Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "the oblongs".
18 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in the oblongs. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
416 matches:
- 40dollarhaircut - Jessie
- __fallenzero - Cursed
- _elasticgirl_ - The girl of elasticity...
- _gutterxglitter - Denise
- _rivet_bitch_ - Rivet Bitch
- acerbussyrix - Syrix
- aconitesblood - heather
- afropine100 - Master of Pine Cones
- akunderwraps - AK
- albinofrog88 - faerie goth girl
- alesto - Dylan-de-op-do-bop
- alligator - Meagan
- almighty_bruce - ~~*the walking contradiction*~~
- alvyra - Alvyra
- amor_es - EVOL
- angelsplat21 - Leslie A.K.A. Lessie Moo
- anglefuck - Candy Cocaine
- anij - Anij
- apathyincarnate - ApathyIncarnate
- aquaticsunshine - Your Lucky Star, Your Singing Satelite
- archenteron - Archenteron Crisis
- arson_angel - Jesse
- assassination - Lindsey
- atarisnerd - Sir [insert verb here]alot
- attitudegal - Amanda
- automaton_jane - Drunk Kid Catholic
- bamagrrrl - Lucia
- benfoldsmyhero - [true love waits]
- benjamin54 - Benjamin
- betterideas - just another dorian gray
- bigempty - In-the-bed-disco
- bikeface - Smellsea
- bikini_kill - Cursed.
- birthworkdeath - Tom Mc
- black_magnolia - The exploded remains of what used to be me
- blademak - Immortalis
- bleedingmind - Spoony
- blfiregddss - Kari
- blinkdabunny - Sara Goudrault
- blucaterpillar - Alex
- bluegirl1372 - Cheriseviltwin
- bobbo9 - Natas
- bobthegoat - The Raven King
- booboop2000 - malcolm tent
- boop - such a strange girl
- booze_and_vinyl - one awesome son of a bitch
- boromirslover - Viviana
- bosie - Dusty "Bosie" Wilson
- braingeyser - braingeyser
- broken_twig - kat
- brokenheather - Broken Heather
- broknpromisring - Cookiehead Jenkins
- butterflytouch - Laura
- cadaver_fairy - Miss Missi
- calpernia565 - A person whom you'd like to know
- card_board_box - Cate
- cart00nher0 - >>d0rkii kid<<
- celestra13 - Celestra Krismas
- cemgirl - cem
- ceridwen84 - Ceri
- channan - Girl with the broken smile
- cheekymonkey03 - Alli
- cherrylollipops - Addicted To You
- cherub_bunny - Marian
- chibiusagi - kath
- chickengirl - Mish
- chimaira - Chimaira Fans Are The Best, Fuck The Rest.
- chipmunkwarrior - the katieness
- chostyle - Rachel aka "Chostyle"
- citrustwister - Vanyaëala Fallen
- clubdrugs - Jesus
- cmcricket - G-Dolla-Make-Ya-Holla
- cmonkey6475 - Chloe Monkey
- connybadger - :Marathing
- controlled_mess - Hollywood Bitch
- coolbeansrabbit - Meatwad
- countryrocks - Country
- crazehpoo - Your Buttfuck Fantasy
- crazytwist16 - Steffi
- crystal13 - Crystal
- cuddles_maehara - The Wizard and I
- d4isy - Adrienne
- danawoods - sad little fangirl
- dancerdoll - kayla
- darkdial - deb
- darkpassion_00 - darkpassion_00
- darqbeauty - X
- dawnwarrior - Jackson
- deathizzardcake - amy
- destroykrist - Big lips and hips, A big ass in thick glasses
- devans26 - EXPLODING BLOOD
- dietcokefiend - Bitches Love Me Cuz They Know That I Can Fuck
- digitalpoetry - digitalpoetry
- dis_o_bedience - Liebeslied Engel
- distilled_punk - Random Accusation
- djoblivion - Nick Johnson
- do_the_dramatic - Potsy
- dorkimon - *Sabby*
- dorky - One Weird Chick
- dragonthebomb - Giancarlo AKA. el Dragón
- dramaqueenlilly - Lilly
- drull - Drull
- eatdrinkbe_mary - the king of reptar
- eatmorecarbs - jamez
- eatthevegan - I am Hitler's moustache
- elainemarley - Maxine
- elliewombat - Ellie Wombat
- emiliefolds - em
- entimo - entimo
- euterpe_81 - a masochistic lamb to the slaughter
- evad4you - Evad
- evilstoryteller - So, so cranky
- ex_sauce_box71 - Just Another Girl
- exonumia - Melissa
- fayleanansidhe - Ms. Zebra
- fifteendollars - Fuck yeah, I've got piano wire.
