Below is information about the "Serial Experiments Lain Icons" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | lain_icons (1240519) |
| get connected close this world; open the next |
Name: | Serial Experiments Lain Icons |
Website: | Lain Icons Resources |
E-mail: |
About: | 1. If you're posting more than 3 icons, put the rest under an lj-cut.
2. Credit the creator of your icons, please ;]
3. Only Serial Experiments Lain icons!! Icon requests are accepted just as long as it's Lain-oriented.
4. When commenting on icons, only use constructive criticism. If I see that a certain user has posted negative and hateful comments that are not deemed helpful to the iconmaker, they will be put on a list. If the user gets put on the list twice, they will be banned. Of course, the first time it happens there will be a warning. More information about that here
Every 2 weeks there will be an icon contest. Winners will be posted on the community website (once it's up).
Click here for the current contest! This contest ends April 20.
merky e-mail: aim: and if it were
animeicons iconrequests lain_fans icon_help iconreview i_theft |
Interests: | 33: 13, all ages clubs, anime, bear costumes, bear outfits, bear pajamas, boa, code, coding, computers, crows, dance clubs for pre-teens, deism, graphics, icon contests, icons, lain, lain icons, multiplicity, mysterious aliens in doorways, navi, networking, networks, pragmatism, programming, reality, rent-a-family, school girls, serial experiments lain, the wired, theism, theory, web graphics. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 188: _________geisha, ___trinkets, ___xi___, _animalcrackers, _broken_dreams_, _drainedheart_, _fortune_cookie, _pagan_poetry, _valora, abigail, achnabrech, afrayedknot, aki_omoi, akumu_toko, angel_malachite, annie_maffi, anticoke, aoi_navi, arewar, asalienapua, askani, backwardschaos, banana_icecream, blacktapegrrl, boukyou, branwynrillia, bunnybebe, camera0bscura, carlaslj, caterpillar, caustickisses, chirugal, cirobi, colorme_stupid, cosmicmercury, cutandbleed, cutedestruction, dakania, dead_eifersucht, deathxlipgloss, delicatewaste, desolatemessiah, dflat, disbelieving, disturbedfish, dmbsista2004, doc_macson, dollydrowner, dusty_screams, elkonigin, elschnino, end_of_sanity, ersatz_avatar, evesfireflie, fatali, filipinoz_rule, forbiddendancr, forever_alone, friskies7, froggiphobia, fs8gbe, ganson316, grac3land, guixian, hikaru_ai_mori, ibrick, ibutterfli, idita, invader88, invision_power, iwakura_l_ain, jane_hidell, jjulie88, kamineko_bites, kanashii_icons, kaostic, kartai, kayla_kagome, kheper, kiniika, kurochi, kurokasaineko, kviol, kyohaku_koneko, lady_of_mer44, lainikari, lainofthewired, lainrosuta, ledgend_of_tear, lensfreaks, lilronny4205, littlemskitten, los_muerto, lost_innocenc3, lostsoulgk, lucy_hime, lukrezia, madaline_mcbain, maho, mairen, mana_kisara, mediagoddess, merky, meshera, minako_tbc, miya_fairytale, modest_faerie, molly_sigh, monkiebutt47, mpav, mrhulk2005, neg_creep, neofox, nihilistichaven, nis_chan, noirtier, notyourbroom, off, opheliac87, otaku_val_chan, perfect_worry, perfumed_kiss, pharmacy, phizness, pixel_rei, pleasant_mews, poisonousroses, porksiopao, psycho_le_kill, purplechocobo, quattra, quiet_noise, qwexerzs, rationalgaze, real_lain, red_and_black, relm_asellus, resetlain, rettun, rjfranco, robertprice45, rojikaru, ryu_child, sami_2_teh_xtrm, sammiebaby, saragaia, selfdestruct_, serenap, sexualbehavior, shes_got_spies, shinrai, shiromu, shisakura, shuriken_chan, slyon, smoking_bubbles, socio_spastic, solemn, solitudestarer, sparklingamber, spooky_sez, sublimespirit, sweetmelancholy, synkurayami, the_grl_peaches, the_maha, thessalian, tigrena, toastysoul, toshechka, twistedlunatic, un_ladylike, violenticecream, violetina, wassupgmoney, weird_wired, whatsperfectluv, whosyourdandy, wingdance, wrath_of_kikyou, xmissxscareallx, xy_zero, yachiru, yashiza, yayie, yukihaitani, yuuki888, zombina_doll |
Watched by: | 163: _________geisha, ___xi___, _broken_dreams_, _pagan_poetry, abigail, achnabrech, aki_omoi, akumu_toko, animechicka420, annie_maffi, anticoke, arewar, asalienapua, ashlichan, blackhappyskies, blacktapegrrl, blamegame, boukyou, branwynrillia, bunnybebe, caterpillar, caustickisses, chirugal, cirobi, cosmicmercury, cutandbleed, cutedestruction, dakania, dead_eifersucht, debauched_soul, delicatewaste, desolatemessiah, dflat, disbelieving, djlain, dmbsista2004, doc_macson, dollydrowner, dontcallmejesus, dusty_screams, elkonigin, elschnino, ersatz_avatar, fatali, filipinoz_rule, forbiddendancr, forever_alone, friskies7, froggiphobia, fs8gbe, ganson316, gibbed, guixian, haloagain, hasnahana, hikaru_ai_mori, ibrick, ice_dragon, idita, invader88, jjulie88, kamineko_bites, kanashii_icons, kartai, kayla_kagome, kheper, kurochi, kurokasaineko, kyohaku_koneko, lady_of_mer44, lainikari, lainofthewired, lainrosuta, ledgend_of_tear, lensfreaks, littlemskitten, lostspoon, lovefucker, lovelain, lucy_hime, lukrezia, madaline_mcbain, maho, mairen, mana_kisara, maradia, mediocre_icons, merky, meshera, minako_tbc, miya_fairytale, modernkerouac, modest_faerie, mpav, myras_girls, neg_creep, nis_chan, noirtier, notlikeoctober, off, opheliac87, otaku_val_chan, perfect_worry, pharmacy, phizness, pixel_rei, pleasant_mews, poisonousroses, porksiopao, psycho_le_kill, purplechocobo, quattra, quiet_noise, qwexerzs, real_lain, red_and_black, resetlain, rettun, rjfranco, robertprice45, rojikaru, ryu_child, sami_2_teh_xtrm, sammiebaby, sammyblowfish, saragaia, sarrig, selfdestruct_, serenap, shes_got_spies, shinrai, shiromu, shisakura, slyon, smoking_bubbles, socio_spastic, solemn, solitudestarer, soul_weaver, sparklingamber, spooky_sez, strife_journal, sublimespirit, synkurayami, the_grl_peaches, the_maha, thessalian, un_ladylike, v_kim_ono, violenticecream, ... |
Account type: | Free Account |