June 2004
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6/2/04 05:36 pm
stinky pot
My entire apartment smell slike BenGay. It might have a little bit to do with the fact that I used it on my legs because I had to walk down those 17 flights of stairs yet again and now I can barely walk with out pain. And that was Saturday when I walked down those stairs, yo. Not pretty at all.
I think I'm gonna limp back over to the couch now and pity myself.
listening to: Teen Titans on TV
5/31/04 12:03 pm
I found it. My inspiration.
I'm working on PinkLemonade right now and I think that I know what I want for the domain and this journal.
Randomly, I actually shed a tear or two while watching The Justice League: Starcrossed. It was saaaad. No more Hawkgirl? *sniffle* But I'd still have Batman's babies. Like, lot's of them. *pets Flash* Did he really think the Bat didn't know who he was?
I went to stephenking.com and read part of Song of Susanah. I should have known better. I really really should have. Can the 8th hurry up? Well, the 11th actually, since I won't be able to buy it until then. It'll actually work out well, since Tam and I are getting our hair done (and I'm leaving work early) and I can start reading it under the dryer.
What else what else . . . mmm. I guess nothing. OK, going back to layouts.
5/30/04 09:39 pm
If at first you don't succeed...
I was trying to go the rest of May without posting, but it didn't quite work.
Or my computer went to shit on me and I was randomly unable to do, well, anything.
You know, whichever reason you believe is quite cool with me.
The past few weeks has pretty muh been full of me going to the movies by my lonesome (as usual), work sucking (as usual), and me otherwise being a lazy bum (as usual).
I'm more excited for June to get here already, since I'll have the 11th to the 15th off of work, RENT and The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah on the 8th, and the Prince concert on the 14th. I will also not be quite as broke as I have been for the past 2 months. My rent will be going up to regular price starting next month, but I will happily ignore that little fact.
But I'll try to let tht be for right now. Right now, there's one helluva storm going on outside and I am so so very thankful for underground wires right now.
I guess I'll try to look for some pictures. It's about time I changed some layouts and I'm not quite sure what i want to change them to. Maybe I'll find something that will inspire me.
5/7/04 04:22 pm
Lead me not inot temptation . . . I can find it myself.
Curtis left at 12:30. Liz left at 2:00. After she changed and approved our timecards so that we all would have at least 40 hrs, since she's leaving for Cancun on Monday and won't be able to do it then.
Which means, all for of us were sitting there, technically with all of our hours for the week, but with 2.5 hours left in the day. So Renita and I happily left at 3:00 and went to the library, where I found out that I have a fine for some books that I checked out in 11th grade. Dude, that was 6 years ago. You'd think thaty'd have notified a sister before now, y'know.
Speaking of.
I think I'll just keep telling myself that school sucks so that I won't feel so badly about not being able to start this summer like I wanted to. On the bright side, I'l have more time to test out of stuff and more classes will be available in teh fall. But Washington University can still suck balls. Assholes. Not only do I not have $8,000 just lying around here, I'm not sure I'd give it to you if I did. Suckers.
Tomorrow, Tam is supposed to be kidnapping me, since Cedric would be in town and that would a. keep us form riding in her car (which is about to give up the ghost) b. keep us from having to pay for gas and c. enable me to mooch off of two people. I mean, this sucks. I have NO money. OK, that's not entirely true. I have 7 cents. And Ramen continues to be my bestest friend. I do think that I'll be able to survive until Thursday, and I can always attempt to trade in some DVDs for some quick cash.
So yeah, I think that's it for now. Time to go wash my hair!
4/30/04 12:24 am
Or, well, yesterday, technically, mom and I went to see Ballet Memphis' performance of Cinderella. It was so much fun! I absolutely LOVED the ugly step sisters. I'd have their babies . . . which is actually plausible, since they were played by men. They were great enough to almost make forget thet the Orpheum is SO not built for people who are tall and/or have big asses. And since both of those applied to me, I was double screwed.
I actually read a non-school related book that was not by Stephen King or Toni Morrison. Yes. Shocking. I know. It was . . . OK. I don't really do the buppy, relationship, drama drama drama! thing, but the fact that 98% percent of the men in the book where either gay or bi was different. I didn;t much care for his style of writing, though that probably has more to do with the fact that first person narrative often times makes me want to gouge my eyes out.
So yeah, ballet, then I came home to finish the book so that I could get it back to Renita tomorrow, then I figured that it would so SO SO SMRT to go to the ATM at midnight to get some money so that I could order pizza. Which means that I'm sitting here right now eating pizza when I reallyshould be in bed, since I DO actually have to go to work tommorow.
