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Friday, June 6th, 2003 | 7:34 am |
WAH!! Hah, School's out!! I had my last final tuesday, the last day of school wednesday, and my first day of summer yesterday!! It's all good. Trouble with the girlfriend, in the sense that she's leaving state in a month and all her friends hate me and wish I was dead. When she leaves, my odds of dating will be very low. Like, LOW!!! Like the prices at Walmart, or something. Even lower. Yeah. But the school's bringing in new girls, so maybe I can show one of them I'm not so bad before she's scared away by what all the other girls tell her. Ah well. I can live. How ya'll doing? Current Mood: good | Tuesday, May 27th, 2003 | 6:38 pm |
oops.... As Ray so aptly put it, I've stopped using my journal. Why?
Well....I kinda forgot. Sorry.
Anyway!! Lots of stuff has been going on. I missed Sakura Con 03 cause I was going to Japan, which was way cool. I spent way more money than I should have, bought lots of manga, and am currently working on translating some Naruto manga. It's hard!!!!
I have finals day after tommorow, so I'm studying hard.
I got a new girlfriend. I also broke up with her and got back together with her in the space of a week. Laura missed it, she was in tennesee.
I'm still playing Magic avidly, it's lots of fun. yeah.
When I think of something else to say, I'll say it. | Tuesday, December 24th, 2002 | 8:01 pm |
Merry Christmas, all. I had a magic tournament at my house a couple days ago, and it was pretty entertaining. I came in second out of seven, which isn't too bad. I also discovered that my dance pad actually works now, so I've been playing a lot of DDR. I can almost pass Matsuri Japan on Maniac (9 feet), but not quite. I'll get there eventually. I made gingerbread houses, and KJ came over to help. That was fun, and we had an interesting discussion about satanic weasels and what they were doing on top of my sister's house. Not much else to say. Tommorow, I'll post a list saying what I got, just cause I can. Current Mood: fullCurrent Music: Christmas Carols - Silent Night | Friday, December 20th, 2002 | 12:39 pm |
That was odd.... So. My parents are off dealing with new house stuff. I'm home with my sister, who's upstairs cleaning her room so she can go caroling later today. The phone rings. I pick it up, and say, "Hello?". Nothing happens. Hello? I hear this voice. "May I speak to....MR. BUTTSI? (a gross mispronuciation of our last name. This can't be somebody we know well.). I'm home alone, so I say, "No, I'm sorry. He's very busy right now, can I take a message? A pause. "MRS BUTTSI, PLEASE". "I'm sorry, she's also very busy. Can I take a message?" A pause. "NO, I'M CALLING FROM CANADA. IT'S VERY EXPENSIVE, I'LL CALL BACK LATER." "O...kay." So my parents call back a little later on their cell. I told them about the call, and they didn't know anything about it. It was very odd. The only people I know who are canadian are Kyle, NP, the Marshes, and Rob. Kyle would just ask for Greg, because he's my classmate. I seriously doubt NidoPrincess knows my phonenumber, and even if she did, I don't think she would ask for my parents. Would you? Nah, you would want to speak to me. You don't know my parents. The Marshes would just ask for Paul, Paula, or Emily, because they're good friends of the family. Rob would just ask for Paul. The only other option I can think of is that it was one of my friends trying to freak me out, but it would have picked them up on the caller ID. It just said "Unknown Call", and it doesn't do that for my friends. It was kinda freaky, to be honest. On a happier note: I'm now out of school for about three weeks, since I'm on Winter Break. I had my last final (Geometry) yesterday, it went well, I'm fairly sure I got an A, I'm happy, Christmas is in five days, I'm learning how to snowboard, I'm holding a magic tournament tommorow, I have nothing else to say. Blah. Current Mood: pensive | Wednesday, December 18th, 2002 | 7:28 pm |
Well, exams are almost over. I've just got my geometry final tommorow, then I'm out. After my final, I go to Mini Mountain for a snowboarding lesson (Snowboarding is hella cool, I've decided). I'm going on Skibus this year with my friends, so I'm learning how to snowboard so I won't just be standing there.
Gah, politics are so complex. Not real world politics, but school. A friend of mine (Rita, for all the overlakers who read this), recentally told Eric that she likes him, but the feeling doesn't appear to be recipricol. It suprised me, to say the least. In any case, Rita is well aware that I would greatly enjoy it if she was my girlfriend. I can now safely say that I'm mostly over Kara. Rita told me that she was going on a trip for christmas and when she got back, she would know if she's willing to try a relationship with me. The only sucky part about it is that she's leaving at the end of this school year to transfer to a different school. I figure that any memories I can get are better than no memories at all.
On Saturday, I'm holding a magic booster draft tournament, and Kara, Chris K, Laura, Dustin, Eric W, and some other folks are coming. It should be fun, I'm looking forward to it.
