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Below is information about the "Hated Characters" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:hated_character (1244050) hated_character
In Support of Hated Characters
Because for every ten people who hate them, there's four who love them
Name:Hated Characters
Website:Miaka Support Shrine! (Just one of many support shrines in progress!)
Location:United States
About:Have a favorite character who seems to be the bane of the fandom's existence? Feel out of place for liking said character? Sick of people bashing characters for idiotic reasons? Feel like if you read one more fic that bashes, mocks, or twists your favorite character into OOC trash, you'll scream?

You're not alone.

This community is for anyone and everyone who's a fan of a much-hated character, and proud to be! ^_^ This is a multi-fandom community-anime, TV, books, videogames, you name it!

This community can also be used to show support for characters who are simply mis-portrayed in fanfiction: Strong women being turned into maidens, nice guys being turned into jerks, men being turned into weeping ukes, girls being turned into screeching harpies, etc. Fanfiction, fanart and website links are not only welcome, but encouraged.

1. NO FLAME WARS. It's okay to disagree, and to debate a topic, but please keep in mind that everyone has the right to their opinion.
2. Keep your posts as on-topic as you can. There are several communities for ranting about badfic, and [info]rabidfanssuck for ranting about annoying fanbrats.
3. If you're going to name names or post website links in your rants, please friends-lock the post, and LJ-cut anything that could be risky if someone outside the community stumbled on it.
4. Do NOT encourage others to flame someone else, as tempting as it may be. We're not here to start wars.
5. DO NOT ask me to ban people from this community unless they have TRULY done something wrong.
6. No linking to people's personal journals, posting "bashing" icons, or posting to bashing threads in other communities. Posting to character support threads/essays/etc in other places is fine, but if it's in a personal journal try and get permission.
7. This is NOT a community for whining about how you feel "persecuted", or slamming on others just for simply not liking a favorite character. "I can't see why this person hates Dorothy so much, I think she rocks" is okay, "This person is so stupid for hating Dorothy, Dorothy's better than any character in the show!" is not.
8. From now on, if you're going to post obsversations about bashing of a character, be as constructive and on-topic as possible. Explain WHY the bashing bothers you, why you like the character or think they're not as bad as the bashers say. Don't flame the bashers or turn it into a rant on why yaoi fangirls or whatnot are evil and stupid. We already have somewhere to complain about rabid fans, and it is [info]rabidfanssuck.
9. Relax! We're here to have fun! ^_^

If you have any questions, comments, or just wanna chat, feel free to email me.