Like I care. *munches on pizza*
4/28/04 07:08 pm
Me and Ramen are homies...
and we be kickin' it all the time.
I guess if you're gonna eat Ramen noodles for 2 weeks straight, you'd pretty much have to be homies, verdad?
Let's see . . . update update update . . .
I got writtten up at work for saying that Johnny Luckey (the director over our department) could kiss my ass while in a meeting with Liz. Apparently, I'm ass ugly without make-up, since people have been all "you should wear make-up more often" this week. I got to ride in the elevator with this really really really freaking hot guy who stays on the 19th floor. Since there are only 4 people that stay up there, stalking should not be difficult. >:] Besides, I can just always carry a bag of laundry, since the laundry room is up there. bwahahahaaa! Me? Stalking? Yeah, he's that fucking hot. Memphis in May sucks a whole lot for those of us that live downtown. Come on Friday. Hurry up and get here, dude.
Prince @ 8. Prince @ 8. Must remember.
Also, I've decided that I must make sure that all of my bills are paid up for May. 'Cause come June, I ain't paying for shit. I've got a fucking concert to go to. bwahahahaha! Of course, that may wreck any birthday plans, but I'll be alright. Pay for June in July. Pay off Everything in August. Yes, I am that irresponsible.
Why, oh why, is it so difficult for me to find pictures of .hack//SIGN that are not (really bad) screen caps? *aggravated sigh* Don't they know that I have layouts to make?
Um . . . yeah/ I think I should eat something now. All that I've eaten today was a granola bar. *stomach growls*
listening to: something on TV
4/22/04 10:01 pm
So let me get this straight...
Your daughter willingly starts a sexual relationship with a volunteer band teacher. Once the school find out, they fire him and charge him with statutory rape. Yet you still sue the entire damned school system for 100 million dollars, which, though a settlement of that amount would not likely be awarded, would bankrupt the entire fucking school system, which is already broke as hell. All becaus eyou think that the MCS willingly overlooks sexual activity between students and teachers. Nevermind the fact that the MCS doesn't have ankle bracelets on the damned teachers and students and therefore cannot track their every move. And nevermind that you didn't know for months.
Yeah. OK.
Some people . . . I just don't know what the deal is with them.
Here's a thought! How's about we drop dumb assed lawsuits against the MCS and let them get to the business of trying to help the police find out who raped that 11 year old and that 15 year old girl while they were walking home, eh?
feeling: irked
listening to: the news
4/21/04 09:53 pm
The First Tennessee building has "Go Griz" on their lights. I wish I still had some camera film 'cause I would SO take a picture. *giggles*
4/21/04 09:00 pm
I so have cable again. And the chick that I talked to at Time Warner was so nice and helpful, too. Usually, the only way that I can get something accomplished with them is if I'm talking to a guy. But now, not only is my rate lower, but I get Showtime and TMC. Awe. Some. And in time to watch Chappelle Show.
OMG. South Park is so freaking wrong. Funny. But so. Wrong.
I'm also having fun with my watercolors. I still think I end up with more paint on the newspaper that I use to protect the carpet than I do on the actual paper, but it's still fun. 'Cause, hi, I'm 3.
I really should be looking for my shot records and my transcripts, but mmmmm . . .TV.
Tambien, I figured out something that I want to do this weekend! There's this Arts festival on South Main this weekend. There's gonna be glass blowers there! How awesome. The fact that admission's free doesn't hurt either. FUN!!
Oh, and work sux.
listening to: South Park on TV
4/18/04 05:20 pm
How dare they air 24 and Alias at the same time?! *sigh*
So my brother and I have a deal. He watches Alias, I watch 24. Then we complare notes. This is when it would be really really grand to have Tivo, dude.
The Punisher is quite creative with the killing. I am shocked. In a good way, mind you, but shocked none-the-less.
Yesterday was a bad day. I was overwhelmes and spent most of the evening at home by myself crying and playing Solitaire, which is actually quite fitting. Because, occasionally ones gets tired of being the forgetten one. Of being the one who gets left behind. Or, as I put it, gets drop kicked out of the plans at the last minute so that other people can go hang out with someone else. It really really sucks. But I have pretty watercolors, so I'm better today. Not really good, but better.
And, hey, at least the grizzlies weren't the oNLY ones that got their asses handed to them Saturday. *points to New York and Boston* Damn skippy.
listening to: Evanescence - My Immortal