I played Soul Reaver today, the first one. It's a pretty cool game, actually. I like the idea of a vampire going around eating souls by creating this vaccum thing. It was so funny, I was sneaking up behind this dude and I had a spear, and KJ was like, "Okay, now start beating the crap out of him", and I said, " Can't I just hit F (impale)?" and I did, and I impaled the guy and I'm like, Holy shit!! It startled me so bad. And KJ was like, "Yeah. You could do that too."
Nothing else to say. Jaa | Saturday, December 14th, 2002 | 1:27 pm |
Wah. I'm almost halfway done with my studio art final project. That's good, it gives me lots of time over finals week to finish it up. I have final next week, so stressed. Not really, only my Japanese final has me really scared. But then, it always scares me...brrr....sensei can be so freaky sometimes, and I keep on hearing horror stories on how the japanese three final last year, the average grade was like, below 50%. If I did that bad on something now, my parents would SOOO kill me. It goes on my record, and I would lose all my privilages and all that stuff...scary. Yesterday, I went to a birthday party for KJ. It was pretty fun. We all gave her cash, and took her to Anime Kingdom where she spent about half of it. we dominated the store, it was so funny. The clerk was an otaku, so we talked with her a lot. I bought a little kenshin figurine, and it was soooo funny. I was trying to figure out which one was Saitou, so I looked at all the pictures and I was like, "Okay. Saitou is bigger than all the others, so he's gonna be the heaviest, except for maybe Sano." So I went and started trying to weigh all the figures in my hands, and the clerk was laughing so I told her it was a huge emotional commitment for me. I didn't get saitou, by the way. It was kenshin. I opened it, and I'm like, NOOOO!!!! then I got better. So now Kenshin is standing next to my figures of Miroku, Inu-Yasha, and Sango, and my tiny little Shippo plushie. I'm collecting figurines, now. It's fun. I also got the cowboy bebop Blue cd, which is pretty cool. And I got volume four of Maison Ikkoku. I swear, AK is the best place to buy anime stuff in Washington. It's all anime, so all the people they hire are otaku. I gave my mom some titles, and she went and got exactly what I wanted without knowing what it was. The people who work there know what they talk about. It's really cool. I wanna work there summer after next, when it's legal for me to get a job. jaa Greg Current Mood: accomplishedCurrent Music: Blue - Cowboy Bebop | Tuesday, December 10th, 2002 | 7:05 pm |
Wah, I'm updating my journal again. This time, I have actual stuff to tell you!! I went to a party to the local arcade this weekend, and I stayed and played DDR till about 4, even though the party ended at 2. It was lots of fun, actually. I discovered that if you really want to improve on doubles in DDR, you need to play DDR USA versus mode by yourself. Your leg strength becomes incredible, and you learn how to keep great track of where you are on the pad. Do a simple song, or you'll fail instantly. You can't hit any of the combo steps unless you have good arm strength, too. It really impresses people when you do it, even those show-off chinese people who do Maniac while juggling (Somebody did this at the arcade, I kid you not.) and get perfect scores. IN YO FACE!! I also made a friend. I was sucking on DDR, and a girl named Zara got on and started playing. Since I was doing so bad, I got on the pad next to her and started practicing the song she was playing. When she finished, I was like, "I'm just practicing. I hope you don't mind." and she was like, "um....who are you??" So it was fun. She's nice, but she's so young. Like, sixth grade. haha, I remember sixth grade. Most of my friends are from sixth grade, actually. Kara, KJ, Laura...That's also the year I got into anime. Anyway, that's not what I came to talk about. Came to talk about the draft. There's a building in New York, called White hall street.... No, I didn't come to tell you about the draft, either (You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaraunt. AND, Shrink.... I wanna kill. I mean, I wanna, I wanna kill) In april, my school does this project week thing, where we go and do stuff outside the classroom. Go on a trip, mostly. It's when my school does the exchange. Since I'm in Japanese, I signed up for the Japanese exchange, and I got on. I'm going to Japan for about 10 days, 12 nights. It sounds like a lot of fun. Plus I have my birthday while I'm gone, so everybody needs to spend lots of money on me. KJ, that means you. So I'm really happy about that...yeah. That's what I came to tell you about. Current Mood: happyCurrent Music: Ordinary World - DDR | Sunday, December 8th, 2002 | 7:41 pm |