Sister Communities:
Interests:47: adults, analysis, animals, anime, anti-bashing, anti-ship wars, bishoujo, bishounen, books, boys, busting stereotypes, canon, cartoons, character defense, character love, character support, comics, discussion, dispelling myths, essays, fanart, fanfiction, fanon, girls, hated characters, heroes, heroines, icons, kids, manga, men, misunderstood characters, movies, nice boys, old people, rants, shoujo, shounen, snarky characters, strong women, sweet girls, teenagers, threesomes, tv, videogames, villains, women. [Modify yours]
Members:366: _breakyourfall, _c_r_y_s_t_a_l_, a_white_rain, aardwulf, adon_ca, aeanagwen, aisu_hoshino, akai_senshi, akari_icons, akilika, alara_r, aldenmacrae, alexi_serenitia, alica_tylon, amano_hyo, amethystfirefly, amiamiami, amongstthestars, angel_of_faith, anime_king, anzumazaki, aoibara, arashi_storm, ariyanaforever, armanininja, arrmaitee, asrimal, asuras, atreyu452, autophanous, baka_onna2003, banesyndrome, barrye, beccastareyes, bemysty, bishounenhuntrs, blackjackrocket, blaze_sama, blkros, bloody_vixen, bluewhiteapo, bofoddity, buckeyealum, bucue_plush, calanthe_b, calicia, canon_goddess, careless_kay, chaootaku, charabok, chibiodango, chika_jin, christi_morelei, colin_chaotic, contrail, cowgirled, cozy, creeper_keeper, crescent_light, crimsonarashi, crowskywalker, crystal_hoser, crystaldawn, crystalweaver, cutiesaiyajin, cygna_hime, cynical_siren, cynthia_harrell, dai_atlas, dancingosh, darkkairachan, dawnsshadow, ddae, deoridhe, deviant_love, dingbatz7, dinpik, dioschorium, doa2_kasumi, doom_magic, dooreatoe, dragon_faere, dragonmage_chan, duoshinigami282, dzzygirl, edahs, edward_hyde, eisdamme, eldena, elsewherecw, emeirii, empress_dots, enough_space, ensetsu, evilnel, fallofrain, fanaticalone, fearlessfirefly, finnedartist, fire_camel, firemasterskye, flyingcucumber, furuba_ooc, gangstavidel, genkicrack, ghostkotsuzaka, ginis, hanakirei85, hasunoutena, hated_pairings, helain, helga_b, hemachandra, hikari_katsu, hinikuish, hyoudentai, ianthefira, ichigo_a_go_go, ichigo_nyanko, incisivis, infinityblade, inobu, insanely_poetic, insanepurin, insteadofdeath, inversed_enigma, iramirado, irisamergin, ivynajspyder, iwishiwastotchi, jaydeis, jennybenz, jeshi_chan, jessie_ohki, jewelofsaturn, kachichan, kagami_reflect, kaguyahime, kalan_chan_chan, kalicephirot, kaltia, kannaophelia, karasuman, karribuhater59, kellatrix, kelly_chan, kenmiyanomiko, kepulver, ketsuban, keylalalover, khym_chanur, king_caspian, kireirociel, kiryuu_utena, kit_maxel, kitsunenohikage, kitty_nakoji, konekohime, kouyama_mitsuki, kushrenada, kyouketsusha, kyouten, l0kichan, lacus, lady_athenax, lady_suzuran, ladyiapetus, ladyorla, ladywhaiyvern, laughsatluna, lauryl_rialian, lendel, liliaeth, lillyserenitia, lillyv, lilykane, lingzer0, lisa_s, littlekasumi, lone_gothic, lorizubie, lranuh, lushdesolation, lyo, m_a_foxfire, madamebatolli, madax, maiteoida, mariagoner, master_ares, maxi_the_pirate, me10drama, medhbh, megaera_inc, megaraptorscrib, meishu_chan, meshou, methodicmadness, midori_takumi, midorichan06, miishal, minion369, minrho, minyuu, mirisa_ardruna, miss_kaiba, missrose54, miyuki_mina, mpchan, msmarvel1, neekabe, neev, neffinesse, nekochancutecat, nekusagi, neri_chan, niav, nightambre, nnnslogan, nohemo, notorious_hunty, nuriko_chan, nuriko_special, ohkami1175, oldskoolstyle, oronoda, pandorabox82, paradoxkeita, parsleychan, pearlrose86, peeperoonie, perpetual_poet, pink_handcuffs, placetohide, pollensalta, postingwhore, pragmaticpoetry, princess_bulma, projectvortex, queen_knight, rabidpanda91, rachelthedemon, randomsymbols, raven_ghost, redheadgirl, rewind2day, riah_chan, ringing_phone, roamingtigress, rosehiptea, roseisrain, rugimaru, runegrey, ryokosp21, sabonasi, saeka, sailormac, sakura_dragon, sam_fook, samhatesyou, sandoz_iscariot, sapphire17, sarajayechan, satanhatesyu, satori_rahyne, scallisha, scarbie, seaouryou, sei_kou_ki, seidoo_ryuu, seraphgren, seras_kelia, serpensortia, seshiria, shahnichan, shamanic_nuriko, shan_c_koneko, shaycaron, shinigamikender, shinnasuka, shiori_akiyama, shipaholic, shylilsweety, silver_magess, silversan, silvie_chan, sir_hellsing, skyknightxi, slayerofgod, smartycat, snowelf, soaker87, solarismagnum, solidark, sonkikyo, sorakh28, soraphilia, splintered_soul, star_of_heaven, starlit_galaxy, starneko, starrynights75, svelterose, swordlily, taiga_ameca, tailfluff, takiko, tatsutahime, tayles, tears_priestess, teletha, telrunya, tetra_seleno, the_flowergirl, the_sweet, theangstjunkie, theonewhospeaks, thepockygoddess, thewhitefirefly, tiasian, tigerm, tintinalle, toriru4ever, trancer, trf_chan, trickofthedark, tsuzukipup, typoes_sukc, uiko_saito, undeadmiko, usachu, v_siggy_us_haha, vadalia, valetine4ever, valy, vanessa_chan, vash_chan, veneotaqueen, venuslucifer, vikitehwaffu, violetfairygirl, vyctori, wardove, werewolf_song, widowblade, wrath_of_kikyou, wrc, wreak_havoc86, wrongly_amused, x_sockpuppet_x, xelchan, xmidnightbluex, yamiaaden, yankeerose69, yaoiko_chan, yashakizu, yeu, yozorame, yrnextboldmove, yuuo, yzak, zannechaos, zexenfan, zilent1, zinthos, zoisite84
Watched by:285: _breakyourfall, _c_r_y_s_t_a_l_, a_white_rain, aardwulf, adon_ca, aisu_hoshino, akai_senshi, akilika, aldenmacrae, alexi_serenitia, alica_tylon, amano_hyo, amethystfirefly, amiamiami, amongstthestars, angel_of_faith, anime_king, anzumazaki, ariyanaforever, armanininja, asrimal, asuras, atreyu452, autophanous, baka_onna2003, banesyndrome, beccastareyes, bemysty, bishounenhuntrs, blackjackrocket, blackjesamine, blkros, bloody_vixen, bluewhiteapo, bofoddity, bucue_plush, calanthe_b, careless_kay, chaootaku, charabok, chibinohoshi, chibiodango, codfishbunny, contrail, cowgirled, crimsonarashi, crowskywalker, crystal_hoser, crystaldawn, crystalweaver, cygna_hime, cynthia_harrell, dai_atlas, darkkairachan, dawnsshadow, ddae, deoridhe, deviant_love, dingbatz7, dinpik, dioschorium, doa2_kasumi, doom_magic, dooreatoe, dragon_faere, dragonmage_chan, duoshinigami282, dzzygirl, edward_hyde, eldena, elsewherecw, emeirii, empress_dots, enough_space, ensetsu, fanrambler, fearlessfirefly, fire_camel, firemasterskye, flyingcucumber, fujurpreux, fun_to_make, furuba_ooc, gangstavidel, ginis, hanakirei85, helain, helga_b, hemachandra, hikari_katsu, hinikuish, hyoudentai, ianthefira, ichigo_a_go_go, ichigo_nyanko, incisivis, inobu, insanepurin, inversed_enigma, iramirado, irisamergin, jaydeis, jeshi_chan, jessie_ohki, jewelofsaturn, kachichan, kagami_reflect, kaguyahime, kalan_chan_chan, kalicephirot, kannaophelia, karribuhater59, kellatrix, kelly_chan, ketsuban, khym_chanur, king_caspian, kireirociel, kiryuu_utena, kitty_nakoji, konekohime, kouyama_mitsuki, kuraihime, kyouketsusha, l0kichan, lacus, lady_athenax, lady_suzuran, ladyiapetus, laughinghyena, laughsatluna, lauryl_rialian, liliaeth, lillyserenitia, lilykane, lingzer0, lone_gothic, lorizubie, lranuh, lushdesolation, lyo, m_a_foxfire, madamebatolli, madax, maxi_the_pirate, me10drama, medhbh, megaera_inc, megaraptorscrib, meishu_chan, ...
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