- fizzycola - john
- flsheatingbnana - flsheatingbnana
- freshie686 - Kera
- frickenspaz - Tabitha
- frnkensteinchic - \w/ Death Whispered A Lullaby \w/
- frowninggrocer - Cheesus
- fsuc_wang - tim wang
- fuct_betty - bridge
- galaxyfox - Danika's Trash-o-Rama
- getuptrio36 - i'll smack your mouth
- gingerbreadkate - Kate
- girlinargyle - Idiosyncratic Routine
- girljinbink - [.GirljinBink.]
- glitzyktn - a naive cube
- glowstick_bong - They don't know about us...
- gobakemeacake - Kuebler
- goreygalx - Badly Drawn Girl
- grown2forgetyou - { Caitlin }
- half__jack - I let you win.
- halfbakedhippie - Boonahy's Icons
- happynoodleboy7 - Jimmy The Peppy Sailboat Driver
- harry_haller - Harry_Haller
- hoorayforfire - Maureen
- hopelessbear - Hope
- hopfulpinkdress - Cait
- horsekateer - Wolverine
- hyperbolickitty - Kat
- iateababy - baby's taste good with barbeque sauce.
- iceage - JaSoN
- icedragon3369 - Brandon Simpson
- icontrolyou - Could you paint me better off?
- icy934 - RAGE!!
- ihateittoo - Kelly
- ii_big_joe_ii - Big Joe
- ilovetheloggia - ilovetheloggia
- im_zoes_stupdhd - Stupidhead.
- inanesam - Samantha
- indarknesslives - brilliant silhouette
- inkyboi - Inkyboi
- invaderskooge - Mixed Up Little Girl
- invisiblecola - Betty Choodles
- irikidzai - Tina
- isra - tekla alexandra
- itcouldhavebeen - raise up the man with a broken fist...
- ivy_rose - Heavenly Creatures
- j2cute4words - lil nettie
- j3z3b3l_in_h3ll - a +kiss+ and a -slap-
- jay_lynn - Jamie
- jcangst - jcangst
- jdawg725 - *neendawgalicious*
- jedijimmbo - if only i had wings...
- jeffboy - Jerk-chicken, kilt wearing oreo
- jenafi - jen
- jenafiori - Jen
- jennizaqt - Jenn
- jessica_h - Jessica Elizabeth
- jimmy_carter - Former President of the United States
- joannna - JiGGA
- johnnydestructo - cookiepuss
- juel - juel
- juicy69 - ..::~::LoLLipopSucka::~::..
- kayadore82 - Crazy Wordsmith
- kcbuzz - Buzz
- kellybellynet - kelly belly
- keroido_milk - Rynn
- kicksomething - guerilla errorist
- knepbear - Paul
- kustom_kat - (¯`°ZۀмЪϊε βϊŧċћ°´¯)
- kyo_tenshi - Warumono
- kyviechan - Pinniped
- labcreatedruby - Ruby-chan
- labiamania - Rated X by an all white jury
- laceyunderpants - a damsel in this dress
- ladiabla - LaDiabla
- lady__delirium - lady__delirium
- lastsaiyan - mer
- ldygrinningsoul - Z
- leakycauldron - miss granger
- leelue - katie
- lildisturbedgrl - Lil Disturbed Grrl
- loveisacrime -
- lovemex0 - Tina
- lumpchunker - Spooky Biznitch
- lunagrrrl - Adriane
- lunaticvee27 - Luna "Tic" Vee
- madraddish - Tyron
- madstamper - Rachel de Milo
- maelilla - Sue
- maggiethered - maggie the red
- mandamuck - Amanda
- megthelegend - Meg the Legend
- melanomamike - Telly
- melysni - The Ravyn
- meowmanx - FuManDru
- merfed - ♪
- mertvie_tsveti - ~*~Mertvie~Tsveti~*~
- meta_of_asc - Tritium Green
- methodacting - mattfriction
- methusela365 - I am a bananaa!
