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ZZzzzzZ... [30 Aug 2002|11:32pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Papa Roach - Time and Time Again ]

My cousin looked at our network today. He couldn't fix it without causing even more problems, so I have to still pay by the hour for my internet. Le sigh...

My wrist hurts... zzZzz...

grope me

OMG!!! [29 Aug 2002|10:24pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | country music and explosions... I'm at Netsclick... ]

While I was at class today I missed someone I haven't seen in almost three years that I missed immensely. And I just had to be responsible today... :(

I do hope Chris comes by again...

grope me

Has no one explained to Bush that forest fires can be benificual? [22 Aug 2002|11:07pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | I bet I will still hear gunfire when I go to sleep. ]

They burn out the old dead stuff to allow new growth. Here.

More forest. Less Bush.

Is it the next presidential election yet?

grope me

Argg!!! [22 Aug 2002|10:26pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | explosions and other happy things ]

No internet for two days.


I'm at my local internet cafe and the majority of the people here are playing Counter Strike. 'Tis very noisy.

I was on national TV yesterday. Yes, it was 0.5 seconds, but... umm, I dunno... ^_^;;

Classes are ok, my japanese teacher has a wonky sense of humor. -_-

Umm... That's it... for now...

grope me

[19 Aug 2002|04:27pm]
[ mood | tired ]

I have school in less than three hours. Should eat dinner in about a half hour. I have a headache. -_-

I nearly went crazy looking for my calculator, even though I don't have math 'til tomorrow. ^_^;

grope me

That was just fucked up. [15 Aug 2002|05:50pm]
[ mood | shocked ]

I swear I didn't see that one coming. Nope, no way! It's things like that I developed a love for Vampire Princess Miyu. Uh-huh.

grope me

Ehh... [09 Aug 2002|06:03pm]
[ mood | hot ]

tests )

grope me

Ehh... [08 Aug 2002|12:47pm]
[ mood | sick ]

Mom and I both belive I have minor food poising. I will never touch meat loaf again....

Bleh... I hate feeling sick...

grope me

I am such a geek [31 Jul 2002|05:13pm]
[ mood | happy ]

I've got tickets to go see The Screen Savers on my birthday. Yay!!!

grope me

Argg... [26 Jul 2002|11:02am]
[ mood | irritated ]

I got one of the defective Escaflowne DVD's. Now I have to wait for the Bandai support staff to reply to my e-mail so I can send in my disc.


grope me

Bush thinks Californians too liberal [26 Jul 2002|06:11am]
[ mood | groggy ]

(heard this on the radio as I was waking up)

Yeah well I think he's too conservative. I'll look up more about this after I take my walk.

grope me

[25 Jul 2002|01:44pm]
[ mood | crappy ]

Mom just sent an e-mail saying I should be glad I didn't go on the trip with her. She says the trip has been hell from the moment they stepped out of Heathrow.

I sent a reply whining about how I'm outnumbered by testosterone.

Lets see, Hell. Testosterone. Hell. Testosterone. Hell. Testosterone.

Hmm... Which one?

grope me

Hmm... [24 Jul 2002|01:06pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]

You are a siren.

What legend are you?. Take the Legendary Being Quiz by Paradox

Mom's in England. I had jury duty this week. (Excused) I'm sore as hell. (That'll teach me to climb five flights of stairs.) And at the moment I want to sleep for a month. That is all.

grope me

I finally gave back the TV. [20 Jul 2002|07:37pm]
[ mood | blah ]

Been playing Final Fantasy IX all afternoon. ^_^

Mom's going to England tomorrow without me!!!! ::sniffle:: I wanna go... ::sniff::

grope me

Intense gut shaking laughter is a good form of exercise... [14 Jul 2002|07:53pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | Final Fantasy X - Suteki da ne ]

It is!

Live from Broadway, Robin Williams. Very cool.

Just finished watching it.

grope me

[14 Jul 2002|09:34am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | L'Arc en Ciel - Singin' in the Rain ]

My bumper sticker reads:

In English: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
Take the quiz.

That's so like me...

grope me

::dances:: [11 Jul 2002|08:22am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Papa Roach - Born With Nothing, Die With Everything ]

I like the new Papa Roach CD. Too bad it won't play on my computer.

grope me

KILL IT! KILL IT! KILL! [10 Jul 2002|09:40am]
[ mood | cranky ]
[ music | Megumi Hayashibara (Slayers) - Get Along ]

Kill the sun!

Yesterday was really hot and today looks to be even hotter. ::groan::

I finally located a copy of the third Weiß DVD yesterday. Mmm...angst... Also I purchased the latest CCS DVD. It's my little not so secret addiction CCS is.

I was watching CCS yesterday when Anthony and his friends came in. Joey (the oldest and is kinda into anime) comes up and says, "Did you know this is on all the time and in English?"

My answer to him was, "Yeah, but that that's the butchered version."

Y' know every time I bring up the subject of central air conditioning to my Dad he says we don't need it. Pfft.

grope me

::sirens blare:: [06 Jul 2002|04:30pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | Queen - I Want To Break Free ]

Mom: They're coming to get you
Me: Take me! Take me! I'm yours!
Mom: ::shocked look::


grope me

After all, what are rich half-wit sons for? [04 Jul 2002|03:21pm]
[ mood | bored ]

I want to dye my hair purple. It's strange this morning I woke up wanting to dye my hair. At first I wanted it green but I've done that before (and it was cool) I wanted something different.

Dad and Anthony are fixing the fence. Mom and I are puttering around the house. So, hows your Fourth of July?

I see you have boom boom sticks.

Can you tell I've been watching Muppet Treasure Island?

I want boom boom sticks.

grope me

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