Name ]: Gregory Tristram Butzi [ Nicknames ]: Greg, Guy, Greg-san. [ Born in ]: Kirkland, WA [ Resides in ]: Woodinville, WA [ Good student? ]: Mostly... [ Eyes ]: Brown [ Hair ]: About shoulder length, curly, brown [ Shoe size ]: I dunno. I took off the tag. 256 Japanese, or something like that. Last time you.. [ Had a nightmare ]: A loooong time ago. [ Said "I love you" and meant it ]: mm...probably to my parents today. Outside of family...two years ago, to my ex-girlfriend. [ Ate at McDonald's ]: A looong time ago. Sometime in the beginning of the year, I think. [ Dyed your hair ]: Last april. I put washable dye in it for Sakura Con. [ Brushed your hair ]: a couple hours ago. I wanted to tie my hair back, and it works best after I brush it. [ Washed your hair ]: Last night. [ Checked your e-mail ]: bout an hour ago. [ Cried ]: maybe a month ago? I was having a really bad day... [ Called someone ]: About half an hour ago. [ Smiled ]: An hour and a half ago. I was playing DDR. [ Laughed ]: An hour and a half ago. I was sucking at DDR. [ Talked to an ex ]: Today. I was at a party, and Kara-chan was also invited. Do You... [ Smoke? ]: Never will. [ Do drugs? ]: Never will. [ Have sex? ]: Not until I'm married. Or at least in college.! [ Sleep with stuffed animals? ]: Uh-huh. [ Have a dream that keeps coming back? ]: Nah. [ Play an instrument? ]: Trumpet. A little piano. A little drums. I sing a bit, too. and a tiny bit of guitar. [ Believe there is life on other planets? ]: Probably. [ Remember your first love? ]: mm-hmmmm. [ Still love him/her? ]: mm-hmmmmm. [ Read the newspaper? ]: Sometimes.... [ Have any straight friends? ]: You mean in sexual oriantation? yeah. I also have a gay one. He's pretty cool, too. [ Consider love a mistake? ]: Not really...it just hurts like hell. [ Like the taste of alcohol? ]: It's an aqquired taste. I haven't aquired it yet. (I was in Italy at the time. It was legal. I had a small glass of wine. Lay off.) [ Believe in God? ]: Not really.. [ Pray? ]: Nope. [ Go to church? ]: Nope. [ Have any secrets? ]: Some. [ Have any pets ]: A golden retriever named Kodak. My dad's a photographer. [ Talk to strangers who instant message you]: I don't get that many strangers on IM. [ Wear hats? ]: Yeah. I have this cute bear hat that I wear to school right now. It's my ghetto hat ^^. [ Have any piercings? ]: Nope. I might pierce my ear eventually... [ Have any tattoos? ]: Nope. [ Hate yourself? ]: Only when Kara cries. [ Have an obsession? ]: I'm an otaku. That's the definition of obsession. [ Have a secret crush? ]: It's sort of secret. Rita knows that I still like Kara, and she knows that I like her too. Big secret, now... [ Collect anything? ]: Magic card, and Anime stuff. [ Have a best friend? ]: Two. KJ and Laura. Rita's a great person too, and everybody else is still pretty cool. [ Like your handwriting? ]: I do, actually. It's pretty neat and legible. [ Have any bad habits? ]: Not really... [ Care about looks? ]: Mine, yeah. I try to look nice, I try to keep my hair in order. Otherwise I look like a slob, or a really ugly woman, instead of a feminine guy. [ Boy/girlfriend's looks? ]: If I had a girlfriend, I would want her to look nice.... [ Friends and other people? ]: It's harder to talk to them when their personal appearance is crappy, so yeah, sorta. [ Believe in witches? ]: a little. [ Believe in Satan? ]: Nope. [ Believe in ghosts? ]: A little. Current: [ Dress ]: Brown courdoroys, white socks, my timex watch, my japenese class t-shirt, a black hairband. And my silver ring. [ Mood ]: Content. [ Make-up ]: None. That would make me look more like a girl than I already do. [ Music ]: Nothing right now... [ Taste ]: Pizza. It's what's for dinner. [ Hair ]: Tied back in a loos ponytail. [ Annoyance ]: People who call me gay, people who call me a woman, people who take my stuff. [ Smell ]: Myself. I'm sweaty from playing lots of DDR. [ Thought ]: The DDR song Waka Laka. Also, my opinions of people in my class. [ Book ]: Cryptonomicon. [ Fingernail Color ]: Natural. [ Refreshment ]: Eggnog. [ Worry ]: How finals will go. [ Crush ]: Got one on Kara, One on Rita. [ Favorite Celebrity ]: mmm...I dunno. Carey Elwes, I guess. Don't even know if I spelled his name right... Last Person: [ You Touched ]: Zara. I met her at Illuzions (NOT LIKE THAT!!) [ You Talked to ]: My Mom. [ You Hugged ]: IRL: My mom, I guess. [ You Instant messaged ]: um...Evan, I think. [ You Yelled At ]: Probably Blake, when he was screwing with my box last month. [ You Had A Crush On ]: Kara/Rita. Isn't this redundant? [ Who Broke Your Heart ]: Kara. [ Kissed ]: N/A. It's so sad... Who do you want to: [ Kill ]: Right now, nobody. Probably Blake, if he touches my stuff. [ Slap ]: Blake, if he touches my stuff. [ Tickle ]: Kara. You get the same reaction as Rita, but I told Rita that I wouldn't tickle her. [ Talk To ]: Probably Kara. I should get our relationship (Non existant) cleared up, but I probably won't. Last time, she started to cry and I felt like shit for a week, plus lots of people got mad at me. I'm nervous about talking to her. [ Be Like ]: Myself, I guess. I'm happy the way I am. Current Mood: content | 7:40 pm |
