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Fuck. Why are my moods so easily ruined lately?

God, I'm pathetic.

On a slightly related note, here's a delayed New Year's Resolution.

I'm not dating anyone again. For a very, very long time. And I am 150% serious. Love is fucking bullshit. Fuck you, Valentine's Day. Fuck you, love. Fuck dating in the bum.

And I wish my fucking nape would heal.

What's wrong today?: pissed off and cynical pissed off and cynical
What the hell am I listening to?: Ace of Base - Don't Turn Around
Yesterday was catch up with being a semi-good friend day.

I did get to sleep in, which was exceedingly nice.

Then Marshall and I hung out for a bit before he had work. Watched the heavily edited 'Big Lebowski'. Lol.

Then I went out for food with Melissa, Carleena, and Mike.

Visited Tom and EMU Dan at Fun4All. ^__^

Hung out more with Melissa. Did some secrect shopping. ;P

Spent the rest of the evening with Dan. It was a lot of fun. :] Also saw Milk! :D Congrats to Johnathan for his 200th AAA.

Work was much better today. I actually got to do things involving animals. Woo. And I found out I don't have to work til 7 tomorrow. I get to work til 2. :D This makes me excited.

Valentine's Day is depressing me. I hate this douchebag 'holiday'.

This makes me happy inside. )

'I missed the part where you say, "I love you too".'

What's wrong today?: tired tired
What the hell am I listening to?: The Junos - Lorelei

I hope my job gets better with time. I can't wait til the shitty training is done. I spent two and a half hours today shovelling snow from the walkways around the building. And then I dusted and did laundry. I don't need training in any of these areas. Thanks. I'm pretty sure I mentioned that I've been working with animals since I was thirteen, but hey, whatever. At least it is a job in what I am trained to do. And I will work as hard as I can.

I dislocated my finger today while unloading the dishwasher. Don't ask me how, but it hurt. Not really thinking about it, I simply popped the sucker back into place. No lie.

Things with Patrick aren't looking so good.

I'm worried about Carleena.

I'm worried about Julie. I miss Deanna and Jess. It hurts me that they don't ever try to return my phonecalls.

I miss Jil.

I'm worried so much about my mom.

I feel lately that I just can't seem to get anything right. I feel bad for relying so heavily on Mike and Melissa, I feel like I disrupt their lives. I feel like a not good friend. I have been neglecting people I care about. I barely see Dan anymore. I barely see my little brother anymore. I barely see Marshall anymore. Martin and I have drifted apart. Todd and I have drifted apart. ;_;

Last year didn't go at all how I wanted it to. And this year isn't exactly starting off fantastically. I wish there was some easy way to fix my financial problems. I wish there was some easy way to fix my shambles that has become my life. But there isn't. And I feel like I'm stuck. I just don't know why I stink at this so badly.

And I don't know when I became such a poor friend. I love my friends. You guys, and those friends that don't have access to this journal, are the most important parts of my life. And I am sorry I have neglected you guys.

I didn't realize it was EMU Dan's birthday yesterday. I feel like such a shithead. When I call Dan my little brother, I mean it. He's the closest thing to real family that I've ever had and he means the world to me. I miss him. I'm a poor older sister.

Sorry I forgot your birthday. :/

Blah. This Winter is discouraging.

What's wrong today?: uncomfortable uncomfortable
What the hell am I listening to?: A Perfect Circle - Lullaby

Argh. Today could have been so much better on a billion different levels. I am just vaguely disappointed (or moreso) in almost everything lately. I realize that most of my life has been spent -surviving-. Shit happens, I tough it out. I drag myself kicking and screaming through it. Just one more scar on my tattered hide. I expect the bad things.

I'd really like to stop surviving, and start living. I mean, hell, if I don't start now, exactly when will I? I want good things.

Thank goodness for my friends, at least I can claim to be somewhat sane.

I knew I should have just stayed home, played FFXI, and went to bed early. I need to incooperate no into my vocabulary.

What's wrong today?: frustrated frustrated
What the hell am I listening to?: None.

Meh. Meh. Meh.

I hope this all starts to make some sort of sense soon.

What's wrong today?: restless restless
What the hell am I listening to?: Nada Surf - Treehouse

I'm not sure why I'm in such a funk. Well I guess I have an idea or two billion. But it sucks a little bit.

Plus, my legs huuuuuurt.

I can't wait for this weekend.

I'm too tired to really update. Le sigh.

New LJ icons.

What's wrong today?: exhausted exhausted
What the hell am I listening to?: A Perfect Circle - Imagine

I felt like really updating. Today was great. Things have been nice lately.

