Gcat's thoughts only Gcat's friends Gcat frozen in the past Gcat's Bio Gcat-Inc.com Take a step back. Take a step back.
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Almost done for good...
1997 - $37,000.00 in debt.

2/3/2005 - $574.76 in debt.

You see that?
Less than $600 and I am debt fucking FREE!!!

NADDA! Nothing! I owe nothing to no one!!

I plan on making this final on Feb 18th 2005.

This is a wonderful feeling.
Next plan I work on fixing myself.
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Death I hate you.
I'll be tripping it to Oregon.
My grandfather passed away around 9pm last night.

What a way to start the new year.

I hope you're in a better place now pops...
I miss you already.
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Blood poisoning sucks...
Had a wonderful trip to the emergency room yesterday at Kaiser. After driving myself to the one in Claremont and them telling me I had to go to the one in Mission Gorge I was not happy.

To make a long story short I have blood poisoning granted it's only the beginning stages and I got to the hospital in time to get put on some pretty good anti-biodics. I had a fever going in as well and was immediatly given an IV and administered fluids once I left the temp was down to 101.2 right now I'm closer to 99 and feeling much better.

Doc's orders is to have 5 days off doing nothing. If the infected area (which is the cause of the poisoning) doesn't get better I get to go back in. Which could mean a hospital stay for 2-4 days.

Anyways I need to find some soup and try to figure out how I'm gonna get Ducky and Colleen picked up tomorrow from the airport...
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Bday wishes!
Happy Bday to ya Steve!
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Merry Xmas.
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MooKow is out to get me.
Well I have a 1 gold bounty on his head.

14000XP from killing Red, Crimson, lost and Flametoungue Whelps. A few oozes as well. Amazingly I made it to L33. I think I'm going to group with another group and go do 3 elite quests in the Wetlands.

I need to do 2 more levels. For a few reasons.
1) Closer to mounting a big Pussy cat.
2) Will making killing the semi elite Boss's over in Darkshire much more easier.
3) L34 and I get a Gorilla for a pet.
4) Need to start hunting MooKow.

I need to get stamps.

I also need to get intouch with my sister about their fridge.

Anyone want to do the swap meet this Sat?
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Sometimes it's the something or other.
People suck in general and in abstract. It's funny. They're probably the most fantastic person ever known to people but truthfully they're nothing more than a fragile young person who "thinks" they know everything and everyone important. I find humor in their follies... nothing more. I know the same could be said about almost everyone but this one brings me sadistic joy watching them fall from grace.

Attempted to go shopping for the family and roomie(s). Gotta find out what they want and where to get it. I got dad's present. Got "A Christmas Story" on DVD, well ducky bought that for me and I got dinner. He used his Suncoast card.

I will hopefully be going out shoppping again with Adam and his girl on Tuesday? Please let me know if this is ok. It'll have to be later in the evening say 7'ish as I'll be waking up about then. Graveyard shift ya know. I didn't find much at the Mission Valley mall so maybe we can go to UTC Mall? Also I need to confirm with adam on how I need to get this computer I have been talking to him about. Do I need to give you the card number or do I just go with you to pick the comp up?

Christmas cards. I have to get cracking on those. I have the addy's written down and on the cards just need to personalize them and send them out.

I have about $1000 in computer parts in the closet. It's for a guy that does a lot for the Unreal community. I hope he's happy with this.

WoW update. My character is L32 and kinda in limbo right now. I have a L13 Priest on the same server I just started doing and well theres other reasons behind it as well. I must say playing a priest is fun but I do miss slaughtering Horde preying on noobs and screwing around in Ashenvalle. I also started a Tauren Druid on Dragonmaw, at least I beleive it's Dragonmaw. What I want to know is if there are any WoW players willing to start an all Tauren Guild on that server. It is PvP and it is rather low population. The name of the guild will be "Moo Cow Clan" "Hopefully". It would strictly be for fun as always. The main goal is to be all Tauren nothing else. Lemme know if anyone is interested.
Another WoW update is Ducky got WoW to run under linux!!! :) I know what Xmas present that will be. Muhahahahaha. I have screenshots of my adventures that I'll be posting soon. My last thing I did before starting the priest was travel to BootyBay and get the Gold costing book for Fishing and dance with a tauren.