Name ]: Gregory Tristram Butzi [ Nicknames ]: Greg, Guy, Greg-san. [ Born in ]: Kirkland, WA [ Resides in ]: Woodinville, WA [ Good student? ]: Mostly... [ Eyes ]: Brown [ Hair ]: About shoulder length, curly, brown [ Shoe size ]: I dunno. I took off the tag. 256 Japanese, or something like that. Last time you.. [ Had a nightmare ]: A loooong time ago. [ Said "I love you" and meant it ]: mm...probably to my parents today. Outside of family...two years ago, to my ex-girlfriend. [ Ate at McDonald's ]: A looong time ago. Sometime in the beginning of the year, I think. [ Dyed your hair ]: Last april. I put washable dye in it for Sakura Con. [ Brushed your hair ]: a couple hours ago. I wanted to tie my hair back, and it works best after I brush it. [ Washed your hair ]: Last night. [ Checked your e-mail ]: bout an hour ago. [ Cried ]: maybe a month ago? I was having a really bad day... [ Called someone ]: About half an hour ago. [ Smiled ]: An hour and a half ago. I was playing DDR. [ Laughed ]: An hour and a half ago. I was sucking at DDR. [ Talked to an ex ]: Today. I was at a party, and Kara-chan was also invited. Do You... [ Smoke? ]: Never will. [ Do drugs? ]: Never will. [ Have sex? ]: Not until I'm married. Or at least in college.! [ Sleep with stuffed animals? ]: Uh-huh. [ Have a dream that keeps coming back? ]: Nah. [ Play an instrument? ]: Trumpet. A little piano. A little drums. I sing a bit, too. and a tiny bit of guitar. [ Believe there is life on other planets? ]: Probably. [ Remember your first love? ]: mm-hmmmm. [ Still love him/her? ]: mm-hmmmmm. [ Read the newspaper? ]: Sometimes.... [ Have any straight friends? ]: You mean in sexual oriantation? yeah. I also have a gay one. He's pretty cool, too. [ Consider love a mistake? ]: Not really...it just hurts like hell. [ Like the taste of alcohol? ]: It's an aqquired taste. I haven't aquired it yet. (I was in Italy at the time. It was legal. I had a small glass of wine. Lay off.) [ Believe in God? ]: Not really.. [ Pray? ]: Nope. [ Go to church? ]: Nope. [ Have any secrets? ]: Some. [ Have any pets ]: A golden retriever named Kodak. My dad's a photographer. [ Talk to strangers who instant message you]: I don't get that many strangers on IM. [ Wear hats? ]: Yeah. I have this cute bear hat that I wear to school right now. It's my ghetto hat ^^. [ Have any piercings? ]: Nope. I might pierce my ear eventually... [ Have any tattoos? ]: Nope. [ Hate yourself? ]: Only when Kara cries. [ Have an obsession? ]: I'm an otaku. That's the definition of obsession. [ Have a secret crush? ]: It's sort of secret. Rita knows that I still like Kara, and she knows that I like her too. Big secret, now... [ Collect anything? ]: Magic card, and Anime stuff. [ Have a best friend? ]: Two. KJ and Laura. Rita's a great person too, and everybody else is still pretty cool. [ Like your handwriting? ]: I do, actually. It's pretty neat and legible. [ Have any bad habits? ]: Not really... [ Care about looks? ]: Mine, yeah. I try to look nice, I try to keep my hair in order. Otherwise I look like a slob, or a really ugly woman, instead of a feminine guy. [ Boy/girlfriend's looks? ]: If I had a girlfriend, I would want her to look nice.... [ Friends and other people? ]: It's harder to talk to them when their personal appearance is crappy, so yeah, sorta. [ Believe in witches? ]: a little. [ Believe in Satan? ]: Nope. [ Believe in ghosts? ]: A little. Current: [ Dress ]: Brown courdoroys, white socks, my timex watch, my japenese class t-shirt, a black hairband. And my silver ring. [ Mood ]: Content. [ Make-up ]: None. That would make me look more like a girl than I already do. [ Music ]: Nothing right now... [ Taste ]: Pizza. It's what's for dinner. [ Hair ]: Tied back in a loos ponytail. [ Annoyance ]: People who call me gay, people who call me a woman, people who take my stuff. [ Smell ]: Myself. I'm sweaty from playing lots of DDR. [ Thought ]: The DDR song Waka Laka. Also, my opinions of people in my class. [ Book ]: Cryptonomicon. [ Fingernail Color ]: Natural. [ Refreshment ]: Eggnog. [ Worry ]: How finals will go. [ Crush ]: Got one on Kara, One on Rita. [ Favorite Celebrity ]: mmm...I dunno. Carey Elwes, I guess. Don't even know if I spelled his name right... Last Person: [ You Touched ]: Zara. I met her at Illuzions (NOT LIKE THAT!!) [ You Talked to ]: My Mom. [ You Hugged ]: IRL: My mom, I guess. [ You Instant messaged ]: um...Evan, I think. [ You Yelled At ]: Probably Blake, when he was screwing with my box last month. [ You Had A Crush On ]: Kara/Rita. Isn't this redundant? [ Who Broke Your Heart ]: Kara. [ Kissed ]: N/A. It's so sad... Who do you want to: [ Kill ]: Right now, nobody. Probably Blake, if he touches my stuff. [ Slap ]: Blake, if he touches my stuff. [ Tickle ]: Kara. You get the same reaction as Rita, but I told Rita that I wouldn't tickle her. [ Talk To ]: Probably Kara. I should get our relationship (Non existant) cleared up, but I probably won't. Last time, she started to cry and I felt like shit for a week, plus lots of people got mad at me. I'm nervous about talking to her. [ Be Like ]: Myself, I guess. I'm happy the way I am. Current Mood: content | Friday, December 6th, 2002 | 6:56 am |
GAHH...I'm losing grip on my journal.... I need to update more often, I know. I'm sorry....I'll try and do daily updates. If I don't, then I forget or put it off...grrr.... Lesse. I got back from Delaware, which was a great trip. I got to see some pretty cool people, and we talked, and I learned ways that my dad grifted Vending Machines in College (WHICH IS VERY WRONG, AND I SHOULDN'T DO IT!!) and I saw the new Harry Potter movie, which was passable. They cut some important lines, but I think they're expecting everybody to have read the books already, so they know exactly what happens. I dunno, that's just my theory. I'm the official Background Designer for Black Hair (KuroKami), the animated film that me and my friends are doing. We also have a Sound guy, who goes and chooses the voices (which the director has already done) and chooses the songs (which the director has already done), but he gets in the credits anyway. Mostly because the Director is also the Main Animator, (It's hard for us to help her, cause we don't draw the same way she does.) and she has a lot of work already. I'm going to push for her to let me do all the animations of the background, cause that's what part of my job should be. I'll talk to her today, she'll probably say yes.... I'm going to a party on sunday, at the local arcade which is 45 minutes away. It sucks, there isn't ANYTHING closer. It's over in the 'Quah, but I live in the 'Ville, so it takes a while. Plus I have to get my parents to drive me....Oh well, it should be fun. Gotta go!! Current Mood: anxiousCurrent Music: christmas stuff | Wednesday, November 13th, 2002 | 1:07 pm |
Bah...I'm leaving on a trip tommorow. I'll be going to Delaware to visit my grandparents, and we'll spend thanksgiving with some college friends of my parents. I've met them a lot before, and they're pretty cool folks. I think it's be fun.
School will harsh, cause I've got some stuff I need to email to my teachers in the middle of the week, but I'll get it done. I've got lots of time on the plane.
Relationships with my classmates? Pretty wierd. I've discovered that I can talk with Kara, as long as the subject is something other than us. I've started to tease her about how she desperatly wants one of my friends, and she's trying to get me together with the girl he likes so she can seduce him and make wild, passionate love on a shag rug in front of a roaring fire during a stormy night in a small cottage in front of lake chelan. She responded by saying that she was plotting my doom, and that I would have the cottage booked for the girl she's trying to get me together with. It's pretty funny, actually.
Katy, you don't want to know about the dance. Trust me.
Jaa, minna san.
Greg | Tuesday, November 12th, 2002 | 10:00 am |
W00t!! This is my first post with a offline posting program. Haha...I'm so tech savvy. Anyway!! I finally got my laptop back, and it works, but the hard drive was wiped, so I lost all my crap. Oh well, I have lots of free space to fill up again. I had a school dance, which was fun. It was kinda disturbing (Lap dances), but I fired off some emails and got it all cleared up, so I understand what was going on now. It was odd. I had a big long thing to post, but LJ skitzed out when I tried to post it, and I lost it, and I'm too lazy to go and retype it. Sorry. Jaa Greg Current Mood: accomplishedCurrent Music: None | Thursday, October 24th, 2002 | 8:51 pm |
I don't wanna beta test anymore... I'm never gonna beta test anything for Microsoft...look at what you get.