- mia_stardust - shona the hobbie
- middylou - Middy Lou
- mikeofdoom - uber-doom
- minstrelofdeath - satellite kate
- misssatan - MissSatan
- missviki - missviki
- mobius_effect - Stompy McSquishins
- moiareah - TanyaReah
- monamew - Crissy Lou McGoo
- monsterbrain - Monsterbrain
- mookers182 - Proud to be Nulliparous
- moonpix7 - Jessica
- moonwick - Jonathan "Moonwick" Bishop
- moonygoony - Jess
- mordez_moi - Nicole
- mortem - love never dies
- mrfiendishman - A man with a plan
- my_love_funy - chances are, i probably hate you.
- n1c3dr34m - Jess
- nagisa_kaworu - Neko Nuriko
- nail_polish - Emz
- nakedeyes - strangelove
- navenus - Grisly Atoms
- nekomimikun - R. L. Peterson
- neversun - e.b.
- night_lorelei - Nicole
- nightsvacation - Sexton
- noemotions - Emotionless
- nomaaaaar - Dan
- nothinghurts - nothing at all.
- notpmekts - Freak of the Week
- notsoperky - Lauren
- o0metal_chick0o - Gorgeous
- oilastcaressoi - -JoNo-
- oniboochi - OniBoochi
- orphantree - blood & gold
- ourladyofsorrow - saint of switch blade fights
- outofrangegrrl - Caitlin
- paper_napkins - My favorite ax
- paraplegicbrain - Fidget
- pardonme215 - kayla!
- penguindancer - KitKat
- petiteflamme - Kari
- petre - writing a tragedy
- pinchmehard - Coma White, Coma Black
- pinkpixiestar - live, love, life
- plasticempathy - Jessa
- plasticfl0wer - SushiLa
- platinumlizz - don't wait for me, i'll wait for you
- playmate182 - heather cooze
- poesprincess - Poe's Princess
- poofywolf - t3h f4g0rz
- prettydaisies - PrettyDaisies
- princesshelen - Helen
- princessofamber - Kelly
- psychocrazy - The Boy Who Cried Wolf
- psychotoon - ARTICLE 41149512
- punk_goddess17 - Angie
- purplegasm - ZEN
- putmetosleepx - jeanine
- pxdash - patdash
- pyrenbunny - suppose he's got a pointed stick?
- queenaless - MiNkey
- quickcheckgurl - not so pretty in pink
- quietchris - QuietChris
- quigs - Quigs
- quinnskin - Hyrulian Herione
- raethe - Cat
- randomdumass666 - Ralph
- randomlyyours88 - Valhalla
- razzberry_tarte - Maris
- rebelbarbie - Kitten McCrackin, Esq.
- ren_ren - Lauren
- revsphynx - Travis
- revulsion11 - greg
- rhodaborealis - "Welcºme tº Camp Naughty Bad Fun"
- ricati - ricati
- rightsensible - Victoria
- roadkillroy - The Mighty Serval of Peru! MROWR!
- robotfight - anna.
- rockerdevintage - hananah banana
- rodeodance - Spensersaurous Rex
- roninhottie - Wensday
- rosemere_rat - Bubba-Joan GotHerJawShotOff
- rubicantoto - Mandrew
- rudiment_ruhula - Kelly
- saintrigger - [ERR = USER UNKNOWN]
- salamander1979 - The Salamander
- samay - Sammy
- sarahtehgreat - Sarah
- satans_muse - bri
- satansez - diablodiatribe
- satinka_cahira - Yona
- scrappy_jen - Nej
- sedgwick_lies - Constance
- selke - Selke
- septicidal - Lynn
- serena_raye - Significantly Odd
- serialkeller - Trasker
- seymour_glass - a boatman on the river of life...