On a final note... this is soooo me. I hope Ducky doesn't take me to one of those meetings... If we do remind me to make some more music on my mini disk... from sony.

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Xmas Shopping
Going to hit the malls tonight at 6pm

Gives me 5 hours or so to get my fix.

Would anyone like to go along?

call me.
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Why is it that the main complainers on the WoW forums are from Horde players?

If you take a look at all the threads that have some gripe about the game it's from a player using a Horde toon? Me thinks theres something funny about that.

BTW is anyone else here having problems signing into the WoW forums? I keep getting a "Login Failure" .
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PNY Verto GeForce 6600 GT 128MB DDR3 AGP Graphics Card $249.00

AGP not PCI Express!! At Best Buy.

Only bad thing is they say it's "Coming Soon".
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World of Warcraft Linux Petition

Please sign!

Thank you.
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Being a nerd... Not a geek. A nerd! I have no life and love it.
I'm almost tempted to start playing a character on a non PvP server only because I'm getting tired of the ego's and people more than 2wice the level of their enemy griefing people. Also Blizz has no intentions for setting the honor system in place any time soon. Which I guess is OK if playing a Horde but come on those that actually like to play the damn game to it's fullest are going to get screwed. I'm hoping that they come up with a plan to set all the battles on one battle ground and leave the world for questing and the occasional raid. I also need to get a faster computer tho. Mine is laggy as hell when the raid groups get to fighting.

Druids... are jackasses! Not one single Druid knows what the hell a "Buff" is and or what they need to do with it. Anyone reading this and just happens to play please buff everyone you see that you can!

Now the whole concept of players playing with friends and people playing together in a group to help each other out has completely gone out the window. I hope once people hit L30 and really need the help will start getting it. Maybe then the concept of playing together and helping one another out will come into effect as well. I hate to think of solo'ing the Barrens but it might be something I'll need to do soon... I can pretty much forget about doing Ashenvalle as that seems to be where L30+ Horde like to try to take control of everything. I don't think I'll get any of those quests done anytime soon.

Like I said I'm very tempted to create a brand new character. Just to begin new. Maybe I'll do a horde cow or something just to see what the other worlds look like.+

I hate ego's.

Also for those of you that have invited me to your guild thank you but I am not doing a guild at this time. I had a really unhappy experience with a guild and well I don't think they're really for me. I would rather just cruise around and if a guild wants to hire me for somethignI'll join but then it's off to being alone. Besides if I do a guild I want a fun name and none of this serious shit. Something like Panda Pumpers or Panda Bashers would be nice. All things serious on the side of guilds I wanted the small circle of friends to talk about it first and well it doesn't seem that anyone but Leitorz wanted to do such and I think I've pissed him off a bit with the guild thing as well. I'm sorry, if that means much at this time. Just gimme a few and I might change things.

On a different note I think I may have busted my ankle. I'll have to get it checked out here sometime today or soomething. It may not be broken but more or less just in really bad shape. I'm going to soak it when I get home and see if that does anything. It could be the extra weight but theres something else that concerns me about my foot too. Soaking and gaming,,, who could ask for anything more? Well I guess support would be good. Yeah I'm a bit bitten about this whole thing... I'm also still concerned about my foot as well. Maybe it is time to truely start losing the weight.

The lighter side of things. I like WoW. I have saved so much money not doing a damn thing and at the same time doing a lot of things at the same time. If that makes any sense... Anycase I'm most likely going to do another weekend of playing games and having fun. Might make it to level 30 or something.
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I hear you went Horde on Kil'Jaeden to hunt my elvish ass down? Well come on over bubba! You - Me in Ashenvalle or the Barrens. Just name it!


BTW I need a Kil'Jaeden player with Herbalism/Alchemy. I am in need of some potions.
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WoW Players...
Heya this just in as to what can be where for character counts.

" Max number of characters on 1 realm is 10. Max number of characters across all realms, is 50"

So please list in this thread your character names and what realms you're in so I can make a character and come play with you!

I am playing as Elanice in Kil'Jaeden. It is a pvp but since the total is 50 you can't really gripe! :)
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I wanna play
Gcat, the Myth, the Legend, the cat...
Can't add much in here...

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Name: Gcat
Website: Gcat-Inc.com
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