Is there going to be a beta test?
In fact, there is. About 10,000 Xbox owners will be selected to participate in the beta test of Xbox Live beginning in late August. They'll have to pay $49.99 for the XBL starter kit just like everybody else, but the first 2-3 months of their Xbox Live experience will be free. The 12-months of service included in the starter kit doesn't start until November 15, so September and October of 2002 will be gratis. NFL Fever 2003 will be the first game testers will have to play, but Microsoft has plans to increase the number of beta testers and the library of test games throughout the early fall until November 15. Testers will also receive an orange, limited edition beta tester "man bag" or "he-purse" as a token of Microsoft's appreciation.
I don't think I want a "Man Bag" or "He-Purse". It sounds vaguely perverted. You walk up to somebody on the street and say, "Hey. Wanna see what's in my Man Bag?" I think that's a good way to get slapped. "Just let me check my He-Purse...". See what I mean? Plus, all the carrying devices are BRIGHT ORANGE. God save us all....
Ray is sick, so I haven't called her about getting together for Tolo and such. I'll do that tommorow, I promise. Honest.... | Friday, October 18th, 2002 | 10:44 pm |
Aw.... I'm lonely. Yeah, that was random. I told my friends about my LJ account, and they all bug me cause I post random stuff. Screw them, I'll post whatever I feel like. Kj, you're a BUSU. (And I didn't mean that, so don't kick me tommorow. If you read this. If you don't, then yeah, it's true. Not really.)
I've been trying to find a Paintball field for a team to practice on, but the closest one is like, 45 minutes away. It sucks. There used to be on about 7 minutes away from my house, but it closed a while ago. Dammit...
I went to Illusionz (an arcade in Issaquah, bout 45 minutes away) with some friends of mine today. It was pretty cool. I started playing DDR, and I randomly decided to do it on double, and it was hella cool. I don't know why I played anything else. I also played P3, on hard, which is also hella cool. My friends are jealous cause I'm so damn good...^-^. I don't know why I'm talented for that game, I just am. Ain't I modest!!
Life update! Dance coming up at school, which I probably won't go to. It's the Tolo dance, where the girls ask the boys. Later in the year, our school has Olot, where the boys ask the girls. My ex is going with one of my friends, the one who's trying to start the paintball team. That's kinda harsh for me, but I can deal. I won't get (have) to watch them dance, cause I probably won't be there. I won't go unless somebody asks me, cause I have no desire to go stag at a dance geared towards couples. Even if I did, I would have to wear a jacket. That means that my arm movement is pretty impaired, so I can't dance the way I want to anyway. Why should I waste my time going?
I had an amusing magic game with one of my friends today, but I'll make the summary short since I don't think any of you play.
I couldn't go below 1 life while I had a creature out, and one of my creatures could get protection from any colour. I had a 2/2 she couldn't block, and she had 40 life. I was trying to kill her before she decked me and I ran out of cards in my library. I had 60, she had 105, give or take. It was pretty funny.
I lost, sadly. She managed to destroy the enchantment that kept me alive, and attacked me. So I died. Oh well...
Anyway!! I spent the day socializing with my friends, and now I'm lonely. Bah. | Saturday, October 12th, 2002 | 10:53 am |
Sorry about the break!! Hey, all. I'm sorry about the long hiatus I took from updating my journal.
My laptop busted, and it won't turn on. It doesn't even run on the full battery I have, so I can't use it for anything at all, except a big unwieldy paperweight. I'm using my mom's computer right now.
The paintball thing was infinitely cool. It's like Lasertag, but you really don't want to get shot. It was so cool, in fact, that a friend of mine is putting together a paintball team, which I will most likely be joining. I'll be buying the marker and all that jazz within the next couple weeks, provided we can find a field that we can practice on.
I went to the first school dance on thursday. It was lot of fun, actually. It was a blacklight dance, so all my friends and I wore complete black. We were invisible. We also had illegal amounts of fun with Elmer's glue (which glows green) and highlighter, glows pretty brightly. I did some dancing, which basically consisted of Para Para routines, cause I suck at everything else. I did two of the slow songs with a friend of mine, who is not my Ex. I have reason to believe that my ex was avoiding me, but I sent her email about it, so I'll see how she responds.
As it turns out, I'm not as over her as I thought I was. I saw her dancing with some of my friends, and it hurt like hell.
How long will this take, anyway? Somebody really screwed up when they made the emotion part of my mind. grr...
