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Below is information about the "The Cult of Foamy Icons" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:foamy_icons (3020869) foamy_icons
The Cult of Foamy Icons
About:This community is for the sharing of icons related to Neurotically Yours and all the characters that appear therein.

Da Rulez:

1) Play nice.

2) If they ask for credit, give them credit in the icon keywords.

3) If you take an icon, be nice and say so in the comments.
Interests:7: card cult, foamy, foamy the squirrel, germaine, icon making, icons, illwillpress. [Modify yours]
Members:31: ___chapstick, _airf0rce0nes, atalantapendrag, bang_your_head, beetlebailey, candy_kisses09, dazz, destron_gmx245, dragqueengumby, dreamscribe, dysenterygary, endlssdream, feedmeagoat, frankenmuth, gita_monster, heartsh0t, insane_whispers, larathia, noones_grrl, phoenixdreaming, rainbowkidd, stompnev76, sugarntheraw, theused2045, tipzay, twcwar313, twisted_world25, wrath_of_kikyou, xcorrupted, xoxo76, zefiryn
Watched by:32: ___chapstick, _airf0rce0nes, atalantapendrag, bang_your_head, beetlebailey, candy_kisses09, dazz, destron_gmx245, dewaltgirl, distantvampire, dragqueengumby, dreamscribe, endlssdream, frankenmuth, gita_monster, heartsh0t, insane_whispers, larathia, noones_grrl, parsephoni, phoenixdreaming, rainbowkidd, stompnev76, strike2002, sugarntheraw, theused2045, tipzay, twcwar313, twisted_world25, wrath_of_kikyou, xoxo76, zefiryn
Account type:Free Account

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