- shellio - Shellio
- shesafreak - zahra
- shinyobject - laurajean
- shnyrdthng - shnyrdthng
- shotdownpixie - ×××hª†³×××
- silentmilk - P
- simpleboys_life - simpleboys_life
- sjsfreeze - sjsfreeze
- sketchyerika - Erika
- slackmistress - the slackmistress
- sleepwithdorks - something inside that makes her cry
- solitary - Jessica
- soul_flies_free - monique
- space_carlos - Carlos
- spacefool - Karf
- speakingrole - cavorting platypus
- spider_punk - Arnie Hobbs II
- sporklord - Ng
- sporkninja - John Uskglass
- spurofwebelos - Poogle
- squeaky2005 - Alexander
- squishalicious - meggies
- stagnate - you aren't my joey ramone
- starr0419 - heather r
- staticwhite - Static White
- steed - Just Call me Rev.....
- steven_1983 - steven_1983
- stormont - Jason
- strange_fear - annoying
- straycat_ - TeH Nikore!!!111!!!11
- strungmonkee - envy the past
- strxedluvr - Fallen Angel
- stubb_a_dub - Joe
- stygmata_martyr - Murder is a mood.
- suitesugar - chelle
- sumi_masen - La Cicciolina
- surfsidesexx - holding my hand & cutting my throat
- sushi_roll - Sashimi Wench
- swtnikki - Nikki
- syrupmonkey - Pickles
- tabbourjeois - Bougey
- taboojo - Jo
- tankie - Dominique
- techncolourkiwi - 立夏
- teddymani4c - [[JOE MAMA]]
- tenshifeathers - Masai
- theevilsam - the killing moon, will come too soon.
- themiserychick - The Misery Chick
- theoreo - Emily
- thespiritsong - In shadows growing wings
- thespis43 - Cpt. Hazel "Hank" Murphy
- thoughtlessme - Elizabeth
- tienka - Tienka
- timewornsoul - _____________
- tophatinblack - John Walker
- tr4insp0tting - Matilda Rockflinger
- transfattyacid - alice
- transmog - Natalie
- trueenough - i put the "might" in "sodomite"
- trueseven - a raging flower in the brickyard
- tsquare - Trey
- twirlingangel - twirlingangel
- twistedchick705 - TwiSTeDChiCK705
- u2er - All Swagger- No Style
- unavitabella - :-)
- unbreathe - Painting The Walls Of A Padded Room
- unholy_fire - Fenix
- uplifted - Benihana
- utility873 - God Called In Sick Today
- vampy_aob_619 - Vampy
- vampysammy - Sammy
- veggiestud - Ethan
- vital_remains - Turd Furgeson
- weezergirly - The heavymetalcowgirl
- weneh - Wendy
- westerafi - Kat
- whimzical - Inexplicably Sarah
- willbeforgotten - Raine
- woodillama - .:.:..DiZ b Lu$ci0uZ..:.:.
- woot_woot - ~woøt~wøot~
- wormjerky - Wormjerky
- ww_sketcher - -----------------> Andrzej
- x0x0nataliex0x0 - lost in the fog
- xanimebabex - the hideous alchemist
- xcowboymikex - mike³
- xevilcarebearx - (*AsH*)
- xfoofynonox - valerie
- xgirliexoc - corinne
- xheartlikeagun - suki
- xmulletmanx - TGOR
- xsledgex - Amanda
- xxangelmeatxx - Diavolo Carne
- xxkorngrrl - andrea
- xxpiratexarghxx - Allison
- yemyam - YemYam
- yiab - Yiab
- yumyumxdeliryum - ★~*::{ c o c o }::*~★
- zayin - zayin
- zelly - Zelly
- zfyreangel - fyretearz