Nothing else to say, sorry!!
Greg | Friday, October 4th, 2002 | 9:15 pm |
Wahh!! More songs I can't listen too!! This happens every once in a while. I do something, watch a show, play a game. Something really emotional happens, as often does. While this is happening, a song is playing in the background. Of course, I now can't listen to these songs without feeling strong emotions in my heart. yeah, it sounds cheesy. urusai. It first happened with Rakuen, from Trigun. It's in the last volume. I won't tell you what happens, but you'll know it when you see it. blah. I'm listening to peppy DDR music to cheer me up. ::sings along to "Kung Fu Fighting":: song with the funky kung fu groove... That's the first DDR song I ever heard. heh...my friend told me about it, so I leeched it off the net. DC is a useful program in that respect. Direct Connect, if you didn't know that. On a different note!! I am now offically over my ex. I feel nothing at all when I look at her, and I've gone a week without thinking about how much I miss her. if I feel nothing, is that good? I've moved on from grieving, to thinking, "Dammit!! If you had TOLD me that you would break up with me at the beginning of the summer (And she knew, no mistake about that. She told me.), I could have spent the time cultivating a relationship with somebody ELSE!! I actually thought that we would stay together, so I shyed away from things like that. grr..." On a different different note!! I got back yesterday from a cross country meet out past olympia. Left at 12:15, got back at 9. We had a party bus...it was awsome. I came in 16th, out of about 45 odd folk there. I almost beat the next best person on our team. There was a ten second difference between us. I ran the 3.1 mile course in 19:27. That's a kickass time, if you didn't know. Something like a 6:30 mile. Little less than that, I guess. yeah. On yet another different, different, different note!! Tommorow, I go to a friend's birthday party. We goin' paintballing. I'm thinking it'll be fun. Gonna go blow the ass of the guy's brother all to hell. yeah. It's my first time going paintballing in a controlled situation. I did it once before in an uncontrolled situation, when I was acting in a war movie for the film festival. Almost got my head blown off with fireworks. This should be a mite safer. uh huh. nuthin else to say. Jaa!! Current Mood: embarrassedCurrent Music: Final Fantasy VII - Aeris's Theme | Tuesday, October 1st, 2002 | 9:08 pm |
In browsing my friend's posts... I've noticed something.
Rachels appear to make good girlfriends. This is depressing. There are no Rachels in my school, or at least no Rachels in my grade. I do not want a girlfriend outside of my grade.
hmm. I must remedy this problem.
I wonder if Ray is short for Rachel? I'll ask her. Except that Ray doesn't want to see me anymore. She's worried that if she sees me, she'll go all crazy and start stalking me.
Maybe Laura would be my girlfriend. I doubt it...She's all tall, and I'm...not. The relationship would be under attack from our friends the instant it started. Plus I have no idea if she's interested.
This is what I do when I have too much time on my hands. | Thursday, September 26th, 2002 | 7:54 pm |
My week so far. Well, here's an update of my life.
For those who don't know, I'm in Cross Country. Our uniforms are obsene. I swear, female strippers have thongs larger than the shorts they give us. The SPANDEX I wear under my uniform is larger than the shorts they give us.
Anyway. Yesterday, we had our first meet. I was thinking that I would come in 5th or 6th, cause that's where I usually place in practice.
Long story short, I got 4th. I beat another freshman, and a senior. I'm so happy....yay...
hmm...what else happened? I'm gonna go see spirited away tommorow...I'm happy about that two.
mm...um...hm...I dunno.
Did anything else happen? No, I don't think so.
::end:: | Sunday, September 22nd, 2002 | 7:42 pm |
Gomen ne!! Wahh!! I'm sorry!! I had to eat dinner, and then I had to go to bed, then I had a week of school, where they keep me criminally busy. Yesterday, I was busy with stuff. I don't remember what it was, but it kept me pretty damn busy.
Oh yeah...I had...um....damn, I lost it again. AH!! I had a trumpet lesson, then I went to RTC to sell some of my magic cards in a vain attempt to raise 200 bucks in order to buy a ps2, then I had to go have dinner with some of my parent's friends. yeah.
Last sunday, I went to the Aki Matsuri festival, where I spent some of my hard earned cash buying a book on Ninja, and a golden retriever Keychain which I keep on my necklaces.
Okay. Over the week, I had to do some speeches on a personal Narritive, and I also had to do a descriptave speech on the motercycle I want to own when I'm in college. I did an outline on the paper on Stonehenge that I'm doing for history. In math, we studied..stuff...I don't retain my math class.
In Japanese, We're working on the compare function, yori. sensei wa small third world country yori takusan kohi o nomimasu. If you don't know what it means, ask me. I think I did it right. And yes, it's true. I swear, she really does this. It's funny.
