superstar - Leviathan, supreme overlord of.. nothing, really
- angeliquedaemon - Angelique
- anime_crazy_201 - anime_crazy_201
- anime_neko_cat - anime_neko_cat
- arctic_kitsune - Kei
- azulene_g - Serita
- bb_sama - bb_sama
- beautifulgdbye - beautifulgdbye
- beckiebootwo - BeckiebooTwo
- bigbadteddy - Teddy
- bitsuchi - →Peach←
- blantoncirith - The Dark Side of the Moon
- blasphemae - Kimberly
- bloody_kkoh - bloody_kkoh
- bloodydeity - I l l u s i o n
- boonies - Sandra
- br34k_h4b1t - ghost x of x you
- bryghtee - [:+: HêåRtLëSs B1tcH :+:]
- cachicken_dog - Manda
- capt_applesauce - Captain Applesauce
- carebeargurl_23 - Kari
- celestial__fire - The icon journal of a crazed pyro
- charmed_p3 - ×X×MĭČħĕĻĻĕ×X×
- cherry_chokobo - Rikken
- chibi_rae - chibi_rae
- chibijakotsu - chibijakotsu
- chihiro120 - chihiro120
- chrno__crusader - 罪人のルキ
- chseisnot4wearn - They Call Me... Tater Salad
- chumguzzler - Chinstrap
- cinnamongrr1 - Tristesse, Douleur, Ennui
- cirithmusings - Blantie
- cold_flower - Levi, supreme mistress of.. nothing, really
- confettiofstars - Hesyt Mehen
- congelato - Your Frozen Demise
- cosmic_dare - Kellychan85
- cracked_spine - So·ci·o·path (ss--pth, -sh-)
- crazy_lil_punk - b0bby j0e--..`
- cryptic_milki - cryptic_milki
- cursed_houshi - Miroku
- cursed_monk18 - cursed_monk18
- cutiesaiyajin - ♥ Puzzleshipping ♥
- dark_fire18 - dark_fire18
- dark_is_the_sex - ☆ :::. [Chrysty Miko] .::: ☆
- darkchanscrazy - Dark Chan ~^.^~
- darkenedotaku - -*-[ashley]-*-
- darkmistress696 - Sesshoumaru
- dearestinuyasha - Dearest_InuYasha
- delf_hajool - delf_hajool
- demon0inuyasha - demon0inuyasha
- demonprayers666 - demonprayers666
- deniseraven - deniseraven
- diamondshadow - Angry Black Man who sucks at life
- dirrti - who are you?
- doom - Doom
- doughnutthief - doughnutthief
- dr_sipp - Squeaksqueak.
- drako_malfoy - Kyra
- dreamer_77 - dreamer_77
- eaten_by_you - eaten_by_you
- effervesance - insufficient evidence
- el_drummer_girl - Michelle
- embraciveshadow - Jordan~
- enough_space - Kagayaku Kimi e
- eternal_enigma - LeeLoo
- everyheart - Faye
- evillittletwit - flowerful murderess
- evilweegee - Lei
- f8worksbothways - f8worksbothways
- faelaine - The stupid little girl
- fallentarusbaby - Emiko
- final_destiny_ - Final Destiny Studios™
- firelilli - firelilli
- flame_of_death - Flame
- flyingicecream - flyingicecream
- freedajews - I don't even know what imply means!... or do I?
- freya_chyan - freya_chyan
- fruitnutz - Gwooshuueck
- fumbum - FB
- gabesbeniciaho - Dore
- gabirapier - Christi
- gaelicstorm - gaelicstorm
- genevieves - Satsujin
- gilraen_serinde - Psychopath
- glassdiamond - glassdiamond
- gml13 - gml13
- golden_sanzo - golden_sanzo
- gothik_chic2345 - android18
- gothkitty565 - ASS HOLE
- graveofdreams - J U A N
- greanor - greanor
- greensloven - Greens
- h0wling - h0wling
- h_a_n_y_o_u - h_a_n_y_o_u
- haha_ue - Sesshoumaru's mother
- hakkyou - H.A.K.K.Y.O.U
- hanakirei85 - Coral
- hanyou_tamashii - Tamashii
- haruyuki - Haruyuki
- heartfelt_cry - Endless
- hideta - BAC.t.eria
- high_jinx_x - moooo
- higurashii - Melis-chan, hiyo!
