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Below is user information for Kirt. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:azure_dream (1225963) azure_dream
Azure Dreams
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Location:Boxtown Beside the Water, United States
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status matchstickcity (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:I'm Kirt, and yes, I know-Azure dreams was NOT a fighting game. But I'm going to show my stats anyway, and if you don't like it...well you can face the wrath of my Fist of the North Star.

Born- August 12 (guess the year...go on...)
Favorite color- Green
Current Education- in high school
Likes- everything in general, but especially friends, all kinds of music, being open minded, all that peace and love stuff, pwning people on LJDrama.
Dislikes- coconut, blood, nightmares, being in any one place for too long, spiders and pigeons, aggressively straight people, overly aggressive Christians (converters and zealots), bad techno.
Blood type-B+, most likely
Fighting Style-variations of kempo and Jeet Kune Do

Do you want to know what your tarot card is?

If you want to friend, friend, then comment so I know who I'm talking to, cause this journal is

Unreasonably cool banner by _pyromania !
Memories:11 entries
Interests:98:  the abuse stops here; bitches., acting, ancient civilizations, angst, animals, anime, arcana, archery, art, autumn, ayame, balance, bishoujo, bishounen, books, buddhism, candy, chatting, chivalric code, chivalry, chocolate, classical, clubbing, color, cookies, d&d;, dancing, daoism, darkness, destiny, drawing, egyptian mythology, epic poetry, expression, fan fiction, fanart, fanficton, fantasy, fiction, final fantasy, fire, gravitation, greek mythology, harry potter, heero yuy, hp, japan, japanese, japanese music, jk rowling, jrr tolkien, kissing, language, light, ljdrama,, lotr, love, lycanthropy, manga, music, night, nintendo, odyssey, online comics, original fiction, performance, photography, playstation, poetry, rain, ranting, reading, role playing, sakura, silence, slash, snow, squaresoft, tea, techno, the chronicles of narnia, the legend of zelda, the ocean, theatre, twilight, utada hikaru, vampires, vanilla, video games, videogames, wicca, witchcraft, writing, yaoi, you, your wings are mine, ywam. [Modify yours]
People50:_catch22, ai_no_miko, angelle05, aztec_dream, bobbyq78, booksofmagic, bridgetb077, britt_100788, brydude, candycoated_, colin_292, cyns, dab201, dark_ansem, demonfreeze, dentedsky, dragons_angel, dumbasscat, elliotreference, enigmaticentity, eternaldaydream, evel66, fallencast, gan_ning_of_wu, genetic_sex, goldeneyed, healingvision, inn0cent_mami, internet_lawyer, iriri, jameth, johndevilman, kain292, marexbear, mettekrangnes, never_satisfied, ning_lover_, not_in_denial, pipe_dreams, polaris_11, rockmelon_, ryokophoenix, taijiya_sango89, thedespairedguy, tidus_770, wrath_of_kikyou, x100788x, xbloody_tearzx, xoiloveubabeox, xun_of_wu
Communities9:dears, fandomchallenge, friendlyhostile, icon_extras, intothevoid_, light_show, sakura_crisis, slashclub, underglassmoon
Friend of:42: _catch22, ai_no_miko, angelle05, aztec_dream, bobbyq78, booksofmagic, bridgetb077, britt_100788, brydude, candycoated_, colin_292, dab201, dark_ansem, demonfreeze, dentedsky, dumbasscat, elliotreference, eternaldaydream, evel66, gan_ning_of_wu, genetic_sex, goldeneyed, healingvision, inn0cent_mami, internet_lawyer, iriri, kain292, marexbear, mettekrangnes, ning_lover_, not_in_denial, pipe_dreams, rockmelon_, ryokophoenix, taijiya_sango89, thedespairedguy, tidus_770, wrath_of_kikyou, x100788x, xbloody_tearzx, xoiloveubabeox, xun_of_wu
Member of:14: _ywam_, dears, dears_icons, fandomchallenge, friendlyhostile, hpslash, icon_extras, intothevoid_, inuyasha, light_show, sakura_crisis, sexy_vampires, slashclub, underglassmoon
Account type:Free Account

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