I'm gonna try and start up a Go club this year at school, so I sent some email to various people at my school, asking them about it. I think it'll work, which means that I get to go and make an announcement about it in front of the entire upperschool on monday. oh boy. I like speeches, but not that much. bleh. Wish me luck!!
heheh...I'm listening to the legend of zelda song by Rabbit joint...
Link...he come to town... come to save the princess zelda... Ganon took her away... Now the children don't play... but they will when Link saves the day! Hallelujah!!
Link...fill up your hearts... so you can shoot... your sword with power... and when you're feeling all down... the faerie will come around... so you'll be brave... and not a sissy coward...
Now link...has saved the day... put ganon in his grave... so now Zelda is free... and I hear all the day... Link, I think your name will go down in HISTORY!!
It's such a funny song...Sorry, I didn't mean to type up all the lyrics. When the mood overtakes me, I have no willpower.
I got back from a friend's house a couple hours ago. I was helping him pick apples for his cider press. It's this big annual thing his family does. It was lots of fun, but there was this one jerk there.
He was totally overprotective of his brother. He kept on yelling at people who touched the little kid, disreguarding of what he was doing. This was in the bouncy house, just for reference.
The kid jumped on Kevin, my friend. Kevin was having a fight with me, so he tried to get the kid off of him before I jumped on him. I wouldn't have touched him when the kid was there, but Kevin didn't know if I had noticed the extra baggage.
The kid's brother witnesses this VIOLENT ATTACK on his brother. He yanks the kid off of Kevin, and starts yelling at Kev not to attack his brother, don't touch him, blah blah blah. Kevin says, He attacked me first. I was just defending myself. The brother blows up. Obviously, this is a very stupid reason for Kevin to assualt the kid. He yells at Kev how his brother is 5 and people need to be careful around him, disreguarding what he does. Kevin is 15, so he needs to be very pacifistic around this kid. Obviously, Kevin is gay (he actually used the term Fag), and doesn't get this.
Since Kevin is my friend, I leap to his defense. I say that the kid jumped on Kevin first. Even if he's five, he still needs to learn that if he attacks people for no reason, they're gonna defend himself.
Here's the best part. The kid, the one who attacked Kevin? He jumps up on me, yelling in my face, "I'M NOT FIVE!!!!! I'M SIX AND A HALF!!!!!". I pick the kid off of me, and the brother rounds on me, yelling guess what?
Meanwhile, battle has ceased raging around us; everybody is watching us talk (Him scream at us) to each other.
I asked him how I was attacking his brother, he said that kevin was. Obviously, since I'm his friend, I must participate in the same gay (he used fag again) actions. He never quite explained how he made the leap of logic that we're both fags, though.
Basically, the brother was allowed to do anything he wanted, and the only person who was allowed to touch him was the older kid, who was constantly grabbing the little guy and throwing him around. The older brother expected that if the little guy wanted to enter a raging battle zone, everybody else who was fighting would just have to calm down and be quiet while the little man entertained himself. Disreguarding that there was a second bouncy house where all the other small people were, if this is where the brother wanted to be, the world had to conform.
This basically repeated for about five minutes...grrr. I don't know why stupid people exist, but I have to deal with them anyway. it sucks.
On a good note!!
Spirited Away, the new film by Hayou Miyazaki came out on the 20th. I'll be going to see it with some of my friends this friday!!! Yeah!!
Greg | Sunday, September 15th, 2002 | 7:35 pm |
My weekend Contrary to popular belief, the government didn't infiltrate my home. Nor did they tie me up and kidnap me, beat me, interrogate me, deport me, and have me sent to the antarctic with a ferret.
Instead, I had a busy weekend.
On Saturday, I had to go to a trumpet lesson, then I went to the new house in construction to watch them frame it. I pruned trees with a polesaw that looks like a kickass serrated halberd for about an hour.
After that, I went over to a friend's house, and we did this bigass multiplayer Magic: the Gathering Tournament, which was pretty cool. I got to try out my new 75 card deck, and it does pretty well, as long as I get a good draw of mana in the first hand. It's a slow big creature deck, and I've got cards that require about minimum of 4-5 mana before I can summon anything, so I need to get a large amount of mana early or I die. Sadly, I went totally against the odds, and drew no mana for about 7 turns, despite the fact that 40 out of 75 cards are mana. It's possible, but totally unlikely.
I saw my ex there, too. Since I apologized to her a couple days ago, things have gotten a lot less strained between us, so that's good. I don't think that we're gonna get back together, which still depresses me, but my heart stopped aching whenever I look at her. Kaura said that means I've gotten over the initial shock, so I assume that's good.
Gotta go, it's dinner time. I'll post more later. |
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