- hikari_kitty - hikari_kitty
- hinoiri_yuki - hinoiri_yuki
- hot_anime_orgy - Inuyasha D. Wolfwood
- hot_ice_hilda - Jennie Banrei
- humpmuffin_icon - humpmuffin_icon
- hungerforce_x16 - Kelly___
- huttgirl - Pandooooor!!
- hyoudentai - Momo
- i_inuyasha - Inuyasha
- iamshippo - iamshippo
- icanflyouch - icanflyouch
- inu__sama - *Inu-Sama*
- inuchan_keh - Inu-Chan... Keh! ^0^
- inugurl1391 - inugurl1391
- inuyasha369 - Sunny
- inuyasha_52 - Inuyasha
- inuyasha_hanyou - inuyasha_hanyou
- inuyasha_luver - inuyasha_luver
- inuyashalover3 - Jenna
- inuyashastudios - Yunie (Savanna-sama)
- inuyashasues - Inu-Yasha Sue of the Day
- iwant_your_soul - Kanna
- jinkazamafetish - 犬夜叉
- jinxy_kittie - Absinthe Cenuyae
- jnkie - Jen
- juliettecapulet - Juliette
- juuroukagerou - juuroukagerou
- kage_kumo - The Trials of The Wandering Samurai
- kagome___ - kagome
- kagome_chan3 - Kagome
- kaileena_chan - Kaileena Chan
- kaizokumayu - Mayumi teh Great
- kaori_me_kaoru - kaori_me_kaoru
- kaoru_puppylove - Esmerelda Zindiago Crack-Whore Lobotomy
- kaoru_sempai - kaoru_sempai
- kattladyk - kattladyk
- kawaii_rinchan - Rin
- kaywanthemegami - Kaywan Liliana Guerrero Delacroix Bartok Velasquez
- kazenorei - Mrs. Naraku
- kiaharii - elf kiaharii
- kikyomiko - kikyomiko
- kikyos_lj - Kikyo(or Kikyou)
- kilara93 - kilara93
- kimiko_sakurako - Kimiko Sakurako
- kinnerdarkness - KAT
- kira_vaevictus - Kira
- kissesfromjapan - let the poison circulate...
- kittymui - kittymui
- kittysmith - kitty smith the legendary female pimp
- klebkat - KlebKat
- knives_millions - Hierophant
- kurama_chan - Kurama-chan
- kyuubi - Jade
- l_inverse - bishie-obsessor
- lactose_lili - Lactose Lili >> Cause and Effect
- lady__kagome - lady__kagome
- lady_fanon - lady_fanon
- ladyofchulak - HesytMehen
- ladysesho - Kat's insane writing....
- ladyshadows - ladyshadows
- lamonaloca - Kikyo, Reincarnated.
- lastbloodyangel - Last Bloody Angel
- lastofpriests - Last Priest Standing
- liana_bluestar - liana
- lijororli - Janet, aka Pippin
- lil_wolf_girl5 - lil_wolf_girl5
- lilbitchik - lilbitchik
- lina_pryor - lina_pryor
- liongirl456 - Jessie
- lithiumlullaby - Nat-Nat
- littleamirgirl - Zelly
- liz_is_dead - Elizabeth
- lolli14 - Holly
- looks_like_hell - If I'm quiet, I'll slide up behind you...
- lord_totosai - lord_totosai
- lordinuyasha - The One and Only
- lostaquarius - lostaquarius
- lpprincess2003 - ericaaaa
- lunaradenaraku - LunaraDeNaraku
- lunaticjushinka - Jushinka
- mad_libbs - libby
- magiclucywink - magiclucywink
- malfoy_potter - Even Tough Guys Cry About the One They Love....
- malik_chan - malik_chan
- manga_gal - Ang
- marie1989 - your personal silent stalker
- master_joy - master_joy
- maureeni - Kagome
- meliaragnarok - Melia Ragnarok
- melimsah - melimsah
- messr__padfoot - padfoot
- miko__kagome - Kagome Higurashi
- mirakuru - ミラクル Mi & レイZero
- miroku_sama - Miroku A.K.A Michael
- mirokus_lj - Miroku
- mirokus_sukebei - mirokus_sukebei
- misako_chan - misako_chan
- misteashinra - ChibiNekoBoo
- mizkittykat182 - All~E~Sun
- moon_wind - Yumiko Suzuki
- mymercy - Unfashionable Dictator.
- mystic_raccoon - Raccoon-san
- mysticxrain - mysticxrain
- nakitamanomiko - nakitamanomiko
- narakie_hearts - ルキ ピンク
- narakuandsessy - narakuandsessy
- narakunoneko - narakunoneko
- narakus_minions - narakus_minions
- naroki - Lady of Ice
- nashvilledreamr - nashvilledreamr
- nataku_savur - nataku_savur
- necrophilia - matsumoto hideko XD
- neko_issachan - neko_issachan
- nekobara - Megan
- nerwen_elensar - Dirk Edgewood
- never_me_here - »¤«Cody»¤«
- nightfirefly - nightfirefly
- nightswhisper - Elven Ranger
- ninjaicons - ninjaicons
- nittlexxxgraspe - Seguchi Tohma
- nnayram - nnayram
- noin_lucrezia - Sister Rosette Christopher
- obscure_lust_ - Mistress Leila
- okioniwa - Connie
- oni_sekhmet - Raihu, The Crawling Chaos
- onlyinuyasha - OnLyInUyAsHa
- orunitia - orunitia
- otakuannie - blah
- over_clocked - Spiff
- paladine_eva - Peter Parker
- paper_fangs - paper_fangs
- papercut917 - PaperCut
- paranoia_696 - Christin
- patejens - patejens
- pendulum_ - ..honky
- pink_hide - Arakaki hideko
- plushie_naraku - Naraku Plushie
- porcelain_one - Amber Dawn
- powerful_hope - Higurashi Kagome
- powerwing_amber - Pw Amber: Supporting Shadow & Maria since 2001!
- prbizzizzle - Carina Serrano
- priestessashiko - priestessashiko
- princessesque - princessesque
- psychostalker9 - Keito
- pyra2004 - *Pyra*
- queen_knight - queen_knight
- radioactive___ - one slowdance with the fairies
- ravenpirate - Are you going to come eat the chicken?
- razi_razi - It won't change an empty stare...
- redeyedhobo - Zelly
- reiku_toukijin - Darth Reiku
- rin_a_girl - rin_a_girl
- rin_chan3 - Rin
- riomi - The Martyr
- riotgirl90 - riotgirl90
- rob1n_sena - rob1n_sena
- rocker247 - rocker247
- rocknhellokitty - Anne Camui
- romcd - Li
- rose_dragon - rose_dragon
- rumdiculous - the Deviant Ham
- ryddelbox - ryddelbox
- ryokosp21 - Bishounen no Miko
- sakurangel - { Sakura . Angel }
- salonialonegurl - salonialonegurl
- sango_demonslyr - sango_demonslyr
- sanguinolentus - blood moon
- sapphire17 - Christina Sapphire
- satu_hoshiko - jess
- sengoku_jidai - Suicidal over my hair
- sephtastic_sama - Sephysama
- serene_emotions - Serene Emotions
- serohan_hana - ~_~ ... oi vay
- serpent_empress - serpent_empress
- seshirura - Ceci せし
- sess_luv - sess_luv
- sesshies_girl - Sesshies Girl (Digital Disaster)
- shadey_domi - shadey_domi
- shichinintailuv - Mac-chan
- shikomekidomi - shikome kido mi
- shin_ichi - Shin-ichi
- shinin - Tater Salad
- shinju_no_ten - Marina
- shipp0_chan - shipp0_chan
- shippohanyou - Shippo Hanyou
- shoka_sano - shoka_sano
- shrine__maiden - Kikyou
- shroomy_bones - shroomy_bones
- silver_shadow88 - silver_shadow88
- sima_zhongda - 仲達
- skittythegreat - Skitty
- sky_dark - The Icon Alchemist
- smevil - smevil
- smilingkitty666 - smilingkitty666
- snowyarcticowl - Hakushi
- sonosuke - Sherif Elsakran
- sorcha_carita - sorcha_carita
- souryuu - souryuu
- southernbelle45 - Janie
- soybeans - Lei
- spazziest_moves - episode 35
- spike_vampire - spike_vampire
- squishyorb - Ninja ⌐_⌐
- stormfugue - stormfugue
- str4wberrykiss - Stitches
- suicidal_duckys - They Call me..NNY
- sultrykitsune - [| けしんお狐 |]
- sykoskeeto - Skeeto
- tacita_67 - Tacy
- taernost - Taernost
- taiji_ya - 珊瑚 (さんご) Sango
- tailfluff - Jennie V.
