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User:trigun_icons (2470884) trigun_icons
Deep Space Planet Future Icon Action!!
for love and peace...

Welcome to [info]trigun_icons. This community has been created for the purpose of finding, sharing and requesting Trigun icons.

a few things to keep in mind:

1] Give credit where credit is due.
2] lj-cut when posting more than 3 icons.
3] Use spoiler warnings when necessary.
4] Respect others and their icons.
5] Post icons that are uh... trigun related.

if you don't know where to upload your icons, www.photobucket is a great host. its free ^^

and a small word on fan art usesage: if someone asks you to not use their image without permission, please please please don't post it here. if i get a complaint, i'm simply going to delete the post regarding the icon in question. otherwise, fan art in icons is allowed.

by the way, i'm the moderator, [info]demonsquirrel X3
Interests:30: brilliant dynamites neon, chapel the evergreen, gung-ho guns, humanoid typhoon, icons, knives, kuronekosama, legato, legato bluesummers, love and peace, manga, meryl, meryl stryfe, midvalley, midvalley the hornfreak, million knives, milly, milly thompson, monev the gale, nicholas d. wolfwood, planet gunsmoke, rem saverem, tongari, trigun, trigun icons, trigun maximum, vash, vash the stampede, wolfwood, yasuhiro nightow. [Modify yours]
Members:151: 0vash0, adriyyah, aki_omoi, angelwolf24, angrybee, anime_obsession, animeddrangel, anqelic_pyro, aoi_neko, arquen_genya, ash_the_stamped, bakasites, banfennid, baudelairviolet, beauty_x_love, black_dragon748, black_pirate, black_rose7, brainfuneral, break_my_dream, butterballs, buttercup0222, candyswirlz, casual__lies, celestial_curse, chibikazz, clytemnaestra, colormelifeless, crazy_kat_chan, crazyparadise, crisis_addict, dark_fire18, darknedchivalry, de_yaten, demonsquirrel, desafinada13, distilledpoison, doxicon, elf3748, elite_stoat, expired__blood, ezra_, fadingembers, finnedartist, flammable___cat, forsaken_fae, genkibara, godeurden, gratefulxoxo, greyvorfeed, gunsncigarettes, ickieshada, invader88, inverted_being, ironpuncher2, jaina, jerica, joesephine_26, k4pt4in, kait_sith, kataki_tenshi, katjerime, kawakonoryuu, kenzier, kimbo_demonica, kisaka, kittengrin, kitty_kelleh, kittyfo, kittymog, knives_gurl, krymsnengyle, kuroneko_sama_, kyteaura, lalieth, lilithisbitter, lranuh, maiwheeler2288, makochan, maya_slash, mediocre_icons, millyfan, miss_t87, missandrony, morbid_forlorn, musikmakezmehi, nefariouskitten, nolifellama, noroi_katie, nuklear_firefly, only_a_equation, oranj_jooce, oxintoxicatedox, peppyannie, perfumed_kiss, pixel_addict, pokemastersan, psykaos42, radiojedi, randomego, renocicilia, rosehiptea, sadikrain, senseir, shadowsblade, shardd, silver_arm, silverstarmysts, silverstrife, sirpuna, sleepless_13tig, smoking_bubbles, snapdragon76, snuzzie, spiritfaerie, squallsgirl, starsofhearts, starstruck_16, sunnyrea, sweetjackie182, takip_silim, taurusbombshell, taylorannekay, the_bashar, the_great_raiku, the_maha, thedevillibcraz, thesillyfilly, tragicoblivion, twentyfive, twoleftfeet, undeadmiko, vappa, vash_thestampde, vashachu, vashchan, vashmojo, vashysgirl, vengeance_cross, virusq, whoo05, windmaiden, wolfspring, wrath_of_kikyou, xblue_euphoriax, xenia, xnever_againx, your_downfall, yozorame, yuffers, zanarkanddreams
Watched by:128: 0vash0, adriyyah, aki_omoi, angel_eastwind, angelwolf24, angrybee, anime_obsession, animeddrangel, anqelic_pyro, aoi_neko, arquen_genya, banfennid, beauty_x_love, black_dragon748, black_pirate, black_rose7, brainfuneral, break_my_dream, buttercup0222, celestial_curse, chibikazz, clytemnaestra, colormelifeless, crazy_kat_chan, crazyparadise, crisis_addict, dark_fire18, das_deke, dawnsshadow, de_yaten, demonsquirrel, desafinada13, distilledpoison, domlovesbilly, duo_maxwell1614, elite_stoat, ezra_, fadingembers, finnedartist, flammable___cat, godeurden, gratefulxoxo, gunsncigarettes, ickieshada, invader88, inverted_being, ironpuncher2, jaina, jerica, joesephine_26, k4pt4in, kait_sith, kataki_tenshi, katjerime, kimbo_demonica, kisaka, kitty_kelleh, kittyfo, kittymog, klutz_chan, knives_gurl, krymsnengyle, kuroneko_sama_, kyteaura, lady_karasu, lalieth, lilithisbitter, lranuh, maiwheeler2288, makochan, maya_slash, mediocre_icons, millyfan, miss_t87, morbid_forlorn, musikmakezmehi, mysticaldreams4, nefariouskitten, nolifellama, noroi_katie, oranj_jooce, peppyannie, pokemastersan, psykaos42, radiojedi, randomego, ratmthnder, rosehiptea, sadikrain, senseir, shadowsblade, shardd, silver_arm, sirpuna, skeeky_spoot, sleepless_13tig, smoking_bubbles, snapdragon76, snuzzie, spiritfaerie, squallsgirl, starsofhearts, starstruck_16, sunnyrea, takip_silim, taylorannekay, teh_roxxorz, the_bashar, the_great_raiku, the_maha, thedevillibcraz, thesillyfilly, twentyfive, twoleftfeet, vash_thestampde, vashachu, vashxstampede60, vashysgirl, vengeance_cross, virusq, windmaiden, wrath_of_kikyou, xblue_euphoriax, xenia, your_downfall, yozorame, yuffers, zanarkanddreams
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