I went over to [info]dlipert's around noonish earlier today after we decided to do some hanging out. I really miss spending time with him. Things are just so confusing sometimes. We just ended up playing a bunch of video games and walking around and gettting some food. And of course talking about FFXI. Hehe.

Then when I got home, [info]melzme invited me to come over and chill. I decided to. Her and Mike were having a rather poopy day, and I didn't want that. We ended up just hanging out and playing Trivial Pursuite, the 90's Edition. Man I'm retarded. Haha. Carleena and her daughter ended up leaving early. It was a lot of fun.

I'm feeling thoughtful lately, but a lot of it I can't put into words. And a lot of it I can't really share with anyone.

I'm excited about starting my new job. I hope this is a sign of better things to come this year.

I just hope that things work out the way they are supposed to. It would be so much easier if my destiny was already planned out. Life is hard work.

I suppose we'll just have to see.

What's wrong today?: thoughtful thoughtful
What the hell am I listening to?: Duran Duran - Still Breathing
To All Who Were Curious...

I am now employed at the Ann Arbor Animal Hospital. ^^

I feel so much better about a lot right now.

I've had a good couple of days, and I hope to have some more in the same vein.

P.S. I love FFXI.

And a bit of cam-whoring... )
And I really wanna play WoW... >_>

What's wrong today?: pleased pleased
What the hell am I listening to?: Ani Difranco - Glass House
Note To Self:

Stop leaving your damn septum out! It hurts like a bitch to keep stretching up from 8ga to 6ga.


Ow. )

(I will actually update tonight)

What's wrong today?: bouncy bouncy
What the hell am I listening to?: Jealous Sound - Above The Waves

Okay. I just watched 28 Days Later again, and it's fucking awesome. God I love that movie.

And Jesus Christ is Cillian Murphy hot.

I'll take some of that please.

What's wrong today?: frisky frisky
What the hell am I listening to?: None. Shhhhh.

Ganked. )

What's wrong today?: blah blah
What the hell am I listening to?: Duran Duran - Still Breathing

I like this picture of me. )

Besides that, I ache like a son of a bitch.

I hung out with people that I really missed yesterday and that was a lot of fun. Yesterday was a very pleasant day. ^^

Hopefully today will also be pleasant.

What's wrong today?: bored bored
What the hell am I listening to?: None. Don't want to wake the Toddles.

I've had a rather poor day. Lost my cell phone. Fell down some stairs. Had a mini nervous breakdown.

I'm tired now. But I did find my cellphone again. Mike rulez.

I ache terribly and I think I may have sprained a finger. Maybe. It hurts enough.

Hahaha... Hah. Shoulda went to the damn pre-release. :P

Thank goodness for FFXI and awesome friends.

What's wrong today?: sore sore
What the hell am I listening to?: Jealous Sound - The Gift Horse

All right. I saw Ichi the Killer finally. And all I have to say, besides how delightfully gruesome it is, is that:

Kakihara is totally hot. <3

/em drools.

What's wrong today?: flirty flirty
What the hell am I listening to?: Jealous Sound - Track 2


What's wrong today?: devious devious
What the hell am I listening to?: Jealous Sound - Anxious Arms


I had my second interview. I think it went well. It really made me realize how much I totally miss working with animals. I really hope I get this job. I should get a call back Monday or Tuesday. So here's hoping. ^^

Other than that, nothing is really new. I got a bit of bad news, but I don't really feel like elaborating on it.

I've been hanging out with friends a lot, and I love you guys all so much! XD

Greg's infected hand was truly gross in person. :p Whatever any of you do, do not touch fratboys.

And things are good with Patrick. ^^

What's wrong today?: content content
What the hell am I listening to?: Duran Duran - Point Of No Return

All right. I need to see House of Flying Daggers... IN ENGLISH. So I can know what the hell is going on. But it looks really fucking awesome, nonetheless.

Also, ugh, I've been sucked into 4chan, IRC. Haha.

What's wrong today?: frisky frisky
What the hell am I listening to?: Duran Duran - Want You More

My interview went really well. ^^ I have a second one tomorrow. Glee. I hope I get a job.

I am also very unimpressed with A Perfect Circle's latest album.

I enjoy Duran Duran's new album.

I am of two minds about Bjork's new album.

I know I will love Fantomas' new album, if it will ever download. >_

What's wrong today?: groggy groggy
What the hell am I listening to?: A Perfect Circle - People Are People
How appropriate.

You Are 23 Years Old


Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

This is for you, [info]toxicinsanity. <3

A creepy monkey. )

What's wrong today?: goofy goofy
What the hell am I listening to?: Denali - Function
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