- talman - Chaos
- tamerblackwater - Tamer Blackwaters
- taurusbaby_13 - taurusbaby_13
- taylor_bloom - Taylor Bloom
- tehriverrat - [.a.l.o.n.e.]
- telinek - telinek
- tenkgold - Tenk: The Hyperactive Alchemist
- tessith - Tess
- teufelschuldig - Jei
- thegreatlarien - Larien Carnesîr
- thehanyou - InuYasha
- therish - therish
- tiffiekins - Rei
- tohru_yuki_kyo - tohru_yuki_kyo
- touched_venus - Destinie Nicole Bodin
- trinity_dream - Chrissy Lynn
- true_oracle - he said I was cool....
- trumpetgigs - Gigabyte
- tsubakis_lj - Tsubaki
- tsuki_okami - tsuki_okami
- undeadmiko - Kazutaka
- unerring - Darla
- unholy_shards - Kanna
- utada - Miaka
- vampericclaret - Wes
- vashthekitty - vashthekitty
- venice_queen_8 - venice_queen_8
- ventus - Ventus
- venuslucifer - 都野田 [Dragon] ゆうき
- vinylcountdown - Andi
- viola_player - Robochar
- virusq - Melissa Russell
- vixielamenta - ♥TACO-FLAVORED KEESES♥
- vulgarmonkeyluv - Naraku the Evil Diabolical Genius
- wait_andbleed - wait_andbleed
- wants2die - wants2die
- whytekittie - whytekittie
- wickedfaninulvr - wickedfaninulvr
- wind_of_mystery - Miroku
- wolf_ocd - Celith
- wolfy_icons - Wolfy Icons
- x0xayamex0x - x0xayamex0x
- x0xkiarax0x - x0xkiarax0x
- x_kanna_x - Kanna
- x_kikyou_x - Kikyou
- x_kohaku_x - Kohaku
- x_yumi_chan_x - Elizabeth
- xatri_dracan - xatri_dracan
- xbleedingsorrow - xbleedingsorrow
- xiehan - Li Xie-Han
- xtruly_morbidx - xtruly_morbidx
- xtviruskissesx - -<3.Inuyasha .D. Wolfwood.-<3
- xxshadouaijinxx - Takahashi Hitomi/The :Douche/ Orlena Roe
- xxtheroguexx - xxtheroguexx
- xxx_kagome_xxx - xxx_kagome_xxx
- xxxultima - A-chan
- yaminomarik - Mai
- yamisakura - Silver
- yamisui - Yamisui
- yaoiful_one - yaoiful_one
- yashakizu - 夜叉傷:福の天使
- you_cant_deny - you_cant_deny
- youatemysushi - Selita
- youkai_inusuten - Inusuten
- youkai_koga - youkai_koga
- youkai_sesshou - youkai_sesshou
- yunas_prophecy - Kito, ruler of said oil rig
- zerocaptain - Zero
- zetsuya - zetsuya